Ejemplo n.º 1
 def getGValues(self):
     '''Get the G (Radius of the FOLZ) values from the calculated of the persovkite
     specimen. '''
     self.g_110 = np.sqrt(2*np.pi()*2*self.h_110/self.lamda)
     self.g_001 = np.sqrt(2*np.pi()*2*self.h_001/self.lamda)
     self.g_111 = np.sqrt(2*np.pi()*2*self.h_111/self.lamda)
     return self.g_001, self.g_110, self.g_111
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def getHValues(self):
     '''Get the H (Reciprocial lattice plane spacing) values using the known d-spacingsof  the persovkite
     specimen. '''
     self.h_110 = 2*np.pi()/self.spacing_110
     self.h_001 = 2*np.pi()/self.spacing_001
     self.h_111 = 2*np.pi()/self.spacing_111
     return self.h_001, self.h_110, self.h_111
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def sys_convert(self, ctx, sysX, sysY):
     if sysX == '':  # checking for blank arg
         await ctx.author.send(
             "`***ERROR:*** You need to list the system's X coordinate.`")
     elif sysY == '':  # checking for blank arg
         await ctx.author.send(
             "`***ERROR:*** You need to list the system's Y coordinates.`")
     elif type(sysX) != int:  # checking for arg format
         await ctx.author.send(
             "`***ERROR:*** You must enter the coordinates in integer format.`"
     elif type(sysY) != int:  # checking for arg format
         await ctx.author.send(
             "`***ERROR:*** You must enter the coordinates in integer format.`"
     else:  # if passes checks, does calculation
         if (sysX > 10.9999):
             rad_part = np.pi()
             if (sysY / 100 < 10.9999):
                 rad_part = 2 * np.pi()
         r = int(
             np.around(10000 * (np.arctan(
                 (np.around(sysY / 100, 0) - 10.9999) /
                 (sysX - 10.9999)) + rad_part, 0)))
         z = np.around(
                 np.square(sysX - 10.9999) +
                 np.square((sysY / 100) - 10.9999)) * 100, 0)
         rad_z = str(r) + "-" + str(z)
         await ctx.author.send("`The system at {}{} is {}.`").format(
             sysX, sysY, rad_z)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pressure_vessel(num_samples: int = 100) -> float:
    """Pressure Vessel design problem.

    As found in An augmented lagrange multiplier....

    x : list or ndarray
        should contain 4 elements. First two should be discrete multiples or 0.0625.
        Last two should be continuous.

    x = np.hstack((
        np.random.randint(1, 10, (num_samples, 2)) * 0.0625,
        np.random.random((num_samples, 2)) * 80 + 50,
    x1 = x[0]
    x2 = x[1]
    x3 = x[2]
    x4 = x[3]
    F = (0.6224 * x1 * x3 * x4 + 1.7781 * x2 * x3 * x3 +
         3.1661 * x1 * x1 * x4 + 19.84 * x1 * x1 * x3)
    G = -np.pi() * x3 * x3 * x4 + (4 / 3) * np.pi() * x3 * x3 * x3 + 1296000
    return (x, [F, G])
 def cone(self, radius, height):
     self.radius = radius
     self.height = height
     cone_slant = math.sqrt(radius**2 + height**2)
     cone_surface_area = np.pi() * radius * (radius + cone_slant)
     cone_volume = np.pi() * radius**2 * height / 3
     cone_area = np.pi() * radius**2
     cone_circumferance = 2 * np.pi() * radius
     return f'The area of the base is {cone_area}, and the circumferance of the base is {cone_circumferance}. The surface area of the cone is {cone_surface_area}, the volume of the cone is {cone_volume}, and the slant is {cone_slant}.'
 def cylinder(self, radius, height):
     self.radius = radius
     self.height = height
     cyl_surface_area = 2 * radius * np.pi() * height + 2 * np.pi(
     ) * radius**2
     cyl_volume = np.pi() * radius**2 * height
     cyl_lateral_surface = 2 * np.pi() * radius * height
     cyl_base_area = np.pi() * radius**2
     cyl_diameter = 2 * radius
     return f'The diameter is {cyl_diameter}, and the base area is {cyl_base_area}. The volume is {cyl_volume}, the surface area is {cyl_surface_area}, and the lateral surface is {cyl_lateral_surface}.'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def SG_PressureDensity(MBH, Mdot, r, alpha, b, rmin, m):

    Omega = (GNEWT * MBH / r**3)**(-1. / 2.)
    MdotPrime = Mdot * (1. - np.sqrt(rmin / r))

    Teff = ((3. / (8. * np.pi())) * MdotPrime * Omega / SIGMA_THOMSON)**(1. /
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def tick():
        t1 = time.time()

        if self._tickLast == np.nan:
            self._tickLast = t1
        t2 = self._tickLast
        if self.flyMode:
            # make camera look direction vector
            a1 = self._camRot[0] * np.pi/180
            a2 = self._camRot[1] * np.pi/180
            x = np.cos(a1) * np.sin(a2)
            y = np.sin(a1)
            z = np.cos(a1) * np.cos(a2)
            dt = t2 - t1
            dr = self._flySpeed * dt * self._movementFwd
            # move in the direction of the camera look direction
            self._camPos.x += x * dr
            self._camPos.y += y * dr
            self._camPos.z += z * dr

