Ejemplo n.º 1
 def syncmotorsforever(self, power):
     if self._bricks:
         if not((power < -127) or (power > 127)):
                 motorB = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_B)
                 motorC = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_C)
                 syncmotors = SynchronizedMotors(motorB, motorC, 0)
                 raise logoerror(ERROR_GENERIC)
             raise logoerror(ERROR_POWER)
         raise logoerror(ERROR_BRICK)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def syncmotorsforever(self, power):
     if self._bricks:
         if not((power < -127) or (power > 127)):
                 motorB = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_B)
                 motorC = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_C)
                 syncmotors = SynchronizedMotors(motorB, motorC, 0)
                 raise logoerror(ERROR_GENERIC)
             raise logoerror(ERROR_POWER)
         raise logoerror(ERROR_BRICK)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def syncmotors(self, power, turns):
     if self._bricks:
         if not((power < -127) or (power > 127)):
             if turns < 0:
                 turns = abs(turns)
                 power = -1 * power
                 motorB = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_B)
                 motorC = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_C)
                 syncmotors = SynchronizedMotors(motorB, motorC, 0)
                 syncmotors.turn(power, int(turns*360))
                 raise logoerror(ERROR_GENERIC)
             raise logoerror(ERROR_POWER)
         raise logoerror(ERROR_BRICK)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def syncmotors(self, power, turns):
     if self._bricks:
         if not((power < -127) or (power > 127)):
             if turns < 0:
                 turns = abs(turns)
                 power = -1 * power
                 motorB = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_B)
                 motorC = Motor(self._bricks[self.active_nxt], PORT_C)
                 syncmotors = SynchronizedMotors(motorB, motorC, 0)
                 syncmotors.turn(power, int(turns*360))
                 raise logoerror(ERROR_GENERIC)
             raise logoerror(ERROR_POWER)
         raise logoerror(ERROR_BRICK)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
     self.left = Motor(self.brick, PORT_C)
     self.right = Motor(self.brick, PORT_A)
     self.tracks = SynchronizedMotors(self.left, self.right, 0)
     self.scale_factor = 0.1 # A factor for reducing the size of input measurements
     self.motorZero = [0,0] # An array for resetting the motor readings.
     self.currentMotorPosition = [0,0] 
     self.previousMotorPosition = [0,0]
     self.currentMotorVelocity = [0,0] 
     self.previousMotorVelocity = [0,0] 
     self.currentMotorAcceloration = [0,0] 
     self.currentSonarReading = 0 
     self.previousSonarReading = 0
     self.currentSonarVelocity = 0 
     self.previousSonarVelocity = 0  
     self.currentSonarAcceloration = 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Robot(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
        self.left = Motor(self.brick, PORT_C)
        self.right = Motor(self.brick, PORT_A)
        self.tracks = SynchronizedMotors(self.left, self.right, 0)
        self.scale_factor = 0.1 # A factor for reducing the size of input measurements
        self.motorZero = [0,0] # An array for resetting the motor readings.
        self.currentMotorPosition = [0,0] 
        self.previousMotorPosition = [0,0]
        self.currentMotorVelocity = [0,0] 
        self.previousMotorVelocity = [0,0] 
        self.currentMotorAcceloration = [0,0] 
        self.currentSonarReading = 0 
        self.previousSonarReading = 0
        self.currentSonarVelocity = 0 
        self.previousSonarVelocity = 0  
        self.currentSonarAcceloration = 0
    def resetMotors(self):
        self.motorZero = self.motorPosition()
    """ Static Afferents """
    # This function is rediculously over complicated! It stems from the fact that the NXT library is a mess and is therefore
    # not my fault!
    def motorPosition(self):
        get_motor = str(self.tracks.get_tacho()) # Gets motor readings in the string form: 'tacho: ' + t1 + ' ' + t2
        motor_strings = string.split(get_motor) # Splits string into array form ['tacho: ', 't1', 't2']
        motor_reading = [] # new array
        motor_reading.append(int( float(motor_strings[1])*self.scale_factor - self.motorZero[0] )) # Turns 't1' back into an integer and appends to new array
        motor_reading.append(int( float(motor_strings[2])*self.scale_factor - self.motorZero[1] )) # Turns 't2' back into an integer and appends to new array   
        self.previousMotorPosition = self.currentMotorPosition # updating the motor record
        self.currentMotorPosition = motor_reading
        return motor_reading
    def sonarReading(self):
        x = Ultrasonic(self.brick, PORT_1).get_sample()
        self.previousSonarReading = self.currentSonarReading
        self.currentSonarReading = x
        return x
    def killSwitch(self):
        touch = Touch(self.brick, PORT_4).get_sample()
        return touch
    """ Dynamic Afferents """
    # These next two functions do EXACTLY the same thing, but have different names. I belive that this makes the code lower
    # down, where they are called, more readable, so I've decided to keep them seperate. 
    def motorVelocity(self, time_interval): # Claculates change in position over time. 
        xdot = []
        xdot.append(int( (self.currentMotorPosition[0]-self.previousMotorPosition[0]) /time_interval )) 
        xdot.append(int( (self.currentMotorPosition[1]-self.previousMotorPosition[1]) /time_interval ))
        self.previousMotorVelocity = self.currentMotorVelocity
        self.currentMotorVelocity = xdot
        return xdot
    def motorAcceloration(self, time_interval): # Claculates the change in velocity over time.
        xdotdot = []
        xdotdot.append(int( (self.currentMotorVelocity[0]-self.previousMotorVelocity[0]) / time_interval ))
        xdotdot.append(int( (self.currentMotorVelocity[1]-self.previousMotorVelocity[1]) / time_interval ))
        self.currentMotorAcceloration = xdotdot
        return xdotdot      
    def sonarVelocity(self, time_interval): # Claculates change in position over time. 
        xdot = int( (self.currentSonarReading-self.previousSonarReading) /time_interval )
        self.previousSonarVelocity = self.currentSonarVelocity
        self.currentSonarVelocity = xdot
        return xdot
    def sonarAcceloration(self, time_interval): # Claculates the change in velocity over time.
        xdotdot = int( (self.currentSonarVelocity-self.previousSonarVelocity) / time_interval )
        self.currentSonarAcceloration = xdotdot
        return xdotdot
    """ Motor Efferents """
    def move(self, power=75):
        self.tracks.run(power) # Takes +ve and -ve values =)
    def stop(self):
Ejemplo n.º 7
Added sonar readings with velocity and acceloration calculations for both. 

