Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_consts(orbit, Phi, delta=None):
    """Given an orbit and a potential (and a focal distance), derive the exact and approximate integrals of motion"""
    R, z, vR, vz, vphi = orbit
    gotdelta = False
    if delta is None:
        delta = find_delta(R, z, Phi)  # get a decent value for delta
        gotdelta = True
    uorb, vorb = Rz2uv(R, z, delta)  # get the current (u,v) coords of this orbit
    u0 = uorb  # for single orbits it doesn't matter what this is
    E = 0.5 * (vR ** 2.0 + vz ** 2.0 + vphi ** 2.0) + Phi(R, z)  # energy of this orbit
    Jphi = R * vphi  # angular momentum about the z-axis is an action
    # calculate the canonical momenta at the phase space point we possess
    pu0 = delta * (vR * np.cosh(uorb) * np.sin(vorb) + vz * np.sinh(uorb) * np.cos(vorb))
    pv0 = delta * (vR * np.sinh(uorb) * np.cos(vorb) - vz * np.cosh(uorb) * np.sin(vorb))
    # now the approx integrals of motion
    I3U = (
        E * np.sinh(uorb) ** 2.0
        - pu0 ** 2.0 / (2.0 * delta ** 2.0)
        - Jphi ** 2.0 / (2.0 * delta ** 2.0 * np.sinh(uorb) ** 2.0)
        - dU(uorb, u0, vorb, delta, Phi)
    I3V = (
        -E * np.sin(vorb) ** 2.0
        + pv0 ** 2.0 / (2.0 * delta ** 2.0)
        + Jphi ** 2.0 / (2.0 * delta ** 2.0 * np.sin(vorb) ** 2.0)
        - dV(uorb, vorb, delta, Phi)
    if gotdelta:
        return uorb, vorb, u0, E, Jphi, I3U, I3V, delta
        return uorb, vorb, u0, E, Jphi, I3U, I3V
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deriv_dU(u, v, delta, Phi):
    """The derivative of dU w.r.t. u, so that we can minimize this function w.r.t. u and choose an appropriate u0"""
    R, z = uv2Rz(u, v, delta)
    dRdu = delta * np.cosh(u) * np.sin(v)
    dzdu = delta * np.sinh(u) * np.cos(v)
    dPhidu = Phi.dR(R, z) * dRdu + Phi.dz(R, z) * dzdu
    return (np.sinh(u) ** 2.0 + np.sin(v) ** 2.0) * dPhidu + 2.0 * np.sinh(u) * np.cosh(u) * Phi(R, z)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pu_squared(u, u0, vorb, E, Jphi, I3U, Phi, delta):
    """Equation for pu^2 / 2*delta^2"""
    return (
        E * np.sinh(u) ** 2.0
        - (I3U + dU(u, u0, vorb, delta, Phi))
        - Jphi ** 2.0 / (2.0 * delta ** 2.0 * np.sinh(u) ** 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_u_a(X_mtx):
     u_a_x = 1./omega*sinh(omega*1.55)/cosh(omega*X_mtx[:,0])
     resp = zeros_like(X_mtx[:,0])
     resp[X_mtx[:,0]<1.55] = 1./omega*sinh(omega*(X_mtx[:,0][X_mtx[:,0]<1.55]))/cosh(omega*1.55)
     peak = 1./omega*sinh(omega*1.55)/cosh(omega*1.55)
     resp[X_mtx[:,0]>=1.55] = 2.*peak  - 1./omega*sinh(-omega*(X_mtx[:,0][X_mtx[:,0]>=1.55]-3.1))/cosh(omega*1.55)
     return u_a_x.flatten()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def tension_spline_matrix(Xk, X, sig):
    '''Given the knots Xk and the evaluation points X and tension parameter sig, returns the matrix S
    such that S.dot(x) is the spline value at each point in X with x the spline parameters'''
    nknots = len(Xk)
    INTERP = []
    for x in X:
        row = nknots*2*[0]
            n = np.nonzero(x>Xk)[0][-1]
            row[0] = 1
        if n == nknots - 1:
            row[-1] = 1
            dx = Xk[n+1] - Xk[n]
            s = np.sinh(sig*dx)
            dxu = Xk[n+1] - x
            dxl = x - Xk[n]
            row[n+1] = dxl / dx
            row[n] = dxu / dx
            row[n+1+nknots] = (np.sinh(sig*dxl)/s-dxl/dx) / sig**2
            row[n+nknots] = (np.sinh(sig*dxu)/s-dxu/dx) / sig**2
    return np.array(INTERP)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def function( x , y ):
	phi = 0.0
	i =0.0
	for j in xrange(0,100):
		phi += 4.0/((2.0*i+1.0)*np.pi)/np.sinh((2.0*i+1.0)*np.pi)*np.sinh((2*i+1)*np.pi*y)*np.sin((2*i+1)*np.pi*x)
		i += 1.0
	return phi
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _poisson_solver(self):
     from http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/tulink/FEM14/Ch1_ElmanSyvesterWathen_Ox05.pdf
     a solver for the Square domain, constant source function f(x) ≡ 1, zero
     boundary condition.
     row, col = np.meshgrid(range(self.shape[1]), 
     row = np.asarray(row, dtype=float)
     col = np.asarray(col, dtype=float)
     row = 2 * row / self.shape[1] - 1
     col = 2 * col / self.shape[0] - 1
     t_1 = 1 - row**2 * 0.5
     t_2 = 16 / np.pi**3
     t_3 = 0
     for idx in np.arange(1,12,2):        
         t_3_1 = idx * np.pi * (1 + row) * 0.5
         t_3_2 = idx * np.pi * (1 + col) * 0.5
         t_3_3 = idx * np.pi * (1 - col) * 0.5
         t_3_0 = (np.sin(t_3_1) / (idx**3 * np.sinh(idx * np.pi)) *
                 (np.sinh(t_3_2) + np.sinh(t_3_3)))
         t_3 += t_3_0
     poisson_solution = t_1 - t_2 * t_3
     return poisson_solution
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def computeNextCom(self,p0,x0=[[0,0] , [0,0]],t=0.05):
        '''Compute COM at time  (t  < durrationOfStep*(1-alpha)  ) This function is 
        usefull for MPC implementation '''
        #TODO check  t  < durrationOfStep*(1-alpha)  
        w2= self.g/self.h
        w = np.sqrt(w2)
        durrationOfStep = self.durrationOfStep   

        c0_x  =x0_x[0,0]
        c0_y  =x0_y[0,0]

        c_x   =     (c0_x -px) * np.cosh(w*t) + (d_c0_x/w) * np.sinh(w*t)+px
        d_c_x = w*(c0_x -px) * np.sinh(w*t) +     d_c0_x * np.cosh(w*t) 
        c_y   =     (c0_y -py) * np.cosh(w*t) + (d_c0_y/w) * np.sinh(w*t)+py
        d_c_y = w*(c0_y -py) * np.sinh(w*t) +     d_c0_y * np.cosh(w*t) 

        return [c_x , c_y , d_c_x , d_c_y]
    def Er(self,R,z,vR,vz,E,Lz,sinh2u0,u0):
           calculate the 'radial energy'
           R, z, vR, vz - coordinates
           E - energy
           Lz - angular momentum
           sinh2u0, u0 - sinh^2 and u0
           2012-11-29 - Written - Bovy (IAS)
        u,v= bovy_coords.Rz_to_uv(R,z,self._delta)
        pu= (vR*numpy.cosh(u)*numpy.sin(v)
             +vz*numpy.sinh(u)*numpy.cos(v)) #no delta, bc we will divide it out
        out= (pu**2./2.+Lz**2./2./self._delta**2.*(1./numpy.sinh(u)**2.-1./sinh2u0)
#              +(numpy.sinh(u)**2.+numpy.sin(v)**2.)*actionAngleStaeckel.potentialStaeckel(u,v,self._pot,self._delta)
#              -(sinh2u0+numpy.sin(v)**2.)*actionAngleStaeckel.potentialStaeckel(u0,v,self._pot,self._delta))
        return out
def p_analytical(x, y):
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    p_an = np.sinh(1.5*np.pi*Y / x[-1]) /\
    return p_an
Ejemplo n.º 11
def Kw_gelenk_kik(E, A, I, l, u, w):
    """dyn. Steifigkeit Gelenk an k

