Ejemplo n.º 1
    def catalog(self):
        Add existing Event to a Catalog

        c = Catalog(events=[self.event])
        c.creation_info = CreationInfo(
            creation_time = UTCDateTime(), 
            agency_id = self.agency,
            version = self.event.creation_info.version,
        c.resource_id = self._rid(c)
        return c
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _deserialize(self):
     catalog = Catalog()
     res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix,
                        self.filename.replace(':', '/')))\
         .replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
     catalog.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
     catalog.description = 'Created from NEIC PDE mchedr format'
     catalog.comments = ''
     catalog.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime())
     for line in self.fh.readlines():
         # XXX: ugly, probably we should do everything in byte strings
         # here? Is the pde / mchedr format unicode aware?
         line = line.decode()
         record_id = line[0:2]
         if record_id == 'HY':
             event = self._parse_record_hy(line)
         elif record_id == 'P ':
             pick, arrival = self._parse_record_p(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'E ':
             self._parse_record_e(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'L ':
             self._parse_record_l(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'A ':
             self._parse_record_a(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'C ':
             self._parse_record_c(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AH':
             self._parse_record_ah(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AE':
             self._parse_record_ae(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dp':
             focal_mechanism = self._parse_record_dp(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dt':
             self._parse_record_dt(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Da':
             self._parse_record_da(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Dc':
             self._parse_record_dc(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'M ':
             self._parse_record_m(line, event, pick)
         elif record_id == 'S ':
             self._parse_record_s(line, event, pick, arrival)
     # strip extra whitespaces from event comments
     for event in catalog:
         for comment in event.comments:
             comment.text = comment.text.strip()
     return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _deserialize(self):
     catalog = Catalog()
     res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix,
                        self.filename.replace(':', '/')))\
         .replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
     catalog.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
     catalog.description = 'Created from NEIC PDE mchedr format'
     catalog.comments = ''
     catalog.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime())
     for line in self.fh.readlines():
         # XXX: ugly, probably we should do everything in byte strings
         # here? Is the pde / mchedr format unicode aware?
         line = line.decode()
         record_id = line[0:2]
         if record_id == 'HY':
             event = self._parse_record_hy(line)
         elif record_id == 'P ':
             pick, arrival = self._parse_record_p(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'E ':
             self._parse_record_e(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'L ':
             self._parse_record_l(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'A ':
             self._parse_record_a(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'C ':
             self._parse_record_c(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AH':
             self._parse_record_ah(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AE':
             self._parse_record_ae(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dp':
             focal_mechanism = self._parse_record_dp(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dt':
             self._parse_record_dt(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Da':
             self._parse_record_da(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Dc':
             self._parse_record_dc(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'M ':
             self._parse_record_m(line, event, pick)
         elif record_id == 'S ':
             self._parse_record_s(line, event, pick, arrival)
     # strip extra whitespaces from event comments
     for event in catalog:
         for comment in event.comments:
             comment.text = comment.text.strip()
     return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _deserialize(self):
     catalog = Catalog()
     res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, self.filename))
     catalog.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
     catalog.description = "Created from NEIC PDE mchedr format"
     catalog.comments = ""
     catalog.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime())
     for line in self.fh.readlines():
         # XXX: ugly, probably we should do everything in byte strings
         # here? Is the pde / mchedr format unicode aware?
         line = line.decode()
         record_id = line[0:2]
         if record_id == "HY":
             event = self._parseRecordHY(line)
         elif record_id == "P ":
             pick, arrival = self._parseRecordP(line, event)
         elif record_id == "E ":
             self._parseRecordE(line, event)
         elif record_id == "L ":
             self._parseRecordL(line, event)
         elif record_id == "A ":
             self._parseRecordA(line, event)
         elif record_id == "C ":
             self._parseRecordC(line, event)
         elif record_id == "AH":
             self._parseRecordAH(line, event)
         elif record_id == "AE":
             self._parseRecordAE(line, event)
         elif record_id == "Dp":
             focal_mechanism = self._parseRecordDp(line, event)
         elif record_id == "Dt":
             self._parseRecordDt(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == "Da":
             self._parseRecordDa(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == "Dc":
             self._parseRecordDc(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == "M ":
             self._parseRecordM(line, event, pick)
         elif record_id == "S ":
             self._parseRecordS(line, event, pick, arrival)
     # strip extra whitespaces from event comments
     for event in catalog:
         for comment in event.comments:
             comment.text = comment.text.strip()
     return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _deserialize(self):
     catalog = Catalog()
     res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, self.filename))
     catalog.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
     catalog.description = 'Created from NEIC PDE mchedr format'
     catalog.comments = ''
     catalog.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime())
     for line in self.fh.readlines():
         record_id = line[0:2]
         if record_id == 'HY':
             event = self._parseRecordHY(line)
         elif record_id == 'P ':
             pick, arrival = self._parseRecordP(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'E ':
             self._parseRecordE(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'L ':
             self._parseRecordL(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'A ':
             self._parseRecordA(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'C ':
             self._parseRecordC(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AH':
             self._parseRecordAH(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'AE':
             self._parseRecordAE(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dp':
             focal_mechanism = self._parseRecordDp(line, event)
         elif record_id == 'Dt':
             self._parseRecordDt(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Da':
             self._parseRecordDa(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'Dc':
             self._parseRecordDc(line, focal_mechanism)
         elif record_id == 'M ':
             self._parseRecordM(line, event, pick)
         elif record_id == 'S ':
             self._parseRecordS(line, event, pick, arrival)
     # strip extra whitespaces from event comments
     for event in catalog:
         for comment in event.comments:
             comment.text = comment.text.strip()
     return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_creationInfo(self):
     cat = Catalog()
     cat.creation_info = CreationInfo(author='test2')
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(cat.creation_info, CreationInfo))
     self.assertEqual(cat.creation_info.author, 'test2')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _deserialize(self):
        catalog = Catalog()
        catalog.description = 'Created from GSE2 format'
        catalog.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()

        # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BEGIN-STOP block
        begin_block = False
        # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BULLETIN block
        bulletin_block = False

            for line in self.lines:
                if line.startswith('BEGIN'):
                    if begin_block:
                        # 2 BEGIN without STOP
                        message = self._add_line_nb('Missing STOP tag')
                        raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
                        # Enter a BEGIN block
                        begin_block = True

                elif line.startswith('STOP'):
                    if begin_block:
                        # Exit a BEGIN-STOP block
                        begin_block = False
                        # STOP without BEGIN
                        message = self._add_line_nb('Missing BEGIN tag')
                        raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
                elif line.startswith('DATA_TYPE'):
                    bulletin_block = line[10:18] == 'BULLETIN'

                if not begin_block or not bulletin_block:
                    # Not in a BEGIN-STOP block, nor a DATA_TYPE BULLETIN
                    # block.

                # If a "Reviewed Event Bulletin" or "Reviewed Bulletin"
                # line exists, put it in comment
                if 'Reviewed Event Bulletin' in line \
                        or 'Reviewed Bulletin' in line:
                    comment = self._comment(line.strip())
                    if comment.text:
                # Detect start of an event
                elif line.startswith('EVENT'):
                    event = self._parse_event(line)
                    if event:

        except StopIteration:
            message = self._add_line_nb('Unexpected EOF while parsing')
            raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
        except Exception:
            self._warn('Unexpected error')

        if begin_block:
            # BEGIN-STOP block not closed
            text = 'Unexpected EOF while parsing, BEGIN-STOP block not closed'
            message = self._add_line_nb(text)
            raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)

        catalog.resource_id = self._get_res_id('event/evid')

        return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_creationInfo(self):
     cat = Catalog()
     cat.creation_info = CreationInfo(author='test2')
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(cat.creation_info, CreationInfo))
     self.assertEqual(cat.creation_info.author, 'test2')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _deserialize(self):
        catalog = Catalog()
        catalog.description = 'Created from GSE2 format'
        catalog.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()

        # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BEGIN-STOP block
        begin_block = False
        # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BULLETIN block
        bulletin_block = False

            for line in self.lines:
                if line.startswith('BEGIN'):
                    if begin_block:
                        # 2 BEGIN without STOP
                        message = self._add_line_nb('Missing STOP tag')
                        raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
                        # Enter a BEGIN block
                        begin_block = True

                elif line.startswith('STOP'):
                    if begin_block:
                        # Exit a BEGIN-STOP block
                        begin_block = False
                        # STOP without BEGIN
                        message = self._add_line_nb('Missing BEGIN tag')
                        raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
                elif line.startswith('DATA_TYPE'):
                    bulletin_block = line[10:18] == 'BULLETIN'

                if not begin_block or not bulletin_block:
                    # Not in a BEGIN-STOP block, nor a DATA_TYPE BULLETIN
                    # block.

                # If a "Reviewed Event Bulletin" or "Reviewed Bulletin"
                # line exists, put it in comment
                if 'Reviewed Event Bulletin' in line \
                        or 'Reviewed Bulletin' in line:
                    comment = self._comment(line.strip())
                    if comment.text:
                # Detect start of an event
                elif line.startswith('EVENT'):
                    event = self._parse_event(line)
                    if event:

        except StopIteration:
            message = self._add_line_nb('Unexpected EOF while parsing')
            raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)
        except Exception:
            self._warn('Unexpected error')

        if begin_block:
            # BEGIN-STOP block not closed
            text = 'Unexpected EOF while parsing, BEGIN-STOP block not closed'
            message = self._add_line_nb(text)
            raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message)

        catalog.resource_id = self._get_res_id('event/evid')

        return catalog
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_creation_info(self):
     cat = Catalog()
     cat.creation_info = CreationInfo(author='test2')
     assert isinstance(cat.creation_info, CreationInfo)
     assert cat.creation_info.author == 'test2'