            # the vector to the right of the look vector            
            a = a2- np.pi()/2
            x = np.sin(a)
            y = 0
            z = np.cos(a)
            dr = self._flySpeed * dt * self._movementRight
            self._camPos.x += x * dr
            self._camPos.y += y * dr
            self._camPos.z += z * dr
        self.tickLast = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def coreshell_micelles(q, scale, d_head, a, b, c, rho_out, sigma, back, eta_hs, r_hs):
#       A(1) = SCALE
#       A(2) = D_HEAD
#       A(3) = A-AXE
#       A(4) = B-AXE
#       A(5) = C-AXE
#       A(6) = RHO_OUT
#       A(7) = SIGMA
#       A(8) = BACKGROUND
#       A(9) = ETA_HS
#       A(10) = R_HS
    PI = np.pi()
    NPOI = 50
    STEP = 0.5 * PI / NPOI
    SUM = 0
    SUM1 = 0

    # Graded interface factor
    GRAD_O = np.exp(-q * q * sigma * sigma * 0.5)
    GRAD_I = np.exp(-q * q * sigma * sigma * 0.5)
    DRHO_CORE = -1
    V_CORE = 4 * PI / 3 * a * b * c
    V_OUT = 3 * PI / 3 * (a + d_head) * (b + d_head) * (c + d_head)
    DRHO_HEAD = rho_out
    for III in range (1, NPOI + 1, 1):
        YY = (float(III) - 0.5) * STEP
        YY = sin(YY)
        for II in range (1, NPOI + 1, 1):
            XX = (float(II) - 0.5) * STEP
            XX = sin(XX)
            ARG_C = np.sqrt((a ** 2 * YY ** 2 + b ** 2 * (1-YY ** 2)) * XX** 2 + c ** 2 * (1 - XX ** 2))
            ARG_O = np.sqrt(((a+d_head) ** 2 * YY ** 2 + (b + d_head) ** 2 * (1 - YY ** 2)) * XX ** 2 + (c + d_head) ** 2 * (1 - XX ** 2))
            FF = V_OUT * DRHO_HEAD * FI(q * ARG_O) * GRAD_O - V_CORE * (DRHO_HEAD - DRHO_CORE) * FI(q * ARG_C) * GRAD_I
            SUM = SUM + FF ** 2 ** XX
            SUM1 = SUM1 + FF * XX
    F2 = SUM * STEP ** 2 / F0 ** 2 * 2 * PI
    FFF = SUM1 * STEP ** 2 / F0 * 2 / PI
    #print(q, F2, FFF, FFF ** 2)
    SQ = S_HS(q, r_hs, eta_hs)
    XSEC = scale * (F2 + FFF ** 2 * (SQ - 1)) + back
    return XSEC
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _angle_2V(v1, v2):
     a = np.dot(v1, v2) / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2))
     if abs(a - 1) < 1e-9:
         return 0
     elif abs(a + 1) < 1e-9:
         return np.pi()
         return np.arccos(a)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def lfphase(m,n = None,w = 4):
    if n is None:
    arr = np.zeros((m,n))
    arr[np.floor[m/2-w]:np.floor[m/2-w],np.floor[n/2-w]:np.floor[n/2-w]] = np.random.randn((2*w+1,2*w+1))
    ang = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(arr)))
    ang = np.real(ang)
    ang = 2*np.pi(ang-np.min(ang))/(np.max(ang)-np.min(ang)-np.pi)  # watch the dimensions..
    ph = np.exp(1j*ang)
    return ph
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_bandwidth(data):
    Calculates bandwidth for the Exxx case, taken from statistics.c,
    import numpy as np
    lendata = len(data)
    if lendata <= 1.0:
        print("Not enough data.")
        return -1.0
    std = np.std(lendata)
    bandwidth = std*(80/(lendata*2*(1/np.pi())**0.5)**0.2)
    return bandwidth
def do_irt_mat(X_T,Xf_T,Nr,n_thetas):
    from scipy import sparse
    irt = sparse.lil_matrix(((2*Nr+1)**2,n_thetas*(2*Nr+1)))
    for i in range(n_thetas):
        lind = Xf_T[:,:,i] +1
        rind = lind-1
        clind = np.pi*(X_T[:,:,i]-Xf_T[:,:,i])/(n_thetas-1.)
        crind = np.pi(Xf_T[:,:,i]+1-X_T[:,:,i])/(n_thetas-1.)
        for j in range(2*Nr):
            for js in range(2*Nr):
                irt[j+(js-1)*(2*Nr+1),lind[j,js]+(i-1)*(2*Nr+1)] += clind[j,js]
                irt[j+(js-1)*(2*Nr+1),rind[j,js]+(i-1)*(2*Nr+1)] += crind[j,js]
    return sparse.csc_matrix(irt)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def mill_observables (N, agents, speeds):
    cm, std = get_cm_std(agents, N)
    mean_R = np.linalg.norm(std)
    point_cm = Point(cm[0],cm[1])
    norm_R = N*[0.0]
    vector_R = N*[0,0]
    angles = N*[0.0]
    for i in range(N):
        vector_R[i],norm_R[i] = relative_pos(point_cm, agents[i])
        angles[i] = np.pi() - angle(vector_R[i],speeds[i])
    min_R = min(norm_R)
    max_R = max(norm_R)
    return mean_R, min_R, max_R, angles
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self,
                 size=[1.0, 1.0],
        if len(size) > 3 or len(size) < 2:
            raise UserWarning("Wrong dimensions!")
        size = sorted(size, reverse=True)
        if len(size) > 1:
            self.lx, self.ly = size[0] * 1e-0, size[1] * 1e-0
            self.dim = 2
            self.dx = self.ly * 1e-6 / (ny - 1)
            self.nx = int(np.ceil(ny * self.lx / self.ly))
            self.ny = ny
            self.nz = 1
            self.lz = 0.
        if len(size) == 3:
            if slow:
                raise UserWarning(
                    "No 3d calculations with slow method possible!")
            self.lz = size[2] * 1e-0
            self.dim = 3
            self.nz = int(np.ceil(ny * self.lz / self.ly))
        self.u = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), dtype=np.float64)
        self.i = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), dtype=np.float64)

