Ejemplo n.º 1
  def _to_object(cls, input, repo_id=False):
    """Starts to convert aHub GraphQL or REST API object to ActivityStreams.

      input: dict, decoded JSON GraphQL or REST object
      repo_id: boolean, whether to inject repo owner and name into id

      an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    if not input:
      return {}

    id = input.get('node_id') or input.get('id')
    number = input.get('number')
    url = input.get('html_url') or input.get('url') or ''
    if repo_id and id and url:
      # inject repo owner and name
      path = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.strip('/').split('/')
      owner, repo = path[:2]
      # join with : because github allows ., _, and - in repo names. (see
      # REPO_NAME_RE.)
      id = ':'.join((owner, repo, str(number or id)))

    return {
      'id': cls.tag_uri(id),
      'url': url,
      'author': cls.user_to_actor(input.get('author') or input.get('user')),
      'title': input.get('title'),
      'content': (input.get('body') or '').replace('\r\n', '\n'),
      'published': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(input.get('createdAt') or
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(input.get('lastEditedAt') or
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def user_to_actor(self, user):
    """Converts a user or page to an actor.

      user: dict, a decoded JSON Facebook user or page

      an ActivityStreams actor dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    if not user:
      return {}

    id = user.get('id')
    username = user.get('username')
    handle = username or id
    if not handle:
      return {}

    # facebook implements this as a 302 redirect
    actor = {
      # FB only returns the type field if you fetch the object with ?metadata=1
      # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#introspection
      'objectType': 'page' if user.get('type') == 'page' else 'person',
      'displayName': user.get('name') or username,
      'id': self.tag_uri(handle),
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(user.get('updated_time')),
      'username': username,
      'description': user.get('bio') or user.get('description'),
      'summary': user.get('about'),

    # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric
    # user id, if available.
    if util.is_int(id):
        'numeric_id': id,
        'image': {
          'url': 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/%s/picture?type=large' % id,

    # extract web site links. extract_links uniquifies and preserves order
    urls = util.extract_links(user.get('website'))
    if not urls:
      urls = util.extract_links(user.get('link')) or [self.user_url(handle)]
    actor['url'] = urls[0]
    if len(urls) > 1:
      actor['urls'] = [{'value': u} for u in urls]

    location = user.get('location')
    if location:
      actor['location'] = {'id': location.get('id'),
                           'displayName': location.get('name')}

    return util.trim_nulls(actor)
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def user_to_actor(self, user):
    """Converts a user or page to an actor.

      user: dict, a decoded JSON Facebook user or page

      an ActivityStreams actor dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    if not user:
      return {}

    id = user.get('id')
    username = user.get('username')
    handle = username or id
    if not handle:
      return {}

    # facebook implements this as a 302 redirect
    actor = {
      # FB only returns the type field if you fetch the object with ?metadata=1
      # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#introspection
      'objectType': 'page' if user.get('type') == 'page' else 'person',
      'displayName': user.get('name') or username,
      'id': self.tag_uri(handle),
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(user.get('updated_time')),
      'username': username,
      'description': user.get('bio') or user.get('description'),
      'summary': user.get('about'),

    # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric
    # user id, if available.
    if util.is_int(id):
        'numeric_id': id,
        'image': {
          'url': 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/%s/picture?type=large' % id,

    # extract web site links. extract_links uniquifies and preserves order
    urls = util.extract_links(user.get('website'))
    if not urls:
      urls = util.extract_links(user.get('link')) or [self.user_url(handle)]
    actor['url'] = urls[0]
    if len(urls) > 1:
      actor['urls'] = [{'value': u} for u in urls]

    location = user.get('location')
    if location:
      actor['location'] = {'id': location.get('id'),
                           'displayName': location.get('name')}

    return util.trim_nulls(actor)
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def user_to_actor(self, user):
    """Converts a user to an actor.

      user: dict, a decoded JSON Facebook user

      an ActivityStreams actor dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    if not user:
      return {}

    id = user.get('id')
    username = user.get('username')
    handle = username or id
    if not handle:
      return {}

    url = (user.get('website') or user.get('link') or
           'http://facebook.com/' + handle)

    # facebook implements this as a 302 redirect
    image_url = 'http://graph.facebook.com/%s/picture?type=large' % handle
    actor = {
      'displayName': user.get('name'),
      'image': {'url': image_url},
      'id': self.tag_uri(handle),
      # numeric_id is our own custom field that always has the source's numeric
      # user id, if available.
      'numeric_id': id,
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(user.get('updated_time')),
      'url': url,
      'username': username,
      'description': user.get('bio'),

    location = user.get('location')
    if location:
      actor['location'] = {'id': location.get('id'),
                           'displayName': location.get('name')}

    return util.trim_nulls(actor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _prepare_activity(a, reader=True):
    """Preprocesses an activity to prepare it to be rendered as Atom.

