def main(): # print version print "nvcamera version: %s " % nvcamera.__version__ oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(0) oGraph.preview() oGraph.still(), 720, "mpeg4", "/data/nvcs_try.3gp") oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) print "Start video recording..." oCamera.startVideoRecording() # record video for 5 seconds time.sleep(5) print "Stop video recording..." oCamera.stopVideoRecording() oCamera.stopPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_PREVIEW_EOS) oGraph.stop() oGraph.close()
def main(): # print version print "nvcamera version: %s " % nvcamera.__version__ oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(0) oGraph.preview() oGraph.still() oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() # set focus to CAF oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_continuousautofocus, 1) oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) oCamera.halfpress(5000) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_ALGS) oCamera.still("/data/test.jpg") oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_READY, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_FILE_READY) oCamera.hp_release() oCamera.stopPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_PREVIEW_EOS) oGraph.stop() oGraph.close()
def main(): NUMBER_OF_ITERATION = 10 # change filename to point to correct raw file filename = "/data/raw/IMG_20000223_224642.nvraw" header = None # ---- Read and load raw file ---- # nvrf = nvrawfile.NvRawFile() if nvrf.readFile(filename): header = nvrf.makeLegacyHeader() try: # print version print "nvcamera version: %s " % nvcamera.__version__ # ---- create OpenMax graph ---- # oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager("host") oGraph.still(nvrf._width, nvrf._height) # ---- Pass host images through ISP ---- # oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() # disable ANR until the last execution oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_anr, 0) for i in range(NUMBER_OF_ITERATION): # set the iso from raw file # set the exposure time from the raw file print "Setting the exposure time to: %f" % nvrf._exposureTime print "Setting the iso to: %d" % nvrf._iso oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_iso, nvrf._iso) oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_exposuretime, nvrf._exposureTime) if (i == NUMBER_OF_ITERATION - 1): # enable ANR for the last iteration oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_anr, 1) # pass the raw image header, data and iteration information oCamera.setRawImage(header, nvrf._pixelData, i) oCamera.still("/data/test_%d.jpg" % i) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_READY) # wait here for ALL_CAPTURE_DONE event oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_ALL_CAPTURE_DONE) except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() # ---- stop the camera graph ---- # oGraph.stop() oGraph.close()
def main(): # print version print "nvcamera version: %s " % nvcamera.__version__ oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(0) oGraph.preview() oGraph.still() oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_concurrentrawdumpflag, 7) oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_pauseaftercapture, 1) # set 3A to Auto oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_whitebalance, "Auto") oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_exposuretime, -1) oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_continuousautofocus, 1) # create dirctory /data/raw because drive dumps # raw images in this directory if(not os.path.exists("/data/raw")): os.mkdir("/data/raw") oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) # set the flash mode to Auto, which will help assist the # halfpress to converge using flash and then do a strobe # during the capture oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_flashmode, "Auto") oCamera.halfpress(10000) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_ALGS) oCamera.still("/data/test.jpg") oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_READY, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_FILE_READY) oCamera.hp_release() oCamera.stopPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_PREVIEW_EOS) oGraph.stop() oGraph.close()
def main(): try: # print version print "nvcamera version: %s " % nvcamera.__version__ oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(0) oGraph.preview() oGraph.still() oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_exposuretime, 0.1) # set focus to CAF oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_continuousautofocus, 1) oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) oCamera.halfpress(10000) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_ALGS) oCamera.still("/data/test.jpg") oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_READY, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_FILE_READY) oCamera.hp_release() oCamera.stopPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_PREVIEW_EOS) oGraph.stop() oGraph.close() except Exception, err: traceback.print_exc() print "Error: %s" % err
