Ejemplo n.º 1
class _OnGreatCirclePath(object):
    __doc__ = """ True if position B is on great circle and between endpoints of path A.

    path: tuple of 2 n-vectors
        2 n-vectors of positions defining path A, decomposed in E.
    n_EB_E:  3 x m array
        n-vector(s) of position B to measure the cross track distance to.
    radius: real scalar
        radius of sphere. (default 6371009.0)
    rtol, atol: real scalars
        defining relative and absolute tolerance

    on : bool array of length max(n, m)
        True if position B is on great circle and between endpoints of path A.



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([10], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class _DeltaE(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Return cartesian delta vector from positions A to B decomposed in E.

    positionA, positionB: Nvector, GeoPoint or ECEFvector objects
        position A and B, decomposed in E.

    p_AB_E:  ECEFvector
        Cartesian position vector(s) from A to B, decomposed in E.

    The calculation is excact, taking the ellipsity of the Earth into account.
    It is also non-singular as both n-vector and p-vector are non-singular
    (except for the center of the Earth).



    See also
Ejemplo n.º 3
class _CrossTrackDistance(object):
    __doc__ = """ Return  cross track distance between path A and position B.

    path: tuple of 2 n-vectors
        2 n-vectors of positions defining path A, decomposed in E.
    n_EB_E:  3 x m array
        n-vector(s) of position B to measure the cross track distance to.
    method: string
        defining distance calculated. Options are: 'greatcircle' or 'euclidean'
    radius: real scalar
        radius of sphere. (default 6371009.0)

    distance : array of length max(n, m)
        cross track distance(s)



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([10], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class FrameB(FrameN):
    __doc__ = """
    Body frame

    position: ECEFvector, GeoPoint or Nvector object
        position of the vehicle's reference point which also coincides with
        the origin of the frame B.
    yaw, pitch, roll: real scalars
        defining the orientation of frame B in [deg] or [rad].
    degrees : bool
        if True yaw, pitch, roll are given in degrees otherwise in radians

    The frame is fixed to the vehicle where the x-axis points forward, the
    y-axis to the right (starboard) and the z-axis in the vehicle's down



    See also
    FrameE, FrameL, FrameN

    def __init__(self, position, yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0, degrees=False):
        self.nvector = position.to_nvector()
        if degrees:
            yaw, pitch, roll = rad(yaw), rad(pitch), rad(roll)
        self.yaw = yaw
        self.pitch = pitch
        self.roll = roll

    def R_EN(self):
        R_NB = zyx2R(self.yaw, self.pitch, self.roll)
        n_EB_E = self.nvector.normal
        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_EB_E, self.nvector.frame.R_Ee)
        return mdot(R_EN, R_NB)  # rotation matrix

    def _is_equal_to(self, other, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-14):
        return (np.allclose(self.yaw, other.yaw, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                and np.allclose(self.pitch, other.pitch, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                and np.allclose(self.roll, other.roll, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                and np.allclose(self.R_EN, other.R_EN, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                and self.nvector == other.nvector)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class FrameN(_Common):
    __doc__ = """
    North-East-Down frame

    position: ECEFvector, GeoPoint or Nvector object
        position of the vehicle (B) which also defines the origin of the local
        frame N. The origin is directly beneath or above the vehicle (B), at
        Earth's surface (surface of ellipsoid model).

    The Cartesian frame is local and oriented North-East-Down, i.e.,
    the x-axis points towards north, the y-axis points towards east (both are
    horizontal), and the z-axis is pointing down.

    When moving relative to the Earth, the frame rotates about its z-axis
    to allow the x-axis to always point towards north. When getting close
    to the poles this rotation rate will increase, being infinite at the
    poles. The poles are thus singularities and the direction of the
    x- and y-axes are not defined here. Hence, this coordinate frame is
    NOT SUITABLE for general calculations.