  Modifies a in place.

    a: ActivityStreams 1 activity dict
    reader: boolean, whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader.
      Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise.
    act_type = source.object_type(a)
    if not act_type or act_type == 'post':
        primary = a.get('object', {})
        primary = a
    obj = a.setdefault('object', {})

    # Render content as HTML; escape &s
    obj['rendered_content'] = _encode_ampersands(

    # Make sure every activity has the title field, since Atom <entry> requires
    # the title element.
    if not a.get('title'):
        a['title'] = util.ellipsize(
                a.get('displayName') or a.get('content') or obj.get('title')
                or obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('content') or 'Untitled'))

    # strip HTML tags. the Atom spec says title is plain text:
    # http://atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#requiredEntryElements
    a['title'] = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(

    children = []
    image_urls_seen = set()
    image_atts = []

    # normalize attachments, render attached notes/articles
    attachments = a.get('attachments') or obj.get('attachments') or []
    for att in attachments:
        att['stream'] = util.get_first(att, 'stream')
        type = att.get('objectType')

        if type == 'image':
            image_atts.append(util.get_first(att, 'image'))

        image_urls_seen |= set(util.get_urls(att, 'image'))
        if type in ('note', 'article'):
            html = microformats2.render_content(att,
            author = att.get('author')
            if author:
                name = microformats2.maybe_linked_name(
                    microformats2.object_to_json(author).get('properties', []))
                html = '%s: %s' % (name.strip(), html)

    # render image(s) that we haven't already seen
    for image in image_atts + util.get_list(obj, 'image'):
        if not image:
        url = image.get('url')
        parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
        rest = urllib.parse.urlunparse(('', '') + parsed[2:])
        img_src_re = re.compile(
            r"""src *= *['"] *((https?:)?//%s)?%s *['"]""" %
            (re.escape(parsed.netloc), re.escape(rest)))
        if (url and url not in image_urls_seen
                and not img_src_re.search(obj['rendered_content'])):

    obj['rendered_children'] = [
        _encode_ampersands(child) for child in children

    # make sure published and updated are strict RFC 3339 timestamps
    for prop in 'published', 'updated':
        val = obj.get(prop)
        if val:
            obj[prop] = util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(val)
            # Atom timestamps are even stricter than RFC 3339: they can't be naive ie
            # time zone unaware. They must have either an offset or the Z suffix.
            # https://www.feedvalidator.org/docs/error/InvalidRFC3339Date.html
            if not util.TIMEZONE_OFFSET_RE.search(obj[prop]):
                obj[prop] += 'Z'
  def post_to_object(self, post, remove_id_prefix=False):
    """Converts a post to an object.

      post: dict, a decoded JSON post

      an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    id = post.get('id')
    if not id:
      return {}

    post_type = post.get('type')
    status_type = post.get('status_type')
    url = self.post_url(post)
    picture = post.get('picture')
    display_name = None
    message = (post.get('message') or post.get('story') or
               post.get('description') or post.get('name'))

    data = post.get('data', {})
    for field in ('object', 'song'):
      obj = data.get(field)
      if obj:
        id = obj.get('id')
        post_type = obj.get('type')
        url = obj.get('url')
        display_name = obj.get('title')

    object_type = OBJECT_TYPES.get(post_type)
    author = self.user_to_actor(post.get('from'))
    link = post.get('link', '')

    if link.startswith('/gifts/'):
      object_type = 'product'
    if not object_type:
      if picture and not message:
        object_type = 'image'
        object_type = 'note'

    obj = {
      'id': self.tag_uri(str(id)),
      'objectType': object_type,
      'published': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('created_time')),
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('updated_time')),
      'author': author,
      'content': message,
      # FB post ids are of the form USERID_POSTID
      'url': url,
      'image': {'url': picture},
      'displayName': display_name,
      'fb_object_id': post.get('object_id'),

    privacy = post.get('privacy', {})
    if isinstance(privacy, dict):
      privacy = privacy.get('value')
    if privacy is not None:
      # privacy value '' means it doesn't have an explicit audience set, so i
      # *think* it inherits from its parent. TODO: use that value as opposed to
      # defaulting to public.
      public = privacy.lower() in ('', 'everyone', 'open')
      obj['to'] = [{'objectType': 'group',
                    'alias': '@public' if public else '@private'}]

