Ejemplo n.º 1
def CORE_READ002_COMMON(category, links=[]):
    check_url = True
    check_200ok = False
    err_msg = []
    headers = []

    headers.append('Content-Type: text/occi')
    headers += renderer_httpheaders.render_category(occi.Category({'term': category['term'], 'scheme': category['scheme'], 'class': category['class']}))[1]

    body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.get(url=occi_config['url'] + category['location'], headers=headers)
        locations = renderer.parse_locations(body, response_headers)
    except occi.ParseError as pe:
        locations = []
        check_url = False
    links[0:] = locations

    if re.match(r'^HTTP/.* 200 OK', http_status):
        check_200ok = True
        err_msg.append('Returned HTTP status is not 200 OK (%s)' % http_status)

    check_ct2, tmp_err_msg = check_content_type(content_type)
    err_msg += tmp_err_msg

    return [check_url and check_ct2 and check_200ok, err_msg]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)

        if not check_pretest:
            return [False, err_msg]

        #kind = Test.search_category({'class': 'kind'})
        kind = Test.search_category({'class': 'kind', 'term': 'compute'})
        #print kind

        if kind:
            for item in ['location', 'term', 'scheme']:
                if item not in kind.keys():
                    err_msg.append('No %s in OCCI Kind' % item)
                    return [False, err_msg]
            err_msg.append('No OCCI Kind found')
            return [False, err_msg]

        new_cat_s, new_cat_h = renderer.render_resource(
                    'term': 'compute',
                    'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#',
                    'class': 'kind',
                    'title': 'titulek',
                    'name': 'occi.core.id',
                    'value': gen_id('Compute'),
                    'name': 'occi.core.title',
                    'value': 'titulek',
                    'name': 'occi.core.summary',
                    'value': 'sumarko',
                    'name': 'occi.compute.architecture',
                    'value': 'arch',

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.post(url=occi_config['url'] + kind['location'], headers=['Content-Type: %s' % occi_config['mimetype']] + new_cat_h, body=new_cat_s)
        check_create, tmp_err_msg = check_http_status("201 Created", http_status)
        err_msg += tmp_err_msg

        if not check_create:
            print >> sys.stderr, body

        return [check_create, err_msg]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []
        category = occi.Category({'term': 'compute', 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#', 'class': 'kind'})

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)
        if not check_pretest:
            return [False, err_msg]

        return INFRA_CREATE_COMMON('compute', [category], [], err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []
        category = occi.Category({'term': 'network', 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#', 'class': 'kind'})
        additional_attributes = [occi.AttributeDefinition({"name": "occi.core.title", "required": True})]

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)
        if not check_pretest:
            return [False, err_msg]

        return INFRA_CREATE_COMMON('network', [category], additional_attributes, err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []
        categories = [
            occi.Category({'term': 'compute', 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#', 'class': 'kind'})

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)
        if not check_pretest:
            return [False, err_msg]

        # OS template
        os_tpl = Test.search_category({'class': 'mixin', 'rel': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#os_tpl'})
        if occi_config['curlverbose']:
            print '[OCCI/INFRA/CREATE/004] os_tpl: %s' % str(os_tpl)
        if not os_tpl:
            err_msg.append('No OCCI OS Template found')
            return [False, err_msg]

        # 'term': 'uuid_ttylinux_0', 'scheme': 'http://occi.myriad5.zcu.cz/occi/infrastructure/os_tpl#', 'class': 'mixin'
        categories.append(occi.Category({'term': os_tpl['term'], 'scheme': os_tpl['scheme'], 'class': 'mixin'}))

        if 'attributes' in os_tpl:
            tpl_attributes = os_tpl['attributes']
            tpl_attributes = []

        # resource template
        resource_tpl = Test.search_category({'class': 'mixin', 'rel': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#resource_tpl'})
        if occi_config['curlverbose']:
            print '[OCCI/INFRA/CREATE/004] resource_tpl: %s' % str(resource_tpl)
        if not resource_tpl:
            err_msg.append('No OCCI Resource Template found')
            return [False, err_msg]
        if resource_tpl:
            categories.append(occi.Category({'term': resource_tpl['term'], 'scheme': resource_tpl['scheme'], 'class': 'mixin'}))
            if 'attributes' in resource_tpl:
                tpl_attributes += resource_tpl['attributes']

        if occi_config['curlverbose']:
            print '[OCCI/INFRA/CREATE/004] attributes: %s' % str(tpl_attributes)

        return INFRA_CREATE_COMMON('compute', categories, tpl_attributes, err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []
        filtered_categories = []

        check = True

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)
        if not Test.categories:
            err_msg += ['No categories returned']
            return [False, err_msg]

        filter = occi.Category({
            'term': Test.categories[0]['term'],
            'scheme': Test.categories[0]['scheme'],
            'class': Test.categories[0]['class'],
        cat_in = []
        cat_in.append('Content-Type: text/occi')
        cat_in += renderer_httpheaders.render_category(filter)[1]

