Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_beachball(self):
     Create beachball examples in tests/output directory.
     # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USGS_sumatra_mts.gif
     data = [[0.91, -0.89, -0.02, 1.78, -1.55, 0.47],
             [274, 13, 55],
             [130, 79, 98],
             [264.98, 45.00, -159.99],
             [160.55, 76.00, -46.78],
             [1.45, -6.60, 5.14, -2.67, -3.16, 1.36],
             [235, 80, 35],
             [138, 56, 168],
             # Explosion
             [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             # Implosion
             [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
             # CLVD - Compensate Linear Vector Dipole
             [1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             # Double Couple
             [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             # Lars
             [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1],
             # http://wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/yuji/Aki-nada/
             [179, 55, -78],
             [10, 42.5, 90],
             [10, 42.5, 92],
             # http://wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/yuji/tottori/
             [150, 87, 1],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/2004/09/20040905_1/
             # 2nd.html
             [0.99, -2.00, 1.01, 0.92, 0.48, 0.15],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/2004/09/20040905_0/
             # 1st.html
             [5.24, -6.77, 1.53, 0.81, 1.49, -0.05],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/miyagi.htm
             [16.578, -7.987, -8.592, -5.515, -29.732, 7.517],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/20050613/chile.html
             [-2.39, 1.04, 1.35, 0.57, -2.94, -0.94],
     filenames = ['bb_sumatra_mt.png', 'bb_sumatra_np1.png',
                  'bb_sumatra_np2.png', 'bb_19950128_np1.png',
                  'bb_19950128_np2.png', 'bb_20090102_mt.png',
                  'bb_20090102_np1.png', 'bb-20090102-np2.png',
                  'bb_explosion.png', 'bb_implosion.png', 'bb_clvd.png',
                  'bb_double_couple.png', 'bb_lars.png', 'bb_geiyo_np1.png',
                  'bb_honshu_np1.png', 'bb_honshu_np2.png',
                  'bb_tottori_np1.png', 'bb_20040905_1_mt.png',
                  'bb_20040905_0_mt.png', 'bb_miyagi_mt.png',
     for data_, filename in zip(data, filenames):
         with ImageComparison(self.path, filename) as ic:
             beachball(data_, outfile=ic.name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_beachball(self):
     Create beachball examples in tests/output directory.
     # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USGS_sumatra_mts.gif
     data = [[0.91, -0.89, -0.02, 1.78, -1.55, 0.47],
             [274, 13, 55],
             [130, 79, 98],
             [264.98, 45.00, -159.99],
             [160.55, 76.00, -46.78],
             [1.45, -6.60, 5.14, -2.67, -3.16, 1.36],
             [235, 80, 35],
             [138, 56, 168],
             # Explosion
             [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             # Implosion
             [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0],
             # CLVD - Compensate Linear Vector Dipole
             [1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             # Double Couple
             [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             # Lars
             [1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1],
             # http://wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/yuji/Aki-nada/
             [179, 55, -78],
             [10, 42.5, 90],
             [10, 42.5, 92],
             # http://wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/yuji/tottori/
             [150, 87, 1],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/2004/09/20040905_1/
             # 2nd.html
             [0.99, -2.00, 1.01, 0.92, 0.48, 0.15],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/2004/09/20040905_0/
             # 1st.html
             [5.24, -6.77, 1.53, 0.81, 1.49, -0.05],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/miyagi.htm
             [16.578, -7.987, -8.592, -5.515, -29.732, 7.517],
             # http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/staff/thara/20050613/chile.html
             [-2.39, 1.04, 1.35, 0.57, -2.94, -0.94],
     filenames = ['bb_sumatra_mt.png', 'bb_sumatra_np1.png',
                  'bb_sumatra_np2.png', 'bb_19950128_np1.png',
                  'bb_19950128_np2.png', 'bb_20090102_mt.png',
                  'bb_20090102_np1.png', 'bb-20090102-np2.png',
                  'bb_explosion.png', 'bb_implosion.png', 'bb_clvd.png',
                  'bb_double_couple.png', 'bb_lars.png', 'bb_geiyo_np1.png',
                  'bb_honshu_np1.png', 'bb_honshu_np2.png',
                  'bb_tottori_np1.png', 'bb_20040905_1_mt.png',
                  'bb_20040905_0_mt.png', 'bb_miyagi_mt.png',
     for data_, filename in zip(data, filenames):
         with ImageComparison(self.path, filename) as ic:
             beachball(data_, outfile=ic.name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def Beachball(self, moment):
     params = {
         'legend.fontsize': 'x-large',
         'figure.figsize': (15, 15),
         'axes.labelsize': 25,
         'axes.titlesize': 'x-large',
         'xtick.labelsize': 25,
         'ytick.labelsize': 25
         beachball(moment, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='b')
     except TypeError:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def beachBall(strike,dip,rake,mrr,mtt,mpp,mrt,mrp,mtp,plot_file):
    Plotting the focal mechanism

