Ejemplo n.º 1
def varimax(Phi, gamma=1.0, q=20, tol=1e-6, normalize=False):
    p, k = Phi.shape
    R = np.eye(k)
    d = 0
    if normalize:
        norm_val = np.sqrt(np.dot(Phi, Phi.T).diagonal())
        norm_val = np.repeat(norm_val, k).reshape(p, k)
        Phi = Phi / norm_val

    for i in xrange(q):
        d_old = d
        Lambda = np.dot(Phi, R)
        u, s, vh = np.svd(
                np.asarray(Lambda)**3 - (gamma / p) *
                dot(Lambda, np.diag(np.diag(np.dot(Lambda.T, Lambda))))))
        R = np.dot(u, vh)
        d = np.sum(s)
        if d_old != 0 and d / d_old < 1 + tol: break

    if normalize:
        return np.dot(Phi, R) * norm_val, R
        return np.dot(Phi, R), R
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def compress(self,m): #remain m largest value
		for l in range(self.L):
			self.Ws[l].reshape(-1,self.Ws[l][-1]) #blockize
			S=S[:m] #renormalize?		
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dense(A):
    #A is n(1) x ... x n(d) tensor
    #U is d cell array with U(k) being the left singular vector of a's mode-k unfolding
    #S is n(1) x ... x n(d) tensor : A x1 U(1) x2 U(2) ... xd U(d)
    S = A

    for k,_ in range(A.size()):
        C = A[k,:].numpy() ##may need to make sure columns are arranged in increasing order
        [U,_,_] = svd(C)
        t_U = numpy.transpose(U)
    return S, t_U
Ejemplo n.º 4
def svd_speed_test(mat):

    print('using numpy svd')
    t = time()
    np.svd(mat, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)
    print('time elapsed for numpy svd: {}'.format(time() - t))

    print('using scipy sparse svds')
    t = time()
    sp.svds(mat, 10)
    print('time elapsed for scipy svds: {}'.format(time() - t))

    print('using scipy svd')
    t = time()
    scipysvd(mat ,full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)
    print('time elapsed for scipy svd: {}'.format(time() - t))

    print('using scikit-learn randomized svd')
    t = time()
    randomized_svd(mat, n_components=10)
    print('time elapsed for scikit-learn randomized svd: {}'.format(time() - t))
    return time
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def fit(self, x, U_dim, class_ids):
     x_hat = np.zeros_like(x)
     u_ids = np.uniqe(class_ids)
     M = np.sqrt(len(u_ids))
     for i in u_ids:
         idx = np.nonzero(i == class_ids)
         N = np.sqrt(len(idx))
         mu_i = np.mean(x[idx, :], axis=0)
         xx[idx, :] = (x[idx, :] - mu_i) / N
     xx /= M
     _, s, Vt = np.svd(xx, full_matrices=False, overwrite_a=True)
     idx = (np.argsort(s)[::-1])[:U_dim]
     self.U = Vt[idx, :]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def xyz_svd(xyz_array):
    Calculates the SVD solution given a Numpy array.

    # modified after: 
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15959411/best-fit-plane-algorithms-why-different-results-solved

        result = np.svd(xyz_array)
        result = None

    return dict(result=result)
def pca_svd(data, headers, normalize=True):
    # assign to A the desired data. Use either normalize_columns_separately
    #   or get_data, depending on the value of the normalize argument.
    A = data.getNumCol(headers)
    if normalize == True:
        A = self.normalize_columns_separately(headers, data)

    # assign to m the mean values of the columns of A
    m = np.matrix(A.mean(axis=0))
    # assign to D the difference matrix A - m
    D = A.copy()
    for r in range(A.shape[0]):
        D[r] = D[r] - mu
    # assign to U, S, V the result of running np.svd on D, with full_matrices=False
    (U, S, V) = np.svd(D, full_matrices=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gplvm(Y, L, kernel, optimizer):
    # normalize data
    Y = (Y - np.mean(Y, 0)) / np.sqrt(var(Y, 0))
    # initialize X
    U, S, V = np.svd(Y)
    X = U[:, :L] / 10
    N = len(Y)
    # kernel hyperparameter
    init = [np.log(1), np.log(0.1), np.log(1e-2)]
    # optimize log likelihood
    print('optimizing: optimizer = %s' % optimizer)
    if optimizer in optimizers:
        x = optimizers[optimizer](X, Y, L, kernel, init)
        return x.reshape(N, L)
        print('unknown optimizer! [%s]' % '|'.join(optimizers.keys()))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def compute_P_from_essential(E):
    """    Computes the second camera matrix (assuming P1 = [I 0]) 
        from an essential matrix. Output is a list of four 
        possible camera matrices. """
    # make sure E is rank 2
    U,S,V = np.svd(E)
    if np.det(np.dot(U,V))<0:
        V = -V
    E = dot(U,dot(diag([1,1,0]),V))    
    # create matrices (Hartley p 258)
    Z = skew([0,0,-1])
    W = array([[0,-1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]])
    # return all four solutions
    P2 = [vstack((dot(U,dot(W,V)).T,U[:,2])).T,