        t = np.cos(np.pi / self.nx) + np.cos(
            np.pi / self.ny)  # TODO check if really optimal solution
        if self.dim == 3: t += np.cos(np.pi(self.nz))
        self.wopt = (8 - np.sqrt(64 - 16 * t * t)) / t**2

        self.B = B
        self.theta = theta
        self.T = T
        self.mulGrid = mulGrid
        self.currents = []
        self.probes = {}
        self.batches = {}
        self.outputs = []

        print "Initiate {}d grid with {}x{}".format(
            self.dim, self.nx, self.ny) + ("x{}".format(self.nz) if self.dim
                                           == 3 else "") + " grid points"
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev):
        if self._flyMode:
            # make vector that ponts to where camera is looking 
            a1 = self._camRot[0] * np.pi/180
            a2 = self._camRot[1]* np.pi/180
            x = np.cos(a1) * np.sin(a2)
            y = np.sin(a1)
            z = np.cos(a1) * np.cos(a2)
            v1 = QtGui.QVector3D(x, y, z)
            a = a2- np.pi()/2
            x = np.sin(a)
            y = 0
            z = np.cos(a)
            rgt = QtGui.QVector3D(x, y, z)
            up = QtGui.QVector3D.crossProduct(rgt, v1)
            tr = QtGui.QMatrix4x4()
            tr.lookAt(self._camPos, v1, up)
            # v QtGui.QVector3D(x, y, z)
#            tr.setToIdentity()
#            tr.rotate(self._camPos[0], 0, 0, 1)
#            tr.rotate(self._camPos[0], 0, 0, 1)
#            tr.translate()
            if (ev.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton
                or ev.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.MidButton):
            elif ev.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
                diff = ev.pos() - self.mousePos
                self.mousePos = ev.pos()
                if not self.drawROI:
                    delta = (diff.x()+diff.y())*1
                    self.nearClip += delta
                    self.nearClip = max(0.01, self.nearClip)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def r_parallel(snapshot,
    import openpathsampling
    import numpy

    traj = openpathsampling.engines.Trajectory([snapshot
    group_definitions = [numpy.asarray(gf) for gf in groups]

    atom_masses = numpy.array([aa.element.mass for aa in topology.atoms])
    if mass_weighted:
        masses_in_groups = [
            atom_masses[aa_in_rr] for aa_in_rr in group_definitions
        masses_in_groups = [
            np.ones_like(aa_in_rr) for aa_in_rr in group_definitions

    traj_copy = traj[:]
    com = []
    if image_molecules:
        traj_copy = traj_copy.image_molecules()
    for aas, mms in zip(group_definitions, masses_in_groups):
        com.append(numpy.average(traj_copy.xyz[:, aas, ], axis=1, weights=mms))

    v1 = com[2] - com[0]
    v2 = com[1] - com[0]
    cosine = numpy.inner(v1,
                         v2) / (numpy.linalg.norm(v1) * numpy.linalg.norm(v2))
    if (cosine >= 1):
        angle = 0
    elif (cosine <= -1):
        angle = numpy.pi()
        angle = numpy.arccos(cosine)

    return numpy.cos(angle) * numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
    def gauss_pdf(self, X, M, S):
        if M.shape[1] == 1:
            DX = X - np.tile(M, X.shape[1])
            E = 0.5 * np.sum(DX * (np.dot(linalg.inv(S), DX)), axis=0)
            E = E + 0.5 * M.shape[0] * np.log(2 * np.pi) + 0.5 * np.log(
            P = np.exp(-E)
        elif X.shape[1] == 1:
            DX = np.tile(X, M.shape[1]) - M
            E = 0.5 * np.sum(DX * (np.dot(linalg.inv(S), DX)), axis=0)
            E = E + 0.5 * M.shape[0] * np.log(2 * np.pi) + 0.5 * np.log(
            P = np.exp(-E)
            DX - X - M
            E = 0.5 * np.dot(DX.T, np.dot(linalg.inv(S), DX))
            E = E + 0.5 * M.shape[0] * np.log(2 * np.pi()) + 0.5 * np.log(
            P = np.exp(-E)

        return (P[0], E[0])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def twobodyephem(X0, t):
    #TWOBODYEPHEM Produce two-body ephemeris table from time and state
    #Using two-body point force, propagate from initial state through given
    #time to produce ephemeris.
    #   X0 - Given state in inertial frame at time t. [meters, meters/seconds]
    #   t  - State will be predicted for each point. [seconds]

    mu = 3.9860044e+14
    #m^3/s^2 Earth gravitational parameter
    we = 2 * np.pi() / 86164
    #rad/sec Earth average rotational rate
    re = 6378137
    #meters, spherical Earth radius
    ag = 0
    #Greenwich angle
    [oe, T, rp, ra, f0] = rv2oe(X0, mu)