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.get(headers=cat_in)

        check_ct, err_msg = check_content_type(content_type)

        if not re.match(r'^HTTP/.* 200 OK', http_status):
            check = False
            err_msg.append('HTTP status on filter not 200 OK (%s)' % http_status)

        check_rct, tmp_err_msg = check_requested_content_type(content_type)
        err_msg += tmp_err_msg

            filtered_categories = renderer.parse_categories(body, response_headers)
        except occi.ParseError as pe:
            check = False

        check_filter = False
        for cat in filtered_categories:
            if match_category(cat, filter):
                check_filter = True
        if not check_filter:
            err_msg.append('Category "%s" (scheme "%s") not in filtered result' % (filter['term'], filter['scheme']))

        return [check and check_pretest and check_ct and check_rct and check_filter, err_msg]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test(self=None):
        err_msg = []

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)

        category = occi.Category(occi_config['occi.tests.category'])
        check, err_msg = INFRA_CREATE_COMMON('compute', [category], [], err_msg)
        if not check:
            return [False, err_msg]

        check, err_msg, tmp_urls = CORE_READ_URL(occi_config['occi.tests.category'])

        if not tmp_urls:
            err_msg += ["OCCI entity URL not found!"]
            return [False, err_msg]

        url = tmp_urls[0]
        if occi_config['curlverbose']:
            print '[OCCI/CORE/DELETE/001] entity URL: %s' % str(url)

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.get(url=url)
        check_exist1, tmp_err_msg = check_http_status("200 OK", http_status)
        err_msg += tmp_err_msg
        if occi_config['curlverbose']:
            print '[OCCI/CORE/DELETE/001] entity body: %s' % str(body)

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.delete(url=url)
        check_delete1, tmp_err_msg = check_http_status('2\d\d ', http_status)
        err_msg += tmp_err_msg

        # It takes some time to delete machine, second delete action force it
        # Not testing result of the operation (various backends have different behaviour)
        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.delete(url=url)

        body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.get(url=url)
        check_exist2, tmp_err_msg = check_http_status("404 Not Found", http_status)
        err_msg += tmp_err_msg


        return [check_exist1 and check_exist2 and check_delete1, err_msg]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def parse_category_body(self, body):
        """Parse OCCI Category body


           entity;scheme="http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/core#";class="kind";title="entity";location="/entity/";attributes="occi.core.id{immutable required} occi.core.title"

        :param string body: text to parse
        :return: OCCI Category
        :rtype: occi.Category
        category = occi.Category()

        chunks = TextRenderer.reChunks.split(body)

        if not chunks[0]:
            raise occi.ParseError('Invalid format of category, term expected',

        category['term'] = chunks[0]

        # skip the first chunk (category term)
        for chunk in chunks[1:]:
            keyvalue = TextRenderer.reKeyValue.split(chunk, 1)
            if len(keyvalue) != 2:
                raise occi.ParseError('Key/value pair expected in category',

            key = keyvalue[0]
            value = keyvalue[1]
            keymatch = TextRenderer.reKeyCheck.match(key)
            if keymatch is None:
                raise occi.ParseError(
                    'Invalid characters in category property', chunk)
            # every value quoted, only class has quoting optional
            valuematch = TextRenderer.reQuoted.match(value)
            if valuematch is None and key != 'class':
                raise occi.ParseError(
                    'Category value not properly quoted or unexpected EOF',
            if valuematch:
                value = valuematch.group(1)
            # sanity check: there should not be any quotes now
            if value[0] == '"' or (len(value) >= 2 and value[-1] == '"'):
                raise occi.ParseError('Unexpected quotes in category', chunk)

            if key == 'location':
                if not check_url(value):
                    raise occi.ParseError(
                        'URL is not valid in OCCI Category location', chunk)
                category[key] = value
            elif key == 'scheme':
                if not check_url(value):
                    raise occi.ParseError(
                        'URL is not valid in OCCI Category scheme', chunk)
                category[key] = value
            elif key == 'attributes':
                category[key] = self.parse_attribute_defs(value)
            elif key == 'actions':
                category[key] = self.parse_actions(value)
            elif key in ['class', 'title', 'rel']:
                category[key] = value
                raise occi.ParseError('Unknown key "%s" in category' % key,

        if not category.validate():
            raise occi.ParseError('Missing fields in OCCI Category', body)

        return category
Ejemplo n.º 9
def INFRA_CREATE_LINK(resource_name, resource_type):
    Opennebula requires running compute instance.

