Ejemplo n.º 1
    def state(self):
        """return state for testing."""
        from obspy.core.util import AttribDict
        out = AttribDict()
        # path to test files
        # self.path =
        # general constants
        tmax = 6.
        out.dt = 0.01
        npts = int(tmax / out.dt + 1)
        t = np.linspace(0., tmax, npts)
        out.fmin = .5
        out.fmax = 10
        # constants for the signal
        a1 = 4.
        t1 = 2.
        f1 = 2.
        phi1 = 0.
        # amplitude and phase error
        phase_shift = 0.1
        amp_fac = 1.2

        # generate the signal
        h1 = (np.sign(t - t1) + 1) / 2
        out.st1 = a1 * (t - t1) * np.exp(-2 * (t - t1))
        out.st1 *= np.cos(2. * np.pi * f1 * (t - t1) + phi1 * np.pi) * h1

        # reference signal
        out.st2 = out.st1.copy()

        # generate analytical signal (hilbert transform) and add phase shift
        out.st1p = hilbert(out.st1)
        out.st1p = np.real(
            np.abs(out.st1p) * np.exp(
                (np.angle(out.st1p) + phase_shift * np.pi) * 1j))

        # signal with amplitude error
        out.st1p /= amp_fac
        return out