    :E: @todo
    :A: @todo
    :I: @todo
    :l: @todo
    :u: @todo
    :w: @todo
    :returns: @todo

    lam = l * (u * w**2 / E / I) ** (1/4)
    eps = l * np.sqrt(u * w**2 / E / A)

    o1 = (np.cosh(lam) + np.cos(lam)) / 2
    o2 = (np.sinh(lam) + np.sin(lam)) / 2
    o3 = (np.cosh(lam) - np.cos(lam)) / 2
    o4 = (np.sinh(lam) - np.sin(lam)) / 2

    kik = np.matrix([[E*A/l * eps/np.tan(eps), 0, 0],
                     [0, E*I*lam**3/l**3 * (o1**2 - o2*o4)/(o2*o3 - o1*o4), 0],
                     [0, 0, 0]])

    return kik
Ejemplo n.º 12
def M(H, B):
    J = 1
    K = J * B
    h = H * B
    m = (np.exp(K) * np.sinh(h)) / \
        ((np.exp(2 * K) * np.sinh(h) ** 2 + np.exp(-2 * K)) ** 0.5)
    return m
Ejemplo n.º 13
def grad(data, QofI='U_avg'):
    M = data.shape[0]

    mu = data[:, 0].reshape((M, 1))
    rho = data[:, 1].reshape((M, 1))
    dpdx = data[:, 2].reshape((M, 1))
    eta = data[:, 3].reshape((M, 1))
    B0 = data[:, 4].reshape((M, 1))

    Ha = B0 / np.sqrt(eta * mu)
    mu0 = 1.0

    if (QofI == 'U_avg'):
        df_dmu = -dpdx * (np.sqrt(eta * mu) / np.tanh(Ha) -
                          B0 / np.sinh(Ha)**2) / (2 * B0 * mu**2)
        df_drho = np.random.uniform(1.0e-8, 1.0e-10, (M, 1))
        df_ddpdx = -(eta * mu - Ha * eta * mu / np.tanh(Ha)) / (mu * B0**2)
        df_deta = -dpdx * (2 * eta * mu - Ha * eta * mu / np.tanh(Ha) -
                           (B0 / np.sinh(Ha))**2) / (2 * eta * mu * B0**2)
        df_dB0 = -dpdx * (-2 * eta * mu + Ha * eta * mu / np.tanh(Ha) +
                          (B0 / np.sinh(Ha))**2) / (mu * B0**3)
    elif (QofI == 'B_ind'):
        df_dmu = -dpdx * mu0 * (np.sqrt(eta * mu) * np.sinh(Ha) - B0) / (
            4 * mu * (B0 * np.cosh(Ha / 2))**2)
        df_drho = np.random.uniform(1.0e-8, 1.0e-10, (M, 1))
        df_ddpdx = mu0 * (B0 - 2 * np.sqrt(eta * mu) * np.tanh(Ha / 2)) / (
            2 * B0**2)
        df_deta = -dpdx * mu0 * (np.sqrt(eta * mu) * np.sinh(Ha) - B0) / (
            4 * eta * (B0 * np.cosh(Ha / 2))**2)
        df_dB0 = -dpdx * mu0 * (B0 + B0 / np.cosh(Ha / 2)**2 - 4 * np.sqrt(
            eta * mu) * np.tanh(Ha / 2)) / (2 * B0**3)

    return np.concatenate((df_dmu, df_drho, df_ddpdx, df_deta, df_dB0), axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cosh_d(v1, v2):
    r1, phi1 = list(v1)[:2]
    r2, phi2 = list(v2)[:2]

    return max(
        1.0, np.cosh(r1) * np.cosh(r2) - np.sinh(r1) * np.sinh(r2) * np.cos(phi1 - phi2)
    )  # Python precision issues
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _run(self, xylist, t):

        x = xylist[0]
        y = xylist[1]

        # specific nonhomogeneous contribution \bar T(x,y)
        tempnonhom = 0
        temperature = 0
        for n in xrange(1, self.Nsum):
            kn = n * np.pi / self.a
            Ttopn = 2 * self.Ttop * (1 - (-1)**n) / (n * np.pi)
            tmp = Ttopn * np.sin(kn * x) * np.sinh(kn * y) / np.sinh(kn * self.b)
            tempnonhom += tmp
        # general homogeneous contribution \tilde T(x, y, t)
        if self.NonHomogeneousOnly == False:
            for n in xrange(0, self.Nsum):
                kn = (2 * n + 1) * np.pi / self.a
                for m in xrange(1, self.Nsum):
                    km = m * np.pi / self.b
                    alpha2 = kn**2 + km**2
                    Anm = 4 * self.Ttop * 2 * (-1)**m * (m / (2 * n + 1)) / alpha2 / self.b**2
                    tmp = Anm * np.sin(kn * x) * np.sin(km * y) * np.exp(-self.kappa * alpha2 * t)
                    temperature += tmp

        # add homogeneous and nonhomogeneous
        temperature = temperature + tempnonhom

        return ExactSolution([x, y, temperature],
 def dwdx(kx): #returns d[w/unorm]/dx
     ky = wavesurf(kx)
     return   a1 * k * np.sinh(  ky) * np.cos(  kx) \
         +  4*a2 * k * np.sinh(2*ky) * np.cos(2*kx) \
         +  9*a3 * k * np.sinh(3*ky) * np.cos(3*kx) \
         + 16*a4 * k * np.sinh(4*ky) * np.cos(4*kx) \
         + 25*a5 * k * np.sinh(5*ky) * np.cos(5*kx)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def stretching(sc, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b):
    Computes S-coordinates
        sc           : normalized levels           [ndarray]
        Vstretching  : ROMS stretching algorithm   [int]
        theta_s      :                             [int] 
        theta_b      :                             [int]
        hc           :                             [int]
    if Vstretching == 1:
        # Song and Haidvogel, 1994
        cff1 = 1.  / np.sinh(theta_s)
        cff2 = 0.5 / np.tanh(0.5*theta_s)
        C = (1.-theta_b) * cff1 * np.sinh(theta_s * sc) + \
            theta_b * (cff2 * np.tanh( theta_s * (sc + 0.5) ) - 0.5)
        return C

    if Vstretching == 4:
        # A. Shchepetkin (UCLA-ROMS, 2010) double vertical stretching function
        if theta_s > 0:
            Csur = ( 1.0 - np.cosh(theta_s*sc) ) / ( np.cosh(theta_s) -1.0 )
            Csur = -sc**2

