def answer_to_all(message): db = PostgreSQL() user = User(, db) if user.isNew(): hello(message) return if user.isInGame(db): cur_game = Game(user, db) if message.text == cur_game.get_right_answer(): bot.send_message(, text=message.from_user.first_name + ", you are right!!!", reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) user.addWin(db) else: bot.send_message(, text=message.from_user.first_name + ",sorry, you are wrong(((", reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) user.addGame(db) cur_game.finish(db) else:'Text received from a user without active game') bot.send_message(, config.default_msg) db.close()
def delete_user(message): try:'Deleting a user') db = PostgreSQL() if not User.exists(, db): bot.send_message(, text=config.already_deleted) return True user = User(, db) if user.delete(db): bot.send_message(, text=config.user_deleted, reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) db.close() except: bot.send_message(, text=config.internalError, reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) logging.error("Command /delete_me failed with internalError: ", exc_info=True)
def end_game(message): try:'Finishing a game') db = PostgreSQL() user = User(, db) if user.isInGame(db): curr_game = Game(user, db) curr_game.finish(db) bot.send_message(, text=config.game_stopped, reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) else: bot.send_message(, text=config.no_game_to_stop) db.close() except: bot.send_message(, text=config.internalError, reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) logging.error("Command /end_game failed with internalError: ", exc_info=True)
def play(message): try:'Game command received') db = PostgreSQL() new_game = Game(User(, db), db) bot.send_message(, 'User ' + message.from_user.first_name + ' has started the game') bot.send_voice(, new_game.get_song_file_id()) bot.reply_to(message, text=message.from_user.first_name + " please, choose the option", reply_markup=prepareMarkupKeybord(new_game)) db.close() except: bot.send_message(, text=config.internalError, reply_markup=telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardRemove(selective=True)) logging.error("Command /game failed with internalError: ", exc_info=True)
def get_user(username): cur = mysql.connection.cursor() selector = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE username=%(usr)s" cur.execute(selector, {'usr': username}) if cur.rowcount == 0: return None row = cur.fetchone() split_pass = row['password'].split("$") result = User(row['username'], row['firstname'], row['lastname'], split_pass[2], row['email']) result.set_salt(split_pass[1]) selector = "SELECT albumid, title FROM Album WHERE username=%(usr)s" cur.execute(selector, {'usr': username}) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: result.add_entry(row['albumid'], row['title']) return result
def load_entities_from_config(self, path: str): """Loads entities from all yaml files inside a directory""" for config, file in yaml_utils.for_yaml_in(path): name = config.get("name", None) or file[:-5] entity_type: str = config.get("type") or EntityType.COMPOSED.value if not EntityType.contains(entity_type): raise ConfigError(f"entity type {entity_type} not found") entity_type: EntityType = EntityType(entity_type) entity_settings = config.get("settings", {}) if entity_type != EntityType.COMPOSED: try: entity = self._template_builder.get(entity_type)( self, name, config, entity_settings) self.add_entity(name, entity) # TODO: user self.core.bus.dispatch( created_event(entity, User.new_admin())) except TypeError: raise ConfigError( f"builder for entity type {entity_type} not found!") else: self.add_entity( name, self._default_builder(name, config, entity_settings))
def user_api(): username = '' print 'got to func' print 'got hereereee' if request.method == 'POST': req = request.get_json(force=True) errors = [] if ('username' not in req) or ('firstname' not in req) or ( 'lastname' not in req) or ('email' not in req) or ( 'password1' not in req) or ('password2' not in req): errors.append('You did not provide the necessary fields') return jsonify(generate_error_response(errors)), 422 if (req['username'] == '') or (req['email'] == '') or ( req['password1'] == '') or (req['password2'] == ''): errors.append('You did not provide the necessary fields') return jsonify(generate_error_response(errors)), 422 if req['password1'] != req['password2']: errors.append('Passwords do not match') user = User(req['username'], req['firstname'], req['lastname'], req['password1'], req['email']) errors = errors + user.validate() temp_user = extensions.get_user(req['username']) if temp_user != None: errors.append('This username is taken') if errors != []: return jsonify(generate_error_response(errors)), 422 user.create_salt() user.hash_pass() extensions.add_user(user) username = req['username'] if username == '': if 'username' not in session: return send_401() return get_api_user_helper(username) print "GOT HERE" if 'username' not in session: return send_401() username = session['username'] return get_api_user_helper(username)
