Ejemplo n.º 1
def bump_4cors(lat: MagneticLattice, cor_list: List[Element], marker: Union[Marker, Monitor],
                    x: float = 0.0001, xp: float = 0., energy: float = 14.) -> np.array:
    Bump with 4 correctors.
    Function calculates correctors angles (strength) to make closed bump with (x, x') or (y, y') at the marker position.
    Calculated angles are applied to corresponding correctors (MagneticLattice is mutated).

    :param lat: MagneticLattice
    :param cor_list: list of 4 correctors, All for correctors must be in the same plane
    :param marker: Marker or Monitor. It must be between 2d and 3d corrector
    :param x: x or y beam coordinate at Marker position [m]
    :param xp: x' or y' beam coordinate at Marker position [rad]
    :param energy: Beam energy [GeV]
    :return: numpy array of corrector angles in [rad]
    # lattice analysis, calculate R matrices between different devices
    if len(cor_list) != 4:
        raise TypeError("It must be 4 correctors")

    if len([cor for cor in cor_list if isinstance(cor, Hcor)]) == 4:
        x_idx, xp_idx = 0, 1
    elif len([cor for cor in cor_list if isinstance(cor, Vcor)]) == 4:
        x_idx, xp_idx = 2, 3
        raise TypeError("Not all correctors belong to Y- or X-plane")

    Rs = []
    sorted_list = [cor_list[0], cor_list[1], marker, cor_list[2], cor_list[3]]
    for i in range(4):
        sequence = copy.deepcopy(lat.get_sequence_part(start=sorted_list[i], stop=sorted_list[i + 1]))
        sequence[0].l /= 2.
        sequence[-1].l /= 2.
        lat1 = MagneticLattice(sequence)
        R1 = lattice_transfer_map(lat1, energy)

    R21 = np.dot(Rs[1], Rs[0])

    M = np.array([[R21[x_idx, xp_idx], Rs[1][x_idx, xp_idx]],
                  [R21[xp_idx, xp_idx], Rs[1][xp_idx, xp_idx]]])

    Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
    X = np.array([x, xp])
    cor_strengths = np.dot(Minv, X)
    angle_1, angle_2 = cor_strengths

    R43 = np.dot(Rs[3], Rs[2])

    Xf = np.array([0., 0.])

    M43 = np.array([[R43[x_idx, x_idx], R43[x_idx, xp_idx]],
                    [R43[xp_idx, x_idx], R43[xp_idx, xp_idx]]])
    X4 = np.dot(M43, X)
    angle_3 = (Xf[0] - X4[0]) / Rs[3][x_idx, xp_idx]
    angle_4 = -(X4[1] + Rs[3][xp_idx, xp_idx] * angle_3 - Xf[1])
    a = np.array([angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4])
    for i, cor in enumerate(cor_list):
        cor.angle = a[i]
    return a
Ejemplo n.º 2
def closed_orbit(lattice, eps_xy=1.e-7, eps_angle=1.e-7, energy=0):
    __author__ = 'Sergey Tomin'
    Searching of initial coordinates (p0) by iteration method.
    For initial conditions p uses exact solution of equation p = M*p + B
    :param lattice: class MagneticLattice
    :param eps_xy: tolerance on coordinates of beam in the start and end of lattice
    :param eps_angle: tolerance on the angles of beam in the start and end of lattice
    :return: class Particle
    R = lattice_transfer_map(lattice, energy)
    smult = SecondOrderMult()

    ME = np.eye(4) - R[:4, :4]
    P = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(ME), lattice.B[:4])

    def errf(x):
        X = np.array([[x[0]], [x[1]], [x[2]], [x[3]], [0], [0]])
        smult.numpy_apply(X, R, lattice.T)
        X += lattice.B
        err = np.sum([1000 * (X[i, 0] - x[i])**2 for i in range(4)])
        return err

    res = fmin(errf, P, xtol=1e-8, maxiter=2e3, maxfun=2.e3)

    return Particle(x=res[0], px=res[1], y=res[2], py=res[3])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def merger(lat, remaining_types=[], remaining_elems=[], init_energy=0.):
    Function to compress the lattice excluding elements by type or by individual elements