    See also
    FrameE, FrameL, FrameB

    def __init__(self, position):
        nvector = position.to_nvector()
        self.nvector = Nvector(nvector.normal, z=0, frame=nvector.frame)

    def R_EN(self):
        nvector = self.nvector
        return n_E2R_EN(nvector.normal, nvector.frame.R_Ee)

    def _is_equal_to(self, other, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-14):
        return (np.allclose(self.R_EN, other.R_EN, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
                and self.nvector == other.nvector)

    def Pvector(self, pvector):
        return Pvector(pvector, frame=self)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class _EuclideanDistance(object):
    __doc__ = """Return Euclidean distance between positions A and B

    n_EA_E, n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position A and B, decomposed in E.
    radius: real scalar
        radius of sphere.


    """.format(_examples.get_examples([5], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 7
class _ECEFvector2Nvector(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Converts Cartesian position vector in meters to n-vector.

    p_EB_E:  3 x n array
        Cartesian position vector(s) from E to B, decomposed in E.
    a: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Semi-major axis of the Earth ellipsoid given in [m].
    f: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Flattening [no unit] of the Earth ellipsoid. If f==0 then spherical
        Earth with radius a is used in stead of WGS-84.
    R_Ee : 3 x 3 array
        rotation matrix defining the axes of the coordinate frame E.

    n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position B, decomposed in E.
    depth:  1 x n array
        Depth(s) [m] of system B, relative to the ellipsoid (depth = -height)

    The position of B (typically body) relative to E (typically Earth) is
    given into this function as cartesian position vector p_EB_E, in meters.
    ("ECEF-vector"). The function converts to n-vector, n_EB_E and its
    depth, depth.
    The calculation is excact, taking the ellipsity of the Earth into account.
    It is also non-singular as both n-vector and p-vector are non-singular
    (except for the center of the Earth).
    The default ellipsoid model used is WGS-84, but other ellipsoids/spheres
    might be specified.



    See also
    n_EB_E2p_EB_E, n_EA_E_and_p_AB_E2n_EB_E, n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E

    """.format(_examples.get_examples([3], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 8
class _DeltaFromPositionAtoB(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Return the delta vector from position A to B.

    n_EA_E, n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position A and B, decomposed in E.
    z_EA, z_EB:  1 x n array
        Depth(s) [m] of system A and B, relative to the ellipsoid.
        (z_EA = -height, z_EB = -height)
    a: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Semi-major axis of the Earth ellipsoid given in [m].
    f: real scalar, default WGS-84 ellipsoid.
        Flattening [no unit] of the Earth ellipsoid. If f==0 then spherical
        Earth with radius a is used in stead of WGS-84.
    R_Ee : 3 x 3 array
        rotation matrix defining the axes of the coordinate frame E.

    p_AB_E:  3 x n array
        Cartesian position vector(s) from A to B, decomposed in E.

    The n-vectors for positions A (n_EA_E) and B (n_EB_E) are given. The
    output is the delta vector from A to B (p_AB_E).
    The calculation is excact, taking the ellipsity of the Earth into account.
    It is also non-singular as both n-vector and p-vector are non-singular
    (except for the center of the Earth).
    The default ellipsoid model used is WGS-84, but other ellipsoids/spheres
    might be specified.



    See also
    n_EA_E_and_p_AB_E2n_EB_E, p_EB_E2n_EB_E, n_EB_E2p_EB_E

    """.format(_examples.get_examples([1], False))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class _GreatCircleDistance(object):
    __doc__ = """ Return great circle distance between positions A and B

    n_EA_E, n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position A and B, decomposed in E.
    radius: real scalar
        radius of sphere.

    Formulae is given by equation (16) in Gade (2010) and is well
    conditioned for all angles.



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([5], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 10
class _MeanHorizontalPosition(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Return the n-vector of the horizontal mean position.

    n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vectors [no unit] of positions Bi, decomposed in E.

    p_EM_E:  3 x 1 array
        n-vector [no unit] of the mean positions of all Bi, decomposed in E.



