Ejemplo n.º 1
class Game:
    def __init__(self, players, rounds):
        self.info_dic = {"bankrupt_turn": {}}
        self.players = players
        self.board = Board()
        self.chancePile = ChancePile()
        self.communityPile = CommunityPile()
        self.rounds = rounds
        self.bankrupt_count = 0
        self.cur_round = 0

    def run(self):
        # Play the game for a given amount of rounds
        end = False
        for i in range(0, self.rounds):
            # dev_print("round", i)
            self.cur_round = i
            if util.verbose:
                log.write("round {0}:\n".format(i))
            end = self.round()
            if util.verbose:
            if end:
            # for player in self.players:
            # 	dev_print("player {0}: cash {1}, property {2}".format(player.num, player.cash, player.total_property()))
        if not end:
            self.info_dic["end"] = -1

        return self.info_dic

    def round(self):
        # Each round, every player should get its turn
        for player in self.players:
            if not player.is_bankrupt():
                if player.is_bankrupt():
                    self.info_dic["bankrupt_turn"][player.num] = self.cur_round
                    if util.verbose:
                            "player {} has bankrupted, return all properties to the bank.\n"
                    self.bankrupt_count += 1
            if len(self.players) - self.bankrupt_count <= 1:
                for i in self.players:
                    if not i.is_bankrupt():
                        if util.verbose:
                            log.write("player {} wins\n".format(i.num))
                        self.info_dic["bankrupt_turn"][i.num] = -1
                        self.info_dic["winner"] = i.num
                        self.info_dic["end"] = self.cur_round
                return True
        if util.verbose:
        for player in self.players:
            if util.verbose:
                log.write("player {} has {} cash.\n".format(
                    player.num, player.cash))
        if util.verbose:
        return False

    def turn(self, player):
        # Get number of eyes on dice
        dice1, dice2 = diceThrow()
        if util.verbose:
            log.write("player {0} rolls two dices, {1} and {2}.\n".format(
                player.num, dice1, dice2))
        # Move the player to new position, goingToJail True is 3 doubles thrown
        player.move(self.board, dice1, dice2)

        # Get tile type
        tileType = self.board.getTileType(player.position)

        # Set to go to jail if on 'Go To Jail' tile
        if tileType == "gotojail":

        # Do chance card if player has landed on a chance tile
        elif player.position in Board.TILES_CHANCE:
            player.doChanceCard(self.chancePile.pullCard(), self.board)

        # Do commmunity card if player has landed on a community chest tile
        elif player.position in Board.TILES_COMMUNITY:
            player.doCommunityCard(self.communityPile.pullCard(), self.board)

        elif Board.TILE_BUILDING[player.position] is not None:
            building = Board.TILE_BUILDING[player.position]
            if building.owner is None or building.owner.num == player.num:
            elif building.owner is not None and building.owner != player.num:
                fined = int(building.cur_price * 0.2)
                player.fine_money(fined, other=building.owner)

        # equivalent to trading
        for building_to_sell in player.building_to_sell_list:
            for other_player in self.players:
                if not other_player.is_bankrupt():
                    boundary = other_player.choose_boundary(
                        other_player.strategy, other_player.strategy_para)
                    if other_player != player and other_player.cash - building_to_sell.cur_price >= boundary:
                        other_player.cash -= building_to_sell.cur_price
                        player.cash += int(building_to_sell.cur_price * 0.1)
                        if util.verbose:
                                "player {0} successfully sell land {1} to player {2}, get the remaining {3}, player {0} currently has {4}, player {2} has {5}.\n"
                                .format(player.num, building_to_sell.name,
                                        building_to_sell.cur_price * 0.1,
                                        player.cash, other_player.cash))
        player.building_to_sell_list = []

        # Log the fact that a player has landed on a tile, after all movements

        # Go again if not on jail and has thrown double
        if tileType != "jail" and dice1 == dice2:

    def plot_para(self):
        return self.info_dic['end'], self.players[0].income, self.players[
            0].tax, self.players[0].start_capital