    :param lat: MagneticLattice
    :param remaining_types: list, the type of the elements which needed to be untouched
                            others will be "compress" to Matrix element
                            e.g. [Monitor, Quadrupole, Bend, Hcor]
    :param remaining_elems: list of elements (ids (str) or object)
    :param init_energy: initial energy
    :return: New MagneticLattice
    _logger.debug("element numbers before: " + str(len(lat.sequence)))
    lattice_analysis = []
    merged_elems = []
    for elem in lat.sequence:
        if elem.__class__ in remaining_types or elem.id in remaining_elems or elem in remaining_elems:
            merged_elems = []
        elif elem.__class__ == Edge and ((Bend in remaining_types) or
                                         (SBend in remaining_types) or
                                         (RBend in remaining_types)):
    if len(merged_elems) != 0:

    seq = []
    E = init_energy
    for elem_list in lattice_analysis:
        if len(elem_list) == 1:
            E += elem_list[0].transfer_map.delta_e
        elif len(elem_list) == 0:
            delta_e = np.sum([elem.transfer_map.delta_e for elem in elem_list])
            lattice = MagneticLattice(elem_list, method=lat.method)
            R = lattice_transfer_map(lattice, energy=E)
            m = Matrix()
            m.r = lattice.R
            m.t = lattice.T
            m.b = lattice.B
            m.l = lattice.totalLen
            m.delta_e = delta_e
            E += delta_e

    new_lat = MagneticLattice(seq, method=lat.method)
    _logger.debug("element numbers after: " + str(len(new_lat.sequence)))
    return new_lat
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def error_func(x):

        for i in range(len(varz)):
            if varz[i].__class__ == Quadrupole:
                varz[i].k1 = x[i]
                varz[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(
                    varz[i])  # create_transfer_map(varz[i])

        R = lattice_transfer_map(lat, beam.E)[0:2, 0:2]
        # print
        # R
        err = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(R - target_matrix)**2)

        # print
        # 'iteration error: ', err
        return err
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def errf(x):

        tw_loc = deepcopy(tw)
        tw0 = deepcopy(tw)
        parameter to be varied is determined by variable class
        for i in range(len(vars)):
            if isinstance(vars[i], Drift):
                if x[i] < 0:
                    # print('negative length in match')
                    return weights('negative_length')

                vars[i].l = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if isinstance(vars[i], Quadrupole):
                vars[i].k1 = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if isinstance(vars[i], Solenoid):
                vars[i].k = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if isinstance(vars[i], (RBend, SBend, Bend)):
                if vary_bend_angle:
                    vars[i].angle = x[i]
                    vars[i].k1 = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if isinstance(vars[i], list):
                if isinstance(vars[i][0], Twiss) and isinstance(
                        vars[i][1], str):
                    k = vars[i][1]
                    tw_loc.__dict__[k] = x[i]
            if isinstance(
                    vars[i], tuple
            ):  # all quads strength in tuple varied simultaneously
                for v in vars[i]:
                    v.k1 = x[i]
                    v.transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(v)

        err = 0.0
        if "periodic" in constr.keys():
            if constr["periodic"]:
                tw_loc = periodic_twiss(tw_loc,
                                        lattice_transfer_map(lat, tw.E))
                tw0 = deepcopy(tw_loc)
                if tw_loc is None:
                    return weights('periodic')

