Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(obstacles, start, goal, step_size, max_size, plotter):
    circ_rad = min(step_size/5, 5)
    final_pos = [np.array(goal), np.array(start)]

    # Pre-compute for generating new random points in Q_free
    minp, maxp   = obstacles.vertices.min(0), obstacles.vertices.max(0)
    span, offset = (maxp-minp)*1.1, minp-(maxp-minp)*0.05

    def gen_valid_rand(valid_function):
        """ Generates a valid q_rand in Q_free given a validity function """
        tmp     = np.random.random(2) * span + offset
        while not valid_function(*tmp):
            tmp = np.random.random(2) * span + offset
        return tmp

    KD    = [KDTree(start), KDTree(goal)]
    RRT   = [PathTree(start), PathTree(goal)]
    n     = 1
    rnd_display = False
    obstacles = Obstacles(obstacles.to_polygons())

    • Expand tree T_1 randomly, add node q_new
    • Expand T_2 towards q_new
        • If tree T_2 connects to q_new, path formed else add a q_new for tree T_2
    • Now expand T_1 to q_new in tree T_2
    • Keep swapping T_1 and T_2 for expansion towards the
    other tree until they meet

    trials = 0
    q_new, last_expanded = None, -1
    while KD[0].length + KD[1].length < 1000:
        trials += 1
        if rnd_display: circ1.remove(); rnd_display = False
        n = 1 - n
        # If the last expanded node was in the other tree, try expanding towards q_new
        if last_expanded != n and q_new is not None:
            q_near, dist = KD[n].nearestNode(q_new)
            q_next = gen_next(q_near, q_new, step_size) if dist>step_size else q_new
            # Expansion towards q_new is possible. Add to path and goal check
            if obstacles.point_is_valid(*q_next) and \
                not obstacles.check_collisions((q_near, q_next)):
                RRT[n].addPath(q_near, q_next)
                plotter.draw_circle(q_next, circ_rad, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', zorder=1)
                plotter.draw_line(q_near, q_next, color='kb'[n], zorder=1)

                if q_next == q_new: break # Path found
                q_new, last_expanded, trials = q_next, n, 0 # Update for next iteration

        # If last expanded node was not in the other tree or expansion to q_new not possible
        # Try to expand to q_rand if possible
        q_rand = gen_valid_rand(obstacles.point_is_valid) if np.random.randint(0,100)>5 else final_pos[n]
        rnd_display, circ1 = True, plotter.draw_circle(q_rand, 5, zorder=5)

        q_near, dist = KD[n].nearestNode(q_rand)
        if dist < step_size:
            if trials < 10: continue
            q_next = tuple(q_rand)
            q_next = gen_next(q_near, q_rand, step_size)
            if not obstacles.point_is_valid(*q_next): continue
        if obstacles.check_collisions((q_near, q_next)): continue

        RRT[n].addPath(q_near, q_next)

        plotter.draw_line(q_near, q_next, color='kb'[n], zorder=1)
        plotter.draw_circle(q_next, circ_rad, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', zorder=1)

        q_new, last_expanded, near_count = q_next, n, 0

    print("n =", KD[0].length + KD[1].length, "(%d, %d)"%(KD[0].length, KD[1].length))

    # Plot out goal path
    cur = RRT[0][tuple(q_next)]
    while cur.parent:
        plotter.draw_line(cur, cur.parent, update=False, color='y', zorder=3)
        plotter.draw_circle(cur, circ_rad*1.5, update=False, facecolor='xkcd:green', edgecolor='k', zorder=4)
        cur = cur.parent

    cur = RRT[1][tuple(q_next)]
    while cur.parent:
        plotter.draw_line(cur, cur.parent, update=False, color='y', zorder=3)
        plotter.draw_circle(cur, circ_rad*1.5, update=False, facecolor='xkcd:green', edgecolor='k', zorder=4)
        cur = cur.parent
Ejemplo n.º 2
    """ Unit test for line in obstacle """
    minp, maxp = path.vertices.min(0), path.vertices.max(0)
    step_size = 50

    starts = gen_rand(minp, maxp, num_tests)
    rands  = gen_rand(minp, maxp, num_tests)