    a = oe[1]  #semimajor axis, meters
    e = oe[2]  #eccentricity
    i = oe[3]  #inclination, radians
    Si = np.sin(i)
    Ci = np.cos(i)
    raan = oe[4]  #%ascending node, rad
    Sraan = np.sin(raan)
    Craan = np.cos(raan)
    w = oe[5]  #aop, radians
    Sw = np.sin(w)
    Cw = np.cos(w)
    M0 = oe[6]  #mean anomaly, radians
    Sm0 = np.sin(M0)
    Cm0 = np.cos(M0)

    n = np.sqrt(mu / a**3)  #mean motion
    for i in range(0, np.size(t)):
        Et = keplerseqn(e, n, t[i], M0)
        Mt = Et - (e * np.sin(Et))
        ft = np.arccos((np.cos(Et) - e) / (1 - (e * np.cos(Et))))
        oe[6] = Mt
        Xt[:, i] = oe2rv(oe, ft)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def ft_sh_phase_screen(r0, N, delta, L0, l0):
    D = N*delta
    phz_hi = ft_phase_screen(r0, N, delta, L0, l0)
    x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-N/2,N/2)*delta,np.arange(-N/2,N/2)*delta)
    phz_lo = np.zeros(np.size(phz_hi), np.size(phz_hi))
    for p in range(1,3):
        del_f = 1/(3**p*D)
        fx = np.arange(-1,1)*del_f
        fx,fy = np.meshgrid(fx,fx)
        f,th = cart2pol(fx,fy)
        fm = 5.92/10/(2*np.pi)
        f0 = 1/L0
        PSD_phi = 0.023*r0**(-5/3)*np.exp(-(f/fm)**2)/(f**2+f0**2)*(11/6)
        PSD_phi[1,1] = 0
        cn = (np.random.randn(3,3) + 1j*np.random.randn(3,3)).*np.sqrt(PSD_phi) * del_f
        SH = np.zeros(N,N)
        for ii in range(0,9):
            SH = SH + cn(ii)*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi(fx(ii)*x+fy(ii)*y))

        phz_lo = phz_lo + SH
    phz_lo = np.real(phz_lo) - np.mean(np.real(phz_lo))
    return phz_lo, phz_hi
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def get_k(self, kmin=1e-3):
        """Get the sampled wavelengths for a spherically symmetric fourier transform
        generated with trapezoidal integration.

        kmin : float, optional
            The smallest wavelength to sample.

        k : array of float
            Wavelengths to sample.

        As this function will be used in the hnc solvers, it should be noted that
        setting kmin to be too small can lead to singularity issues."""
        k = np.zeros(self.rbar.shape)
        k[0] = kmin
        dk = np.pi(self.rbar[-1] - self.rbar[0])
        for i in range(1, k.shape[0]):
            k[i] = k[i - 1] + dk
        return k
Ejemplo n.º 22

theta = np.arctan2(
    coords_df["headY"][args.frame_number] -
    coords_df["headX"][args.frame_number] -
print(f"\nCurrent frame theta: {theta}")

angular_resolution = 100
thetas_to_check = np.linspace(theta,
                              theta + 2 * np.pi(),
cross_cor = np.zeros((max_shift, angular_resolution))

angular_index = -1
for current_theta in thetas_to_check:
    angular_index += 1
    # Convert coordinates
    cX_array = coords_df["cX"].to_numpy()
    cY_array = coords_df["cY"].to_numpy()

    cX_array = cX_array * np.cos(theta)  # Forward-facing
    cY_array = cY_array * np.cos(theta)  # Side-facing

    max_shift = 1000
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def coherence(self):
     return np.sin(2 * np.pi(self.value - self.value.mean()) +
                   np.pi / 2).mean()
Ejemplo n.º 24
def reflectance ( file, Temp='None' ):
    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
    import datetime
    C=1.255  # For FEB2013
    tz=-4  #For Manaus
    RadVISUnits='Radiance  [W/(m2 sr um)]'
    #IR DEFS
    RadIRUnits='Radiance  [mW/(m2 sr cm-1)]'
    TUnits='Brightness Temperature  [K]'
    C1=1.191066e-5   #  mW/(m2 sr cm-4)
    C2=1.438833      #  K/(cm-1)
    if band == 'BAND_01':
        procmode = 'VIS'
        #if time < 09 UTC, do not process night time in Manaus - TBD
    print 'Reading: ', file
    print 'Mode: ', procmode
    fh = Dataset(file, mode='r')
    lons = fh.variables['lon'][:]
    lats = fh.variables['lat'][:]
    datas = fh.variables['data'][:]
    h=datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(int(julian) - 1)    
    # Get some parameters for the Geostationary map projection    
    ax = f.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
    m = Basemap(resolution='h',projection='geos', lon_0=-75,lat_0=0, llcrnrlat=-5.98,llcrnrlon=-63.0,urcrnrlon=-57.0,urcrnrlat=0.0)
    lon, lat = lons, lats
    xi, yi = m(lon, lat)
    #Convert 16bit to 10bit
    # Data processing for VIS channel
    if procmode == 'VIS':
        RefVIS=RefPre * C
        SZA, SED = sunzen(date, time, tz, lat, lon)
        cs = RefVIS
    # Data processing for IR
    if procmode == 'IR':
        RadIR=(Raw - bb2)/m2
        Emission = Planck(Temperature=Temp,wavelength=3.90)
        RefIR = (RadIR - Emission)/((t0 * F0 * mu0 / np.pi())- Emission)
        cs = RefIR
    return, cs
Ejemplo n.º 25
elif e_norm < 1:
    print("a. It is an elliptical orbit")
    print("e is " + str(e_norm))
elif e_norm == 1:
    print("a. It is a parabolic orbit")
    print("e is " + str(e_norm))
elif e_norm > 1:
    print("a. It is a hyperbolic orbit")
    print("e is " + str(e_norm))