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([7], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 11
class _ClosestPointOnGreatCircle(object):
    __doc__ = """ Return closest point C on great circle path A to position B.

    path: tuple of 2 n-vectors of 3 x n arrays
        2 n-vectors of positions defining path A, decomposed in E.
    n_EB_E:  3 x m array
        n-vector(s) of position B to find the closest point to.

    n_EC_E:  3 x max(m, n) array
        n-vector(s) of closest position C on great circle path A



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([10], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 12
class _Intersect(object):
    __doc__ = """Return the intersection(s) between the great circles of the two paths

    path_a, path_b: tuple of 2 n-vectors
        defining path A and path B, respectively.
        Path A and B has shape 2 x 3 x n and 2 x 3 x m, respectively.

    n_EC_E : array of shape 3 x max(n, m)
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position C decomposed in E.
        point(s) of intersection between paths.



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([9], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 13
class _PositionBFromAzimuthAndDistanceFromPositionA(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Return position B from azimuth and distance from position A

    n_EA_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position A decomposed in E.
    distance_rad: n, array
        great circle distance [rad] from position A to B
    azimuth: n array
        Angle [rad] the line makes with a meridian, taken clockwise from north.

    n_EB_E:  3 x n array
        n-vector(s) [no unit] of position B decomposed in E.



    """.format(_examples.get_examples([8], OO=False))
Ejemplo n.º 14
class GeoPath(object):
    __doc__ = """
    Geographical path between two positions in Frame E

     positionA, positionB: Nvector, GeoPoint or ECEFvector objects
        The path is defined by the line between position A and B, decomposed
        in E.


    """.format(_examples.get_examples([5, 6, 9, 10]))

    def __init__(self, positionA, positionB):
        self.positionA = positionA
        self.positionB = positionB

    def nvectors(self):
        """ Return positionA and positionB as n-vectors
        return self.positionA.to_nvector(), self.positionB.to_nvector()

    def geo_points(self):
        """ Return positionA and positionB as geo-points
        return self.positionA.to_geo_point(), self.positionB.to_geo_point()

    def ecef_vectors(self):
        """ Return positionA and positionB as  ECEF-vectors
        return self.positionA.to_ecef_vector(), self.positionB.to_ecef_vector()

    def nvector_normals(self):
        n_EA_E, n_EB_E = self.nvectors()
        return n_EA_E.normal, n_EB_E.normal

    def _get_average_radius(self):
        # n1 = self.positionA.to_nvector()
        # n2 = self.positionB.to_nvector()
        # n_EM_E = mean_horizontal_position(np.hstack((n1.normal, n2.normal)))
        # p_EM_E = n1.frame.Nvector(n_EM_E).to_ecef_vector()
        # radius = norm(p_EM_E.pvector, axis=0)
        # radius = (norm(p_E1_E.pvector, axis=0) +
        #           norm(p_E2_E.pvector, axis=0)) / 2
        p_E1_E, p_E2_E = self.ecef_vectors()
        radius = (p_E1_E.length + p_E2_E.length) / 2
        return radius

    def cross_track_distance(self, point, method='greatcircle', radius=None):
        Return cross track distance from path to point.

        point: GeoPoint, Nvector or ECEFvector object
            position to measure the cross track distance to.
        radius: real scalar
            radius of sphere in [m]. Default mean Earth radius
        method: string
            defining distance calculated. Options are:
            'greatcircle' or 'euclidean'

        distance: real scalar
            distance in [m]
        if radius is None:
            radius = self._get_average_radius()
        path = self.nvector_normals()
        n_c = point.to_nvector().normal
        return cross_track_distance(path, n_c, method=method, radius=radius)

    def track_distance(self, method='greatcircle', radius=None):
        Return the distance of the path.

        method: string
        radius: real scalar
            radius of sphere
        if method == 'exact':
            point_a, point_b = self.geo_points()
            s_ab, _angle1, _angle2 = point_a.distance_and_azimuth(point_b)
            return s_ab
        if radius is None:
            radius = self._get_average_radius()
        n_EA_E, n_EB_E = self.nvector_normals()

        if method[:2] == "eu":
            return euclidean_distance(n_EA_E, n_EB_E, radius)
        return great_circle_distance(n_EA_E, n_EB_E, radius)

    def intersection(self, path):
        Deprecated use intersect instead
        return self.intersect(path)

    def intersect(self, path):
        Return the intersection(s) between the great circles of the two paths