        # save reference points where equality is asked

        ref_hsh = {}  # penalties on two-point inequalities
        for e in constr.keys():
            if e == 'periodic': continue
            if e == 'total_len': continue
            for k in constr[e].keys():
                if isinstance(constr[e][k], list):
                    if constr[e][k][0] == '->':
                        # print 'creating reference to', constr[e][k][1].id
                        ref_hsh[constr[e][k][1]] = {k: 0.0}
        # evaluating global and point penalties

        tw_loc.s = 0

        for e in lat.sequence:

            tw_loc = e.transfer_map * tw_loc

            if 'global' in constr.keys():
                for c in constr['global'].keys():
                    if isinstance(constr['global'][c], list):
                        v1 = constr['global'][c][1]
                        if constr['global'][c][0] == '<':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[c] > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[c] -
                        if constr['global'][c][0] == '>':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[c] < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[c] -
            if 'delta' in constr.keys():
                if e in constr['delta'].keys():
                    tw_k = constr['delta'][e][0]
                    constr['delta'][e][1] = tw_loc.__dict__[tw_k]
            if e in ref_hsh.keys():
                ref_hsh[e] = deepcopy(tw_loc)

            if e in constr.keys():

                for k in constr[e].keys():
                    if isinstance(constr[e][k], list):
                        v1 = constr[e][k][1]

                        if constr[e][k][0] == '<':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[k] > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == '>':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == 'a<':
                            if np.abs(tw_loc.__dict__[k]) > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == 'a>':
                            if np.abs(tw_loc.__dict__[k]) < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -

                        if constr[e][k][0] == '->':
                                if len(constr[e][k]) > 2:
                                    dv1 = float(constr[e][k][2])
                                    dv1 = 0.0
                                err += (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                                        (ref_hsh[v1].__dict__[k] + dv1))**2

                                if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < v1:
                                    err = err + (tw_loc.__dict__[k] - v1)**2
                                    'constraint error: rval should precede lval in lattice'

                        if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < 0:
                            err += (tw_loc.__dict__[k] - v1)**2
                    elif isinstance(constr[e][k], str):
                        err = err + weights(k) * (constr[e][k] -
        if "total_len" in constr.keys():
            total_len = constr["periodic"]
            err = err + weights('total_len') * (tw_loc.s - total_len)**2

        if 'delta' in constr.keys():
            delta_dict = constr['delta']
            elems = []
            for e in delta_dict.keys():
                if isinstance(e, Element):
            delta_err = delta_dict["weight"] * (delta_dict[elems[0]][1] -
                                                delta_dict[elems[1]][1] -
            err = err + delta_err

        if min_i5:
            ''' evaluating integral parameters
            I1, I2, I3, I4, I5 = radiation_integrals(lat, tw0, nsuperperiod=1)
            err += I5 * weights('i5')

            Je = 2 + I4 / I2
            Jx = 1 - I4 / I2
            Jy = 1

            if Je < 0 or Jx < 0 or Jy < 0: err = 100000.0

        # c1, c2 = natural_chromaticity(lat, tw0)
        # err += ( c1**2 + c2**2) * 1.e-6

        if verbose:
            print('iteration error:', err)
        return err
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def errf(x):
        p_array0 = deepcopy(p_array)
        tws = get_envelope(p_array0, bounds=bounds)
        tw_loc = deepcopy(tws)
        tw0 = deepcopy(tws)
        parameter to be varied is determined by variable class
        for i in range(len(vars)):
            if vars[i].__class__ == Drift:
                if x[i] < 0:
                    # print('negative length in match')
                    return weights('negative_length')
                vars[i].l = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if vars[i].__class__ == Quadrupole:
                vars[i].k1 = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if vars[i].__class__ == Solenoid:
                vars[i].k = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if vars[i].__class__ in [RBend, SBend, Bend]:
                if vary_bend_angle:
                    vars[i].angle = x[i]
                    vars[i].k1 = x[i]
                vars[i].transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(vars[i])
            if vars[i].__class__ == list:
                if vars[i][0].__class__ == Twiss and vars[i][
                        1].__class__ == str:
                    k = vars[i][1]
                    tw_loc.__dict__[k] = x[i]
            if vars[i].__class__ == tuple:  # all quads strength in tuple varied simultaneously
                for v in vars[i]:
                    v.k1 = x[i]
                    v.transfer_map = lat.method.create_tm(v)

        err = 0.0
        if "periodic" in constr.keys():
            if constr["periodic"] is True:
                tw_loc = periodic_twiss(tw_loc,
                                        lattice_transfer_map(lat, tw_loc.E))
                tw0 = deepcopy(tw_loc)
                if tw_loc is None:
                    return weights('periodic')

