Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_divergence(od, varNameList):

    # Add units
    if None not in varNameList:
        for varName in varNameList:
            od._ds[varName].attrs["units"] = "m/s"

    # Compute divergence
    dive_ds = divergence(od,

    # sin' = cos
    for varName in varNameList:
        if varName is not None:
            axis = varName[-1]
            diveName = "d" + varName + "_" + "d" + axis
            var = dive_ds[diveName]

            coords = {coord[0]: var[coord] for coord in var.coords}
            coords["Z"], coords["Y"], coords["X"] = xr.broadcast(
                coords["Z"], coords["Y"], coords["X"])
            check = np.cos(coords[axis])
            mask = xr.where(np.logical_or(check.isnull(), var.isnull()), 0, 1)

            # Assert using numpy
            var = var.where(mask, drop=True).values
            check = check.where(mask, drop=True).values
            assert_array_almost_equal(var, check, 1.0e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_shortcuts(od_in):

    # Only use some variables
    list_calc = [
    od_in = od_in.subsample.cutout(varList=list_calc)

    # Gradient
    ds_out = gradient(od_in)
    od_out = od_in.compute.gradient()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)

    # Divergence
    ds_out = divergence(od_in, iName="U", jName="V", kName="W")
    od_out = od_in.compute.divergence(iName="U", jName="V", kName="W")
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)

    # Curl
    ds_out = curl(od_in, iName="U", jName="V", kName="W")
    od_out = od_in.compute.curl(iName="U", jName="V", kName="W")
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)

    # Laplacian
    ds_out = laplacian(od_in, "Temp")
    od_out = od_in.compute.laplacian(varNameList="Temp")
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)

    # Weighted mean
    ds_out = weighted_mean(od_in)
    od_out = od_in.compute.weighted_mean()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)

    # Integral
    ds_out = integral(od_in)
    od_out = od_in.compute.integral()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_normal_strain(od_in):

    # Compute n_strain
    ds_out = normal_strain(od_in)
    assert ds_out["n_strain"].attrs["units"] == "s^-1"
    long_name = "normal component of strain"
    assert ds_out["n_strain"].attrs["long_name"] == long_name

    # Check values
    divs = divergence(od_in, iName="U", jName="V")
    assert_allclose((divs["dU_dX"] - divs["dV_dY"]).values,

    # Test shortcut
    od_out = od_in.compute.normal_strain()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_horizontal_divergence_velocity(od_in):

    # Compute hor_div_vel
    ds_out = horizontal_divergence_velocity(od_in)
    assert ds_out["hor_div_vel"].attrs["units"] == "m s^-2"
    long_name = "horizontal divergence of the velocity field"
    assert ds_out["hor_div_vel"].attrs["long_name"] == long_name

    # Check values
    hor_div = divergence(od_in, iName="U", jName="V")
    hor_div = hor_div["dU_dX"] + hor_div["dV_dY"]
    assert_allclose(hor_div.values, ds_out["hor_div_vel"].values)

    # Test shortcut
    od_out = od_in.compute.horizontal_divergence_velocity()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_normal_strain(od_in):

    # Compute n_strain
    ds_out = normal_strain(od_in)
    assert ds_out['n_strain'].attrs['units'] == 's^-1'
    long_name = 'normal component of strain'
    assert ds_out['n_strain'].attrs['long_name'] == long_name

    # Check values
    divs = divergence(od_in, iName='U', jName='V')
    assert_allclose((divs['dU_dX'] - divs['dV_dY']).values,

    # Test shortcut
    od_out = od_in.compute.normal_strain()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_horizontal_divergence_velocity(od_in):

    # Compute hor_div_vel
    ds_out = horizontal_divergence_velocity(od_in)
    assert ds_out['hor_div_vel'].attrs['units'] == 'm s^-2'
    long_name = 'horizontal divergence of the velocity field'
    assert ds_out['hor_div_vel'].attrs['long_name'] == long_name

    # Check values
    hor_div = divergence(od_in, iName='U',  jName='V')
    hor_div = hor_div['dU_dX'] + hor_div['dV_dY']
    assert_allclose(hor_div.values, ds_out['hor_div_vel'].values)

    # Test shortcut
    od_out = od_in.compute.horizontal_divergence_velocity()
    ds_out_IN_od_out(ds_out, od_out)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_div_errors(od, iName, jName, kName):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        divergence(od, iName=iName, jName=jName, kName=kName)