Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_next_item_occurrences_UTC(base_time, utcbase, utcoffset, filename,
                                                            id_, rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on base_time, in fact an except rule can affect
        # an occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time
        # range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(minstart, rule['#'][0],
                                        interval, rule['#'][2], rule['#'][3])

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for wide search ranges and short intervals (bug #329)
        while True:
            end = start + rend

            next_occ = occs.get_next_occurrence_time()

            if not next_occ or start > next_occ:

            if start <= maxend and end >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, start, end, inclusive)

            start += interval
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_occurrences_range_UTC(mint, utcmint, maxt, utcoffset, filename, id_,
                                                                rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on mint, in fact an except rule can affect an
        # occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(minstart, rule['#'][0],
                                        interval, rule['#'][2], rule['#'][3])

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for example when retrieving the old alarms, and such a
        # search couldn't be aborted, since the aborting happens there, not in
        # this loop (bug #329)
        while True:
            end = start + rend

            if start > maxend:
            elif end >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, start, end, inclusive)

            start += interval
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_next_item_occurrences_UTC(base_time, utcbase, utcoffset, filename, id_,
                                  rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on base_time, in fact an except rule can affect
        # an occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time
        # range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(minstart, rule['#'][0],
                                                 interval, rule['#'][2],

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for wide search ranges and short intervals (bug #329)
        while True:
            end = start + rend

            next_occ = occs.get_next_occurrence_time()

            if not next_occ or start > next_occ:

            if start <= maxend and end >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, start, end, inclusive)

            start += interval
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_occurrences_range_UTC(mint, utcmint, maxt, utcoffset, filename, id_,
                              rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on mint, in fact an except rule can affect an
        # occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(minstart, rule['#'][0],
                                                 interval, rule['#'][2],

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for example when retrieving the old alarms, and such a
        # search couldn't be aborted, since the aborting happens there, not in
        # this loop (bug #329)
        while True:
            end = start + rend

            if start > maxend:
            elif end >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, start, end, inclusive)

            start += interval
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_next_item_occurrences_local(base_time, utcbase, utcoffset, filename,
                                    id_, rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on base_time, in fact an except rule can affect
        #  an occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time
        #  range
        # Subtract utcoffset.compute(minstart) because in Western (negative)
        #  time zones (e.g. Pacific/Honolulu), the first occurrence to be found
        #  would otherwise be already too late; in Eastern (positive) time
        #  zones the problem would pass unnoticed because the first occurrence
        #  would be found too early, and simply several cycles would not
        #  produce occurrences in the search range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(
            minstart - utcoffset.compute(minstart), rule['#'][0], interval,
            rule['#'][2], rule['#'][3])

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for wide search ranges and short intervals (bug #329)
        while True:
            # Every timestamp can have a different UTC offset, depending
            # whether it's in a DST period or not
            offset = utcoffset.compute(start)

            sstart = start + offset
            send = sstart + rend

            next_occ = occs.get_next_occurrence_time()

            # Do compare sstart with next_occ, *not* start
            if not next_occ or sstart > next_occ:

            # Do compare sstart with maxend and send with minstart, *not* start
            # and end
            if sstart <= maxend and send >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, sstart, send, inclusive)

            start += interval
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_next_item_occurrences_local(base_time, utcbase, utcoffset, filename,
                                                            id_, rule, occs):
    limits = occs.get_item_time_span(filename, id_)

    if limits:
        minstart, maxend = limits

        interval = rule['#'][1]
        rend = rule['#'][4]
        inclusive = rule['#'][5]

        # start can't be based on base_time, in fact an except rule can affect
        #  an occurrence even if its start and end times are out of the time
        #  range
        # Subtract utcoffset.compute(minstart) because in Western (negative)
        #  time zones (e.g. Pacific/Honolulu), the first occurrence to be found
        #  would otherwise be already too late; in Eastern (positive) time
        #  zones the problem would pass unnoticed because the first occurrence
        #  would be found too early, and simply several cycles would not
        #  produce occurrences in the search range
        start = occur_regularly.compute_min_time(minstart - utcoffset.compute(
                minstart), rule['#'][0], interval, rule['#'][2], rule['#'][3])

        # Because of the start time note above, this loop will take a long time
        # to complete for wide search ranges and short intervals (bug #329)
        while True:
            # Every timestamp can have a different UTC offset, depending
            # whether it's in a DST period or not
            offset = utcoffset.compute(start)

            sstart = start + offset
            send = sstart + rend

            next_occ = occs.get_next_occurrence_time()

            # Do compare sstart with next_occ, *not* start
            if not next_occ or sstart > next_occ:

            # Do compare sstart with maxend and send with minstart, *not* start
            # and end
            if sstart <= maxend and send >= minstart:
                # The rule is checked in make_rule, no need to use occs.except_
                occs.except_safe(filename, id_, sstart, send, inclusive)

            start += interval