def create_binary_confusion_matrix(
    truth_binary_values: np.ndarray, prediction_binary_values: np.ndarray, name=None
) -> pd.Series:
    # This implementation is:
    # ~30x faster than sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix
    # ~25x faster than sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(labels=[False, True])
    # ~6x faster than pandas.crosstab
    truth_binary_values = truth_binary_values.ravel()
    prediction_binary_values = prediction_binary_values.ravel()

    truth_binary_negative_values = 1 - truth_binary_values
    test_binary_negative_values = 1 - prediction_binary_values

    true_positive = np.sum(np.logical_and(truth_binary_values, prediction_binary_values))
    true_negative = np.sum(
        np.logical_and(truth_binary_negative_values, test_binary_negative_values)
    false_positive = np.sum(np.logical_and(truth_binary_negative_values, prediction_binary_values))
    false_negative = np.sum(np.logical_and(truth_binary_values, test_binary_negative_values))

    # Storing the matrix as a Series instead of a DataFrame makes it easier to reference elements
    # and aggregate multiple matrices
    cm = pd.Series(
        {'TP': true_positive, 'TN': true_negative, 'FP': false_positive, 'FN': false_negative},

    return cm
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_metrics(gt_hat: np.ndarray, gt: np.ndarray, metrics: dict):
    gt_hat = gt_hat.ravel()
    gt = gt.ravel()
    to_delete = np.where(gt == 0)[0]
    gt, gt_hat = np.delete(gt, to_delete), np.delete(gt_hat, to_delete)
    ars_score = adjusted_rand_score(gt, gt_hat)
    nmi_score = normalized_mutual_info_score(gt, gt_hat)
    print("ARS -> {}\nNMI -> {}".format(ars_score, nmi_score))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _add_noise(self, x_input: np.ndarray, x_transf: np.ndarray, fx: float) -> float:  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     noise = 0
     noise_level = self._noise_level
     if noise_level:
         if not self._noise_dissymmetry or x_transf.ravel()[0] <= 0:
             side_point = self.transform(x_input + np.random.normal(0, 1, size=self.dimension))
             if self._noise_dissymmetry:
                 noise_level *= (1. + x_transf.ravel()[0]*100.)
             noise = noise_level * np.random.normal(0, 1) * (self.oracle_call(side_point) - fx)
     return fx + noise
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self,
              data: np.ndarray,
              x: np.ndarray,
              y: np.ndarray,
              roi: Number_T = 0.02):
     x_ravel = x.ravel()
     y_ravel = y.ravel()
     self.tree = KDTree(np.dstack((x_ravel, y_ravel))[0]) = data
     self.roi = roi
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __new__(cls,
                tensor_desc: TensorDesc,
                arr: np.ndarray = None):  # type: ignore
        arr_size = 0
        precision = ""
        if tensor_desc is not None:
            tensor_desc_size = int(
            precision = tensor_desc.precision
            if arr is not None:
                arr = np.array(arr)  # Keeping array as numpy array
                arr_size = int(
                if np.isfortran(arr):
                    arr = arr.ravel(order="F")
                    arr = arr.ravel(order="C")
                if arr_size != tensor_desc_size:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        f"Number of elements in provided numpy array "
                        f"{arr_size} and required by TensorDesc "
                        f"{tensor_desc_size} are not equal")
                if arr.dtype != precision_map[precision]:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Data type {arr.dtype} of provided numpy array "
                        f"doesn't match to TensorDesc precision {precision}")
                if not arr.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]:
                    arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)
            elif arr is None:
                arr = np.empty(0, dtype=precision_map[precision])
            raise AttributeError("TensorDesc can't be None")

        if precision in ["FP32"]:
            return TBlobFloat32(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["FP64"]:
            return TBlobFloat64(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["FP16", "BF16"]:
            return TBlobInt16(tensor_desc, arr.view(dtype=np.int16), arr_size)
        elif precision in ["I64"]:
            return TBlobInt64(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["U64"]:
            return TBlobUint64(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["I32"]:
            return TBlobInt32(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["U32"]:
            return TBlobUint32(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["I16"]:
            return TBlobInt16(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["U16"]:
            return TBlobUint16(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["I8", "BIN"]:
            return TBlobInt8(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
        elif precision in ["U8", "BOOL"]:
            return TBlobUint8(tensor_desc, arr, arr_size)
            raise AttributeError(f"Unsupported precision {precision} for Blob")
def stratified_perm_test(pop_a_1: np.ndarray,
                         pop_b_1: np.ndarray,
                         pop_a_2: np.ndarray,
                         pop_b_2: np.ndarray,
                         stat_test: t.Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
                                               t.Union[float, int, np.number]],
                         perm_num: int = 1000,
                         random_seed: t.Optional[int] = None) -> float:
    """Tests whether the stratified ``test_values`` values of ``pop_a`` and ``pop_b`` match.