@author: benjamin

from time import sleep
from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_C, SynchronizedMotors
from nxt.sensor import Ultrasonic, PORT_1
import nxt.locator
import string

brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
left = Motor(brick, PORT_C)
right = Motor(brick, PORT_A)
tracks = SynchronizedMotors(left, right, 0)
tacho_zero = [0,0] # An array for resetting the tacho readings. 

# This program uses the physics notiation of:
# X for position
# V for velocity, a.k.a: X-dot
# A for acceleration, a.k.a: X-double-dot

tachoX0 = [0,0] # Current tacho position in degrees
tachoX1 = [0,0] # Previous tacho position
tachoV0 = [0,0] # Current tacho velocity in dgrees per second
tachoV1 = [0,0] # Tacho velocity at previous time step
tachoA0 = [0,0] # Current tacho acceleration in dgrees per second per second

sonarX0 = [0,0] # Current sonar reading provides distance in cm from objects
sonarX1 = [0,0] # Previous sonar reading
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def turn_right(self):
     """Turns the robot right."""
     both = SynchronizedMotors(self.motors[1], self.motors[0], 20)
     both.turn(-70, 250)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def move_forward(self):
     """Moves the robot forward."""
     both = SynchronizedMotors(self.motors[0], self.motors[1], 0)
     both.turn(-70, 2 * 250)