        if theta_b > 0:
            Cbot = ( np.exp(theta_b*Csur)-1.0 ) / ( 1.0-np.exp(-theta_b) )
            return Cbot
            return Csur    
Ejemplo n.º 18
def calc_Fwater_layeredNR(hkl, sig, sig_bar, d, zwater, g_inv, database, cell):
    f_par = database["o2-."]
    q = hkl[2] * g_inv[2][2] ** 0.5
    Auc = cell[0] * Num.sin(Num.radians(cell[5])) * cell[1]
    f = (
        * d
        * 0.033456
        * (
            f_par[0] * Num.exp(-(q / 4 / Num.pi) ** 2 * f_par[1])
            + f_par[2] * Num.exp(-(q / 4 / Num.pi) ** 2 * f_par[3])
            + f_par[4] * Num.exp(-(q / 4 / Num.pi) ** 2 * f_par[5])
            + f_par[6] * Num.exp(-(q / 4 / Num.pi) ** 2 * f_par[7])
            + f_par[8]
        * Num.exp(-2 * Num.pi ** 2 * q ** 2 * sig)
    x = Num.pi * q * d
    al = 2 * Num.pi ** 2 * q ** 2 * sig_bar
    a = Num.exp(al) * Num.cos(2 * x) - 1
    b = Num.exp(al) * Num.sin(-2 * x)
    c = 4 * Num.cos(x) ** 2 * Num.sinh(al / 2) ** 2 - 4 * Num.sin(x) ** 2 * Num.cosh(al / 2) ** 2
    d = -2 * Num.sin(2 * x) * Num.sinh(al)
    rez = Num.cos(2 * Num.pi * hkl[2] * zwater)
    imz = Num.sin(2 * Num.pi * hkl[2] * zwater)
    relayer = (a * c + b * d) / (c ** 2 + d ** 2)
    imlayer = (b * c - a * d) / (c ** 2 + d ** 2)
    re = f * (relayer * rez - imlayer * imz)
    im = f * (relayer * imz + imlayer * rez)
    return re, im
Ejemplo n.º 19
def laplace_solution(x, y, Lx, Ly):
    Computes and returns the analytical solution of the Laplace equation
    on a given two-dimensional Cartesian grid.

    x : numpy.ndarray
        The gridline locations in the x direction
        as a 1D array of floats.
    y : numpy.ndarray
        The gridline locations in the y direction
        as a 1D array of floats.
    Lx : float
        Length of the domain in the x direction.
    Ly : float
        Length of the domain in the y direction.

    p : numpy.ndarray
        The analytical solution as a 2D array of floats.
    X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)
    p = (numpy.sinh(1.5 * numpy.pi * Y / Ly) /
         numpy.sinh(1.5 * numpy.pi * Ly / Lx) *
         numpy.sin(1.5 * numpy.pi * X / Lx))
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def mu(self, ph, om, th, matrix=True):
		""" Generate M_U matrix 

		ph : float, array_like
			angle, phi
		om : float, array_like
			angle, omega
		th : float, array_like
			angle, theta
		matrix : bool, optional
			method will return a matrix if this is True

		mu : array_like, matrix
			M_U = G**(-1)*V_U*G**(-\dagger) 
		a = np.cos(ph - om) * np.sinh(2*th)
		b = np.exp(2j*ph)*np.cosh(th)**2 + np.exp(2j*om)*np.sinh(th)**2

		if matrix is True:
			return np.matrix([[a, b], [np.conj(b), a]])

		elif matrix is False:
			return np.array([[a, b], [np.conj(b), a]])

			raise Exception("What kind of array do you want returned?")
Ejemplo n.º 21
def calc_F_layered_el_NR(hkl, occ, K, sig, sig_bar, d, d0, g_inv, database, el):
    f_par = database[el]
    q = hkl[2] * g_inv[2][2] ** 0.5
    qd4pi = q / 4 / Num.pi
    f = (
            f_par[0] * Num.exp(-(qd4pi) ** 2 * f_par[1])
            + f_par[2] * Num.exp(-(qd4pi) ** 2 * f_par[3])
            + f_par[4] * Num.exp(-(qd4pi) ** 2 * f_par[5])
            + f_par[6] * Num.exp(-(qd4pi) ** 2 * f_par[7])
            + f_par[8]
        * Num.exp(-2 * Num.pi ** 2 * q ** 2 * sig)
        * occ
    x = Num.pi * q * d
    al = 2 * Num.pi ** 2 * q ** 2 * sig_bar + K * d
    a = Num.exp(al) * Num.cos(2 * x) - 1
    b = Num.exp(al) * Num.sin(-2 * x)
    c = 4 * Num.cos(x) ** 2 * Num.sinh(al / 2) ** 2 - 4 * Num.sin(x) ** 2 * Num.cosh(al / 2) ** 2
    d = -2 * Num.sin(2 * x) * Num.sinh(al)
    wert = 2 * Num.pi * hkl[2] * d0
    rez = Num.cos(wert)
    imz = Num.sin(wert)
    wert = c ** 2 + d ** 2
    relayer = (a * c + b * d) / (wert)
    imlayer = (b * c - a * d) / (wert)
    re = f * (relayer * rez - imlayer * imz)
    im = f * (relayer * imz + imlayer * rez)
    return re, im
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def f(k, sigma, h, wh, u):
     eps = k * wh / 2
     f1 = np.tanh(k * h) ** 5
     f2 = (k * h / np.sinh(k * h)) ** 4
     D = (8.0 + np.cosh(4.0 * k * h) - 2.0 * (np.tanh(k * h) ** 2)) / (8.0 * (np.sinh(k * h) ** 4))
     y = (9.81 * k * np.tanh(k * h + f2 * eps) * (1.0 + f1 * (eps ** 2) * D)) ** 0.5 + u * k - sigma
     return y
Ejemplo n.º 23
def Tc(zl,zs,par):
#par=5x1 array of comsological parameters (h,OL,Ok,w0,wa)
	#inverse E(z)
	rEz=lambda x: (Om*(1.+x)**3+Ok*(1+x)**2+OL*(1+x)**(3*(1+w0+wa))*np.exp(-3.0*wa*x/(1+x)))**(-0.5)

	#dimentionless ratio E_ratio
	if Ok<0.0:
	elif Ok>0.0:


	return Tc
Ejemplo n.º 24
	def TacC2_calc(k=None,p=None,fDc=None,fMag=None,a=None,*args,**kwargs):
		s21=np.sinh(k * (1 - a))
		s20=np.cosh(k * (1 - a))
		s19=4 * M * k * p ** 2 * s21
		s18=4 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20
		s17=4 * C * k ** 3
		s16=2 * k ** 4 * p
		s15=k - 2 * a * k
		s14=8 * C * a * p ** 3
		s13=2 * C * k * p ** 3
		s12=4 * C * k * p ** 2
		s11=4 * C * k ** 2 * p
		s10=8 * C * a * k ** 2 * p
		s9=4 * M * a * k * p ** 3
		s8=2 * k ** 2 * p ** 3
		s7=4 * C * p ** 3
		s6=4 * M * k ** 2 * p
		s5=8 * C * k ** 2
		s4=8 * C * p ** 2
		s3=4 * M * k * p ** 2
		s2=2 * C * k ** 2 * p ** 2
		s1=4 * M * a * k ** 2 * p ** 2
		line1=(s1 + s2) * np.cos(a * p) * np.cosh(a * k) + (s3 - s12 - s17) * np.cos(a * p) * np.sinh(k) + (- s12 - s3) * np.cos(a * p) * np.sinh(a * k) + (- 2 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 + s5 + s4) * np.cos(a * p) * np.cosh(k)
		line2=(2 * C * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20 - s4 - 4 * C * k * p ** 2 * s21 - s19 - s5 + s18 - 2 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * np.cosh(s15) - 4 * M * a * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20) * np.cos(a * p) + (s6 - s7) * np.sin(a * p) * np.cosh(a * k)
		line3=(s13 + 2 * C * k ** 3 * p + 2 * M * k * p ** 3 + 4 * M * k ** 3 * p - 4 * C * a * k * p ** 3 - 4 * C * a * k ** 3 * p - s9 - 4 * M * a * k ** 3 * p) * np.sin(a * p) * np.sinh(k) + (s13 + s9) * np.sin(a * p) * np.sinh(a * k)
		line4=(s14 - s7 - s11 - s6 + s10) * np.sin(a * p) * np.cosh(k) + (s7 + 4 * C * p ** 3 * s20 - s14 + s11 + s6 - s10 - 4 * M * k ** 2 * p * s20 - 2 * C * k * p ** 3 * s21 - 4 * M * k * p ** 3 * s21 + 2 * M * k * p ** 3 * np.sinh(s15) + 4 * M * a * k * p ** 3 * s21) * np.sin(a * p)
		line5=(s17 + 8 * C * k * p ** 2 + s3) * np.sinh(k) - s3 * np.sinh(a * k) + (s1 - s4 - s2 - 4 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 - s5) * np.cosh(k) + s5 + s4 - s2 - s19 + s18 - s1
		denom=(k ** 5 * p + k ** 3 * p ** 3) * np.sinh(k) + (- s16 - s8) * np.cosh(k) + s16 + s8
		TacC2=(line1 + line2 + line3 + line4 + line5) / denom
		return TacC2
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_abcd_lossy_line(self):
        Lossy transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0, length l
        and propagation constant gamma = alpha + j beta



