Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, f, p):
        if type(f) is list:
            f = PolynomialModP(f, p)  # Polynomial gets mod p of field
        elif type(f) is PolynomialModP:
            f.p = p  # Polynomial gets mod p of field
            raise ValueError("Argument f type " + str(type(f)) + " is not supported.")

        if type(p) is not int:
            raise ValueError("Argument p is not an integer.")
        if p < 2:
            raise ValueError("Argument p is too small, should be larger than 1.")
        if p > 100:
            raise ValueError("Argument p is too large, should be smaller than 100.")
        if not is_prime(p):
            raise ValueError("Argument p is not actually prime.")
        self.p = p

        if f.degree() > 1 and not self.isIrreducible(f) \
                or f.degree() == 1 and f.coefs[1] == 0:
            raise ValueError("Argument f is not irreducible.")
        if f.degree() == 0:
            raise ValueError("Argument f can not be constant.")
        self.f = f
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test___init__comblist(self):
     C = PolynomialModP([IntegerModP(3, 7), 2, IntegerModP(1, 11)], 5)
     C.coefs = [3, 2, 1]
     C.p = 5
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test___init__intlist(self):
     C = PolynomialModP([3, 2, 1], 5)
     C.coefs = [3, 2, 1]
     C.p = 5