    return P2
Ejemplo n.º 10
def nullspace(A, atol=1e-13, rtol=0):
    """Compute an approximate basis for the nullspace of A.

    The algorithm used by this function is based on the singular value
    decomposition of `A`.

    A : ndarray
        A should be at most 2-D.  A 1-D array with length k will be treated
        as a 2-D with shape (1, k)
    atol : float
        The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value.  Singular values
        smaller than `atol` are considered to be zero.
    rtol : float
        The relative tolerance.  Singular values less than rtol*smax are
        considered to be zero, where smax is the largest singular value.

    If both `atol` and `rtol` are positive, the combined tolerance is the
    maximum of the two; that is::
        tol = max(atol, rtol * smax)
    Singular values smaller than `tol` are considered to be zero.

    Return value
    ns : ndarray
        If `A` is an array with shape (m, k), then `ns` will be an array
        with shape (k, n), where n is the estimated dimension of the
        nullspace of `A`.  The columns of `ns` are a basis for the
        nullspace; each element in numpy.dot(A, ns) will be approximately

    A = np.atleast_2d(A)
    u, s, vh = np.svd(A)
    tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
    nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
    ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T
    return ns
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _calculate_AB(self, x_hat, y_hat):
        A = np.zeros((self.num_vars, self.num_vars))
        B = np.zeros((self.num_vars, self.num_vars))
        for i in range(self.num_samples):
            x_sample = x_hat[:, i].reshape((self.num_vars, 1))
            y_sample = y_hat[:, i].reshape((self.num_vars, 1))

            diff = x_sample - y_sample
            xsqr = x_sample @ x_sample.T
            ysqr = y_sample @ y_sample.T

            grp_A = diff @ diff.T
            grp_B = xsqr + ysqr
            A += grp_A
            B += grp_B

        A /= self.weights_total
        B /= 2*self.weights_total
        a, b, c = np.svd(B)
        # A = np.cov(x_hat - y_hat)
        # B = (np.cov(x_hat) + np.cov(y_hat))/(2*self.weights_total)
        return(A, B)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def varimax(Phi, q=20, tol=1e-6):
    # adapted from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AVarimax_rotation
    # Compute the varimax rotation matrix
    # Parameters:
    # - Phi: loading
    # - q: max number of iterations
    # - tol: convergence treshold
    p, k = Phi.shape
    R = np.eye(k)
    d = 0
    for i in range(q):
        d_old = d
        Lambda = np.dot(Phi, R)
        u, s, vh = np.svd(
                np.asarray(Lambda)**3 - (1 / p) *
                np.dot(Lambda, np.diag(np.diag(np.dot(Lambda.T, Lambda))))))
        R = np.dot(u, vh)
        d = np.sum(s)
        if d_old != 0 and d / d_old < 1 + tol: break
    return np.dot(Phi, R)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def fbg(A, B, p, q=None):
    %FBG	Feedback gain matrices.
    % (1) L = fbg(A,B,p);
    % This calculates a matrix L such that the eigenvalues of A-B*L are
    % those specified in the vector p.  Any complex eigenvalues in the 
    % vector p must appear in consecutive complex-conjugate pairs.
    % The numbers in the vector p must be distinct (see below for repeated roots).
    % (2) L = fbg(A,B,p,q);
    % This form allows the user to specify repeated eigenvalues by indicating
    % the desired multiplicity in the vector q.  For example, to have a single
    % eigenvalue at -2, another at -3 with multiplicity 3, and  complex conjugate 
    % eigenvalues at -1+j, -1-j with multiplicity 2,  set p=[-2 -3 -1+j -1-j], 
    % and q=[1 3 2 2].  The multiplicity of any eigenvalue cannot be greater
    % than the number of columns of B.


