def get_initial(self):
		initial = super(LogUpdateView, self).get_initial()
		ml = MealLog.objects.get(id=self.meallog_id)
		dl = ml.daily_log

		self.dailylog_id =

		initial['date'] =
		initial['time'] = ml.log_time

		mi_list = MealItem.objects.filter(meal_log=ml)

		food_count = 1
		recipe_count = 1
		for item in mi_list:
				initial['food'+str(food_count)] =
				initial['food_portions'+str(food_count)] = chop_zeros(item.portions)
				food_count += 1
				initial['recipe'+str(recipe_count)] = item.recipe
				initial['recipe_portions'+str(recipe_count)] = chop_zeros(item.portions)
				recipe_count += 1
		return initial
 def get_metric_profile(self):
     return {
         'user': self.user,
         'gender': self.gender,
         'birthdate': self.birthdate,
         'height': chop_zeros(self.height),
         'weight': chop_zeros(self.weight),
         'caloriegoal': self.caloriegoal,
         'showmetric': self.showmetric
    def get_total(self):
        total = {
            'servingSize': 0,
            'calories': 0,
            'totalFat': 0,
            'cholesterol': 0,
            'sodium': 0,
            'totalCarb': 0,
            'protein': 0

        # gets the nutrients for single serving of the food/recipe
        nutrients = {}
            nutrients =
            nutrients = self.recipe.get_total()

        # for each nutrient
        for key in nutrients:
            # adds the food's nutrients times the portion size
            total[key] += nutrients[key] * self.portions

        # chops all unnecessary zeros
        for key in total:
            total[key] = chop_zeros(total[key])

        return total
    def get_total(self):
        total = {
            'servingSize': 0,
            'calories': 0,
            'totalFat': 0,
            'cholesterol': 0,
            'sodium': 0,
            'totalCarb': 0,
            'protein': 0

        # gets list of MealItems in current MealLog
        meal_item_list = MealItem.objects.filter(meal_log=self)

        # for each MealItem
        for m_item in meal_item_list:
            # gets total nutrients for each MealItem
            nutrients = m_item.get_total()
            # total the nutrients
            for key in nutrients:
                total[key] += nutrients[key]

        # chops all unnecessary zeros
        for key in total:
            total[key] = chop_zeros(total[key])

        return total
    def get_total(self):
        total = {
            'servingSize': 0,
            'calories': 0,
            'totalFat': 0,
            'cholesterol': 0,
            'sodium': 0,
            'totalCarb': 0,
            'protein': 0

        # gets list of meal logs for this daily log
        meal_log_list = MealLog.objects.filter(daily_log=self)

        # for each meal log
        for m_log in meal_log_list:
            # gets total nutrients of current meal
            nutrients = m_log.get_total()

            # for each nutrient
            for key in nutrients:
                # adds the food's nutrients times the portion size
                total[key] += nutrients[key]

        # chops all unnecessary zeros
        for key in total:
            total[key] = chop_zeros(total[key])

        return total
    def get_total(self):
        total = {
            'servingSize': 0,
            'calories': 0,
            'totalFat': 0,
            'cholesterol': 0,
            'sodium': 0,
            'totalCarb': 0,
            'protein': 0

        # gets list of recipe foods in current recipe
        recipe_food_list = RecipeFood.objects.filter(recipe=self)

        # for each meal food
        for r_food in recipe_food_list:
            # gets total nutrients for each food
            nutrients = r_food.get_total()
            # total the nutrients
            for key in nutrients:
                total[key] += nutrients[key] / self.servingsProduced

        # chops all unnecessary zeros
        for key in total:
            total[key] = chop_zeros(total[key])

        return total
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        # get context
        context = super(FactsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # if there is a GET request
        if self.request.method == 'GET':
            # get the query value
            query = self.request.GET.get('portions')

            # if query empty
            if query == None:
                # set to 1
                query = Decimal(1)
                # convert query to python decimal
                query = Decimal(query)
        # no GET request
            # set query to 1
            query = Decimal(1)