    # sets figure's dimensions
    _fig_x = 10
    _fig_y = 10
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(_fig_x,_fig_y))

    # mt
    beach.beachball([mrr,mtt,mpp,mrt,mrp,mtp], facecolor='r', fig=fig)
    # dc
    beach.beachball([strike,dip,rake], nofill=True, fig=fig)

Ejemplo n.º 5
def save_event_beachball(idx, df, bb_type='tensor', fig_format='svg',
                         directory='./', use_dir_format=True, bb_linewidth=2,
                         bb_size=20, bb_width=100, bb_color='b'):
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    if bb_type == 'double_couple':
        mt = df.ix[idx][['Strike_1', 'Dip_1', 'Rake_1']]
    elif bb_type == 'tensor':
        mt = df.ix[idx][['Mrr', 'Mtt', 'Mpp', 'Mrt', 'Mrp', 'Mtp']]

    event = df.ix[i, 'Event']

    beachball(mt, linewidth=bb_linewidth, size=bb_size, width=bb_width,
              outfile='{}/{}.{}'.format(directory, event, fig_format),
              fig=fig, facecolor=bb_color)

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_mopad_fallback(self, image_path):
        Test the fallback to mopad.
        mt = [0.000, -1.232e25, 1.233e25, 0.141e25, -0.421e25, 2.531e25]

        with WarningsCapture() as w:
            # Always raise warning.
            beachball(mt, outfile=image_path)

        # Make sure the appropriate warnings has been raised.
        assert w
        # Filter
        w = [_i.message.args[0] for _i in w]
        w = [
            _i for _i in w
            if "falling back to the mopad wrapper" in _i.lower()
        assert w
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_mopad_fallback(self):
        Test the fallback to mopad.
        mt = [0.000, -1.232e25, 1.233e25, 0.141e25, -0.421e25, 2.531e25]

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            # Always raise warning.
            with ImageComparison(self.path, 'mopad_fallback.png') as ic:
                beachball(mt, outfile=ic.name)

        # Make sure the appropriate warnings has been raised.
        # Filter
        w = [_i.message.args[0] for _i in w]
        w = [_i for _i in w
             if "falling back to the mopad wrapper" in _i.lower()]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def plot_beachball_obspy(cat, **kwargs):
    # default
    if 'facecolor' not in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs['facecolor'] = [0.5] * 3

    if 'width' not in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs['width'] = 600

    if cat[0].preferred_focal_mechanism is None:
        logger.warning('nothing to do, the catalog does not have a '
                       'preferred focal mechanism')

    np1 = cat[0].preferred_focal_mechanism().nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1

    strike = np1['strike']
    dip = np1['dip']
    rake = np1['rake']

    fm = [strike, dip, rake]

    beachball(fm, **kwargs)
    return plt.gca()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_beachballs(self, strike, dip, rake, M0, savepath):
        rdip = np.deg2rad(dip)
        rstr = np.deg2rad(strike)
        rrake = np.deg2rad(rake)

        nx = -np.sin(rdip) * np.sin(rstr)
        ny = np.sin(rdip) * np.cos(rstr)
        nz = -np.cos(rdip)

        dx = np.cos(rrake) * np.cos(rstr) + np.cos(rdip) * np.sin(
            rrake) * np.sin(rstr)
        dy = np.cos(rrake) * np.sin(rstr) - np.cos(rdip) * np.sin(
            rrake) * np.cos(rstr)
        dz = -np.sin(rdip) * np.sin(rrake)

        # dx =  np.cos(rrake)*np.cos(rstr)+np.cos(rdip)*np.sin(rrake)*np.sin(rstr)
        # dy =  -np.cos(rrake)*np.sin(rstr)+np.cos(rdip)*np.sin(rrake)*np.cos(rstr)
        # dz = np.sin(rdip) *np.sin(rrake)