    if q is None:
        q = np.ones((1, len(p)))
    (n, m) = B.shape
    I = np.eye(n)
    npp = len(p)
    cvv = [n.imag==0 for n in p ]
    npoles = int(npp - sum([ not n for n in cvv])/2)

    for i in range(0, npp):
        if i < npoles:
            if not cvv[i]:

    if n <= m:
        for i in range(0, npoles):
            if cvv[i]:
                if i < npoles:
                d1.extend([p[i].real, p[i].real])
                if i < np:
                    d2.extend([p[i].imag, 0])
        if n > 1:
            L = LA.lstsq(B, A - (np.diag(d1) + np.diag(d2, 1) - np.diag(d2, -1)))[0]
            L = LA.lstsq(B, A - d1)[0]
        return L

    sq = sum(q)
    for i in range(0, npoles):
        cv.extend([cvv[i] * n for n in [1]*q[i]])
    for i in range(0, npoles):
        T = np.null(np.concatenate((p[i]*I-A, B), axis=1))
        TT = np.orth(T[1:n,:])
        AT = np.concatenate((AT, T), axis=1)
        ATT = np.concatenate((ATT, TT), axis=1)
        X[:, i] = TT[:, 1:q[i]]
        if q[i] == 1 and i > 1:
            cvt = cv[1:i]
            In = find(cvt==0)
            c = cond(np.concatenate((X, np.conj(X[:,In])), axis=1))
            for j in range(1, m+1):
                Y = np.concatenate((X[:,1:i-1], TT[:,j]), axis=1)
                cc = np.cond(np.concatenate((Y, np.conj(Y[:,In])), axis=1))
                if cc < c:
                    c = cc
                    X[:, i] = TT[:, j]

    Xt = X
    cd = 1.e15

    if m == n:  # can calculate L to get orthogonal eigenvectors
        Ab = np.zeros((n, n))
        for i in range(0, npoles):
            Ab[i, i] = p[i]
            if not cv[i]:
                Ab[i, i+1] = -p[i].imag
                Ab[i+1, i] = p[i].imag
                Ab[i+1, i+1] = p[i].real

        L = LA.lstsq(B, (A-Ab))[0]
        return L

    if m > 1:
        for k in range(5):
            X2 = []
            kk = 0
            for i in range(0, npoles):
                Pr = ATT[:,(i-1)*m+1:i*m]
                Pr = Pr * np.transpose(Pr)
                for j in range(0, q[i]):
                    kk = kk + 1
                    S = np.concatenate((Xt[:,1:kk-1], Xt[:,kk+1:sq]), axis=1)
                    S = np.concatenate((S, np.conj(S)), axis=1)
                    if not cv[kk]:
                        S = np.concatenate((S, np.conj(Xt[:, kk])), axis=1)
                    (Us, Ss, Vs) = np.svd(S)
                    Xt[:,kk] = Pr * Us[:,n]
                    Xt[:,kk] = Xt[:, kk] / np.norm(Xt[:, kk])
                    if not cv(kk):
                        X2 = np.concatenate((X2, np.conj(Xt[:,kk])), axis=1)

            c = np.cond(np.concatenate((Xt, X2), axis=1));
            if c < cd:
                Xtf = Xt
                cd = c
        Xtf = X

    kkk = 0
    for i in range(0, npoles):
        for j in range(0, q[i]):
            kkk = kkk + 1
            if cv[kkk]:
                x = Xtf[:,kkk].real
                y = Xtf[:,kkk].imag
                if np.norm(x) > np.norm(y):
                    Xtf[:,kkk] = x/np.norm(x)
                    Xtf[:,kkk] = y/np.norm(y)
            a = LA.lstsq(AT[1:n, i*m+1:(i+1)*m], Xtf[:,kkk])[0]
            t = AT[n+1:n+m, i*m+1:(i+1)*m] * a
            x = t.imag
            Xb = np.concatenate((Xb, t.real), axis=1)
            if not cv[kkk]:
                X2 = np.concatenate((X2, x), axis=1)
                X1 = np.concatenate((X1, Xtf[:,kkk].imag), axis=1)
                Xtf[:,kkk] = Xtf[:,kkk].real