        has ABCD matrix of the form:

        [ cosh(gamma l)       Z0 sinh(gamma l) ]
        [ 1/Z0 sinh(gamma l)  cosh(gamma l) ]
        l = 5.0
        z0 = 30.0
        alpha = 0.5
        beta = 2.0
        lossy_media = DefinedGammaZ0(
            frequency=Frequency(1, 100, 21, 'GHz'),
            gamma=alpha + 1j*beta,
        ntw = lossy_media.line(d=l, unit='m', z0=z0)
        gamma = lossy_media.gamma
        npy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ntw.a[:,0,0], npy.cosh(gamma*l))
        npy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ntw.a[:,0,1], z0*npy.sinh(gamma*l))
        npy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ntw.a[:,1,0], 1.0/z0*npy.sinh(gamma*l))
        npy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ntw.a[:,1,1], npy.cosh(gamma*l))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def init ():
	global ct
	if ct == 0: print "init() dx = " + str(dx) + " dy = " + str(dy)
	ct = 0

	pmin = 1000000000.0
	pmax = -1000000000.0
	for yi in xrange(ny):
		for xi in xrange(nx):
			x = xi*dx
			y = yi*dy

			# initialize arrays
			p = 0.0
			# boundary condition p = y @ x = 2
			if x == 2.0: p = y

			# analytic solution
			sum = 0.0
			for n in xrange(10):
				nn = 2.0*n+1.0
				sum += (np.sinh(nn*np.pi*x)*np.cos(nn*np.pi*y)) / ((nn*np.pi)*(nn*np.pi)*np.sinh(2*np.pi*nn))
			pa = x/4.0 - 4.0*sum

			P1[yi][xi] = p
			P2[yi][xi] = p
			PA[yi][xi] = pa

			if pa < pmin: pmin = pa
			if pa > pmax: pmax = pa

			#if yi == 10: U1[yi][xi] = x    # visualize color xrange

	print "pmin = " + str(pmin) + " pmax = " + str(pmax)
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def TacB1_calc(k=None,p=None,fDc=None,fMag=None,a=None,*args,**kwargs):
		s20=np.sin(p * (1 - a))
		s19=np.cos(p * (1 - a))
		s18=8 * C * k ** 2 * s20
		s17=8 * C * p ** 2 * s20
		s16=8 * C * a * p ** 3 * s19
		s15=2 * C * k * p ** 3 * s19
		s14=4 * C * k ** 2 * p * s19
		s13=4 * C * k * p ** 2 * s20
		s12=4 * M * k * p ** 2 * s20
		s11=8 * C * a * k ** 2 * p * s19
		s10=4 * M * a * k * p ** 3 * s19
		s9=4 * C * p ** 3 * s19
		s8=4 * M * k ** 2 * p * s19
		s7=2 * k ** 4 * p
		s6=k - 2 * a * k
		s5=4 * C * k ** 2 * p
		s4=2 * k ** 2 * p ** 3
		s3=4 * M * k ** 2 * p
		s2=np.sinh(k * (1 - a))
		s1=np.cosh(k * (1 - a))
		denom=(- s7 - s4) * np.cosh(k) + (k ** 5 * p + k ** 3 * p ** 3) * np.sinh(k) + s7 + s4
		Ccoshk=s9 + s5 - s18 - s17 + s3 - s16 + s14 - s8 + 2 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20 - s11
		Csinhk=4 * C * k ** 3 * s20 - 2 * C * k ** 3 * p - s15 - 2 * C * k ** 3 * p * s19 - 4 * M * a * k ** 3 * p - 2 * M * k * p ** 3 * s19 + s13 - s12 + 4 * C * a * k * p ** 3 * s19 + 4 * C * a * k ** 3 * p * s19 + s10 + 4 * M * a * k ** 3 * p * s19
		Ccoshak=s9 + s3 - s8 - 2 * C * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20 - 4 * M * a * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s20
		Csinhak=s13 - s15 + s12 - s10
		line0=s18 - s5 - s9 + s17 - s3
		line1=- 4 * C * p ** 3 * s1 * s19 + s16 - s14 - 4 * M * k ** 2 * p * s1 + s8 - 2 * C * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s1 * s20 - 4 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s1 * s20 + 2 * M * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * np.cosh(s6) * s20 + s11 + 4 * M * k ** 2 * p * s1 * s19 + 2 * C * k * p ** 3 * s19 * s2 + 4 * M * k * p ** 3 * s19 * s2
		line2=- 2 * M * k * p ** 3 * s19 * np.sinh(s6) + 4 * C * k * p ** 2 * s2 * s20 + 4 * M * k * p ** 2 * s2 * s20 - 4 * M * a * k * p ** 3 * s19 * s2 + 4 * M * a * k ** 2 * p ** 2 * s1 * s20
		TacB1=(Ccoshk * np.cosh(k) + Csinhk * np.sinh(k) + Ccoshak * np.cosh(a * k) + Csinhak * np.sinh(a * k) + line0 + line1 + line2) / denom
		return TacB1
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def ellipsoidal_to_cart(self, lat, lon, height):
     #assert height > 0 and lat >= 0 and lat <= np.pi and lon >= 0 and lon < 2 * np.pi
     x = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon)
     y = self.a * np.sinh(height) * np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon)
     z = self.a * np.cosh(height) * np.cos(lat)
     pos_local = np.mat([x, y, z]).T
     return self.center + self.rot * pos_local
 def abh(self, bet1, alf1, KL, K):
     """ bet1 and alf1 at the end of the element """
     gamma1 = (1. + alf1 ** 2) / bet1
     KL2 = 2.*KL
     sinhc = numpy.sinh(KL2) / KL2
     res = 0.5 * bet1 * (1. + sinhc) + alf1 * numpy.sinh(KL) ** 2. / KL / K + (sinhc - 1.) / (2.*K ** 2.) * gamma1
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 30
def fcn2min(params, DR, L, t,err):
    """ model NLIV """

    Lambda_N = params['Lambda_N'].value
    P = params['Alpha'].value
    Wpy = 169e-9
    Wcu = 168e-9
    Tcu = 130e-9
    Lambda_F = 5e-9*(PyR(10)/PyR(t))
    PyRes = PyR(t)
    CuRes = CuR(t)

