def __init__(self, ip, port=6000): SWSHBot.__init__(self, ip, port) from structure import EncounterNest8Archive, NestHoleDistributionEncounter8Archive buf = bytearray(open('../resources/bytes/local_raid', 'rb').read()) Den.LOCALTABLE = EncounterNest8Archive.GetRootAsEncounterNest8Archive( buf, 0) buf = self.readEventBlock_RaidEncounter('Event/Current/') Den.EVENTTABLE = NestHoleDistributionEncounter8Archive.GetRootAsNestHoleDistributionEncounter8Archive( buf, 0x20) self.resets = 0
np = import_numpy() ReadFromConsole = False DumpPath = 'Event/Current/' LocalPath = 'Event/PersonalDump/' config = json.load(open("../config.json")) Island = 0 pmtext = PKMString() buf = bytearray(open('../resources/bytes/local_drop', 'rb').read()) drop = NestHoleReward8Archive.GetRootAsNestHoleReward8Archive(buf, 0) buf = bytearray(open('../resources/bytes/local_bonus', 'rb').read()) bonus = NestHoleReward8Archive.GetRootAsNestHoleReward8Archive(buf, 0) if ReadFromConsole: b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) if Island == 0: buf = b.readEventBlock_RaidEncounter(DumpPath) elif Island == 1: buf = b.readEventBlock_RaidEncounter_IoA(DumpPath) else: buf = b.readEventBlock_RaidEncounter_CT(DumpPath) else: buf = bytearray(open( LocalPath + 'normal_encount', 'rb').read()) if Island == 0 else bytearray( open(LocalPath + f'normal_encount_rigel{Island}', 'rb').read()) eventencounter = NestHoleDistributionEncounter8Archive.GetRootAsNestHoleDistributionEncounter8Archive( buf, 0x20) if ReadFromConsole:
# Go to root of PyNXBot import sys sys.path.append('../') from structure import PK8 from nxbot import SWSHBot b = SWSHBot('') for ii in range(1, 7): pk8 = PK8(b.readParty(ii)) print(pk8.toString())
# Go to root of PyNXBot import sys import json sys.path.append('../') from nxbot import SWSHBot config = json.load(open("../config.json")) b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) print(f"TID: {b.TrainerSave.TID()}") print(f"SID: {b.TrainerSave.SID()}") print(f"TSV: {b.TrainerSave.TSV()}") print(f"Language: {b.TrainerSave.getLangName()}") print(f"Money: {b.TrainerSave.Money()}$") print(f"Watts: {b.TrainerSave.Watts()}\n") b.close()
# Go to root of PyNXBot import sys import json sys.path.append('../') from structure import PK8 from nxbot import SWSHBot config = json.load(open("../config.json")) b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) while True: pk8 = PK8(b.readWild()) if pk8.isValid() and != 0: print(pk8.toString()) else: print("No battle started\n") stop = input("Check again? (y/n): ") print() if stop == 'n' or stop == 'N': b.close()
# Go to root of PyNXBot import sys import json sys.path.append('../') from structure import PK8 from nxbot import SWSHBot config = json.load(open("../config.json")) b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) for ii in range(1, 7): print(f"Slot: {ii}") pk8 = PK8(b.readParty(ii)) if pk8.isValid() and != 0: print(pk8.toString()) else: print('Empty') print() b.close()
def __init__(self,ip,port = 6000): SWSHBot.__init__(self,ip,port)
def __init__(self, ip, port=6000): SWSHBot.__init__(self, ip, port) self.resets = 0
import signal import sys import json sys.path.append('../') from structure import PK8 from nxbot import SWSHBot from lookups import Util def signal_handler(signal, frame): #CTRL+C handler print() print("Stop request") b.close() config = json.load(open("../config.json")) b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) V6 = [31,31,31,31,31,31] #add here the spreads you need A0 = [31,0,31,31,31,31] S0 = [31,31,31,31,31,0] TRA0 = [31,0,31,31,31,0] print("Modes:\n1) Ethernatus\n2)Registeel/Regirock/Regice/Regidrago/Regieleki\n") mode = int(input("Input the desired mode: (1/2) ")) while True: found = False if mode == 1:
# Go to root of PyNXBot import sys import json sys.path.append('../') from structure import PK8 from nxbot import SWSHBot config = json.load(open("../config.json")) b = SWSHBot(config["IP"]) while True: empty = True box = int(input('Which box would you like to check? ')) print() for ii in range(1, 31): pk8 = PK8(b.readBox(box, ii)) if pk8.isValid() and != 0: print(f"Box: {box} Slot: {ii}") print(pk8.toString()) empty = False if empty: print('Box is empty\n') stop = input('Continue? (y/n) ') if stop != 'y' and stop != 'Y': break b.close()