        Mxx = M0 * 2 * dx * nx
        Myy = M0 * 2 * dy * ny
        Mzz = M0 * 2 * dz * nz
        Mxy = M0 * dx * ny + dy * nx
        Mxz = M0 * dx * nz + dz * nx
        Myz = M0 * dy * nz + dz * ny

        moment = np.array([Mxx, Myy, Mzz, Mxy, Mxz, Myz])
        stations = {
            'names': ['S01', 'S02', 'S03', 'S04'],
            'azimuth': np.array([120., 5., 250., 75.]),
            'takeoff_angle': np.array([30., 60., 45., 10.]),
            'polarity': np.array([0.8, 0.5, 0.7, -0.9])
        # MTplot(np.array([[1], [0], [-1], [0], [0], [0]]), 'beachball',  stations=stations, fault_plane=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import obspy
import pandas as pd

from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beach
from obspy.imaging.source import plot_radiation_pattern

fault = []

st = input('Strike:')
dp = input('Dip: ')
rk = input('Rake: ')

fig = beachball(fault)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_BeachBallOutputFormats(self):
     Tests various output formats.
     fm = [115, 35, 50]
     # PDF
     data = beachball(fm, format='pdf')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%PDF")
     # as file
     # create and compare image
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='pdf', outfile=tf.name)
     # PS
     data = beachball(fm, format='ps')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%!PS")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ps') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='ps', outfile=tf.name)
     # PNG
     data = beachball(fm, format='png')
     self.assertEqual(data[1:4], b"PNG")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='png', outfile=tf.name)
     # SVG
     data = beachball(fm, format='svg')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:5], b"<?xml")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='svg', outfile=tf.name)
def parsexml(url):
    return read_events(url)

# ===================================

main_event = {'unid': '20170919_0000091'}

from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball

#url= "http://vigogne.emsc-csem.org/mtws/api/search\

url = "http://www.seismicportal.eu/mtws/api/search\

mt = parsecsv(geturl(url)['content'],
              usedict=True)[0]  #we get a list with only one element.

t = map(float, [
    mt['mt_mrr'], mt['mt_mtt'], mt['mt_mpp'], mt['mt_mrt'], mt['mt_mrp'],

print '=' * 46
print "{mt_source_catalog} Solution, Strike: {mt_strike_1}, Dip: {mt_dip_1}, Rake: {mt_rake_1}".format(
print '=' * 46

beachball(t, width=200)
    # formulas from Aki & Richards Box 4.4
    # mt(1-6): Mrr, Mtt, Mff, Mrt, Mrf, Mtf
    # mt(1-6): Mzz, Mxx, Myy, Mzx, -Mzy, -Mxy
    mt = [
        sr * sd2, -1. * sd * cr * ss2 - sd2 * sr * ss * ss,
        sd * cr * ss2 - sd2 * sr * cs * cs, -1. * cd * cr * cs - cd2 * sr * ss,
        cd * cr * ss - cd2 * sr * cs,
        -1. * sd * cr * cs2 - 0.5 * sd2 * sr * ss2
    return mt

m1 = 1.0
fault1 = [0, 90, 0]
mt1 = getmt(fault1)
print('MT 1: ', mt1)

m2 = 0.2
fault2 = [135, 45, -90]
mt2 = getmt(fault2)
print('MT 2: ', mt2)

sum_mt = [(m1 * a) + (m2 * a) for a, b, in zip(mt1, mt2)]
print('Sum MT: ', sum_mt)

compmt = getplanes(sum_mt)

fig = beachball(fm=[0.0, -0.0, 0.0, -7.347880794884119e-17, 0.0, -1.2])
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_BeachBallOutputFormats(self):
     Tests various output formats.
     fm = [115, 35, 50]
     # PDF
     data = beachball(fm, format='pdf')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%PDF")
     # as file
     # create and compare image
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='pdf', outfile=tf.name)
     # PS
     data = beachball(fm, format='ps')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%!PS")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ps') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='ps', outfile=tf.name)
     # PNG
     data = beachball(fm, format='png')
     self.assertEqual(data[1:4], b"PNG")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='png', outfile=tf.name)
     # SVG
     data = beachball(fm, format='svg')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:5], b"<?xml")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='svg', outfile=tf.name)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_beachball_output_format(self):
     Tests various output formats.
     fm = [115, 35, 50]
     # PDF - Some matplotlib versions internally raise some warnings here
     # which we don't want to see in the tests.
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         data = beachball(fm, format='pdf')
         assert data[0:4] == b"%PDF"
         # as file
         # create and compare image
         with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as tf:
             beachball(fm, format='pdf', outfile=tf.name)
     # PS
     data = beachball(fm, format='ps')
     assert data[0:4] == b"%!PS"
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ps') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='ps', outfile=tf.name)
     # PNG
     data = beachball(fm, format='png')
     assert data[1:4] == b"PNG"
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='png', outfile=tf.name)
     # SVG
     data = beachball(fm, format='svg')
     assert data[0:5] == b"<?xml"
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='svg', outfile=tf.name)
Ejemplo n.º 16
Make Focal Mech Plots
reads hash_df output file
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file = 'casc2.out' #hash_df solutions
fm_save_dir = '/Users/travisalongi/Cascadia/Figures/Focal_mechs/Run3/' #where to save mechs