    L = np.concatenate((Xb, X2), axis=1)/np.concatenate((Xtf, X1), axis=1)
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 14
def system_misstoa_ransac_bundle(d, sys):
    dobundle = 1

    sol = None

    for kk in range(1, 2):

        sol, manrin = tm_ransac5rows(d, sys)

        if dobundle:
            sol, res0, res, d2calc = tm_bundle_rank(sol, d)

        sol = tm_ransac_more_rows(d, sol, sys)

        if dobundle:
            sol, res0, res, d2calc = tm_bundle_rank(sol, d)

        sol = tm_ransac_more_cols(d, sol, sys)

        if dobundle:
            sol, res0, res, d2calc = tm_bundle_rank(sol, d)

        sol = tm_ransac_more_rows(d, sol, sys)

        if dobundle:
            sol, res0, res, d2calc = tm_bundle_rank(sol, d)

        sol = tm_ransac_more_cols(d, sol, sys)

        if dobundle:
            sol, res0, res, d2calc = tm_bundle_rank(sol, d)

    Bhat = sol.Bhat
    D = 3
    u, s, v = np.svd(Bhat[2:, 2:])
    xr = u[:, 0:D - 1]
    yr = (s[0:D - 1, 0:D - 1]) * (v[:, 0:D - 1])
    auxvar1 = np.zeros((D, 1))
    xtp = np.concatenate((auxvar1, xr))
    yt = np.concatenate((auxvar1, yr))
    xt = xtp / (-2)  # maybe np.divide(xtp,-2)
    Bhatcol1 = Bhat[:, 0]

    nr_of_unknowns = (D * (D + 1)) / 2 + D + 1

    xv = [None] * nr_of_unknowns
    for i in range(0, nr_of_unknowns):
        xv[i] = Multipol.multipol(1, np.zeros(nr_of_unknowns, 1))

    bv = None
    Cv = None

    if D == 3:
        Cv1 = np.concatenate((xv[1], xv[2], xv[3]), 1)
        Cv2 = np.concatenate((xv[2], xv[4], xv[5]), 1)
        Cv3 = np.concatenate((xv[3], xv[5], xv[6]), 1)
        Cv = np.concatenate((Cv1, Cv2, Cv3))

        bv = np.concatenate((xv[6], xv[7], xv[9]), 1)
        bv = bv.conj().T
    elif D == 2:
        Cv1 = np.concatenate((xv[1], xv[2]), 1)
        Cv2 = np.concatenate((xv[2], xv[3]), 1)
        Cv = np.concatenate((Cv1, Cv2))

        bv = np.concatenate((xv[3], xv[5]), 1)
        bv = bv.conj().T

    eqs = [None] * xt.shape[1]
    for i in range(1, xt.shape[1]):
        eqs[i - 1] = (-2 * (xt[:, i]).conj().T * bv +
                      (xt[:, i]).conj().T * Cv * xt[:, i]) - Bhatcol1[i]

    eqs_linear = eqs
    cfm_linear, mons_linear = polynomials2matrix(eqs_linear)
    cfm_linear = np.asarray(cfm_linear)
    cfm_linear = cfm_linear / np.tile(sqrt(sum(cfm_linear**2, 2)),
                                      (1, cfm_linear.shape[1]))
    cfm_linear0 = cfm_linear
    AA = cfm_linear0[:, 1:-2]
    bb = cfm_linear0[:, -1]
    zz0 = -np.linalg.pinv(AA) * bb

    H = interpolate.interp1d(Cv, (np.append(zz0, 0)).reshape(10, 1))
    b = interpolate.interp1d(bv, (np.append(
    )).reshape(10, 1))

    if min(np.linalg.eig(H)):
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(H)).T
        mins = min(np.linalg.eig(H))
        H = H + (-mins + 0.1) * np.eye(3)
        L = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv(H)).T

    r00 = np.linalg.inv(L.conj().T) * xt
    s00 = L * (yt + np.tile(b, (1, Bhat.shape[1])))

    r0 = np.zeros(3, d.size[0])
    s0 = np.zeros(3, d.size[1])

    r0[:, sol.rows] = r00
    s0[:, sol.cols] = s00

    toa_calc_d_from_xy(r0, s0)

    inliers = sol.inlmatrix == 1

    r1, s1, res, jec = toa_3D_bundle(d, r0, s0, inliers)
    r, s = toa_normalize(r1, s1)

    return r, s, inliers