# b
h_norm = lg.norm(h)
k = (h_norm**2) / (r_0_norm * MU) - 1
theta_0 = np.arccos(k / e_norm)  # anomaly at initial condition
if np.dot(r_0, v_0) < 0:
    theta_0 = 2 * np.pi() - theta_0
print("b. Anomaly at t_0 is " + str(theta_0))
E_0 = 2 * math.atan2(
    np.sqrt(1 - e_norm) * np.tan(theta_0 / 2), np.sqrt((1 + e_norm)))
print("Eccentric Anomaly at t_0 is: " + str(E_0))
M_E_0 = E_0 - e_norm * np.sin(E_0)
print("Mean Anomaly at t_0 is: " + str(M_E_0))

# c
a = (r_0_norm * (1 + e_norm * np.cos(theta_0))) / (1 - e_norm * e_norm)
n = np.sqrt(MU / a**3)
t_p = -M_E_0 / n
print("c. t_p is: " + str(t_p))

# d
t = np.linspace(0, 40000, 81)
Ejemplo n.º 26
v[0:N] = q[0] / a[0]
Q[0] = q
Y[0] = y
A[0] = a
V[0] = v

#Seccion 3
t = 0
k = 0
while t < Tfin:
    k += 1
    dt = NC * dx / V[k]
    t += dt
    if t <= 150 * 60:
        Q[k + 1,
          0] = 250 + 750 / (np.pi() * (1 - np.cos(np.pi() * t / (60 * 75))))
        Q[k + 1, 0] = 250

    y = NRalpha(Q[k + 1, 1], B, ss, n, Co, S)
    A[k + 1, 1] = y[0]
    Y[k + 1, 1] = y[1]
    V[k + 1, 1] = Q[k + 1, 1] / A[k + 1, 1]

    for i in range(N - 1):
        Q[k + 1, i + 1] = Q[k + 1, i] - dt / dx * (A[k + 1, i] - A[k, i])

        z = NRalpha(Q[k + 1, i + 1], B, ss, n, Co, S)
        A[k + 1, i + 1] = z[0]
        Y[k + 1, i + 1] = z[1]
        V[k + 1, i + 1] = Q[k + 1, i + 1] / A[k + 1, i + 1]
Ejemplo n.º 27
def ir_stick_spectrum_compute(omega,eigenvalues,Iir1modeAbs):
    q = []
    for i in range(0,len(Iir1modeAbs)):
        q.append((Iir1modeAbs[i]*Gamma_IR_Sticks/np.pi())/((omega - eigenvalues[i]-Omega_offset_IR)**2+Gamma_IR_Sticks**2))
    IR_Stick_Spectrum_Omega = sum(q)
    return IR_Stick_Spectrum_Omega
Ejemplo n.º 28
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lg

MU = 1  # DU^3/TU^2

r = [-1.2, 1.5, 0]
v = [0, 0, .922]
h = np.cross(r, v)
print("The momentum vector is: " + str(h) + "DU^2/TU")
v_norm = lg.norm(v)
r_norm = lg.norm(r)
eps = (v_norm * v_norm) / 2 - MU / r_norm
print("Total Energy is: " + str(eps))
e = np.cross(v, h) / MU - np.divide(r, r_norm)
print("Eccentricity vector is: " + str(e))
e_norm = lg.norm(e)
h_norm = lg.norm(h)
k = (h_norm * h_norm) / r_norm - 1
theta = np.arccos(k / e_norm)
if np.dot(r, v) < 0:
    theta = 2 * np.pi() - theta
print("Anomaly is: " + str(theta))
print("The magnitude of the eccentricity is: " + str(e_norm))
a = (r_norm * (1 + e_norm * np.cos(theta))) / (1 - e_norm * e_norm)
print("Semi-major axis length: " + str(a))
r_p = a * (1 - e_norm)
print("Periapsis length: " + str(r_p))
r_a = a * (1 + e_norm)
print("Apoapsis length: " + str(r_a))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    X = np.concatenate((x, y))
    X += amplitude * np.random.randn(2, X, shape[1])
    return X.T

def get_rose(t, noise_amplitude=0.02):
    k = 5
    r = np.cos(k * t) + 0.25
    x = r * np.cos(t)
    y = r * np.sin(t)
    return add_noise(x, y, noise_amplitude)

def get_hypotrochoid(t, noise_amplitude=0):
    a, b, h = 10.0, 2.0, 4.0
    x = (a - b) * np.cos(t) + h * np.cos((a - b) / b * t)
    y = (a - b) * np.sin(t) + h * np.sin((a - b) / b * t)
    return add_noise(x, y, 0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n_samples = 500
    t = 2.5 * np.pi(1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1, n_samples))
    x = get_spiral(t)
    connectivity = None
    perform_clustering(x, connectivity, 'No Connectivity')
    connectivity = kneighbors_graph(x, 10, include_self=False)
    perform_clustering(x, connectivity, 'KNN Connectivity')
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def area_to_width(total, max_width):
     return np.sqrt(total / np.pi())
Ejemplo n.º 31
import numpy as np