        path: GeoPath object
            path to intersect

        point: GeoPoint
            point of intersection between paths
        frame = self.positionA.frame
        path_a = self.nvector_normals()
        path_b = path.nvector_normals()
        n_EC_E = intersect(path_a, path_b)
        return frame.Nvector(n_EC_E)

    def _on_ellipsoid_path(self, point, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8):
        point_a, point_b = self.geo_points()
        distanceAB, azimuth_ab, _azi_ba = point_a.distance_and_azimuth(point_b)
        distanceAC, azimuth_ac, _azi_ca = point_a.distance_and_azimuth(point)
        return distanceAB >= distanceAC and np.allclose(
            azimuth_ab, azimuth_ac, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    def on_great_circle(self, point, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8):
        distance = np.abs(self.cross_track_distance(point))
        return np.isclose(distance, 0, rtol, atol)

    def _on_great_circle_path(self, point, radius=None, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8):
        if radius is None:
            radius = self._get_average_radius()
        path = self.nvector_normals()
        point_c = point.to_nvector().normal
        return on_great_circle_path(path, point_c, radius, rtol, atol)

# pointA, pointB = path
# p_ba = pointB - pointA
# p_ca = point_c - pointA
# is_parallell = np.all(np.isclose(np.cross(p_ba, p_ca, axis=0), 0,
#                                  rtol, atol), axis=0)
# same_direction = (np.all(np.sign(np.dot(p_ba.T, p_ca)) == 1, axis=0) &
#                   np.all(np.sign(p_ba) == np.sign(p_ca), axis=0))
# return (is_parallell & same_direction &
#          norm(p_ba, axis=0) >= norm(p_ca, axis=0))

    def on_path(self, point, method='greatcircle', rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8):
        Return True if point is on the path between A and B

        point : Nvector, GeoPoint or ECEFvector
            point to test
        method: string

        >>> import nvector as nv
        >>> wgs84 = nv.FrameE(name='WGS84')
        >>> pointA = wgs84.GeoPoint(89, 0, degrees=True)
        >>> pointB = wgs84.GeoPoint(80, 0, degrees=True)
        >>> path = nv.GeoPath(pointA, pointB)
        >>> pointC = path.interpolate(0.6).to_geo_point()
        >>> path.on_path(pointC)
        array([ True], dtype=bool)

        >>> pointD = path.interpolate(1.000000001).to_geo_point()
        >>> path.on_path(pointD)
        array([False], dtype=bool)
        >>> pointE = wgs84.GeoPoint(85, 0.0001, degrees=True)
        >>> path.on_path(pointE)
        array([False], dtype=bool)
        >>> pointC = path.interpolate(-2).to_geo_point()
        >>> path.on_path(pointC)
        array([False], dtype=bool)
        >>> path = nv.GeoPath(pointC, pointA)

        if method == 'exact':
            return self._on_ellipsoid_path(point, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
        return self._on_great_circle_path(point, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    def closest_point_on_great_circle(self, point):
        nvector = point.to_nvector()

        path = self.nvector_normals()
        n = closest_point_on_great_circle(path, nvector.normal)

        return nvector.frame.Nvector(n, nvector.z).to_geo_point()

    def closest_point_on_path(self, point):
        Returns closest point on great circle path segment to the point.

        If the point is within the extent of the segment, the point returned is
        on the segment path otherwise, it is the closest endpoint defining the
        path segment.

        point: GeoPoint
            point of intersection between paths

        closest_point: GeoPoint
            closest point on path segment.