    The stratification is made between groups ``1`` and ``2``.

    stat_test : :obj:`Callable`
        Statistical test. Must be a function that receives two numpy
        arrays and return some numeric value.

    perm_num : :obj:`int`, optional
        Number of permutations.

    random_seed : :obj:`int`, optional
        If given, set the random seed before the first permutation.

        p-value of the permutation test.
    if random_seed is not None:

    if pop_a_1.ndim != 1:
        pop_a_1 = pop_a_1.ravel()

    if pop_b_1.ndim != 1:
        pop_b_1 = pop_b_1.ravel()

    if pop_a_2.ndim != 2:
        pop_a_2 = pop_a_2.ravel()

    if pop_b_2.ndim != 2:
        pop_b_2 = pop_b_2.ravel()

    truediff = stat_test(np.concatenate((pop_a_1, pop_a_2)),
                         np.concatenate((pop_b_1, pop_b_2)))

    stat_test_vals = np.zeros(perm_num)
    for ind in np.arange(perm_num):
        sh_a_1, sh_b_1 = _shuffle(pop_a_1, pop_b_1)
        sh_a_2, sh_b_2 = _shuffle(pop_a_2, pop_b_2)
        stat_test_vals[ind] = stat_test(np.concatenate((sh_a_1, sh_a_2)),
                                        np.concatenate((sh_b_1, sh_b_2)))

    return (np.sum(truediff <= stat_test_vals) + 1) / (perm_num + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def output_intensity_mapping(image: np.ndarray):
    output_im = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    arr_max = image.max()
    arr_min = image.min() + 1e-10

    for index in range(len(image.ravel())):
        output_im.ravel()[index] = \
            int(np.floor(((image.ravel()[index] - arr_min)
                          / (arr_max - arr_min)) * 255 + 0.5))

    return output_im
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_and_save_histogram(data: numpy.ndarray,
                              file_name: Path,
                              add_inverse_cdf_results: bool = False):
    n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data.ravel(), bins='auto')
    if add_inverse_cdf_results:
        inverse_cdf = get_inverse_cdf(data.ravel())
        approximated_data_dist = inverse_cdf(numpy.random.rand(data.size))
        plt.hist(approximated_data_dist.ravel(), bins=bins)

Ejemplo n.º 9
def geo2mag(yeardec: float, glat: np.ndarray,
            glon: np.ndarray) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]:
    fort_geo2mag = shutil.which("geo2mag", path=str(R))
    if not fort_geo2mag:
        raise ImportError(
            f"geo2mag executable not found in {R}, did you build Apex with CMake?"

    glat = np.atleast_1d(glat)
    glon = np.atleast_1d(glon)

    orig_shape = glat.shape

    infile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", suffix=".nml", delete=False)
    f = infile.file  # type: ignore

N = {glat.size}

glat = """)
    f.write(",".join(glat.ravel().astype(str).tolist()) + "\n")

    f.write("glon = ")
    f.write(",".join(glon.ravel().astype(str).tolist()) + "\n")

    infile.close()  # avoids Permission Error in Fortran

    outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".nml", delete=False)

    cmd = [fort_geo2mag, f"{yeardec:.3f}",,]" ".join(cmd))
    ret =
    if ret.returncode != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Apex error")

    dat = read_namelist(, "output")

    except PermissionError:

    for k, v in dat.items():
        dat[k] = v.reshape(orig_shape)

    return dat
Ejemplo n.º 10
def assert_arrays_almost_equal(test: unittest.TestCase, actuals: np.ndarray, desires: np.ndarray, dif_ratio=1e-3, limit=1e-8):
    assert(isinstance(actuals, np.ndarray))
    assert(isinstance(desires, np.ndarray))