columns = ['evid','yr', 'mon', 'day', 'hr', 'mn', 'sec',
           'ev_type', 'mag', 'mag_type', 
           'lat', 'lon', 'depth',
           'loc_qual', 'rms', 'xy_err', 'z_err', 'time_err',
           'n_arr', 'n_p', 'n_s',
           'strike', 'dip', 'rake',
           'fp_uncert', 'aux_uncert',
           'n_p_fm', 'pct_misfit',
           'fm_quality', 'prob_fm_solution', 'stn_dist_ratio',
           's/p_ratio', 'avg_sp_misfit', 'mult_flag']
hash_df = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\s+', names = columns)
hash_df = hash_df.set_index('evid') #index by event id
# make obspy beachballs for all HASH solutions
for index, row in hash_df.iterrows():
    date = UTCDateTime(row.yr, row.mon, row.day, row.hr, row.mn)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def plot_beachball(filename=None,strike=None,dip=None,rake=None,M0=None):
    reads in CMT solution and plots a beachball
    # obspy uses moment tensor as in
    # mt = [0.91, -0.89, -0.02, 1.78, -1.55, 0.47]

    # reads in CMT solution
    if not filename is None:
        # note: obspy.read_events(filename) could also read in CMTSOLUTION format:
        #  > cat = obspy.read_events(filename,format="CMTSOLUTION")
        #  > print(cat)
        # however it assumes a correct Flinn-Engdahl region which might not hold for UTM coordinates or test CMTs
        # thus reading in manually
        moment_tensor = read_CMT(filename)

    if not strike is None:
        print("given strike/dip/rake/M0 = ",strike,dip,rake,M0)
        # limits range:
        # strike in [0,360] (from North, clockwise)
        if strike < 0.0 or strike > 360.0:
            print("invalid strike, must be between 0 and 360 degrees")
        # dip in [0,90]
        if dip < 0.0 or dip > 90.0:
            print("invalid dip, must be between 0 and 90 degrees")
        # rake in [-180,180]
        if rake < -180.0 or rake > 180.0:
            print("invalid rake, must be between -180 and 180 degrees")

        # angle to rad
        strike *= pi/180.0
        dip *= pi/180.0
        rake *= pi/180.0

        # converts to moment tensor
        mt = convert_SDR_to_MT(strike,dip,rake,M0)
        moment_tensor = [mt]

    print("moment tensor MT (Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp):")

    # moment-tensor array can hold several single CMTs.
    # we will plot for each one a beachball
    for i in range(len(moment_tensor)):
        print("moment tensor ",i+1,":")
        mt =  moment_tensor[i]

        # scalar moment M0
        M0 = get_scalar_moment(mt)

        # moment magnitude Mw
        Mw = get_moment_magnitude(mt)

        print("  magnitude of the source:")
        print("         scalar moment M0 = ",M0,"dyne-cm")
        print("      moment magnitude Mw = ",Mw)

        # strike, dip, and rake info
        strike,dip,rake = convert_MT_to_SDR(mt,verbose=True)
        print("  strike/dip/rake = ",strike,"/",dip,"/",rake)

        # plotting
        print("  plotting beachball")
        fig = beachball(mt, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='r')

        # saves figure
        if len(moment_tensor) == 1:
            outfile = "beachball" + ".png"
            outfile = "beachball_{}".format(i+1) + ".png"

        print("  saved to: ",outfile)

    # statistics
    #for i in range(0,36+1):
    #    strike = i*10.0
    #    for j in range(0,9+1):
    #        dip = j*10.0
    #        for k in range(-18,18+1):
    #            rake = k*10.0
    #            mt = convert_SDR_to_MT(strike,dip,rake,M0)
    #            strike_out,dip_out,rake_out = convert_MT_to_SDR(mt)
    #            print("    strike/dip/rake = ",strike,"/",dip,"/",rake)
    #            print("out strike/dip/rake = ",strike_out,"/",dip_out,"/",rake_out)