        >>> import nvector as nv
        >>> wgs84 = nv.FrameE(name='WGS84')
        >>> pointA = wgs84.GeoPoint(51., 1., degrees=True)
        >>> pointB = wgs84.GeoPoint(51., 2., degrees=True)
        >>> pointC = wgs84.GeoPoint(51., 1.9, degrees=True)
        >>> path = nv.GeoPath(pointA, pointB)
        >>> point = path.closest_point_on_path(pointC)
        >>> np.allclose((point.latitude_deg, point.longitude_deg),
        ...             ([51.00038411380564], [1.900003311624411]))
        >>> np.allclose(GeoPath(pointC, point).track_distance(),  42.67368351)
        >>> pointD = wgs84.GeoPoint(51.0, 2.1, degrees=True)
        >>> pointE = path.closest_point_on_path(pointD) # 51.0000, 002.0000
        >>> pointE.latitude_deg, pointE.longitude_deg
        (51.0, 2.0)
        point_c = self.closest_point_on_great_circle(point)
        if self.on_path(point_c):
            return point_c
        n0 = point.to_nvector().normal
        n1, n2 = self.nvector_normals()
        radius = self._get_average_radius()
        d1 = great_circle_distance(n1, n0, radius)
        d2 = great_circle_distance(n2, n0, radius)
        if d1 < d2:
            return self.positionA.to_geo_point()
        return self.positionB.to_geo_point()

    def interpolate(self, ti):
        Return the interpolated point along the path

        ti: real scalar
            interpolation time assuming position A and B is at t0=0 and t1=1,

        point: Nvector
            point of interpolation along path
        point_a, point_b = self.nvectors()
        point_c = point_a + (point_b - point_a) * ti
        point_c.normal = unit(point_c.normal, norm_zero_vector=np.nan)
        return point_c
Ejemplo n.º 15
class ECEFvector(Pvector):
    __doc__ = """
    Geographical position given as Cartesian position vector in frame E

    pvector: 3 x n array
        Cartesian position vector(s) [m] from E to B, decomposed in E.
    frame: FrameE object
        reference ellipsoid. The default ellipsoid model used is WGS84, but
        other ellipsoids/spheres might be specified.

    The position of B (typically body) relative to E (typically Earth) is
    given into this function as p-vector, p_EB_E relative to the center of the



    See also
    GeoPoint, ECEFvector, Pvector
    """.format(_examples.get_examples([3, 4]))

    def __init__(self, pvector, frame=None):
        self.pvector = pvector
        self.frame = _default_frame(frame)

    def change_frame(self, frame):
        Converts to Cartesian position vector in another frame

        frame: FrameB, FrameN or frameL object
            local frame M used to convert p_AB_E (position vector from A to B,
            decomposed in E) to a cartesian vector p_AB_M decomposed in M.

        p_AB_M:  Pvector object
            position vector from A to B, decomposed in frame M.

        See also
        _check_frames(self, frame.nvector)
        p_AB_E = self.pvector
        p_AB_N = mdot(np.rollaxis(frame.R_EN, 1, 0), p_AB_E[:, None, ...])
        return Pvector(p_AB_N.reshape(3, -1), frame=frame)

    def to_ecef_vector(self):
        return self

    def to_geo_point(self):
        Converts ECEF-vector to geo-point.

        point: GeoPoint object
            containing geodetic latitude and longitude given in [rad or deg]
            and depth, z, relative to the ellipsoid (depth = -height).

        See also
        n_E2lat_lon, n_EB_E2p_EB_E,  GeoPoint, Nvector, ECEFvector, Pvector
        return self.to_nvector().to_geo_point()

    def to_nvector(self):
        Converts ECEF-vector to n-vector.

        n_EB_E:  Nvector object
            n-vector(s) [no unit] of position B, decomposed in E.

        The calculation is excact, taking the ellipsity of the Earth into
        account. It is also non-singular as both n-vector and p-vector are
        non-singular (except for the center of the Earth).

        See also
        n_EB_E2p_EB_E, Nvector
        frame = self.frame
        p_EB_E = self.pvector
        R_Ee = frame.R_Ee
        n_EB_E, depth = p_EB_E2n_EB_E(p_EB_E, a=frame.a, f=frame.f, R_Ee=R_Ee)
        return Nvector(n_EB_E, z=depth, frame=frame)

    delta_to = _delta

    def __add__(self, other):
        _check_frames(self, other)
        return ECEFvector(self.pvector + other.pvector, self.frame)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        _check_frames(self, other)
        return ECEFvector(self.pvector - other.pvector, self.frame)

    def __neg__(self):
        return ECEFvector(-self.pvector, self.frame)