#coverage calculation:
#assume the earth is a sphere (approximation)
#AltitudeFromCentre is distance from object being tracked to centre of earth
#unitary. Just add constants and stir for coverage satisfaction
val = input(
    'enter altitude in earth radii (note, earth radius here is normalised)')
Altitude = float(val)
EarthRadius = 1
AltitudeFromCentre = Altitude + EarthRadius

#theta: angle between vector:centre to object and vector: object to coverage limit
thetaA = np.arcsin(EarthRadius / AltitudeFromCentre)

#DistToLimit: distance to coverage limit from the object (symmetrical through theta in spherical approximation)
DistToLimit = EarthRadius / np.tan(theta)

#PolarAxisToSurface: distance between z axis and a point lying on the coverage limit
PolarAxisToSurface = DistToLimit * np.sin(theta)

#DistToAltitude: distance from the origin of PolarAxisToSurface and the object
DistToAltitude = np.sqrt((PolarAxisToSurface**2) + (DistToLimit**2))

#coverage: the coverage radius that defines the area of coverage (line of sight)
coverage = 2 * np.pi() * theta / 360

print('distance to ')
Ejemplo n.º 32
def rv2oe(rv, mu):
    #RV2OE Convert from position and velocity to orbital elements
    #Given a known gravitational parameter for a planet, an artificial satellit
    #e initial state is provided in a nonrotating coordinate system.

    rholder = rv[0:3]
    vholder = rv[3:6]
    del rv
    rv = np.vstack((rholder, vholder))

    rmag = np.linalg.norm(rholder)  #m
    vmag = np.linalg.norm(vholder)  #m/s

    #specific angular momentum
    h = np.cross(rholder, vholder)  #m^2/s
    hmag = np.linalg.norm(h)
    i = np.arccos(h[2] / hmag)  #rad
    hxy = np.sqrt(h[0]**2 + h[1]**2)
    sinraan = h[0] / hxy
    cosraan = -h[1] / hxy
    raan = np.arctan2(sinraan, cosraan)

    #specific energy per unit mass
    energy = ((vmag**2) / 2) - (mu / rmag)

    #semimajor axis
    a = -mu / (2 * energy)

    e = np.sqrt(1 + ((2 * energy * hmag**2) / mu**2))
    evec = np.cross(vholder, (h / mu)) - rholder / rmag

    #semiminor axis
    b = a * np.sqrt(1 - e**2)

    #semi-latus rectum
    p = a * (1 - e**2)

    #true anomaly
    if np.dot(rholder, vholder) < 0:
        f = (2 * np.pi() - np.arccos(np.dot(evec, rholder) / (e * rmag)))
        f = np.arccos(np.dot(evec, rholder) / (e * rmag))

    sinwf = rholder[2] / (rmag * np.sin(i))
    coswf = ((rholder[0] / rmag) * np.cos(raan)) + (
        (rholder[1] / rmag) * sin(raan))
    wf = np.arctan2(sinwf, coswf)
    w = wf - f

    #eccentric anomaly
    cosE0 = ((rmag / a) * np.cos(f)) + e
    sinE0 = ((rmag / b) * np.sin(f))
    E0 = np.arctan2(sinE0, cosE0)

    #Mean Anomaly
    M0 = E0 - e * np.sin(E0)

    T = 2 * np.pi() * np.sqrt(a**3 / mu)
    rp = a * (1 - e)
    ra = a * (1 + e)

    oe = np.array([a, e, i, raan, w, M0])
    return oe, T, rp, ra, f
def fit_tooth_data(data_fname, model_fname='equalsize_jul2015a.h5', **kwargs):

    print 'importing isotope data...'

    data_isomap, isomap_shape, isomap_data_x_ct = load_iso_data(data_fname)

    print 'loading tooth model ...'
    tooth_model = ToothModel(model_fname)

    fit_kwargs = kwargs.copy()

    # M1-M2 conversion parameters
    m2_m1_params = np.array([67.974, 0.003352, -25.414, 41., 21.820, .007889, 29.118, 35.]) # 'synch86', outlier, 100k
    #m2_m1_params = np.array([78.940, 0.003379, -49.708, 41., 21.820, .007889, 29.118, 35.]) # 'synch86', outliers, 100k
    m1_m2_params = np.array([21.820, .007889, 29.118, 35., 67.974, 0.003352, -25.414, 41.]) # 'synch86', outlier, 100k
    #m1_m2_params = np.array([21.820, .007889, 29.118, 35., 78.940, 0.003379, -49.708, 41.]) # 'synch86', outliers, 100k