def __init__(self, graphType=GraphType.JPEG): self.graphType = graphType self._obGraph = nvcamera.Graph() self._state = GraphState.CLOSED self.logger = nvcstestutils.Logger()
def main(): oGraph = None try: # parse arguments usage = "\nUsage: %prog <options>\n\nCaptures an image with AE, AWB, and AF defaulted to Automatic" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-i', '--imager', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", metavar="IMAGER_ID", help='Sets Camera to be used for Captures \ Default = 0 \ 0 = Rear Facing, 1 = Front Facing ' ) parser.add_option( '-f', '--focus', dest='focus', default=400, type="int", metavar="FOCUS", help='Sets the Focus Position \ Default = 400 ' ) parser.add_option( '-g', '--gain', dest='gain', default=1.0, type="float", metavar="GAIN", help='Sets the amount of Digital Gain \ Default = 1.0 ' ) parser.add_option( '-e', '--exp', dest='exp_time', default=0.1, type="float", metavar="EXP_TIME", help='Sets the Exposure Time (in seconds) \ Default = 0.1 ' ) parser.add_option( '-p', '--preview', dest='preview', default=(0, 0), type="int", metavar="PREVIEW_RES", nargs=2, help='Sets the Image Preview Resolution \ Default = 0 0 [Maximum Supported Preview Resolution] \ --preview=<width> <height> ' ) parser.add_option( '-w', '--preview_wait', dest='preview_wait', default=0, type="int", metavar="PREVIEW_WAIT", help='Sets the number of seconds to wait before capture \ Default = 0 ' ) parser.add_option( '-s', '--still', dest='still', default=(0, 0), type="int", metavar="STILL_RES", nargs=2, help='Sets the Capture Resolution \ Default = 0 0 [Maximum Supported Capture Resolution] \ --still=<width> <height> \ NOTE: Does not affect Raw Captures ' ) parser.add_option( '-n', '--name', dest='fname', default="nvcs_test", type="str", metavar="FILE_NAME", help='Sets the Name of the Output File \ Default = nvcs_test ' ) parser.add_option( '-o', '--outdir', dest='output_dir', type="str", metavar="OUTPUT_DIR", default='/data/raw', help='Sets the Name of the Output Directory \ Default = /data/raw ' ) parser.add_option( '-t', '--outputtype', dest='output_type', type="str", metavar="OUTPUT_TYPE", default='raw', help='Sets the Type of Output \ Default = raw \ Supported Types: raw, jpeg, concurrent ' ) parser.add_option( '-v', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', metavar="VERSION", default=False, help='Prints NvCamera Module Version \ Default = False ' ) # parse the command line arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # print nvcamera module version if (options.version): print "nvcamera version: %s" % nvcamera.__version__ return rawImageDir = "/data/raw" # Unrelated to Output Directory Option outType = OUTTYPE_UNSPECIFIED # Determine Output Type if (options.output_type[0] == 'r'): #RAW outType = OUTTYPE_RAW elif (options.output_type[0] == 'j'): #JPEG outType = OUTTYPE_JPEG elif (options.output_type[0] == 'c'): #CONCURRENT outType = OUTTYPE_CONCURRENT # Create Raw Dump Directory for Driver if not os.path.exists(rawImageDir): os.mkdir(options.output_dir) else: #Unknown raise Exception("Unknown Capture Type") # create and run camera graph oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(options.imager_id) # set preview resolution oGraph.preview(options.preview[0], options.preview[1]) graphType = "Jpeg" if (outType == OUTTYPE_RAW): graphType = "Bayer" # set capture resolution oGraph.still(options.still[0], options.still[1], graphType) oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_pauseaftercapture, 1) # Create Output Directory if not os.path.exists(options.output_dir): os.mkdir(options.output_dir) # Start Camera and Wait until Ready oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) # Set Camera Attributes if (options.gain != -1): oCamera.setAttr( nvcamera.attr_bayergains, [options.gain, options.gain, options.gain, options.gain]) oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_exposuretime, options.exp_time) hasFocuser = True try: physicalRange = oCamera.getAttr( nvcamera.attr_focuspositionphysicalrange) except nvcamera.NvCameraException, err: print("focuser is not supported") hasFocuser = False else:
def main(): try: # parse arguments usage = "Usage: %prog <options>\nThe script captures image/video with AE, AWB and AF set to Auto by default." parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( '-c', '--imager', dest='imager_id', default=0, type="int", metavar="IMAGER_ID", help='select camera, 0 for rear facing, 1 for front facing') parser.add_option( '-p', '--preview', dest='preview', default=(-1, -1), type="int", metavar="PREVIEW_RES", nargs=2, help='set preview resolution (--preview=<width> <height>)\n\ , default is maximum supported preview resolution' ) parser.add_option( '-w', '--preview_wait', dest='preview_wait', default=0, type="int", metavar="PREVIEW_WAIT", help='number of seconds to wait after starting preview') parser.add_option( '-s', '--still', dest='still', default=(-1, -1), type="int", metavar="STILL_RES", nargs=2, help= 'capture still image at specified resolution (--still=<width> <height>)' ) parser.add_option('-i', '--iso', dest='iso', default=-1, type="int", metavar="ISO", help='set iso value, default is Auto') parser.add_option('-e', '--exp', dest='exp_time', default=-1, type="float", metavar="EXP_TIME", help='exposure time in seconds, default is Auto') parser.add_option('-g', '--gain', dest='gain', default=-1, type="float", metavar="GAIN", help='gain, default is Auto') parser.add_option('-f', '--focus', dest='focus', default=-1, type="int", metavar="FOCUS", help='focus position, , default is Auto') parser.add_option('-n', '--name', dest='fname', default="nvcs_test", type="str", metavar="FILE_NAME", help='name of the file, default is nvcs_test') parser.add_option('-r', '--raw', dest='concurrent_raw', action='store_true', metavar="CONCURRENT_RAW", default=False, help='captures concurrent raw image') parser.add_option( '--caf', dest='continuous_af', action='store_true', metavar="CONTINUOUS_AF", default=False, help='sets continuous auto focus mode, , default is False') parser.add_option( '-o', '--outdir', dest='output_dir', type="str", metavar="OUTPUT_DIR", default='/data/raw', help='sets output directory for the image(s), default is /data/raw' ) parser.add_option( '--video', dest='video', default=(-1, -1), type="int", metavar="VIDEO_RES", nargs=2, help= 'capture video at specified resolution (--video=<width> <height>)') parser.add_option('--video-enc', dest='video_enc', default="Mpeg4", type="string", metavar="VIDEO_ENC", help='set video encoder, default is Mpeg4 encoder') parser.add_option( '--video-time', dest='video_time', default=5, type="int", metavar="VIDEO_TIME", help='set video recording time in seconds, default is 5 seconds') parser.add_option('-v', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', metavar="VERSION", default=False, help='print nvcamera module version') # parse the command line arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # print nvcamera module version if (options.version): print "nvcamera version: %s" % nvcamera.__version__ return # create and run camera graph oGraph = nvcamera.Graph() oGraph.setImager(options.imager_id) # set to default resolutions unless user has specified if (options.preview[0] == -1): oGraph.preview() else: oGraph.preview(options.preview[0], options.preview[1]) # set to default resolutions unless user has specified if (options.still[0] == -1): oGraph.still() else: oGraph.still(options.still[0], options.still[1]) videoFileName = options.output_dir + "/" + options.fname + ".3gp" if ([0] == -1):, 480, options.video_enc, videoFileName) else:[0],[1], options.video_enc, videoFileName) oCamera = nvcamera.Camera() oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_pauseaftercapture, 1) rawImageDir = "/data/raw" if (options.concurrent_raw): oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_concurrentrawdumpflag, 7) # create dirctory /data/raw because drive dumps # raw images in this directory if (not os.path.exists(rawImageDir)): os.mkdir(rawImageDir) if (not os.path.exists(options.output_dir)): os.mkdir(options.output_dir) if (options.concurrent_raw): rawFilesList = os.listdir(rawImageDir) oCamera.startPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_FIRST_PREVIEW_FRAME) # set the required attributes oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_iso, options.iso) if (options.gain != -1): oCamera.setAttr( nvcamera.attr_bayergains, [options.gain, options.gain, options.gain, options.gain]) oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_exposuretime, options.exp_time) hasFocuser = True try: oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_focuspos, options.focus) except nvcamera.NvCameraException, err: if (err.value == nvcamera.NvError_NotSupported): hasFocuser = False if (options.focus != -1 or options.continuous_af): raise OptionValueError( "ERROR: Focuser is not supported..can't use -f, --focus or --caf" ) else: pass else: raise if (options.continuous_af and hasFocuser): oCamera.setAttr(nvcamera.attr_continuousautofocus, 1) time.sleep(options.preview_wait) if (options.still[0] != -1): # ---- IMAGE CAPTURE START ---- # oCamera.halfpress(5000) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_ALGS) # capture an image jpegFileName = options.output_dir + "/" + options.fname + ".jpg" oCamera.still(jpegFileName) oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_READY, nvcamera.CamConst_CAP_FILE_READY) oCamera.hp_release() # ---- IMAGE CAPTURE STOP ---- # if ([0] != -1): # ---- VIDEO CAPTURE START ---- # oCamera.startVideoRecording() time.sleep(options.video_time) oCamera.stopVideoRecording() # ---- VIDEO CAPTURE STOP ---- # oCamera.stopPreview() oCamera.waitForEvent(12000, nvcamera.CamConst_PREVIEW_EOS) # stop and close the graph oGraph.stop() oGraph.close() newList = os.listdir(rawImageDir) if (options.concurrent_raw): for key in newList: if key not in rawFilesList: if 'nvraw' in key: os.rename( os.path.join(rawImageDir, key), os.path.join(options.output_dir, options.fname + ".nvraw")) break
def __init__(self): self.graph = nvcamera.Graph() = nvcamera.Camera()