    test.assertEqual(len(actuals.shape), len(desires.shape))

    for _, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(actuals.shape, desires.shape)):
        test.assertEqual(a, b)

    for _, (input, ref) in enumerate(zip(actuals.ravel(), desires.ravel())):
        delta = max(abs(ref * dif_ratio), limit)
        test.assertAlmostEqual(input, ref, delta=delta)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def kmeans1d(x: np.ndarray,
             k: int,
             method: str = "ckmeans1d",
             method_kws: dict = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """1-dim k-means clustering.
    Uses Ckmeans.1d.dp through ``ckwrap`` if it is installed and `method` is

        x: flattened to 1d
        k: number of clusters
        method: if 'ckmeans1d' ckwrap is used, otherwise 'kmeans' in 1d
        method_kws: passed through to the implementaion used

        array of labels mapping clusters to objects

    See Also:
    kwargs = {
        "init": "kmeans++",
        "max_iterations": 1000,
        "weights": None,
        "method": "linear",
    if method_kws is not None:

    if method == "ckmeans1d":  # pragma: no cover
            from ckwrap import ckmeans

            idx = ckmeans(
                (k, k),
        except ImportError:
                "Unable to use ckmeans1d as ckwrap package not found.")
            return kmeans1d(x, k, method="kmeans", method_kws=method_kws)
    elif method == "kmeans":
        idx = kmeans(
            init=kwargs["init"],  # type: ignore
            max_iterations=kwargs["max_iterations"],  # type: ignore
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown method {method}.")
    return np.reshape(idx, x.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def map_data(self, lon: ndarray, lat: ndarray) -> ndarray:
        shape = lon.shape
        lon = lon.ravel()
        lat = lat.ravel()

        lon = (lon - self.lon_avg) / self.lon_std
        lat = (lat - self.lat_avg) / self.lat_std

        inputs = np.dstack([lon, lat])[0]
        outputs = self.knn.predict(inputs).reshape(shape)

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def solve(self, data: np.ndarray, max_iter: int = 5000, tol: float = 1e-4):

        super(SmoothBregman, self).solve(data=data, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) = data.ravel()

        pk = np.zeros(self.domain_shape).ravel()

        if self.plot_iteration:

        u = np.zeros(self.domain_shape)

        i = old_e = 0
        while True:
            print("current norm error: " +
                  str(np.linalg.norm(u.ravel() - data.ravel())))
            print("runs till norm <: " + str(self.assessment))

            self.solver = PdHgm(self.K, self.F_star, self.G)
            self.solver.max_iter = max_iter
            self.solver.tol = tol
   = pk


            u_new = np.reshape(self.solver.x, self.domain_shape)

            e = np.linalg.norm(u_new.ravel() - data.ravel())
            if e < self.assessment:
                # which iteration to choose -> norm nearest
                if np.abs(old_e - self.assessment) > np.abs(
                        e - self.assessment) and not self.stop_in_front:
                    u = u_new
            old_e = e

            u = u_new

            #pk = pk - (self.lam / self.alpha) * (u.ravel() - data.ravel())
            pk = pk - self.lam * (u.ravel() - data.ravel())
            i = i + 1

            if self.plot_iteration:
                plt.imshow(u, vmin=0, vmax=1)
                plt.savefig(self.data_output_path + 'Bregman_iter' + str(i) +

        return u
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_roc_curve(y_true: np.ndarray, y_score: np.ndarray) -> dict:
    calculates roc curve data from y true and prediction scores
    includes fpr, tpr, thresholds, roc_auc
    at each level of y, micro and macro averaged

        y_true: true y values
        y_score: y prediction scores

        dict with roc curve data
    n_classes = y_true.shape[1]