    # starts, rands = starts.astype(int), rands.astype(int)

    dirs  = starts - rands
    ends  = starts + dirs / np.hypot(dirs[:,0], dirs[:,1])[:,None] * step_size
    paths = [Path([starts[i], ends[i]], [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO]) for i in range(num_tests)]

    # Shapely answer
    my_ans = [obstacles.check_collisions(paths[i].vertices) for i in range(num_tests)]
    ex_ans = [shapely_intersect(paths[i].vertices) for i in range(num_tests)]

    correct_positives, correct_negatives = [], []
    false_positives, false_negatives = [], []
    for i in range(num_tests):
        if   my_ans[i] and ex_ans[i]:         correct_positives.append(i)
        elif not my_ans[i] and not ex_ans[i]: correct_negatives.append(i)
        elif ex_ans[i] and not my_ans[i]:     false_negatives.append(i)
        elif my_ans[i] and not ex_ans[i]:     false_positives.append(i)
    print("Correct : ", len(correct_positives), len(correct_negatives))
    print("False   : ", len(false_positives), len(false_negatives))

    for idx in false_negatives:
        print(idx, Line(Point(*paths[idx].vertices[0]), Point(*paths[idx].vertices[1])), my_ans[idx], ex_ans[idx])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(obstacles, start, goal, step_size, max_size, plotter):
    circ_rad = min(step_size / 5, 5)
    final_pos = np.array(goal[:2])

    # Pre-compute for generating new random points in Q_free
    minp, maxp = obstacles.vertices.min(0), obstacles.vertices.max(0)
    span, offset = (maxp - minp) * 1.1, minp - (maxp - minp) * 0.05

    def gen_valid_rand(valid_function):
        """ Generates a valid q_rand in Q_free given a validity function """
        tmp = np.random.random(2) * span + offset
        while not valid_function(*tmp):
            tmp = np.random.random(2) * span + offset
        return tmp

    KD = KDTree(start)
    RRT = PathTree(start)
    circ1 = plotter.draw_circle(start, 1, time=1, zorder=5)
    obstacles = Obstacles(obstacles.to_polygons())

    trials = 0
    while KD.length < max_size:
        trials += 1

        # Select a random point q_rand \in Q_free
        q_rand = gen_valid_rand(obstacles.point_is_valid) if np.random.randint(
            0, 100) > 5 else final_pos
        circ1 = plotter.draw_circle(q_rand, 5, time=0.01, zorder=5)

        # Find the nearest node and distance to it
        q_near, dist = KD.nearestNode(q_rand)

        # Generate the next node in the direction of q_rand
        if dist < step_size:
            if trials < 10: continue  # Prevents step_size too big bug
            q_next = tuple(q_rand)
            q_next = gen_next(q_near, q_rand, step_size)
            if not obstacles.point_is_valid(*q_next): continue

        # Check validity and update tree
        if obstacles.check_collisions((q_near, q_next)): continue

        RRT.addPath(q_near, q_next)

        plotter.draw_line(q_near, q_next, color='k', zorder=1, update=False)

        if not obstacles.check_collisions((q_next, goal)):
            # IF there is a direct line to the goal, then TAKE IT
            goal_distance = math.hypot(q_next[0] - goal[0],
                                       q_next[1] - goal[1])
            while goal_distance > 0:
                q_new = gen_next(q_next, goal, min(goal_distance, step_size))
                RRT.addPath(q_next, q_new)
                q_next = q_new
                goal_distance -= step_size

        trials = 0

    print("n =", KD.length)

    cur = RRT[goal]
    while cur.parent:
        plotter.draw_line(cur, cur.parent, update=False, color='b', zorder=3)
                            circ_rad * 1.5,
        cur = cur.parent