def read_user_data(self, USER_PATH): # 静态方法 读取测试用户csv数据 bufferedReader = open(USER_PATH, "r") user_dict = dict() # 读取首行,看是否为空 if (bufferedReader.readline() is None): pass # 读取每一行信息 for strLine in bufferedReader: user = User() strLine = strLine.strip('\n') strSet = strLine.split(",") userID = strSet[0] income = int(strSet[1]) entertainment = int(strSet[2]) babyLabel = int(strSet[3]) gender = int(strSet[4]) shop_label = int(strSet[5]) user_labels = strSet[1] + strSet[2] + strSet[3] + strSet[ 4] + strSet[5] user.set_user_id(userID) user.set_income(income) user.set_baby_label(babyLabel) user.set_gender(gender) user.set_shop_label(shop_label) user.set_entertainment(entertainment) user.set_user_labels(user_labels) user_dict[userID] = user bufferedReader.close() return user_dict
async def ws_handler(websocket, path): user = User(websocket, db, clients) await user.listen_messages()
def GenerateFile(request): from objects.User import User from objects.Bank import Bank from objects.Branch import ATM, Branch from objects.Product import Product country = request.POST.get('country') bank_number = int(request.POST.get('bank_num')) branch_number = int(request.POST.get('branch_num')) product_number = int(request.POST.get('product_num')) atm_number = int(request.POST.get('atm_num')) months = int(request.POST.get('months')) input_path = request.POST.get('input_path') output_path = request.POST.get('output_path') user_list = User.generator_for_file("{}options.xlsx".format(input_path)) branch_list = [] atm_list = [] product_list = [] bank_list = Bank.generate_from_file(bank_number) for bank in bank_list: branch_list.extend(Branch.generate_from_file(bank, branch_number)) atm_list.extend(ATM.generate_from_file(bank, atm_number)) product_list.extend(Product.generate_from_file(bank, product_number)) account_list = [] for user in user_list: branch_tmp = random.choice(branch_list) account1 = user.create_account(branch_tmp, "CURRENT",, user.current) account1.set_behavior( income=user.current, spending_frequency={ "food":, "utility": user.utility, "clothing":, "auto":, "health":, "entertainment": user.entertainment, "gift":, "education":, "fee": user.fee }, housing_type={"RENT":} if > 0 else None) account_list.append(account1) branch_tmp = random.choice(branch_list) account2 = user.create_account(branch_tmp, "SAVING",, user.savings) account2.set_behavior(income=user.savings) account_list.append(account2) from datetime import date from datetime import timedelta date_start = - timedelta(days=months * 30) transaction_list = [] for i in range(months): date_start = date_start + timedelta(days=30) for account in account_list: transaction_list.extend(account.generateTransaction(date_start)) try: import os os.makedirs(output_path) except: pass with open('{}sandbox_pretty.json'.format(output_path), 'w') as outfile: json.dump( { "users": user_list, "banks": bank_list, "branches": branch_list, "accounts": account_list, "atms": atm_list, # "counterparties":counterparty_list, "products": product_list, "transactions": transaction_list }, outfile, default=lambda x: x.dict(), indent=4) customer_list = [] for user in user_list: for bank in bank_list: customer_list.append(user.create_customer(bank)) with open('{}customers_pretty.json'.format(output_path), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(customer_list, outfile, default=lambda x: x.dict(), indent=4) wb = load_workbook("{}counterparties.xlsx".format(input_path)) sheet_selected = [ sheetname for sheetname in wb.sheetnames if country in sheetname ] dataframe = pd.read_excel("{}counterparties.xlsx".format(input_path), sheet_name=sheet_selected, header=None, index_col=None, skiprows=3) df = pd.DataFrame() for i, j in dataframe.items(): df = pd.DataFrame(j) df.columns = [ 'type', 'name', 'reference', 'value', 'frequency', 'logo', 'homepage' ] df.type = df["type"].apply(lambda x: re.split('_|/', x)[0].lower()) #df.frequency = df["frequency"].apply(lambda x: str("0") if x is np.nan else frequecy_mapping[x.lower()]) df = pd.DataFrame({ "type": df["type"].apply(lambda x: re.split('_|/', x)[0].lower()), "name": df["name"], #"value" : df["value"], #"frequency" : df["frequency"].apply(lambda x: str("0") if x is np.nan else frequecy_mapping[x.lower()]), "logo": df["logo"], "homepage": df["homepage"] }) df_list = [] for i, rows in df.iterrows(): df_list.append({ "name": rows['name'], "category": rows['type'], "superCategory": rows['type'], "logoUrl": rows['logo'] if rows['logo'] is not np.nan else "", "homePageUrl": rows['homepage'] if rows['homepage'] is not np.nan else "", "region": country }) with open('{}counterparty_pretty.json'.format(output_path), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(df_list, outfile, default=lambda x: x.dict(), indent=4) return JsonResponse({'state': True})
def new_context(self, topic: str): return Context(User.new_admin(), remote=True)
def __init__(self, user: User = None, remote: bool = False) -> None: self.user: User = user or self.remote = remote
def admin(external=False) -> "Context": return Context(user=User.new_admin(), remote=external)