Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testRadius(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 100
        p.radius = 10
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        sdr1 = SDR(enc.parameters.size)
        sdr2 = SDR(enc.parameters.size)

        enc.encode(77, sdr1)
        enc.encode(77, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 10)

        enc.encode(0, sdr1)
        enc.encode(1, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 9)

        enc.encode(60, sdr1)
        enc.encode(69, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 1)

        enc.encode(45, sdr1)
        enc.encode(55, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testStatistics(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size = 100
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 20
        p.clipInput = True
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        del p
        out = SDR(enc.parameters.size)
        mtr = Metrics(out, 9999)

        # The activation frequency of bits near the endpoints of the range is a
        # little weird, because the bits at the very end are not used as often
        # as the ones in the middle of the range, unless clipInputs is enabled.
        # If clipInputs is enabled then the bits 1 radius from the end get used
        # twice as often as the should because they respond to inputs off
        # outside of the valid range as well as inputs inside of the range.
        for i in np.linspace(
                enc.parameters.minimum - enc.parameters.radius / 2,
                enc.parameters.maximum + enc.parameters.radius / 2, 100 + 10):
            enc.encode(i, out)
            # print( i, out.sparse )

        assert (mtr.sparsity.min() > .95 * .10)
        assert (mtr.sparsity.max() < 1.05 * .10)
        assert (mtr.activationFrequency.min() > .50 * .10)
        assert (mtr.activationFrequency.max() < 1.75 * .10)
        assert (mtr.overlap.min() > .85)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testBadParameters(self):
        # Start with sane parameters.
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size = 10
        p.activeBits = 2
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 1

        # Check a lot of bad parameters
        p.activeBits = 12  # Can not activate more bits than are in the SDR.
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

        p.activeBits = 0  # not enough active bits
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):

        p.activeBits = 1
        p.size = 0  # not enough bits
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.activeBits = 2

        p.maximum = -1  # Maximum is less than the minimum
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.maximum = 1

        p.size = 0
        p.activeBits = 0
        p.sparsity = .1  # Specify sparsity without output size
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.size = 10
        p.activeBits = 2
        p.sparsity = 0

        p.sparsity = .2  # Sparsity & num activeBits specified
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.sparsity = 0

        p.clipInput = True  # Incompatible features...
        p.periodic = True
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.clipInput = False
        p.periodic = False

        p.radius = 1  # Size specified too many times
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.radius = 0

        p.resolution = 1  # Size specified too many times
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
        p.resolution = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testNaNs(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size = 100
     p.activeBits = 10
     p.minimum = 0
     p.maximum = 100
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR(100)
     enc.encode(float("nan"), sdr)
     assert (sdr.getSum() == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testEncode(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size = 10
     p.activeBits = 3
     p.minimum = 0
     p.maximum = 1
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR(10)
     enc.encode(0, sdr)
     assert (list(sdr.sparse) == [0, 1, 2])
     sdr2 = enc.encode(1)
     assert (list(sdr2.sparse) == [7, 8, 9])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testClipInput(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size = 345
     p.sparsity = .05
     p.minimum = 0
     p.maximum = 1
     p.clipInput = 1
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr1 = SDR(345)
     sdr2 = SDR(345)
     enc.encode(0, sdr1)
     enc.encode(-1, sdr2)
     assert (sdr1 == sdr2)
     enc.encode(1, sdr1)
     enc.encode(10, sdr2)
     assert (sdr1 == sdr2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def testBadEncode(self):
        # Test bad SDR
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size = 10
        p.activeBits = 2
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 1
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        good = SDR(10)
        bad = SDR(5)
        enc.encode(.25, good)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode(.25, bad)

        # Test bad inputs, out of valid range & clipping disabled.
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode(-.0001, good)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode(1.0001, good)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testConstructor(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size       = 1000
     p.activeBits = 20
     p.minimum    = 0
     p.maximum    = 345
     enc = ScalarEncoder( p )
     assert( not enc.parameters.clipInput )
     assert( not enc.parameters.periodic )
     assert( abs(enc.parameters.sparsity   - 20./1000) < .01 )
     assert( abs(enc.parameters.radius     - 7)        < 1 )
     assert( abs(enc.parameters.resolution - .35)      < .1 )
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testPeriodic(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size = 100
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 20
        p.periodic = True
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        out = SDR(enc.parameters.size)
        mtr = Metrics(out, 9999)

        for i in range(201 * 10 + 1):
            x = (i % 201) / 10.
            enc.encode(x, out)
            # print( x, out.sparse )

        assert (mtr.sparsity.min() > .95 * .10)
        assert (mtr.sparsity.max() < 1.05 * .10)
        assert (mtr.activationFrequency.min() > .9 * .10)
        assert (mtr.activationFrequency.max() < 1.1 * .10)
        assert (mtr.overlap.min() > .85)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testResolution(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 100
        p.resolution = .5
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        sdr1 = SDR(enc.parameters.size)
        sdr2 = SDR(enc.parameters.size)

        enc.encode(.0, sdr1)
        enc.encode(.1, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1 == sdr2)

        enc.encode(.0, sdr1)
        enc.encode(.6, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 9)

        enc.encode(70, sdr1)
        enc.encode(72.5, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 5)

        enc.encode(70, sdr1)
        enc.encode(75, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 0)

        enc.encode(60, sdr1)
        enc.encode(80, sdr2)
        assert (sdr1.getOverlap(sdr2) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
# Setup the encoder.  First copy the command line arguments into the parameter structure.
parameters = ScalarEncoderParameters()
parameters.activeBits = args.activeBits
parameters.clipInput = False  # This script will never encode values outside of the range [min, max]
parameters.minimum = args.minimum
parameters.maximum = args.maximum
parameters.periodic = args.periodic
parameters.radius = args.radius
parameters.resolution = args.resolution
parameters.size = args.size
parameters.sparsity = args.sparsity

enc = ScalarEncoder(parameters)

# Run the encoder and measure some statistics about its output.
sdrs = []
n_samples = (enc.parameters.maximum -
             enc.parameters.minimum) / enc.parameters.resolution
n_samples = int(round(5 * n_samples))
for i in np.linspace(enc.parameters.minimum, enc.parameters.maximum,

M = Metrics([enc.size], len(sdrs) + 1)
for s in sdrs: