Ejemplo n.º 1
 def norm(self, X: BlockArray, order=2) -> BlockArray:
     assert len(X.shape) == 1, "Only vector norms are supported."
     assert order in (1, 2), "Only order 1 and 2 norms supported."
     if order == 2:
         return self.sqrt(X.transpose(defer=True) @ X)
         return self.sum(self.abs(X))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def gradient(
     X: BlockArray,
     y: BlockArray,
     mu: BlockArray = None,
     beta: BlockArray = None,
     if mu is None:
         mu = self.forward(X)
     return X.transpose(defer=True) @ (mu - y)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None):
     if mu is None:
         mu = self.forward(X)
     dim, block_dim = mu.shape[0], mu.block_shape[0]
     s = (mu * (self._app.one - mu)).reshape((dim, 1),
                                             block_shape=(block_dim, 1))
     r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ (s * X)
     if self._penalty is not None:
         r += self.hessian_penalty()
     return r
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def gradient(
     X: BlockArray,
     y: BlockArray,
     mu: BlockArray = None,
     beta: BlockArray = None,
     if mu is None:
         mu = self.forward(X)
     r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ (mu - y)
     if self._penalty is not None:
         assert beta is not None
         r += self.grad_penalty(beta)
     return r
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ridge_regression(app: ArrayApplication, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray,
                     lamb: float):
    assert len(X.shape) == 2
    assert len(y.shape) == 1
    assert lamb >= 0
    block_shape = X.block_shape
    shape = X.shape
    R_shape = (shape[1], shape[1])
    R_block_shape = (block_shape[1], block_shape[1])
    R = indirect_tsr(app, X)
    lamb_vec = app.array(lamb * np.eye(R_shape[0]), block_shape=R_block_shape)
    # TODO (hme): A better solution exists, which inverts R by augmenting X and y.
    #  See Murphy 7.5.2.
    theta = inv(app, lamb_vec +
                R.transpose(defer=True) @ R) @ (X.transpose(defer=True) @ y)
    return theta
Ejemplo n.º 6
def irls(
    app: ArrayApplication,
    model: LogisticRegression,
    X: BlockArray,
    y: BlockArray,
    tol: BlockArray,
    max_iter: int,
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        eta: BlockArray = X @ beta
        mu: BlockArray = model.link_inv(eta)
        s = mu * (1 - mu) + 1e-16
        XT_s = X.transpose(defer=True) * s
        # These are PSD, but inv is faster than psd inv.
        XTsX_inv = linalg.inv(app, XT_s @ X)
        z = eta + (y - mu) / s
        beta = XTsX_inv @ XT_s @ z
        g = model.gradient(X, y, mu, beta)
        if app.max(app.abs(g)) <= tol:
    return beta
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None):
     if mu is None:
         mu = self.forward(X)
     # TODO (hme): This is sub-optimal as it forces the computation of X.T.
     return (X.transpose(defer=True) * mu) @ X
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def hessian(self, X: BlockArray, y: BlockArray, mu: BlockArray = None):
     r = X.transpose(defer=True) @ X
     if self._penalty is not None:
         r += self.hessian_penalty()
     return r