    # tags and likes
    tags = itertools.chain(post.get('to', {}).get('data', []),
                           post.get('with_tags', {}).get('data', []),
                           *post.get('message_tags', {}).values())
    obj['tags'] = [self.postprocess_object({
        'objectType': OBJECT_TYPES.get(t.get('type'), 'person'),
        'id': self.tag_uri(t.get('id')),
        'url': self.object_url(t.get('id')),
        'displayName': t.get('name'),
        'startIndex': t.get('offset'),
        'length': t.get('length'),
        }) for t in tags]

    obj['tags'] += [self.postprocess_object({
        'id': self.tag_uri('%s_liked_by_%s' % (id, like.get('id'))),
        'url': url,
        'objectType': 'activity',
        'verb': 'like',
        'object': {'url': url},
        'author': self.user_to_actor(like),
        'content': 'likes this.',
        }) for like in post.get('likes', {}).get('data', [])]

    # "See Original" links
    post_actions = post.get('actions',[])
    see_orig_actions = (act for act in post_actions
                        if act.get('name', '').lower() in SEE_ORIGINAL_ACTIONS)
    obj['tags'] += [self.postprocess_object({
      'objectType': 'article',
      'url': act.get('link'),
      'displayName': act.get('name')
    }) for act in see_orig_actions]

    # is there an attachment? prefer to represent it as a picture (ie image
    # object), but if not, fall back to a link.
    att = {
        'url': link if link else url,
        'image': {'url': picture},
        'displayName': post.get('name'),
        'summary': post.get('caption'),
        'content': post.get('description'),

    if (picture and picture.endswith('_s.jpg') and
        (post_type == 'photo' or status_type == 'added_photos')):
      # a picture the user posted. get a larger size.
          'objectType': 'image',
          'image': {'url': picture[:-6] + '_o.jpg'},
      obj['attachments'] = [att]
    elif link and not link.startswith('/gifts/'):
      att['objectType'] = 'article'
      obj['attachments'] = [att]

    # location
    place = post.get('place')
    if place:
      id = place.get('id')
      obj['location'] = {
        'displayName': place.get('name'),
        'id': id,
        'url': self.object_url(id),
      location = place.get('location', None)
      if isinstance(location, dict):
        lat = location.get('latitude')
        lon = location.get('longitude')
        if lat and lon:
              'latitude': lat,
              'longitude': lon,
              # ISO 6709 location string. details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6709
              'position': '%+f%+f/' % (lat, lon),
    elif 'location' in post:
      obj['location'] = {'displayName': post['location']}

    # comments go in the replies field, according to the "Responses for
    # Activity Streams" extension spec:
    # http://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/replies/1.0/
    comments = post.get('comments', {}).get('data')
    if comments:
      items = [self.comment_to_object(c) for c in comments]
      obj['replies'] = {
        'items': items,
        'totalItems': len(items),

    return self.postprocess_object(obj)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _prepare_activity(a, reader=True):
  """Preprocesses an activity to prepare it to be rendered as Atom.

  Modifies a in place.

    a: ActivityStreams 1 activity dict
    reader: boolean, whether the output will be rendered in a feed reader.
      Currently just includes location if True, not otherwise.
  act_type = source.object_type(a)
  obj = util.get_first(a, 'object', default={})
  primary = obj if (not act_type or act_type == 'post') else a

  # Render content as HTML; escape &s
  obj['rendered_content'] = _encode_ampersands(microformats2.render_content(
    primary, include_location=reader, render_attachments=True))

  # Make sure every activity has the title field, since Atom <entry> requires
  # the title element.
  if not a.get('title'):
    a['title'] = util.ellipsize(_encode_ampersands(
      a.get('displayName') or a.get('content') or obj.get('title') or
      obj.get('displayName') or obj.get('content') or 'Untitled'))

  # strip HTML tags. the Atom spec says title is plain text:
  # http://atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#requiredEntryElements
  a['title'] = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(BeautifulSoup(a['title']).get_text(''))

  children = []
  image_urls_seen = set()
  image_atts = []