    Rf = (PyRes*Lambda_F)/(Wpy*Wcu)
    Rn = (CuRes*Lambda_N)/(Wcu*Tcu)   
    model_tak = (2*P*P*Rf*Rf)/((1-(P*P))*(1-(P*P))*Rn*numpy.sinh((L/Lambda_N)))
    Rf1 = (2*PyRes*Lambda_F)/((1-(P*P))*Wpy*Wcu)
    Rn1 = (2*CuRes*Lambda_N)/(Wcu*Tcu)
    model_Otani = ((P*P)*(Rf1*Rf1))/((2*Rf1*numpy.exp(L/Lambda_N))+(Rn1*numpy.sinh(L/Lambda_N)))
    model_Cas = (2*(P*P)*(Rn1))/(((2+(Rn1/Rf1))**2*numpy.exp(L/Lambda_N))-((Rn1/Rf1)**2*numpy.exp(-L/Lambda_N)))

    return (model_tak - DR)/err
Ejemplo n.º 31
def sinh(x: Number = 0.0) -> Number:
    return np.sinh(x)
Ejemplo n.º 32
# Match the coefficients of free wave x<0
A = (fi[n - b] * cm.exp(1j * q * x[n - b]) -
     fi[n - int(1.01 * b)] * cm.exp(1j * q * x[n - int(1.01 * b)])) / (
         cm.exp(2j * q * x[n - b]) - cm.exp(2j * q * x[n - int(1.01 * b)]))
B = (fi[n - b] * cm.exp(-1j * q * x[n - b]) -
     fi[n - int(1.01 * b)] * cm.exp(-1j * q * x[n - int(1.01 * b)])) / (
         cm.exp(-2j * q * x[n - b]) - cm.exp(-2j * q * x[n - int(1.01 * b)]))

# Calculate the Transmit probability
T = 1 / (abs(A))**2
# print T

# Compare T with exact solution
T_exact = 1 / (1 + ((V_x[n + int(b / 2)])**2 *
                    np.sinh(np.sqrt(2 * m *
                                    (V_x[n + int(b / 2)] - E) / h * a))) /
               (4 * E * (V_x[n + int(b / 2)] - E)))
print A, B, T, T_exact

# Visualize the wave and potential
fi = np.array(fi)

figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80)

# real part of wave
subplot(2, 1, 1)
plot(x, fi.real, color="blue", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-")
plot(x, V_x, color="green", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-")
xlim(-50, 50)
# ylim(-2,2)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def error(x):
    return np.sinh(x)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def elements(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mu):

    R2 = x**2 + y**2 + z**2
    R = sqrt(R2)
    V2 = vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2
    RtimesRdot = x * vx + y * vy + z * vz
    hx = y * vz - z * vy
    hy = z * vx - x * vz
    hz = x * vy - y * vx
    h2 = hx**2 + hy**2 + hz**2
    if (RtimesRdot > 0):
        Rdot = sqrt(V2 - h2 / R2)
        Rdot = -sqrt(V2 - h2 / R2)

    #eccentricity and pericenter distance
    mu_1 = 1.0 / mu
    temp = 1.0 + h2 * mu_1 * (V2 * mu_1 - 2.0 / R)
    if (temp <= 0): ecc = 0.0
    else: ecc = sqrt(temp)

    if (ecc < 1e-8): ecc = 1.e-8

    peridist = h2 * mu_1 / (1.0 + ecc)
    semimaj = 1.0 / (2.0 / R - V2 * mu_1)

    incl = arccos(hz / sqrt(h2))
    if (incl != 0.0):
        if (hz > 0):
            node = arctan2(hx / sqrt(h2) / sin(incl),
                           -hy / sqrt(h2) / sin(incl))
            node = arctan2(-hx / sqrt(h2) / sin(incl),
                           hy / sqrt(h2) / sin(incl))
        node = 0.0

    #true longitude (argument of pericenter plus true anomaly)
    if ((incl > 1.e-3) & (incl < pi - 1.0e-3)):
        sinomegaplusf = z / R / sin(incl)
        cosomegaplusf = 1.0 / cos(node) * (
            x / R + sin(node) * sinomegaplusf * cos(incl))

        periargplustrue_anom = arctan2(sinomegaplusf, cosomegaplusf)
        periargplustrue_anom = arctan2(y, x) * cos(incl)

    #true anomaly and argument of pericenter
    true_anom = arctan2(semimaj * (1.0 - ecc**2) / sqrt(h2) / ecc * Rdot,
                        1.0 / ecc * (semimaj / R * (1.0 - ecc**2) - 1.0))
    periarg = periargplustrue_anom - true_anom

    periarg = periarg % (2 * pi)
    true_anom = true_anom % (2 * pi)
    if (true_anom < 0): true_anom = 2.0 * pi + true_anom
    if (periarg < 0): periarg = 2.0 * pi + periarg

    if (ecc < 1.0):
        tanecc_anom_2 = tan(0.5 * true_anom) * sqrt((1.0 - ecc) / (1.0 + ecc))
        tanecc_anom = 2.0 * tanecc_anom_2 / (1.0 - tanecc_anom_2**2)
        cosecc_anom = (1.0 - R / semimaj) / ecc
        ecc_anom = arctan2(tanecc_anom * cosecc_anom, cosecc_anom)
        if (ecc_anom < 0): ecc_anom = 2.0 * pi + ecc_anom

        mean_anom = ecc_anom - ecc * sin(ecc_anom)

        return peridist, ecc, incl, periarg, node, true_anom, mean_anom, ecc_anom

        tanhhyp_anom_2 = tan(0.5 * true_anom) * sqrt((ecc - 1.0) / (ecc + 1.0))
        tanhhyp_anom = 2.0 * tanhhyp_anom_2 / (tanhhyp_anom_2**2 + 1.0)
        hyp_anom = arctanh(tanhhyp_anom)

        mean_anom = ecc * sinh(hyp_anom) - hyp_anom

        return peridist, ecc, incl, periarg, node, true_anom, mean_anom, hyp_anom
Ejemplo n.º 35
def mode_S(temp, freqs):
    val = freqs / (2 * Kb * temp)
    return (1 / (2 * temp) * freqs * np.cosh(val) / np.sinh(val) -
            Kb * np.log(2 * np.sinh(val)))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def Z_QHO(beta):
    """Uso: devuelve valor de función de partición para el QHO unidimensional"""
    return 0.5/np.sinh(beta/2)
def main():
    ''' Simulation of a Faraday cage. The problem will be a solution to Laplace's Equation given
    potentials at the walls, and the cage in the middle where the potential will be zero. The SOR method
    will be used.