    # Compute ROC curve and ROC area for each class
    roc_curves = {}
    for i in range(n_classes):
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true[:, i], y_score[:, i])
        roc_curves[i] = {
            "fpr": fpr,
            "tpr": tpr,
            "thresholds": thresholds,
            "roc_auc": metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area
    fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_true.ravel(), y_score.ravel())
    roc_curves["micro"] = {
        "fpr": fpr,
        "tpr": tpr,
        "thresholds": thresholds,
        "roc_auc": metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    # Compute macro-average ROC curve and ROC area
    # First aggregate all false positive rates
    all_fpr = np.unique(
        np.concatenate([roc_curves[i]["fpr"] for i in range(n_classes)]))
    # Then interpolate all ROC curves at this points
    mean_tpr = np.zeros_like(all_fpr)
    for i in range(n_classes):
        mean_tpr += np.interp(all_fpr, roc_curves[i]["fpr"],
    # Finally average it and compute AUC
    mean_tpr /= n_classes
    roc_curves["macro"] = {
        "fpr": all_fpr,
        "tpr": mean_tpr,
        "roc_auc": metrics.auc(all_fpr, mean_tpr)

    return roc_curves
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_error_cost(V: np.ndarray, V_approx: np.ndarray) -> float:
    Compute error cost of encoding for description length
    :param V: original matrix
    :param V_approx: reconstructed matrix from encoded factors
    # KL divergence as given in section 2.3 of RolX paper
    vec1 = V.ravel()
    vec2 = V_approx.ravel()
    kl_div = np.sum(
        np.where(vec1 != 0,
                 vec1 * np.log(vec1 / vec2) - vec1 + vec2, 0))
    return kl_div
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_binary_confusion_matrix(
    truth_binary_values: np.ndarray,
    prediction_binary_values: np.ndarray,
    weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    name: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = None,
) -> pd.Series:
    # This implementation is:
    # ~30x faster than sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix
    # ~25x faster than sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(labels=[False, True])
    # ~6x faster than pandas.crosstab
    truth_binary_values = truth_binary_values.ravel()
    prediction_binary_values = prediction_binary_values.ravel()
    if weights is not None:
        weights = weights.ravel()

    truth_binary_negative_values = 1 - truth_binary_values
    test_binary_negative_values = 1 - prediction_binary_values

    true_positives = np.logical_and(truth_binary_values,
    true_negatives = np.logical_and(truth_binary_negative_values,
    false_positives = np.logical_and(truth_binary_negative_values,
    false_negatives = np.logical_and(truth_binary_values,

    if weights is not None:
        true_positives = true_positives * weights
        true_negatives = true_negatives * weights
        false_positives = false_positives * weights
        false_negatives = false_negatives * weights

    true_positive = np.sum(true_positives)
    true_negative = np.sum(true_negatives)
    false_positive = np.sum(false_positives)
    false_negative = np.sum(false_negatives)

    # Storing the matrix as a Series instead of a DataFrame makes it easier to reference elements
    # and aggregate multiple matrices
    cm = pd.Series(
            'TP': true_positive,
            'TN': true_negative,
            'FP': false_positive,
            'FN': false_negative

    return cm
Ejemplo n.º 17
def apply_affine(A: Affine, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    broadcast A*(x_i, y_i) across all elements of x/y arrays in any shape (usually 2d image)

    shape = x.shape

    A = np.asarray(A).reshape(3, 3)
    t = A[:2, -1].reshape((2, 1))
    A = A[:2, :2]

    x, y = A @ np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]) + t
    x, y = (a.reshape(shape) for a in (x, y))
    return (x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def plot_contours(ax, clf, xx: np.ndarray, yy: np.ndarray, **params):
    Generates a plot with the decision boundaries for a classifier.

    :param ax: matplotlib axes object
    :param clf: a classifier
    :param xx: meshgrid ndarray
    :param yy: meshgrid ndarray
    :param params: dictionary of params to pass to contourf, optional
    Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    out = ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, **params)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def interpolate(self, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray,
                 dates: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     """Interpolate the SSH to the required coordinates."""
     ds = self._select_ds(
         dates.min(),  # type: ignore
         dates.max())  # type: ignore
     assert np.all(np.diff(ds.ocean_time.values) == self._dt)
     interpolator = pyinterp.backends.xarray.RegularGridInterpolator(
     return interpolator(dict(lat_rho=lat.ravel(),
Ejemplo n.º 20
def calculate_roc_auc(y_true: np.ndarray, y_prob: np.ndarray, class_names: List[str],
                      task: str = None) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]:
    Calculates Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under Curve.
    Apart from ROC scores the function outputs the False Positives Ratios,
    and True Positive Ratios, which can be used to plot ROC curves.
    y_true: np.ndarray
        Array of true labels (last shape of array should equal to number of classes).
    y_prob: np.ndarray
        Array of predicted probabilities (last shape of array should equal to number of classes).
    class_names: List of strings
        Names of classes.
    task: str, optional
        Type of classification task. Types of task supported: ['binary', 'multiclass', 'multilabel'].
    out: Tuple of 3 dictionaries
        The outputs are 3 dictionaries: False Positives Ratios and True Positive Ratios which are dictionaries
        in which keys are class names and values are numpy arrays, and a dictionary of ROC AUC scores.
    fpr = dict()
    tpr = dict()
    roc_auc_dict = dict()