Ejemplo n.º 18
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
from obspy import read

mt = [0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.4]
fig = beachball(mt, width=600)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_beachball_output_format(self):
     Tests various output formats.
     fm = [115, 35, 50]
     # PDF - Some matplotlib versions internally raise some warnings here
     # which we don't want to see in the tests.
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         data = beachball(fm, format='pdf')
         self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%PDF")
         # as file
         # create and compare image
         with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf') as tf:
             beachball(fm, format='pdf', outfile=tf.name)
     # PS
     data = beachball(fm, format='ps')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:4], b"%!PS")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.ps') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='ps', outfile=tf.name)
     # PNG
     data = beachball(fm, format='png')
     self.assertEqual(data[1:4], b"PNG")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='png', outfile=tf.name)
     # SVG
     data = beachball(fm, format='svg')
     self.assertEqual(data[0:5], b"<?xml")
     # as file
     with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as tf:
         beachball(fm, format='svg', outfile=tf.name)
Ejemplo n.º 20
import numpy as np
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.genfromtxt('TEST_DATA.txt')

mts = np.array(data[:, 3:9])
exp = np.array(data[:, 9])
mts = [mts[i, :] * 10**exp[i] for i in range(len(exp))]
mt_sum = np.sum(mts, axis=0)


### Mrr -9.2557e26

# my results: [-9.255760e+26  1.911197e+27 -9.823480e+26 -1.706900e+25  3.282760e+26
#  -1.650034e+27]
Ejemplo n.º 21
ColorMap = Make_Colormap([
    (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    c('cyan'), (np.median(magnitude) - 2 * magnitude.std()) / magnitude.max(),
    c('cyan'), (0.2, 0.6, 0.2), (np.median(magnitude) / magnitude.max()),
    (0.2, 0.6, 0.2),
    (np.median(magnitude) + 2 * magnitude.std()) / magnitude.max(),
    c('yellow'), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

# Toss balls in ballbin, i.e. create png files of moment tensors for kmz
for i in range(0, data.shape[0]):
    ball = beachball([strike[i], dip[i], rake[i]],
                     facecolor=ColorMap(depth[i] / depth.max()),
                     outfile='%s.png' % i)

# Make directory for legends

# Create a plot showing depth color bar aka legend 1
a = np.outer(np.arange(0, 1, 0.01), np.ones(10))
legend1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.imshow(a,cmap=ColorMap, origin='lower', extent=[0,1,0,depth.max()], \
Ejemplo n.º 22

print(np.max(data[:, 2]))

mt = [-2.39, 1.04, 1.35, 0.57, -2.94, -0.94]

test = [-2.39, 0.57, -2.94, 0.57, 1.04, -0.94, -2.94, -0.94, 1.35]

test = np.reshape(test, (3, 3))


w, v = eig(test)
print('w: ', w)
print('v: ', v)


mt = [1.73, -0.427, -0.61, 2.98, -2.4, 0.426]
mt_test = [1.73, 2.98, -2.4, 2.98, -0.427, 0.426, -2.4, 0.426, -0.61]
mt_test = np.reshape(mt_test, (3, 3))
w, v = eig(mt_test)
print('w: ', w)
print('v: ', v)

p0 = [0.81400949, 0.57927701, -0.04273997]
p1 = [0.46635507, -0.60791683, 0.64261192]
p2 = [-0.34626796, 0.5430242, 0.76499884]
Ejemplo n.º 23
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball

mt = [0.91, -0.89, -0.02, 1.78, -1.55, 0.47]
beachball(mt, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='b')

mt2 = [150, 87, 1]
beachball(mt2, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='r')

mt3 = [-2.39, 1.04, 1.35, 0.57, -2.94, -0.94]
beachball(mt3, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='g')
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def beachball(self, color='gray'):
     """makes obspy beachball"""
     beachball([self.strike, self.dip, self.rake], facecolor=color)
Ejemplo n.º 25
mrays = mars.get_ray_paths(source_depth_in_km=55,
                           phase_list=["P", "S"])

# source (strike, dip, rake) and P, S velocities at source depth.
# thrust fault thats roughly orientated like the faults on the CF
fault = [120, 45, 90]
mt = getmt(fault)
# manual input from the models based on the depth of the marsquake (unknown so can be done later)
Pvelz = 5.84666
Svelz = 3.28116

from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
beachball(mt, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='b')

# configuration:
azimuth = 270  #from the marsquake to the station
# exit angles based on velocity at depth
iP = np.degrees(np.arcsin(Pvelz * Pp / radius))
jS = np.degrees(np.arcsin(Svelz * Sp / radius))
print('P exit at ', iP)
print('S exit at ', jS)
P, SV, SH = Rpattern(fault, azimuth, [iP, jS])
print(P, SV, SH)

from obspy.imaging.source import plot_radiation_pattern
                       kind=['p_sphere', 'beachball', 's_sphere', 's_quiver'],
Ejemplo n.º 26
def plot_beachball(filename, mt):
    """ Plots source mechanism
    beachball(mt, size=200, linewidth=2, facecolor='b')