Ejemplo n.º 1
def log_cepstrum(data, fs, nc, p, n, w):  # @UnusedVariable: n is never used!!!
    Cepstrum of a signal.

    Computes the cepstral coefficient on a logarithmic scale of the given data
    which can be windowed or not.

    If data are windowed the analytic signal and the envelope of each window is

    :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: Data to make envelope of.
    :param fs: Sampling frequency in Hz.
    :param nc: number of cepstral coefficients.
    :param p: Number of filters in filterbank.
    :param n: Number of data windows.
    :return: Cepstral coefficients.
    new_dtype = np.float32 if data.dtype.itemsize == 4 else np.float64
    data = np.require(data, dtype=new_dtype)

    dataT = np.transpose(data)
    nfft = util.next_pow_2(dataT.shape[0])
    fc = fftpack.fft(dataT, nfft, 0)
    f = fc[1:len(fc) // 2 + 1, :]
    m, a, b = log_spaced_filterbank_matrix(p, nfft, fs, w)
    pw = np.real(np.multiply(f[a:b, :], np.conj(f[a:b, :])))
    pth = np.max(pw) * 1E-20
    ath = np.sqrt(pth)
    # h1 = np.transpose(np.array([[ath] * int(b + 1 - a)]))
    # h2 = m * abs(f[a - 1:b, :])
    y = np.log(np.maximum(m * abs(f[a - 1:b, :]), ath))
    z = util.rdct(y)
    z = z[1:, :]
    # nc = nc + 1
    nf = np.size(z, 1)
    if (p > nc):
        z = z[:nc, :]
    elif (p < nc):
        z = np.vstack([z, np.zeros(nf, nc - p)])
    return z
Ejemplo n.º 2
def log_cepstrum(data, fs, nc, p, n, w):  # @UnusedVariable: n is never used!!!
    Cepstrum of a signal.

    Computes the cepstral coefficient on a logarithmic scale of the given data
    which can be windowed or not.

    If data are windowed the analytic signal and the envelope of each window is

    :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: Data to make envelope of.
    :param fs: Sampling frequency in Hz.
    :param nc: number of cepstral coefficients.
    :param p: Number of filters in filterbank.
    :param n: Number of data windows.
    :return: Cepstral coefficients.
    new_dtype = np.float32 if data.dtype.itemsize == 4 else np.float64
    data = np.require(data, dtype=new_dtype)

    data_t = np.transpose(data)
    nfft = util.next_pow_2(data_t.shape[0])
    fc = fftpack.fft(data_t, nfft, 0)
    f = fc[1:len(fc) // 2 + 1, :]
    m, a, b = log_spaced_filterbank_matrix(p, nfft, fs, w)
    pw = np.real(np.multiply(f[a:b, :], np.conj(f[a:b, :])))
    pth = np.max(pw) * 1E-20
    ath = np.sqrt(pth)
    # h1 = np.transpose(np.array([[ath] * int(b + 1 - a)]))
    # h2 = m * abs(f[a - 1:b, :])
    y = np.log(np.maximum(m * abs(f[a - 1:b, :]), ath))
    z = util.rdct(y)
    z = z[1:, :]
    # nc = nc + 1
    nf = np.size(z, 1)
    if (p > nc):
        z = z[:nc, :]
    elif (p < nc):
        z = np.vstack([z, np.zeros(nf, nc - p)])
    return z