Ejemplo n.º 1
def testIndexBuildCheck(monkeypatch, nwLipsum, nwDummy, nwTempProj, nwRef):
    """Test core functionality of scaning, saving, loading and checking
    the index cache file.
    projFile = os.path.join(nwLipsum, "meta", "tagsIndex.json")
    testFile = os.path.join(nwTempProj, "1_tagsIndex.json")
    refFile  = os.path.join(nwRef, "proj", "1_tagsIndex.json")

    theProject = NWProject(nwDummy)
    assert theProject.openProject(nwLipsum)

    monkeypatch.setattr("nw.core.index.time", lambda: 123.4)

    theIndex = NWIndex(theProject, nwDummy)
    notIndexable = {
        "b3643d0f92e32": False, # Novel ROOT
        "45e6b01ca35c1": False, # Chapter One FOLDER
        "6bd935d2490cd": False, # Chapter Two FOLDER
        "67a8707f2f249": False, # Character ROOT
        "6c6afb1247750": False, # Plot ROOT
        "60bdf227455cc": False, # World ROOT
    for tItem in theProject.projTree:
        assert theIndex.reIndexHandle(tItem.itemHandle) is notIndexable.get(tItem.itemHandle, True)

    assert not theIndex.reIndexHandle(None)

    # Dummy exception function
    def doPanic(*arg, **kwargs):
        raise Exception

    # Make the save fail
    monkeypatch.setattr(json, "dump", doPanic)
    assert not theIndex.saveIndex()

    # Make the save pass
    assert theIndex.saveIndex()

    # Take a copy of the index
    tagIndex = str(theIndex.tagIndex)
    refIndex = str(theIndex.refIndex)
    novelIndex = str(theIndex.novelIndex)
    noteIndex = str(theIndex.noteIndex)
    textCounts = str(theIndex.textCounts)

    # Delete a handle
    assert theIndex.tagIndex.get("Bod", None) is not None
    assert theIndex.refIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex.noteIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex.textCounts.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex.tagIndex.get("Bod", None) is None
    assert theIndex.refIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None
    assert theIndex.noteIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None
    assert theIndex.textCounts.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None

    # Clear the index
    assert not theIndex.tagIndex
    assert not theIndex.refIndex
    assert not theIndex.novelIndex
    assert not theIndex.noteIndex
    assert not theIndex.textCounts

    # Make the load fail
    monkeypatch.setattr(json, "load", doPanic)
    assert not theIndex.loadIndex()

    # Make the load pass
    assert theIndex.loadIndex()

    assert str(theIndex.tagIndex) == tagIndex
    assert str(theIndex.refIndex) == refIndex
    assert str(theIndex.novelIndex) == novelIndex
    assert str(theIndex.noteIndex) == noteIndex
    assert str(theIndex.textCounts) == textCounts

    # Break the index and check that we notice
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.tagIndex["Bod"].append("Stuff") # No longer len() == 4
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    assert theIndex.loadIndex()
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.refIndex["fb609cd8319dc"]["T000001"]["tags"].append("Stuff") # No longer len() == 3
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    assert theIndex.loadIndex()
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.novelIndex["7a992350f3eb6"]["T000001"]["Stuff"] = "" # No longer len(keys()) == 8
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    assert theIndex.loadIndex()
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.noteIndex["4c4f28287af27"]["T000001"]["Stuff"] = "" # No longer len(keys()) == 8
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    assert theIndex.loadIndex()
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.textCounts["7a992350f3eb6"].append("Stuff") # No longer len() == 3
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    # Make the try/except trigger as well
    assert theIndex.loadIndex()
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    theIndex.refIndex["fb609cd8319dc"]["T000001"] = {"tagssss": []} # Wrong key name
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    # Finalise
    assert theProject.closeProject()

    copyfile(projFile, testFile)
    assert cmpFiles(testFile, refFile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testCoreIndex_LoadSave(monkeypatch, nwLipsum, dummyGUI, outDir, refDir):
    """Test core functionality of scaning, saving, loading and checking
    the index cache file.
    projFile = os.path.join(nwLipsum, "meta", "tagsIndex.json")
    testFile = os.path.join(outDir, "coreIndex_LoadSave_tagsIndex.json")
    compFile = os.path.join(refDir, "coreIndex_LoadSave_tagsIndex.json")

    theProject = NWProject(dummyGUI)
    assert theProject.openProject(nwLipsum)

    monkeypatch.setattr("nw.core.index.time", lambda: 123.4)

    theIndex = NWIndex(theProject, dummyGUI)
    notIndexable = {
        "b3643d0f92e32": False,  # Novel ROOT
        "45e6b01ca35c1": False,  # Chapter One FOLDER
        "6bd935d2490cd": False,  # Chapter Two FOLDER
        "67a8707f2f249": False,  # Character ROOT
        "6c6afb1247750": False,  # Plot ROOT
        "60bdf227455cc": False,  # World ROOT
    for tItem in theProject.projTree:
        assert theIndex.reIndexHandle(tItem.itemHandle) is notIndexable.get(
            tItem.itemHandle, True)

    assert not theIndex.reIndexHandle(None)

    # Make the save fail
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr(json, "dump", causeException)
        assert not theIndex.saveIndex()

    # Make the save pass
    assert theIndex.saveIndex()

    # Take a copy of the index
    tagIndex = str(theIndex._tagIndex)
    refIndex = str(theIndex._refIndex)
    novelIndex = str(theIndex._novelIndex)
    noteIndex = str(theIndex._noteIndex)
    textCounts = str(theIndex._textCounts)

    # Delete a handle
    assert theIndex._tagIndex.get("Bod", None) is not None
    assert theIndex._refIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex._noteIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex._textCounts.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is not None
    assert theIndex._tagIndex.get("Bod", None) is None
    assert theIndex._refIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None
    assert theIndex._noteIndex.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None
    assert theIndex._textCounts.get("4c4f28287af27", None) is None

    # Clear the index
    assert not theIndex._tagIndex
    assert not theIndex._refIndex
    assert not theIndex._novelIndex
    assert not theIndex._noteIndex
    assert not theIndex._textCounts

    # Make the load fail
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr(json, "load", causeException)
        assert not theIndex.loadIndex()

    # Make the load pass
    assert theIndex.loadIndex()

    assert str(theIndex._tagIndex) == tagIndex
    assert str(theIndex._refIndex) == refIndex
    assert str(theIndex._novelIndex) == novelIndex
    assert str(theIndex._noteIndex) == noteIndex
    assert str(theIndex._textCounts) == textCounts

    # Break the index and check that we notice
    assert not theIndex.indexBroken
    assert theIndex.indexBroken

    # Finalise
    assert theProject.closeProject()

    copyfile(projFile, testFile)
    assert cmpFiles(testFile, compFile)