    if not task:
        task = check_task(y_true, y_prob)

    if task in ['binary', 'multiclass']:
        encoder = OneHotEncoder()
        y_true = encoder.fit_transform(y_true).toarray()

    for i, name in enumerate(class_names):
        fpr[name], tpr[name], _ = roc_curve(y_true[:, i], y_prob[:, i])
        roc_auc_dict[name] = auc(fpr[name], tpr[name])

    # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area
    fpr["micro avg"], tpr["micro avg"], _ = roc_curve(y_true.ravel(), y_prob.ravel())
    if task == 'binary':
        # if task is binary avg roc auc is the same as roc auc of both classes
        # therefore we use the calculated value of one of the classes to fill it
        roc_auc_dict["micro avg"] = roc_auc_dict[class_names[0]]
        roc_auc_dict["micro avg"] = auc(fpr["micro avg"], tpr["micro avg"])

    fpr, tpr, roc_auc_dict = calculate_macro_auc(fpr, tpr, roc_auc_dict, class_names)

    return fpr, tpr, roc_auc_dict
def bootstrap_gp_fit(x: np.ndarray,
                     y: np.ndarray,
                     N: int = 10) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]:
    Fit gaussian process to x and y data N times. Return the resulting mean predictions and gp parameters/quantities
    as well as their standard deviation

        x: Inputs to gaussian process
        y: Outputs to which gaussian process will be fit
        N: Number of times GP is fit to data

        bootstrap_dict: Dictionary containing relevant GP parameters
    def _fit_gaussian(x_, y_):
        kernel = C(1.0, (1e-3, 1e4)) * RBF(1.0, (1e-3, 1e4))
        gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel,
                                      normalize_y=True), y)
        y_pred, sigma = gp.predict(x, return_std=True)

        nrmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((y_pred - np.array(y))**2)) / np.mean(y)

        constant = gp.kernel_.k1.constant_value
        length_scale = gp.kernel_.k2.length_scale
        return y_pred.reshape((1, -1)), sigma.reshape(
            (1, -1)), nrmse, constant, length_scale

    results = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count())(
        joblib.delayed(_fit_gaussian)(x, y) for _ in range(N))
    y_pred_list, sigma_list, nrmse_list, constant_list, length_scale_list = list(
    y_pred_arr, sigma_arr = np.array(y_pred_list), np.array(sigma_list)

    bootstrap_dict = {
        'mn_length_scale': np.mean(length_scale_list),
        'mn_constant': np.mean(constant_list),
        'mn_nrmse': np.mean(nrmse_list),
        'std_length_scale': np.std(length_scale_list),
        'std_constant': np.std(constant_list),
        'std_nrmse': np.std(nrmse_list),
        'mn_y_pred': np.mean(y_pred_arr, axis=0)[0],
        'mn_sigma': np.mean(sigma_arr, axis=0)[0],
        'y': y.ravel(),
        'x': x.ravel()
    return bootstrap_dict
Ejemplo n.º 22
def wmm(glats: np.ndarray, glons: np.ndarray, alt_km: float,
        yeardec: float) -> xarray.Dataset:

    glats = np.atleast_2d(glats).astype(float)  # to coerce all else to float64
    glons = np.atleast_2d(glons)

    assert glats.shape == glons.shape

    mag = xarray.Dataset(coords={'glat': glats[:, 0], 'glon': glons[0, :]})
    north = np.empty(glats.size)
    east = np.empty(glats.size)
    down = np.empty(glats.size)
    total = np.empty(glats.size)
    decl = np.empty(glats.size)
    incl = np.empty(glats.size)

    for i, (glat, glon) in enumerate(zip(glats.ravel(), glons.ravel())):

