Ejemplo n.º 1
def __autocorrelation__(v, mode=1, norm=False, detrend=False):
    A simple function for performing the autocorrelation by either Wiener–Khinchin theorem using FFT, or by
    using the following expression:

            C(tau) = <v(t) . v(t+tau)> ; where <...> is ensemble averaged over time origins, t, and tau is the
            time delay.

    It is recommended to use the FFT method for speed unless you have a good reason not to do so. Generally, this
    function does not need to be implemented, because it is explicitely written for 1D arrays, and instead you
    should run autocorrelation(), which will decide if your data contains vectors, this function is the workhorse
    behind that function.

        v: [array] the data for which to get the autocorrelation
        mode: (int) which mode to run this function. 1 is FFT based, and 2 follows the above formula.
        norm: (bool) whether or not to normalize the ACF data to 1. Generally, for correlation functions in
                statistical mechanics, you do not want to normalize, because the area under the curve is
                connected to the transport coefficients (see, Green-Kubo formalism). Default=False
        detrend: (bool) Whether or not to de-trend the data by subtracting the mean from each element of v
         [array] the autocorrelation results

    nstep = len(v)  # Number of time steps i.e. number of data points
    c = np.zeros((nstep, ),
                 dtype=float)  # empty array for the correlation data

    if detrend:
        v = np.subract(v, np.mean(v))

    # FFT Method
    if mode == 1:
        vv = np.concatenate(
            (v[::-1], v[1:]))  # Mirror the data (FFT assumes periodicity)
        vv0 = np.concatenate((vv, np.zeros(
            (2 * nstep, ),
            dtype=float)))  # Pad the data with 0's (FFT assumes periodicity)
        c = np.fft.ifft(np.abs(np.power(
            2)))[:nstep].real  # Wiener–Khinchin, only take half mirror

    # Discrete Method
    if mode == 2:
        vv = np.concatenate((v, np.zeros((nstep, ), dtype=float)))
        for t in range(nstep):
            for j in range(nstep):
                c[t] += v[j] * vv[j + t]

    c = c / nstep

    if norm:
        c = c / np.max(c)

    return c[0:int(len(v))]
def perceptrontrain():
    inputsize = 4
    numinputs = 10
    bias = 0.0
    initialweights = np.random.rand(inputsize)
    inputdata = np.random.rand(numinputs,inputsize)
    outputdata = np.random.rand(numinputs)
    weighted = np.multiply(inputdata,initialweights)
    summed = np.sum(weighted,1)
    biased = np.subtract(summed,bias)
    errors = np.subract(outputdata,biased)
    totalerror = np.sum(errors)
    return totalerror
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def f_delta(cls,x):
		return np.multiply(cls.f(x),np.subract(1 , cls.f(x)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Subadditive(X, Y, METRIC):
	return np.sum(np.abs(np.subract(X,CENTER)),0)<=np.subtract(np.sum(np.abs(X),0),np.sum(np.abs(CENTER),0))