    # Real climate data
    #month_d180 = np.array([-1.95, -1.92, -2.94, -3.44, -2.22, -1.10, -0.67, -1.71, -0.81, -1.47, -2.31, -3.19]) # Dar Es Salaam
    #month_d180 = np.array([-0.21, 0.30, -0.04, 0.25, -0.75, -0.19, -3.16, -4.53, -0.95, 0.29, -1.26, -1.73]) # Addis Ababa
    #month_d180 = np.array([-1.39, -0.35, -2.42, -3.25, -3.08, -1.44, -0.98, -1.88, -1.33, -3.10, -3.80, -1.63]) # Entebbe, Uganda
    #month_d180 = np.array([-6.31, -7.09, -4.87, -3.33, -1.83, -1.22, -1.08, -0.47, -0.17, -0.48, -2.92, -5.90]) # Harare, Zimbabwe
    #month_d180 = np.array([-2.98, -2.20, -4.74, -5.94, -2.64, -3.80, -0.25, -1.80, -1.25, -4.15, -5.80, -5.42]) # Kinshasa, DRC
    #month_d180 = np.array([-1.58, -1.54, -1.81, -3.08, -3.40, -3.69, -3.38, -3.78, -2.46, -2.19, -2.12, -1.79]) # Cape Town
    #month_d180 = np.array([-4.31, -3.50, -4.14, -4.68, -4.87, -5.11, -4.77, -4.80, -4.71, -4.50, -4.53, -4.77]) # Marion Island
    #month_d180 = np.array([0.00, -2.40, -1.75, -3.70, -3.90, -6.20, -7.75, -8.10, -6.25, -3.30, -4.75, -8.95, -2.10, -0.40, -4.55, -3.25, -5.75, -3.70, -8.60, -7.10, -8.50, -5.30, -4.55, -3.10, -2.75	-4.60, -2.00, -3.10, -5.25, -6.10]) # Hong Kong
    #month_d180 = np.array([-2.75, -5.35, -2.70, -1.60, -6.30, -7.25, -9.00, -8.10, -9.50, -5.30, -5.75, -4.00]) # Liuzhou
    #month_d180 = np.array([-5.30, -4.73, -7.44, -4.38, -4.39, -7.07, -9.76, -3.99, -3.95, -5.81, -8.98, -9.89, -8.62, -8.88, -8.25, -8.21, -9.74, -6.83, -6.69, -6.38, -10.33, -7.95, -5.72, -10.52, -10.74, -7.48, -9.30, -8.50, -12.66, -10.52, -10.82, -6.01, -8.34, -5.51, -7.03, -5.75, -8.14, -6.85, -4.82, -7.31, -8.79, -4.77, -6.14, -2.96, -2.31, -5.13, -9.31, -8.88, -9.22, -9.08, -7.51, -7.72, -10.29, -10.38, -9.69, -8.64, -10.66, -7.85, -6.94]) # Mulu, Borneo
    #week_d180 = np.array([-19.40, -19.4, -19.4, -19.4, -15.9, -15.9, -15.9, -23.1, -23.1, -23.1, -23.1, -23.1, -23.1, -23.1, -16.5, -16.5, -8.8, -8.8, -10.6, -10.6, -2.5, -9.3, -6.7, -8.2, -1.6, -6, -7, -4.4, -8.8, -6.5, -6.1, -6.1, -6.1, -0.6, 1.7, -4.5, -4.5, -4.5, -12.4, -12.4, -9.7, -12.2, -12.2, -12.2, -15.1, -15.1, -11, -11, -11, -30.5, -30.5, -30.5])  # North Platte Nebraska
    month_d180 = np.array([-18.50, -17.93, -12.16, -12.08, -6.88, -7.00, -7.49, -5.60, -8.87, -13.91, -14.20, -23.70]) # North Platte, Nebraska

    # Synthetic data testing
    daily_d18O_180 = 10.*np.sin((2*np.pi()/180.)*(np.arange(550.)))-11.
    daily_d18O_090 = 10.*np.sin((2*np.pi()/90.)*(np.arange(550.)))-11.
    daily_d18O_045 = 10.*np.sin((2*np.pi()/45.)*(np.arange(550.)))-11.

    # Conversion monthly precipitation isotope record into daily record
    year_iso_days = np.arange((24))*(730./(24.)) + 100.
    m1_iso_days = tooth_timing_convert(year_iso_days, *m2_m1_params)
    m1_iso_days -= (0. + m1_iso_days[0])
    w_iso_hist = np.ones(400)
    month_d180 = np.concatenate((month_d180, month_d180))
    month_d180 = np.concatenate((month_d180, month_d180))
    for k,d in enumerate(m1_iso_days):
        d = int(d)
        w_iso_hist[d:] = month_d180[k+11]

    water_spl, blood_spl, days_spl, i33_spl, i50_spl, i66_spl = spline_input_signal(1)
    water_spl = water_spl[50:]
    blood_spl = blood_spl[50:]
    days_spl = days_spl[50:]
    i33_spl = i33_spl[50:]
    i50_spl = i50_spl[50:]
    i66_spl = i66_spl[50:]

    m1_days_spl = tooth_timing_convert(days_spl, *m2_m1_params)

    water_spl_tmp = np.ones(days_spl.size)
    blood_spl_tmp = np.ones(days_spl.size)
    i33_spl_tmp = np.ones(days_spl.size)
    i50_spl_tmp = np.ones(days_spl.size)
    i66_spl_tmp = np.ones(days_spl.size)

    print i33_spl.size, i33_spl_tmp.size, water_spl_tmp.size, m1_days_spl.size

    for k,d in enumerate(m1_days_spl):
        d = int(d)
        water_spl_tmp[d:] = water_spl[k]
        blood_spl_tmp[d:] = blood_spl[k]
        i33_spl_tmp[d:] = i33_spl[k]
        i50_spl_tmp[d:] = i50_spl[k]
        i66_spl_tmp[d:] = i66_spl[k]

    water_spl = water_spl_tmp
    blood_spl = blood_spl_tmp
    i33_spl = i33_spl_tmp
    i50_spl = i50_spl_tmp
    i66_spl = i66_spl_tmp