  # normalize actor images
  for elem in a, obj:
    actor = elem.get('actor')
    if actor:
      actor['image'] = util.get_first(actor, 'image')

  # normalize attachments, render attached notes/articles
  attachments = a.get('attachments') or obj.get('attachments') or []
  for att in attachments:
    att['stream'] = util.get_first(att, 'stream')
    type = att.get('objectType')

    if type == 'image':
      att['image'] = util.get_first(att, 'image')

    image_urls_seen |= set(util.get_urls(att, 'image'))
    if type in ('note', 'article'):
      html = microformats2.render_content(att, include_location=reader,
      author = att.get('author')
      if author:
        name = microformats2.maybe_linked_name(
          microformats2.object_to_json(author).get('properties') or {})
        html = '%s: %s' % (name.strip(), html)

  # render image(s) that we haven't already seen
  for image in image_atts + util.get_list(obj, 'image'):
    if not image:
    url = image.get('url')
    parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    rest = urllib.parse.urlunparse(('', '') + parsed[2:])
    img_src_re = re.compile(r"""src *= *['"] *((https?:)?//%s)?%s *['"]""" %
                            (re.escape(parsed.netloc), re.escape(rest)))
    if (url and url not in image_urls_seen and
        not img_src_re.search(obj['rendered_content'])):

  obj['rendered_children'] = [_encode_ampersands(child) for child in children]

  # make sure published and updated are strict RFC 3339 timestamps
  for prop in 'published', 'updated':
    val = obj.get(prop)
    if val:
      obj[prop] = util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(val)
      # Atom timestamps are even stricter than RFC 3339: they can't be naive ie
      # time zone unaware. They must have either an offset or the Z suffix.
      # https://www.feedvalidator.org/docs/error/InvalidRFC3339Date.html
      if not util.TIMEZONE_OFFSET_RE.search(obj[prop]):
        obj[prop] += 'Z'
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def post_to_object(self, post):
    """Converts a post to an object.

      post: dict, a decoded JSON post

      an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    id = post.get('id', '').split('_', 1)[-1]  # strip any USERID_ prefix
    if not id:
      return {}

    post_type = post.get('type')
    status_type = post.get('status_type')
    url = self.post_url(post)
    display_name = None
    message = (post.get('message') or post.get('story') or
               post.get('description') or post.get('name'))

    picture = post.get('picture')
    if isinstance(picture, dict):
      picture = picture.get('data', {}).get('url')

    data = post.get('data', {})
    for field in ('object', 'song'):
      obj = data.get(field)
      if obj:
        id = obj.get('id')
        post_type = obj.get('type')
        url = obj.get('url')
        display_name = obj.get('title')

    object_type = OBJECT_TYPES.get(post_type)
    author = self.user_to_actor(post.get('from'))
    link = post.get('link', '')
    gift = link.startswith('/gifts/')

    if link.startswith('/'):
      link = 'https://www.facebook.com' + link

    if gift:
      object_type = 'product'
    if not object_type:
      if picture and not message:
        object_type = 'image'
        object_type = 'note'

    obj = {
      'id': self.tag_uri(str(id)),
      'objectType': object_type,
      'published': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('created_time')),
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('updated_time')),
      'author': author,
      # FB post ids are of the form USERID_POSTID
      'url': url,
      'image': {'url': picture},
      'displayName': display_name,
      'fb_object_id': post.get('object_id'),

    privacy = post.get('privacy', {})
    if isinstance(privacy, dict):
      privacy = privacy.get('value')
    if privacy is not None:
      # privacy value '' means it doesn't have an explicit audience set, so i
      # *think* it inherits from its parent. TODO: use that value as opposed to
      # defaulting to public.
      public = privacy.lower() in ('', 'everyone', 'open')
      obj['to'] = [{'objectType': 'group',
                    'alias': '@public' if public else '@private'}]

    # tags and likes
    tags = itertools.chain(post.get('to', {}).get('data', []),
                           post.get('with_tags', {}).get('data', []),
                           *post.get('message_tags', {}).values())
    obj['tags'] = [self.postprocess_object({
        'objectType': OBJECT_TYPES.get(t.get('type'), 'person'),
        'id': self.tag_uri(t.get('id')),
        'url': self.object_url(t.get('id')),
        'displayName': t.get('name'),
        'startIndex': t.get('offset'),
        'length': t.get('length'),
        }) for t in tags]

    obj['tags'] += [self.postprocess_object({
        'id': self.tag_uri('%s_liked_by_%s' % (id, like.get('id'))),
        'url': url,
        'objectType': 'activity',
        'verb': 'like',
        'object': {'url': url},
        'author': self.user_to_actor(like),
        }) for like in post.get('likes', {}).get('data', [])]