        x = ct.c_double()
        y = ct.c_double()
        z = ct.c_double()
        T = ct.c_double()
        D = ct.c_double()
        mI = ct.c_double()

        ret = libwmm.wmmsub(ct.c_double(glat), ct.c_double(glon),
                            ct.c_double(alt_km), ct.c_double(yeardec),
                            ct.byref(x), ct.byref(y), ct.byref(z), ct.byref(T),
                            ct.byref(D), ct.byref(mI))

        assert ret == 0

        north[i] = x.value
        east[i] = y.value
        down[i] = z.value
        total[i] = T.value
        decl[i] = D.value
        incl[i] = mI.value

    mag['north'] = (('glat', 'glon'), north.reshape(glats.shape))
    mag['east'] = (('glat', 'glon'), east.reshape(glats.shape))
    mag['down'] = (('glat', 'glon'), down.reshape(glats.shape))
    mag['total'] = (('glat', 'glon'), total.reshape(glats.shape))
    mag['incl'] = (('glat', 'glon'), incl.reshape(glats.shape))
    mag['decl'] = (('glat', 'glon'), decl.reshape(glats.shape))

    mag.attrs['time'] = yeardec

    return mag
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main(X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> None:

    model = SVR(kernel='poly',
                gamma='auto'), y.ravel(), sample_weight=None)
    y_pred = model.predict(X)
    print("Mean Squared Error Result of training")
    print(mean_squared_error(y.ravel(), y_pred))
    filename = ''
    pickle.dump(model, open(filename, 'wb'))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _train_epoch(self, feats: np.ndarray, label: np.ndarray):
        학습시 1회 에폭에 대한 행동을 정의합니다.
        grid_search가 True인 경우 grid search를 수행합니다.

        :param feats: 학습할 피쳐
        :param label: 라벨 리스트

        if self.grid_search:
            self.model = self._grid_search(feats, label.ravel())
  , label.ravel())

Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _map_points(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) ->
     _MAX_RETURN = 5
     _FILL_VALUE = -1e5
     xdim, ydim = x.shape
     _, idx = self.tree.query(np.dstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))[0],
     idx_all = idx.ravel()
     data_indexing = np.append(self.data_ravel, _FILL_VALUE)
     dist_indexing = np.append(self.dist_ravel, 0)
     target_rad =[idx_all], _FILL_VALUE)
     weight = dist_indexing[idx_all]
     inp = target_rad.reshape(xdim, ydim, _MAX_RETURN)
     wgt = weight.reshape(xdim, ydim, _MAX_RETURN)
     return, weights=1 / wgt, axis=2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def singlePointBinaryCrossover(p1: np.ndarray,
                               p2: np.ndarray) -> [np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    index = int(np.floor(np.random.default_rng().random() * p1.size))

    c1 = np.append(p1.ravel()[:index], p2.ravel()[index:])
    c2 = np.append(p2.ravel()[:index], p1.ravel()[index:])

    c1 = c1.reshape(p1.shape)
    c2 = c2.reshape(p1.shape)
    if p1.shape != p2.shape:
        print(p1.shape, ":::", p2.shape)

    return c1, c2
Ejemplo n.º 27
def mtx_similar1(arr1:np.ndarray, arr2:np.ndarray) ->float:
    farr1 = arr1.ravel()
    farr2 = arr2.ravel()
    len1 = len(farr1)
    len2 = len(farr2)
    if len1 > len2:
        farr1 = farr1[:len2]
        farr2 = farr2[:len1]

    numer = np.sum(farr1 * farr2)
    denom = np.sqrt(np.sum(farr1**2) * np.sum(farr2**2))
    similar = numer / denom 
    return  (similar+1) / 2
Ejemplo n.º 28
def dump_lattice_gro(vectors: numpy.ndarray) -> str:
    Extracts final line of a .gro file from the lattice vectors for pbc.

    vectors : numpy.ndarray((3,3))
        An array with a lattice vector in each row.

    line : string
        The final line of a .gro file.