    :param string resource_name: Resource Name (storage, network)
    :param string resource_type: Resource Type (link, interface)
    :return: status, err_msg
    :rtype: [bool, string[]]

    err_msg = []
    check = True
    check_link = False
    compute_links = []
    resource_links = []
    resourcelink = None
    attributes = {}
    attribute_definitions = []

    body, response_headers, http_status, content_type, check_pretest = Test.pretest_http_status("200 OK", err_msg)
    if not check_pretest:
        return [False, err_msg]

    compute = Test.search_category({'term': 'compute', 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#'})
    resource = Test.search_category({'term': resource_name, 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#'})

    check_read, tmp_err_msg = CORE_READ002_COMMON(category=compute, links=compute_links)
    if not check_read:
        check = False
    err_msg += tmp_err_msg

    check_read, tmp_err_msg = CORE_READ002_COMMON(category=resource, links=resource_links)
    if not check_read:
        check = False
    err_msg += tmp_err_msg

    #print resource_links
    #print compute_links

    if not resource_links or not compute_links:
        if not resource_links:
            err_msg.append('No %s found' % resource_name)
        if not compute_links:
            err_msg.append('No compute found')
        return [False, err_msg]

    resourcelink = Test.search_category({'term': '%s%s' % (resource_name, resource_type), 'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure#', 'class': 'kind'})
    if not resourcelink:
        err_msg.append('No %slink kind found' % resource_name)
        return [False, err_msg]
    #print resourcelink

    if 'attributes' in resourcelink:
        attribute_definitions += resourcelink['attributes']

    attributes['occi.core.id'] = occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.core.id', 'value': gen_id('%s%s' % (resource_name.capitalize(), resource_type))})
    attributes['occi.core.source'] = occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.core.source', 'value': compute_links[0]})
    attributes['occi.core.target'] = occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.core.target', 'value': resource_links[0]})
    if not get_attributes(attribute_definitions, attributes, err_msg):
        check = False
    #print attributes

    new_resourcelink_s, new_resourcelink_h = renderer.render_resource(
            occi.Category({'term': resourcelink['term'], 'scheme': resourcelink['scheme'], 'class': resourcelink['class']}),

    body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.post(url=occi_config['url'] + resourcelink['location'], headers=['Content-Type: %s' % occi_config['mimetype']] + new_resourcelink_h, body=new_resourcelink_s)

    check_create, tmp_err_msg = check_http_status("201 Created", http_status)
    err_msg += tmp_err_msg

    if not check_create:
        print >> sys.stderr, body


    resource_link = resource_links[0]
    resource_link_rel = urlparse.urlparse(resource_link).path

    body, response_headers, http_status, content_type = connection.get(url=compute_links[0])

    result_links = []
        result_categories, result_links, result_attributes = renderer.parse_resource(body, response_headers)
    except occi.ParseError as pe:
        err_msg += [str(pe)]

    #print resource_link
    #print result_links
    for l in result_links:
        # accept both: relative and absolute URI
        if l['uri'] == resource_link or l['uri'] == resource_link_rel:
            check_link = True

    if not check_link:
        err_msg += ["OCCI Compute Resource is NOT linked with OCCI %s Resource!" % (resource_name.capitalize())]
        print >> sys.stderr, body

    return [check and check_create and check_link, err_msg]
Ejemplo n.º 10
import time
import urlparse

from occi_libs import *
import transport
import occi

renderer = None
renderer_big = None
renderer_httpheaders = None
connection = None

#'Category: offline;scheme="http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/infrastructure/storagelink/action#";class="action";title="deactivate storagelink"'
required_categories = [
    occi.Category({'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/core#', 'term': 'entity'}),
    occi.Category({'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/core#', 'term': 'resource'}),
    occi.Category({'scheme': 'http://schemas.ogf.org/occi/core#', 'term': 'link'}),

example_attributes = {
    'occi.core.id': occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.core.id', 'value': '1'}),
    'occi.core.title': occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.core.title', 'value': 'Test_title_%d' % time.time()}),
    'occi.storage.size': occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.storage.size', 'type': 'number', 'value': 0.1}),
    'occi.storage.state': occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.storage.state', 'type': 'enum', 'value': "inactive"}),
    'occi.storagelink.deviceid': occi.Attribute({'name': 'occi.storagelink.deviceid', 'type': 'string', 'value': "/dev/blk0"})

class Test:
    """Base class for OCCI compliance tests"""