    # Escape HTML characters: <, >, &. Have to do it manually, instead of
    # reusing e.g. cgi.escape, so that we can shuffle over each tag startIndex
    # appropriately. :(
    if message:
      content = copy.copy(message)
      tags = sorted([t for t in obj['tags'] if t.get('startIndex')],
                    key=lambda t: t['startIndex'])

      entities = {'<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '&': '&amp;'}
      i = 0
      while i < len(content):
        if tags and tags[0]['startIndex'] == i:
        entity = entities.get(content[i])
        if entity:
          content = content[:i] + entity + content[i + 1:]
          for tag in tags:
            tag['startIndex'] += len(entity) - 1
        i += 1

      assert not tags
      obj['content'] = content

    # "See Original" links
    post_actions = post.get('actions',[])
    see_orig_actions = (act for act in post_actions
                        if act.get('name', '').lower() in SEE_ORIGINAL_ACTIONS)
    obj['tags'] += [self.postprocess_object({
      'objectType': 'article',
      'url': act.get('link'),
      'displayName': act.get('name')
    }) for act in see_orig_actions]

    # is there an attachment? prefer to represent it as a picture (ie image
    # object), but if not, fall back to a link.
    att = {
        'url': link if link else url,
        'image': {'url': picture},
        'displayName': post.get('name'),
        'summary': post.get('caption'),
        'content': post.get('description'),

    if (picture and picture.endswith('_s.jpg') and
        (post_type == 'photo' or status_type == 'added_photos')):
      # a picture the user posted. get a larger size.
          'objectType': 'image',
          'image': {'url': picture[:-6] + '_o.jpg'},
      obj['attachments'] = [att]
    elif link and not gift:
      att['objectType'] = 'article'
      obj['attachments'] = [att]

    # location
    place = post.get('place')
    if place:
      id = place.get('id')
      obj['location'] = {
        'displayName': place.get('name'),
        'id': id,
        'url': self.object_url(id),
      location = place.get('location', None)
      if isinstance(location, dict):
        lat = location.get('latitude')
        lon = location.get('longitude')
        if lat and lon:
          obj['location'].update({'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lon})
    elif 'location' in post:
      obj['location'] = {'displayName': post['location']}

    # comments go in the replies field, according to the "Responses for
    # Activity Streams" extension spec:
    # http://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/replies/1.0/
    comments = post.get('comments', {}).get('data')
    if comments:
      items = [self.comment_to_object(c, post_id=post['id']) for c in comments]
      obj['replies'] = {
        'items': items,
        'totalItems': len(items),

    return self.postprocess_object(obj)
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def post_to_object(self, post, _type='post'):
    """Converts a post to an object.

      post: dict, a decoded JSON post
      _type: either 'post' or 'comment'

      an ActivityStreams object dict, ready to be JSON-encoded
    assert _type in ('post', 'comment')

    fb_id = post.get('id')
    post_type = post.get('type')
    status_type = post.get('status_type')
    url = self.post_url(post)
    display_name = None
    message = (post.get('message') or post.get('story') or
               post.get('description') or post.get('name'))

    picture = post.get('picture')
    if isinstance(picture, dict):
      picture = picture.get('data', {}).get('url')

    data = post.get('data', {})
    for field in ('object', 'song'):
      obj = data.get(field)
      if obj:
        fb_id = obj.get('id')
        post_type = obj.get('type')
        url = obj.get('url')
        display_name = obj.get('title')

    object_type = OBJECT_TYPES.get(status_type) or OBJECT_TYPES.get(post_type)
    author = self.user_to_actor(post.get('from'))
    link = post.get('link', '')
    gift = link.startswith('/gifts/')

    if link.startswith('/'):
      link = 'https://www.facebook.com' + link

    if gift:
      object_type = 'product'
    if not object_type:
      if picture and not message:
        object_type = 'image'
        object_type = 'note'

    id = self.parse_id(fb_id, _type)
    if not id:
      return {}
    obj = {
      'id': self.tag_uri(id.post),
      'fb_id': fb_id,
      'objectType': object_type,
      'published': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('created_time')),
      'updated': util.maybe_iso8601_to_rfc3339(post.get('updated_time')),
      'author': author,
      # FB post ids are of the form USERID_POSTID
      'url': url,
      'image': {'url': picture},
      'displayName': display_name,
      'fb_object_id': post.get('object_id'),