    # Reorder the vectors comps
    vectors = vectors.ravel()
    index = (0, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7)
    new_vector = numpy.zeros_like(vectors)
    for i, val in enumerate(index):
        new_vector[i] = vectors[val]
    if numpy.any(new_vector[3:]):
        lim = 9
        lim = 3
    return ' '.join(['{:9.5f}'.format(i) for i in new_vector[:lim]])
Ejemplo n.º 29
def array_to_rest_datadef(data_type: str,
                          array: np.ndarray,
                          names: Optional[List[str]] = []) -> Dict:
    Construct a payload Dict from a numpy array


       Dict representing Seldon payload

    datadef: Dict = {"names": names}
    if data_type == "tensor":
        datadef["tensor"] = {
            "shape": array.shape,
            "values": array.ravel().tolist()
    elif data_type == "ndarray":
        datadef["ndarray"] = array.tolist()
    elif data_type == "tftensor":
        tftensor = tf.make_tensor_proto(array)
        jStrTensor = json_format.MessageToJson(tftensor)
        jTensor = json.loads(jStrTensor)
        datadef["tftensor"] = jTensor
        datadef["ndarray"] = array.tolist()
    return datadef
Ejemplo n.º 30
def as_tensor_table(array: np.ndarray):
    size = array.size
    shape = array.shape
    indices = np.unravel_index(range(size), shape)
    out = {f"dim{i}": idx for i, idx in enumerate(indices)}
    out["val"] = array.ravel()
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def get_cells_to_nums(
         ordered_nums: np.ndarray) -> Dict[Tuple[int, ...], int]:
     flattened = ordered_nums.ravel()
     word_divs = np.flatnonzero(np.diff(flattened, prepend=-1))
     nums = flattened[word_divs]
     groups = np.split(np.arange(len(flattened)), word_divs[1:])
     return dict(zip(map(tuple, groups), nums))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def logmart(A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray,
            relax: float = 1.,
            x0: float = None,
            sigma: float = None,
            max_iter: int = 200) -> tuple:
    Displays delta Chisquare.
    Program is stopped if Chisquare increases.
    A is NxM array
    b is Nx1 vector
    returns Mx1 vector

    relax	     user specified relaxation constant	(default is 20.)
    x0	     user specified initial guess (N vector)  (default is backproject y, i.e., y#A)
    max_iter	user specified max number of iterations (default is 20)

    AUTHOR:	Joshua Semeter
    LAST MODIFIED:	5-2015

      Simple test problem
    A = np.diag([5, 5, 5])
    x = np.array([1,2,3])
    b = A @ x
# %% parameter check
    if b.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError('y must be a column vector')
    if A.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('A must be a matrix')
    if A.shape[0] != b.size:
        raise ValueError('A and y number of rows must match')
    if not isinstance(relax, float):
        raise ValueError('relax is a scalar float')

    b = b.copy()  # needed to avoid modifying outside this function!
# %% set defaults
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = np.ones_like(b)

    if x0 is None:  # backproject
        x = A.T @ b / A.ravel().sum()
        xA = A @ x
        x = x * b.max() / xA.max()
    elif isinstance(x0, (float, int)) or x0.size == 1:  # replicate
        x = x0 * np.ones_like(b)
        x = x0
# %% make sure there are no 0's in y
    b[b <= 1e-8] = 1e-8
    # W=sigma;
    # W=linspace(1,0,size(A,1))';
    # W=rand(size(A,1),1);
    W = np.ones(A.shape[0])
    W = W / W.sum()

    i = 0
    done = False
    arg = ((A @ x - b)/sigma)**2.
    chi2 = np.sqrt(arg.sum())

# %%  iterate solution, plot estimated data (diag elems of x#A)
    while not done:
        i += 1
        xold = x
        xA = A @ x
        t = (1/xA).min()
        C = relax*t*(1.-(xA/b))
        x = x / (1 - x*(A.T @ (W*C)))
# %% monitor solution
        chiold = chi2
        chi2 = np.sqrt((((xA - b)/sigma)**2).sum())
        # dchi2=(chi2-chiold);
        done = ((chi2 > chiold) & (i > 2)) | (i == max_iter) | (chi2 < 0.7)
# %% plot
#        figure(9); clf; hold off;
#        Nest=reshape(x,69,83);
#        imagesc(Nest); caxis([0,1e11]);
#        set(gca,'YDir','normal'); set(gca,'XDir','normal');
#        pause(0.02)
    y_est = A @ xold

    return xold, y_est, chi2, i