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import cm
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    # Initialize parameters
    N = 60  # Number of grid points on each side
    L = 1.  # Length of system
    h = L / (N - 1)  # Grid spacing
    x = np.arange(N) * h
    y = np.arange(N) * h

    # Set omega for the SOR method
    omegaOpt = 2. / (1 + np.sin(np.pi / N))  # Theoretical optimum
    print(f'Theoretical optimum omega: {omegaOpt}')
    omega = float(input('Enter desired omega: '))

    # Initialize the flux matrix and set the boundary and Faraday Cage conditions
    phi = np.zeros((N, N))
    # Set initial guess for flux
    for i in range(1, N):
        for j in range(1, N):
            phi[i, j] = 4. / (np.pi * np.sinh(np.pi)) * \
                        np.sin(np.pi * x[i] / L) * np.sinh(np.pi * y[j] / L)
    phi[:, 0] = 0.              # Left wall flux
    phi[:, -1] = 100.           # Right wall flux
    for i, y_ in enumerate(y):  # Top/bottom wall flux, varying linearly from left to right
        phi[0, i] = 100. * y_
        phi[-1, i] = 100. * y_

    # Loop until desired fractional change per iteration is achieved
    newphi = np.copy(phi)  # Copy of the solution (used by Jacobi method)
    iterMax = N ** 2  # Set as max to avoid excessively lon runs
    change = np.empty(iterMax)
    changeDesired = 1e-4  # Stop when the change is less than desired
    print(f'Desired fractional change: {changeDesired}')

    for iter in range(iterMax):  ## MAIN LOOP ##
        changeSum = 0.
        for i in range(1, N - 1):  # Loop over interior nodes only
            for j in range(1, N - 1):
                phi[19, 19] = 0.
                phi[29, 19] = 0.
                phi[39, 19] = 0.
                phi[19, 29] = 0.
                phi[19, 39] = 0.
                phi[29, 39] = 0.
                phi[39, 29] = 0.
                phi[39, 39] = 0.
                temp = 0.25 * omega * (phi[i + 1, j] + phi[i - 1, j] + phi[i, j + 1] + phi[i, j - 1]) + (1 - omega) * \
                       phi[i, j]
                changeSum += (1 - phi[i, j] / temp)
                phi[i, j] = temp

        # Check if iteration change is small enough to halt the loop
        change[iter] = changeSum / (N - 2) ** 2  # Averaging the change sum
        if (iter + 1) % 10 < 1:
            print(f'After {iter + 1} iterations, fractional change = {change[iter]}')
        if change[iter] < changeDesired:
            print(f'Desired accuracy achieved after {iter + 1} iterations')
            print(f'Breaking out of main loop')
            # print(newphi == phi)
        if np.abs(change[iter] - change[iter-1]) < changeDesired*.1:
            print(f'No change in results. Breaking after {iter} iterations.')
    # Plot final estimate of potential as a contour plot
    levels = np.linspace(0, 100, 11)
    ct = plt.contour(x, y, np.flipud(np.rot90(phi)), levels)
    plt.clabel(ct, fmt='%1.2f')
    plt.title(f'Potential after {iter} iterations')

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    Xp, Yp = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    ax.plot_surface(Yp, Xp, phi, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.hot)
    ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=210)
    ax.set_zlabel(r'$\Phi(x, y)$')
Ejemplo n.º 38
import numpy as np

x = 1.0
y = 2.0

print(np.arctan2(x, y))

def Pt(U0, E, L, betac, gamma_sqc):
    """return tunneling probability for square barrier"""
    return 1 / (np.cosh(betac * L)**2 + gamma_sqc * np.sinh(betac * L)**2)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def coth(x):
    return np.cosh(x) / np.sinh(x)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def CC70Solver(dt, Tmax, u) :
    t = 0.
    while (t < Tmax) : 
        print ("t = ",t/kyr,"/",Tmax/kyr)
#        TT = np.zeros((M+1, M+1))
        R = np.zeros((1, M+1))
        a = np.zeros(M+1)
        b = np.zeros(M+1)
        c = np.zeros(M+1)
        for xm in range(1, M) : 
            dx_m    = (X[xm+1] - X[xm-1])/2.
            X_m = 0.5*(X[xm+1] + X[xm-1])
            A_m = A(X_m)
            B_m = B(X_m)
            C_m = C(X_m)
            Q_m = Q(X_m)
            T_m = T(X_m)
            w_m = B_m/C_m*dx_m
            d_m = 1./w_m - 1/(np.exp(w_m) - 1)
            W_m = w_m/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m/2.)
            Wp_m = W_m*np.exp(w_m/2.)
            Wm_m = W_m*np.exp(-w_m/2.)
            dx_m_mh = X[xm] - X[xm-1]
            X_m_mh = 0.5*(X[xm] + X[xm-1])
            A_m_mh = A(X_m_mh)
            B_m_mh = B(X_m_mh)
            C_m_mh = C(X_m_mh)
            Q_m_mh = Q(X_m_mh)
            w_m_mh = B_m_mh/C_m_mh*dx_m_mh
            d_m_mh = 1./w_m_mh - 1/(np.exp(w_m_mh) - 1)
            W_m_mh = w_m_mh/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m_mh/2.)
            Wp_m_mh = W_m_mh*np.exp(w_m_mh/2.)
            Wm_m_mh = W_m_mh*np.exp(-w_m_mh/2.)
            dx_m_ph = X[xm+1] - X[xm]
            X_m_ph = 0.5*(X[xm+1] + X[xm])
            A_m_ph = A(X_m_ph)
            B_m_ph = B(X_m_ph)
            C_m_ph = C(X_m_ph)
            Q_m_ph = Q(X_m_ph)
            w_m_ph = B_m_ph/C_m_ph*dx_m_ph
            d_m_ph = 1./w_m_ph - 1/(np.exp(w_m_ph) - 1)
            W_m_ph = w_m_ph/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m_ph/2.)
            Wp_m_ph = W_m_ph*np.exp(w_m_ph/2.)
            Wm_m_ph = W_m_ph*np.exp(-w_m_ph/2.)
            a_m = dt/(A_m*dx_m)*C_m_mh/dx_m_mh*Wm_m_mh
            c_m = dt/(A_m*dx_m)*C_m_ph/dx_m_ph*Wp_m_ph
            b_m = 1 + dt/(A_m*dx_m)*(C_m_mh/dx_m_mh*Wp_m_mh + C_m_ph/dx_m_ph*Wm_m_ph) + dt/T_m
            a[xm] = -a_m
            b[xm] = b_m
            c[xm] = -c_m
    #        TT[xm][xm]   =  b_m
    #        TT[xm+1][xm] = -a_m
    #        TT[xm][xm+1] = -c_m
            r_m = dt*Q_m + u[xm]
            R[0][xm] = r_m
#            print (R)
        # Cas xm = 0
        dx_m = X[1] - X[0]
        X_m = X[0]
        A_m = A(X_m)
        B_m = B(X_m)
        C_m = C(X_m)
        Q_m = Q(X_m)
        T_m = T(X_m)
        w_m = B_m/C_m*dx_m
        d_m = 1./w_m - 1/(np.exp(w_m) - 1)
        W_m = w_m/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m/2.)
        Wp_m = W_m*np.exp(w_m/2.)
        Wm_m = W_m*np.exp(-w_m/2.)
        dx_m_ph = X[1] - X[0]
        X_m_ph = 0.5*(X[1] + X[0])
        A_m_ph = A(X_m_ph)
        B_m_ph = B(X_m_ph)
        C_m_ph = C(X_m_ph)
        Q_m_ph = Q(X_m_ph)
        w_m_ph = B_m_ph/C_m_ph*dx_m_ph
        d_m_ph = 1./w_m_ph - 1/(np.exp(w_m_ph) - 1)
        W_m_ph = w_m_ph/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m_ph/2.)
        Wp_m_ph = W_m_ph*np.exp(w_m_ph/2.)
        Wm_m_ph = W_m_ph*np.exp(-w_m_ph/2.)
        c_m = dt/(A_m*dx_m)*C_m_ph/dx_m_ph*Wp_m_ph
        b_m = 1 + dt/(A_m*dx_m)*(C_m_mh/dx_m_mh*Wp_m_mh + C_m_ph/dx_m_ph*Wm_m_ph) + dt/T_m
        a[0] = 0.
        b[0] = b_m
        c[0] = -c_m
        r_m = dt*Q_m + u[0]
        R[0][0] = r_m
        # Cas xm = M
        dx_m    = X[M] - X[M-1]
        X_m = X[M]
        A_m = A(X_m)
        B_m = B(X_m)
        C_m = C(X_m)
        Q_m = Q(X_m)
        T_m = T(X_m)
        w_m = B_m/C_m*dx_m
        d_m = 1./w_m - 1/(np.exp(w_m) - 1)
        W_m = w_m/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m/2.)
        Wp_m = W_m*np.exp(w_m/2.)
        Wm_m = W_m*np.exp(-w_m/2.)
        dx_m_mh = X[M] - X[M-1]
        X_m_mh = 0.5*(X[M] + X[M-1])
        A_m_mh = A(X_m_mh)
        B_m_mh = B(X_m_mh)
        C_m_mh = C(X_m_mh)
        Q_m_mh = Q(X_m_mh)
        w_m_mh = B_m_mh/C_m_mh*dx_m_mh
        d_m_mh = 1./w_m_mh - 1/(np.exp(w_m_mh) - 1)
        W_m_mh = w_m_mh/2.*1./np.sinh(w_m_mh/2.)
        Wp_m_mh = W_m_mh*np.exp(w_m_mh/2.)
        Wm_m_mh = W_m_mh*np.exp(-w_m_mh/2.)
        a_m = dt/(A_m*dx_m)*C_m_mh/dx_m_mh*Wm_m_mh
        b_m = 1 + dt/(A_m*dx_m)*(C_m_mh/dx_m_mh*Wp_m_mh + C_m_ph/dx_m_ph*Wm_m_ph) + dt/T_m
        a[M] = -a_m
        b[M] = b_m
        c[M] = 0.
        r_m = dt*Q_m + u[M]
        R[0][M] = r_m
    #    for ii in range(0, M+1) : 
    #        TT[ii][ii]   = b[ii]
    #        if (ii < M) : 
    #            TT[ii+1][ii] = a[ii]
    #            TT[ii][ii+1] = c[ii]
    #    Tinv = InverseTrigonalMatrix(TT)
    #    U = ProductMatrix(Tinv, R.T)    
    #    U = U.T[0]