    privacy = post.get('privacy', {})
    if isinstance(privacy, dict):
      privacy = privacy.get('value')
    if privacy is not None:
      # privacy value '' means it doesn't have an explicit audience set, so i
      # *think* it inherits from its parent. TODO: use that value as opposed to
      # defaulting to public.
      public = privacy.lower() in ('', 'everyone', 'open')
      obj['to'] = [{'objectType': 'group',
                    'alias': '@public' if public else '@private'}]

    # message_tags is a dict in most post types, but a list in some other object
    # types, e.g. comments.
    message_tags = post.get('message_tags', [])
    if isinstance(message_tags, dict):
      message_tags = sum(message_tags.values(), [])  # flatten
    elif not isinstance(message_tags, list):
      message_tags = list(message_tags)  # fingers crossed! :P

    # tags and likes
    tags = itertools.chain(post.get('to', {}).get('data', []),
                           post.get('with_tags', {}).get('data', []),
    obj['tags'] = [self.postprocess_object({
        'objectType': OBJECT_TYPES.get(t.get('type'), 'person'),
        'id': self.tag_uri(t.get('id')),
        'url': self.object_url(t.get('id')),
        'displayName': t.get('name'),
        'startIndex': t.get('offset'),
        'length': t.get('length'),
        }) for t in tags]

    obj['tags'] += [self.postprocess_object({
        'id': '%s_liked_by_%s' % (obj['id'], like.get('id')),
        'url': url,
        'objectType': 'activity',
        'verb': 'like',
        'object': {'url': url},
        'author': self.user_to_actor(like),
        }) for like in post.get('likes', {}).get('data', [])]

    # Escape HTML characters: <, >, &. Have to do it manually, instead of
    # reusing e.g. cgi.escape, so that we can shuffle over each tag startIndex
    # appropriately. :(
    if message:
      content = copy.copy(message)
      tags = sorted([t for t in obj['tags'] if t.get('startIndex')],
                    key=lambda t: t['startIndex'])

      entities = {'<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '&': '&amp;'}
      i = 0
      while i < len(content):
        if tags and tags[0]['startIndex'] == i:
        entity = entities.get(content[i])
        if entity:
          content = content[:i] + entity + content[i + 1:]
          for tag in tags:
            tag['startIndex'] += len(entity) - 1
        i += 1

      assert not tags
      obj['content'] = content

    # "See Original" links
    see_orig_links = filter(
      None, (act.get('link') for act in post.get('actions',[])
             if act.get('name', '').lower() in SEE_ORIGINAL_ACTIONS))
    if see_orig_links:
      obj.setdefault('upstreamDuplicates', []).extend(see_orig_links)

    # is there an attachment? prefer to represent it as a picture (ie image
    # object), but if not, fall back to a link.
    att = {
        'url': link if link else url,
        'image': {'url': picture},
        'displayName': post.get('name'),
        'summary': post.get('caption'),
        'content': post.get('description'),

    if (picture and picture.endswith('_s.jpg') and
        (post_type == 'photo' or status_type == 'added_photos')):
      # a picture the user posted. get a larger size.
          'objectType': 'image',
          'image': {'url': picture[:-6] + '_o.jpg'},
      obj['attachments'] = [att]
    elif link and not gift:
      att['objectType'] = 'article'
      obj['attachments'] = [att]

    # location
    place = post.get('place')
    if place:
      place_id = place.get('id')
      obj['location'] = {
        'displayName': place.get('name'),
        'id': place_id,
        'url': self.object_url(place_id),
      location = place.get('location', None)
      if isinstance(location, dict):
        lat = location.get('latitude')
        lon = location.get('longitude')
        if lat and lon:
          obj['location'].update({'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lon})
    elif 'location' in post:
      obj['location'] = {'displayName': post['location']}

    # comments go in the replies field, according to the "Responses for
    # Activity Streams" extension spec:
    # http://activitystrea.ms/specs/json/replies/1.0/
    comments = post.get('comments', {}).get('data')
    if comments:
      items = util.trim_nulls([self.comment_to_object(c, post_id=post['id'])
                               for c in comments])
      obj['replies'] = {
        'items': items,
        'totalItems': len(items),

    return self.postprocess_object(obj)