    # Full model loading and isomap
    #fit_kwargs['tooth_model'] = tooth_model
    #model_isomap_full = water_hist_likelihood_fl(w_iso_hist, **fit_kwargs)
    #model_isomap_full = np.array(model_isomap_full)
    #mu_fl = np.median(model_isomap_full, axis=0)

    # Small tooth model generation
    tooth_model_sm = tooth_model.downsample_model((isomap_shape[0]+5, isomap_shape[1]+5), 1)

    # Set keyword arguments to be used in fitting procedure

    fit_kwargs['tooth_model'] = tooth_model_sm
    fit_kwargs['data_isomap'] = data_isomap
    fit_kwargs['isomap_shape'] = isomap_shape
    fit_kwargs['isomap_data_x_ct'] = isomap_data_x_ct

    # Generate blood d18O and tooth d18O isomap from drinking water history, with score compared to measured data
    score_sm_w, model_isomap_sm_w = water_hist_likelihood(water_spl, **fit_kwargs)
    score_i33, model_isomap_i33 = water_hist_likelihood(i33_spl, **fit_kwargs)
    score_i50, model_isomap_i50 = water_hist_likelihood(i50_spl, **fit_kwargs)
    score_i66, model_isomap_i66 = water_hist_likelihood(i66_spl, **fit_kwargs)
    mu_sm_w = np.median(model_isomap_sm_w, axis=2)
    sigma_sm_w = np.std(model_isomap_sm_w, axis=2)
    sigma_sm_w = np.sqrt(sigma_sm_w**2. + 0.15**2 + 0.05**2)
    #resid_img = (mu - data_isomap) / sigma

    # Generate tooth isomap from blood measurements
    forward_metabolic_kw = kwargs.get('metabolic_kw', {})
    forward_phosphate_eq_b_PO4 = PO4_dissoln_reprecip(3., 34.5, .3, blood_spl, **kwargs)
    forward_blood_model = gen_isomaps(isomap_shape, isomap_data_x_ct, tooth_model_sm, forward_phosphate_eq_b_PO4) # This takes the blood history from 962 scaled to the M1 without also downscaling the blood turnover

    plt.plot(m1_days_spl, water_spl, 'b', lw=2)
    plt.plot(m1_days_spl, blood_spl, 'r', lw=2)
    plt.plot(m1_days_spl, forward_phosphate_eq_b_PO4, 'g', lw=2)

    m_mu_sm = np.ma.masked_array(mu_sm_w, np.isnan(mu_sm_w))
    mu_sm_r = np.mean(m_mu_sm, axis=1)
    small_sample = np.ones(int(mu_sm_r.size/2))
    for k,d in enumerate(small_sample):
        small_sample[k] = (mu_sm_r[(k*2)]+mu_sm_r[(k*2)+1])/2
    mu_sm_r = small_sample
    mu_sm_r.shape = (mu_sm_r.size, 1)
    print mu_sm_r.shape

    # Save generated isomap as CSV file
    #save_tooth = mu_sm.T
    #save_tooth[np.isnan(save_tooth)] = 0.
    #np.savetxt('m2_predicted_a_hist_half=3.csv', np.flipud(save_tooth), delimiter=',', fmt='%.2f')

    mu_sm_w[mu_sm_w==0.] = np.nan

    print score_sm_w
    textstr = '%.1f' % score_sm_w

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4), dpi=100)
    #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1)
    #cimg1 = ax1.imshow(mu_fl.T, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=16., vmax=17., cmap='bwr')
    #cax1 = fig.colorbar(cimg1)

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,1)
    ax1text = 'forward model from water data 100% ice'
    ax1.text(19, 3, ax1text, fontsize=8)
    cimg1 = ax1.imshow(mu_sm_w.T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax1 = fig.colorbar(cimg1)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,2)
    ax2text = 'data'
    ax2.text(19, 3, ax2text, fontsize=8)
    cimg2 = ax2.imshow(data_isomap.T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax2 = fig.colorbar(cimg2)

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,3)
    ax3text = 'forward model from blood data'
    ax3.text(19, 3, ax3text, fontsize=8)
    cimg3 = ax3.imshow(np.mean(forward_blood_model, axis=2).T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax3 = fig.colorbar(cimg3)

    ax4 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,4)
    ax4text = 'forward model 33% ice'
    ax4.text(19, 3, ax4text, fontsize=8)
    cimg4 = ax4.imshow(np.mean(model_isomap_i33, axis=2).T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax4 = fig.colorbar(cimg4)

    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,5)
    ax5text = 'forward model 50% ice'
    ax5.text(19, 3, ax5text, fontsize=8)
    cimg5 = ax5.imshow(np.mean(model_isomap_i50, axis=2).T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax5 = fig.colorbar(cimg5)

    ax6 = fig.add_subplot(6,1,6)
    ax6text = 'forward model 66% ice'
    ax6.text(19, 3, ax6text, fontsize=8)
    cimg6 = ax6.imshow(np.mean(model_isomap_i66, axis=2).T, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=9., vmax=15., cmap='bwr')
    cax6 = fig.colorbar(cimg6)

    t_save = time()
    fig.savefig('spline_water_snow_2015_11_14_18p6_w_ice_blood_w_PO4.svg'.format(t_save), dpi=300)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def Nline(x):
    #Derivative of normal cumulative distribution function
    NDer = (1 / math.np.sqrt(2 * np.pi())) * np.exp(-(x ^ 2) / 2)
    return NDer