        # save reference points where equality is asked

        ref_hsh = {}  # penalties on two-point inequalities

        for e in constr.keys():
            if e == 'periodic': continue
            if e == 'total_len': continue
            for k in constr[e].keys():
                if constr[e][k].__class__ == list:
                    if constr[e][k][0] == '->':
                        # print 'creating reference to', constr[e][k][1].id
                        ref_hsh[constr[e][k][1]] = {k: 0.0}

        # print 'references:', ref_hsh.keys()

        # evaluating global and point penalties

        # tw_loc.s = 0
        # print("start = ", get_envelope(p_array0))
        tws_list, p_array0 = track(lat,
        s = np.array([tw.s for tw in tws_list])
        # print("stop = ", tws_list[-1])
        L = 0.
        for e in lat.sequence:
            indx = (np.abs(s - L)).argmin()

            L += e.l
            tw_loc = tws_list[indx]
            if 'global' in constr.keys():
                # print 'there is a global constraint', constr['global'].keys()
                for c in constr['global'].keys():
                    if constr['global'][c].__class__ == list:
                        # print 'list'
                        v1 = constr['global'][c][1]
                        if constr['global'][c][0] == '<':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[c] > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[c] -
                        if constr['global'][c][0] == '>':
                            # print '> constr'
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[c] < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[c] -

            if e in ref_hsh.keys():
                # print 'saving twiss for', e.id
                ref_hsh[e] = deepcopy(tw_loc)

            if e in constr.keys():

                for k in constr[e].keys():
                    # print(k)
                    if constr[e][k].__class__ == list:
                        v1 = constr[e][k][1]

                        if constr[e][k][0] == '<':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[k] > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == '>':
                            if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == 'a<':
                            if np.abs(tw_loc.__dict__[k]) > v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                        if constr[e][k][0] == 'a>':
                            if np.abs(tw_loc.__dict__[k]) < v1:
                                err = err + weights(k) * (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -

                        if constr[e][k][0] == '->':
                                # print 'huh', k, e.id, float(constr[e][k][2])

                                if len(constr[e][k]) > 2:
                                    dv1 = float(constr[e][k][2])
                                    dv1 = 0.0
                                # print 'weiter'
                                err += (tw_loc.__dict__[k] -
                                        (ref_hsh[v1].__dict__[k] + dv1))**2

                                if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < v1:
                                    err = err + (tw_loc.__dict__[k] - v1)**2
                                    'constraint error: rval should precede lval in lattice'

                        if tw_loc.__dict__[k] < 0:
                            # print 'negative constr (???)'
                            err += (tw_loc.__dict__[k] - v1)**2

                        # print "safaf", constr[e][k] , tw_loc.__dict__[k], k, e.id, x
                        err = err + weights(k) * (constr[e][k] -
                        # print err
        for v in vars:
            print(v.id, v.k1)
        if "total_len" in constr.keys():
            total_len = constr["periodic"]
            err = err + weights('total_len') * (tw_loc.s - total_len)**2

        if min_i5:
            ''' evaluating integral parameters
            I1, I2, I3, I4, I5 = radiation_integrals(lat, tw0, nsuperperiod=1)
            err += I5 * weights('i5')

            Je = 2 + I4 / I2
            Jx = 1 - I4 / I2
            Jy = 1

            if Je < 0 or Jx < 0 or Jy < 0: err = 100000.0

        # c1, c2 = natural_chromaticity(lat, tw0)
        # err += ( c1**2 + c2**2) * 1.e-6

        if verbose:
            print('iteration error:', err)
        return err