        # pass query as 'portions'
        context['portions'] = query

        # multiply nutrition data fields by query and chop trailing zeros
        context['food'].servingSize = chop_zeros(query *
        context['food'].calories = chop_zeros(query * context['food'].calories)
        context['food'].totalFat = chop_zeros(query * context['food'].totalFat)
        context['food'].cholesterol = chop_zeros(query *
        context['food'].sodium = chop_zeros(query * context['food'].sodium)
        context['food'].totalCarb = chop_zeros(query *
        context['food'].protein = chop_zeros(query * context['food'].protein)

        if self.request.user.is_authenticated:
            user = self.request.user
            profile = Profile.objects.get(user=user)
            user = None
            profile = None

        object_list = Recipe.objects.filter(Q(user=user) | Q(is_public=True))
        # stuff for the recipe list
        recipe_food_list = RecipeFood.objects.filter(food=self.kwargs['pk'])
        recipe_ids = recipe_food_list.distinct().values_list('recipe')
        object_list = object_list.filter(pk__in=recipe_ids)

        portions_list = RecipeFood.objects.none()
        for recipe in object_list:

            portions_list = portions_list | RecipeFood.objects.filter(
                food=self.kwargs['pk'], recipe=recipe)

        context['portions_list'] = portions_list

        context['object_list'] = object_list

        return context
	def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
		context = super(LogDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
		# make sure user has permission by matching the user to the DailyLog
			dl = DailyLog.objects.get(user=self.request.user, id=self.kwargs['pk'])
		except DailyLog.DoesNotExist:
			raise PermissionDenied

		# get list of MealLogs for this DailyLog
		ml_list = MealLog.objects.filter(daily_log=dl).order_by('log_time')
		info_list = []

		# build a dictionary for each meal log
		for ml in ml_list:
			info = {}
			info['id'] =
			info['time'] = ml.log_time.strftime('%I:%M %p')
			info['item_list'] = []
			info['total'] = ml.get_total()
			# get list of meal foods for each meal log
			mi_list = MealItem.objects.filter(meal_log=ml)

			# build a dictionary for each food in each meal log
			for mi in mi_list:
				item = {}
					item['type'] = 'food'
					item['id'] =
					item['name'] =
					item['type'] = 'recipe'
					item['id'] =
					item['name'] =
				item['portions'] = chop_zeros(mi.portions)
				item = {**item, **mi.get_total()}


		# add to context
		context['daytotal'] = dl.get_total()
		context['info_list'] = info_list
		return context
    def get_initial(self):
        initial = super(CopyRecipe, self).get_initial()
        ml = Recipe.objects.get(id=self.kwargs['pk'])

        self.recipe_id =

        initial['name'] =
        initial['servingsProduced'] = ml.servingsProduced
        initial['allergies'] = ml.allergies.all()
        initial['diets'] = ml.diets.all()
        initial['instruction'] = ml.instruction
        initial['is_public'] = ml.is_public

        mf_list = RecipeFood.objects.filter(recipe=ml)
        for i in range(mf_list.count()):
            initial['food' + str(i + 1)] = mf_list[i].food
            initial['portions' + str(i + 1)] = chop_zeros(mf_list[i].portions)

        return initial
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        # Call the base implementation first to get a context
        context = super(DetailRecipe, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['ingredients'] = RecipeFood.objects.filter(
        instance = Recipe.objects.get(id=self.kwargs['pk'])
        nutrition = instance.get_total()
        context['nutrition'] = nutrition

        # if there is a GET request
        if self.request.method == 'GET':
            # get the query value
            query = self.request.GET.get('portions')

            # if query empty
            if query == None:
                # set to 1
                query = Decimal(1)
                # convert query to python decimal
                query = Decimal(query)
        # no GET request
            # set query to 1
            query = Decimal(1)

        # pass query as 'portions'
        context['portions'] = query

        # multiply nutrition data fields by query and chop trailing zeros
        context['nutrition']['calories'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['calories'])
        context['nutrition']['totalFat'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['totalFat'])
        context['nutrition']['cholesterol'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['cholesterol'])
        context['nutrition']['sodium'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['sodium'])
        context['nutrition']['totalCarb'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['totalCarb'])
        context['nutrition']['protein'] = chop_zeros(
            query * context['nutrition']['protein'])

        return context