#        print (a, b, c)
        a = np.delete(a, 0)
        c = np.delete(c, -1)
#        del c[-1]
        U = TDMA(a,b,c,R[0])
#        plt.figure()
##        plt.semilogy(X/pc, u, c="blue")
#        plt.plot(X/pc, u/U, c="red")
#        plt.axhline(1.)
#        print ("ratio = ",sum(u)/sum(U))
        u = U
        u[0] = 0.
        u[M] = u[M-1]
    #    u = U
        t += dt 
    u_end = u
    return u_end
Ejemplo n.º 42
T_list  = [  deltT*i  for i in range(1,step+1) ]

FE_D = dict()

ti =0; FE_list = np.zeros(step)

for T in T_list:

    beta = 1./T  #-0.25*np.log(za)


    kk = 2*np.sinh(2*beta)/(np.cosh(2*beta)**2)

    dth = 0.001
    thelist = np.arange(0,pi,dth)

    val = 0.0
    for ii in thelist:
        val = val + np.log(0.5*(1.+ np.sqrt(1-(kk**2)*(np.sin(ii))**2) ))*dth

    val = val/2/pi
    FF =np.log(2* np.cosh(2*beta) * np.exp(val))
    FF = -FF*T

Ejemplo n.º 43
def exp_map(v, theta, eps=1e-6):
    # v: tangent vector in minkowski space
    # theta: parameter vector in hyperboloid with centroid coordinates
    # project vector v from tangent minkowski space -> hyperboloid
    return np.cosh(norm(v)) * theta + np.sinh(norm(v)) * v / (norm(v) + eps)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def g(x):
    """function whose integration to be estimated"""
    y = 1 / (1 + (np.sinh(2 * x)) * (np.log(x))) 
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 45
segment_mean = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.segment_mean', _segment_mean)

segment_min = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.segment_min', _segment_min)

segment_prod = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.segment_prod', _segment_prod)

segment_sum = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.segment_sum', _segment_sum)

sigmoid = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.sigmoid',
                               lambda x, name=None: scipy_special.expit(x))

sign = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.sign', lambda x, name=None: np.sign(x))

sin = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.sin', lambda x, name=None: np.sin(x))

sinh = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.sinh', lambda x, name=None: np.sinh(x))

softmax = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.softmax', _softmax)

def _softplus(x, name=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    if not JAX_MODE:
        # This is effectively inlining jax.nn.softplus, which is (currently)
        # defined as np.logaddexp(x, 0.).
        # Both are numerically fine (see discussion in b/146563881).
        return np.log1p(np.exp(-np.abs(x))) + np.maximum(x, 0.)
    return jax.nn.softplus(x)

softplus = utils.copy_docstring('tf.math.softplus', _softplus)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def inverse(x):
     x = np.asarray(x)
     return 2 * sigma * np.sinh(x * np.log(base))
Ejemplo n.º 47
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.rad2deg(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.reciprocal(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.rint(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    lambda c: F.when(c == 0, 0).when(c < 0, -1).otherwise(1),
    lambda c: F.when(c < 0, True).otherwise(False),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.sinh(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.spacing(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.square(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.tanh(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
    pandas_udf(lambda s: np.trunc(s), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),

binary_np_spark_mappings = OrderedDict({
Ejemplo n.º 48
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x))
plt.plot(x, np.cos(x))
plt.plot(x, np.tan(x))
plt.plot(x, np.sinh(x))
plt.plot(x, np.cosh(x))
plt.plot(x, np.tanh(x))

Ejemplo n.º 49
def _kepler_equation_hyper(F, M, ecc):
    return -F + ecc * np.sinh(F) - M
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def transform_non_affine(self, a):
     return np.arctan(np.sinh(a))
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def testComplexOps(self):
        for dtype in self.complex_types:

                np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j],

                np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j],

                np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([0.1, 0.2j, 0.3 - 0.1j, 0.4 + 0.5j],

                np.array([1j, 2 - 3j, 3, 4 + 2j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.cosh(np.array([1j, 2 - 3j, 3, 4 + 2j],

                np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.sinh(np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j],

                np.array([[-1 + 2j, 3j, 2 - 3j]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.exp(np.array([[-1 + 2j, 3j, 2 - 3j]],

                np.array([[-1 + 2j, 3j, 2 - 3j]], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([[-1 + 2j, 3j, 2 - 3j]], dtype=dtype)))

                np.array([[1, 2j, 2 + 3j]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=1.0 / np.array([[1, 2j, 2 + 3j]], dtype=dtype))

                                                np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],
                                                    np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],

                                                np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],
                                                    np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],

                                                np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],
                                                    np.array([[5j, 3 - 2j]],

            # TODO(b/34703906): improve log1p implementation and make tolerance
            # tighter.
                np.array([[1e-14, 1e-15j, 0.6 - 0.3j]], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([[1e-14, 1e-15j, 0.6 - 0.3j]], dtype=dtype)))

            val = np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j], dtype=dtype)
                                                expected=1 / np.sqrt(val))

                                                expected=1 /
                                                (1 + np.exp(-val)))


                np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.tanh(np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j],

                np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.tan(np.array([1, 2j, 2 - 3j, 4 + 5j],

            ctypes = {np.complex64: np.float32}
                np.array([[3 - 4j, -1j, np.inf]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([[5, 1, np.inf]], dtype=ctypes[dtype]))

                                                np.array([[-1 + 2j, -3j]],
                                                    [[1 - 2j, 3j]],

                np.array([[-2 - 3j, 3 + 4j, 5j]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([[-2 - 3j, 3 + 4j, 5j]], dtype=dtype)**2)

                np.array([[4j, 3 - 2j], [2, -1j]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]], dtype=dtype))

                np.array([[-4j, 3 + 2j], [2, -1j]], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]], dtype=dtype))

                np.array([1 + 3j, -4 + 7j, 2.7, -3j], dtype=dtype),
                    np.array([1 + 3j, -4 + 7j, 2.7, -3j], dtype=dtype)))

                np.array([1 + 3j, -4 + 7j, 2.7, -3j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([1 - 3j, -4 - 7j, 2.7, 3j], dtype=dtype))

                np.array([1 + 3j, -4 + 7j, 2.7, -3j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([3, 7, 0, -3], dtype=ctypes[dtype]))

                np.array([1 + 3j, -4 + 7j, 2.7, -3j], dtype=dtype),
                expected=np.array([1, -4, 2.7, 0], dtype=ctypes[dtype]))
Ejemplo n.º 52
        for mm in Fluorophores:
            if mm.find('SC')>-1:
                markers.append(meta[identifier]+' ('+mm[mm.find('-')+1:-2]+')')

pSTAT1=pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((96,5)),columns=['pSTAT1 in B cells','pSTAT1 in CD8+ T cells','pSTAT1 in CD4+ T cells',
                                              'pSTAT1 in Small B cells','pSTAT1 in Large B cells'],index=FileNames)

for ff in FileNames:
        index=(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD19 (PE ( 561 ))'] > 600) & \
                        (AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['IA_IE (BV510)'] > 2000)
        pSTAT1.loc[ff]['pSTAT1 in B cells']=np.sinh(np.mean(np.arcsinh(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)][index]['pSTAT1 (FITC)'])))

        index=(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD3 (PE-Cy5)'] > 200) & \
                        (AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD8 (APC-Cy7)'] > 3000)
        pSTAT1.loc[ff]['pSTAT1 in CD8+ T cells']=np.sinh(np.mean(np.arcsinh(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)][index]['pSTAT1 (FITC)'])))

        index=(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD3 (PE-Cy5)'] > 10) & \
                        (AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD4 (APC)'] > 1000)
        pSTAT1.loc[ff]['pSTAT1 in CD4+ T cells']=np.sinh(np.mean(np.arcsinh(AllData[FileNames.index(ff)][index]['pSTAT1 (FITC)'])))

        # Small and large B Cells
            # Get average cell size (average FSC) to use as a threshold for small and large cells
        index = (AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['CD19 (PE ( 561 ))'] > 600) & \
                (AllData[FileNames.index(ff)]['IA_IE (BV510)'] > 2000)
        well_threshold_size = AllData[FileNames.index(ff)][index]['FSC-A'].quantile(q=0.8)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def htrig_fun(Z, **params):
	return Z * np.sinh(Z) - np.cosh(Z) + 1
Ejemplo n.º 54
def d_htrig_fun(Z, **params):
	return np.sinh(Z)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def pzPtEta(_pt, _eta):
    pz = _pt * np.sinh(_eta)
    return pz
Ejemplo n.º 56
def my_func(x):
    # x will be a numpy array with the contents of the placeholder below
    return np.sinh(x)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def T_ana(lambda_, a=1):
    k = np.sqrt(lambda_)
    eta = np.sqrt(1 - lambda_)

    return (1 + ((k**2 + eta**2) / (2 * k * eta))**2 * np.sinh(eta * a)**2)**-1
Ejemplo n.º 58
import numpy as np
 Analytical calculations for the 2x2 Ising model with temperature T = 1


# System specifics
N_spin = 4  # Number of spins
T = 1  # Temperature
Z = 4 * np.cosh(8 / T) + 12  # Partition function

# Expectation values
E = (-(8 * np.sinh(8 / T)) / (np.cosh(8 / T) + 3)) / N_spin  # Energy per spin
M = ((1 / Z) * (-4 * np.exp(8 / T) - 8 + 8 + 4 * np.exp(8 / T))
     ) / N_spin  # Magnetization per spin
absM = (((2 * np.exp(8 / T) + 4) /
         (np.cosh(8 / T) + 3))) / N_spin  # Absolute Magnetization per spin
C_V = (64 / N_spin * T**2) * (
    (1 + 3 * np.cosh(8 / T)) /
    ((np.cosh(8 / T) + 3)**2))  # Heat Capacity per spin*boltzmann constant
chi = ((8 / T) * ((np.exp(8 / T) + 1) /
                  (np.cosh(8 / T) + 3))) / N_spin  # Susceptibility per spin*J

# Printing the results
print("=" * 20)
print("Expectation Values Analytic")
print("=" * 20)
print("E:	   M:	     C_V:      chi:       absM:")
print("%.7f" % E, "%.7f" % M, "%.7f" % C_V, "%.7f" % chi, "%.7f" % absM)
Ejemplo n.º 59
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.rad2deg(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.reciprocal(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.rint(s), DoubleType()),
    lambda c: F.when(c == 0, 0).when(c < 0, -1).otherwise(1),
    lambda c: F.when(c < 0, True).otherwise(False),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.sinh(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.spacing(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.square(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.tanh(s), DoubleType()),
    F.pandas_udf(lambda s: np.trunc(s), DoubleType()),

binary_np_spark_mappings = OrderedDict({
Ejemplo n.º 60
def fock_tensor(
    Calculates the Fock representation of a Gaussian unitary parametrized by
    the symplectic matrix S and the displacements alpha up to cutoff in Fock space.

        S (array): symplectic matrix
        alpha (array): complex vector of displacements
        cutoff (int): cutoff in Fock space
        choi_r (float): squeezing parameter used for the Choi expansion
        check_symplectic (boolean): checks whether the input matrix is symplectic
        sf_order (boolean): reshapes the tensor so that it follows the sf ordering of indices
        rtol (float): the relative tolerance parameter used in `np.allclose`
        atol (float): the absolute tolerance parameter used in `np.allclose`

        (array): Tensor containing the Fock representation of the Gaussian unitary
    # Check the matrix is symplectic
    if check_symplectic:
        if not is_symplectic(S, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            raise ValueError("The matrix S is not symplectic")

    # And that S and alpha have compatible dimensions
    m, _ = S.shape
    l = m // 2
    if l != len(alpha):
        raise ValueError(
            "The matrix S and the vector alpha do not have compatible dimensions"
    # Check if S corresponds to an interferometer, if so use optimized routines
    if np.allclose(S @ S.T, np.identity(m), rtol=rtol,
                   atol=atol) and np.allclose(alpha, 0, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
        reU = S[:l, :l]
        imU = S[:l, l:]
        if np.allclose(imU, 0, rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
            Ub = np.block([[0 * reU, -reU], [-reU.T, 0 * reU]])
            tensor = interferometer_real(Ub, cutoff)
            U = reU - 1j * imU
            Ub = np.block([[0 * U, -U], [-U.T, 0 * U]])
            tensor = interferometer(Ub, cutoff)
        # Construct the covariance matrix of l two-mode squeezed vacua pairing modes i and i+l
        ch = np.cosh(choi_r) * np.identity(l)
        sh = np.sinh(choi_r) * np.identity(l)
        zh = np.zeros([l, l])
        Schoi = np.block([[ch, sh, zh, zh], [sh, ch, zh, zh],
                          [zh, zh, ch, -sh], [zh, zh, -sh, ch]])
        # And then its Choi expanded symplectic
        S_exp = expand(S, list(range(l)), 2 * l) @ Schoi
        # And this is the corresponding covariance matrix
        cov = S_exp @ S_exp.T
        alphat = np.array(list(alpha) + ([0] * l))
        x = 2 * alphat.real
        p = 2 * alphat.imag
        mu = np.concatenate([x, p])

        tensor = state_vector(

    if sf_order:
        sf_indexing = tuple(chain.from_iterable([[i, i + l]
                                                 for i in range(l)]))
        return tensor.transpose(sf_indexing)

    return tensor