Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _gs_initialize_(self, regridding_role):
     if regridding_role == RegriddingRole.SOURCE:
         name = GridSplitterConstants.IndexFile.NAME_SRCIDX_GUID
     elif regridding_role == RegriddingRole.DESTINATION:
         name = GridSplitterConstants.IndexFile.NAME_DSTIDX_GUID
         raise NotImplementedError(regridding_role)
     element_dim = self.element_dim
     src_index = arange_from_dimension(element_dim, start=1, dtype=env.NP_INT)
     src_index_var = Variable(name=name, value=src_index, dimensions=element_dim)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reduce_reindex_coordinate_index(cindex, start_index=0):
    Reindex a subset of global coordinate indices contained in the ``cindex`` variable.

    The starting index value (``0`` or ``1``) is set by ``start_index`` for the re-indexing procedure.

    Function will not respect masks.

    The function returns a two-element tuple:

     * First element --> A :class:`numpy.ndarray` with the same dimension as ``cindex`` containing the new indexing.
     * Second element --> A :class:`numpy.ndarray` containing the unique indices that may be used to reduce an external
       coordinate storage variable or array.

    :param cindex: A variable containing coordinate index integer values. This variable may be distributed. This may
     also be a NumPy array.
    :type cindex: :class:`~ocgis.Variable` | :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param int start_index: The first index to use for the re-indexing of ``cindex``. This may be ``0`` or ``1``.
    :rtype: tuple

    # Get the coordinate index values as a NumPy array.
        cindex = cindex.get_value()
    except AttributeError:
        # Assume this is already a NumPy array.

    # Only work with 1D arrays.
    cindex = np.atleast_1d(cindex)
    # Used to return the coordinate index to the original shape of the incoming coordinate index.
    original_shape = cindex.shape
    cindex = cindex.flatten()

    # Create the unique coordinate index array.
    # barrier_print('before create_unique_global_array')
    u = np.array(create_unique_global_array(cindex))
    # barrier_print('after create_unique_global_array')

    # Synchronize the data type for the new coordinate index.
    lrank = vm.rank
    if lrank == 0:
        dtype = u.dtype
        dtype = None
    dtype = vm.bcast(dtype)

    # Flag to indicate if the current rank has any unique values.
    has_u = len(u) > 0

    # Create the new coordinate index.
    new_u_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(len(u), name='__new_u_dimension__')
    new_u = arange_from_dimension(new_u_dimension, start=start_index, dtype=dtype)

    # Create a hash for the new index. This is used to remap the old coordinate index.
    if has_u:
        uidx = {ii: jj for ii, jj in zip(u, new_u)}
        uidx = None


    # Construct local bounds for the rank's unique value. This is used as a cheap index when ranks are looking for
    # index overlaps.
    if has_u:
        local_bounds = min(u), max(u)
        local_bounds = None
    # Put a copy for the bounds indexing on each rank.
    lb_global = vm.gather(local_bounds)
    lb_global = vm.bcast(lb_global)

    # Find the vm ranks the local rank cares about. It cares if unique values have overlapping unique bounds.
    overlaps = []
    for rank, lb in enumerate(lb_global):
        if rank == lrank:
        if lb is not None:
            contains = lb[0] <= cindex
            contains = np.logical_and(lb[1] >= cindex, contains)
            if np.any(contains):

    # Ranks must be able to identify which ranks will be asking them for data.
    global_overlaps = vm.gather(overlaps)
    global_overlaps = vm.bcast(global_overlaps)
    destinations = [ii for ii, jj in enumerate(global_overlaps) if vm.rank in jj]

    # MPI communication tags used in the algorithm.
    tag_child_finished = MPITag.REDUCE_REINDEX_CHILD_FINISHED

    # Fill array for the new coordinate index.
    new_cindex = np.empty_like(cindex)

    # vm.barrier_print('starting run_rr')
    # Fill the new coordinate indexing.
    if lrank == 0:
        run_rr_root(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, tag_child_finished, tag_found, tag_search, tag_success)
        run_rr_nonroot(new_cindex, cindex, uidx, destinations, has_u, overlaps, tag_child_finished, tag_found,
    # vm.barrier_print('finished run_rr')

    # Return array to its original shape.
    new_cindex = new_cindex.reshape(*original_shape)


    return new_cindex, u
def get_subset(bbox, subset_filename, buffer_width, rhs_tol=10.):
    rd = ocgis.RequestDataset(uri=IN_PATH)
    rd.metadata['dimensions']['nlandmesh_face']['dist'] = True
    vc = rd.get_raw_field()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Subset the face centers and accumulate the indices of face centers occurring inside the bounding box selection.

    start_index = vc[MESHVAR].attrs.get('start_index', 0)

    # Stores indices of faces contained in the bounding box.
    px = vc[FACE_CENTER_X].extract().get_value()
    py = vc[FACE_CENTER_Y].extract().get_value()

    # Handle bounding box wrapping. This requires creating two bounding boxes to capture the left and right side of the
    # sphere.
    buffered_bbox = box(*bbox).buffer(buffer_width).envelope.bounds
    if buffered_bbox[0] < 0:
        bbox_rhs = list(deepcopy(buffered_bbox))
        bbox_rhs[0] = buffered_bbox[0] + 360.
        bbox_rhs[2] = 360. + rhs_tol

        bboxes = [buffered_bbox, bbox_rhs]
        bboxes = [buffered_bbox]

    initial = None
    for ctr, curr_bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
        select = create_boolean_select_array(curr_bbox, px, py, initial=initial)
        initial = select

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Use the selection criteria to extract associated nodes and reindex the new coordinate arrays.

    from ocgis.vmachine.mpi import rank_print
    # Retrieve the live ranks following the subset.
    has_select = ocgis.vm.gather(select.any())
    if ocgis.vm.rank == 0:
        live_ranks = np.array(ocgis.vm.ranks)[has_select]
        live_ranks = None
    live_ranks = ocgis.vm.bcast(live_ranks)

    with ocgis.vm.scoped('live ranks', live_ranks):
        if not ocgis.vm.is_null:
            has_subset = True

            rank_print('live ranks:', ocgis.vm.ranks)

            sub = vc[FACE_NODE].get_distributed_slice([select, slice(None)]).parent

            cindex = sub[FACE_NODE]
            cindex_original_shape = cindex.shape
            cindex_value = cindex.get_value().flatten()

            if start_index > 0:
                cindex_value -= start_index
            vc_coords = vc[XVAR][cindex_value].parent

            archetype_dim = vc_coords[XVAR].dimensions[0]
            arange_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(cindex_value.shape[0], name='arange_dim')
            new_cindex_value = arange_from_dimension(arange_dimension, start=start_index)


            new_vc_coords_dimension = create_distributed_dimension(vc_coords[XVAR].shape[0], name=archetype_dim.name,
            vc_coords.dimensions[archetype_dim.name] = new_vc_coords_dimension

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Format the new variable collection and write out the new data file.

            # Remove old coordinate variables.
            for to_modify in [XVAR, YVAR]:

            for to_add in [XVAR, YVAR]:
                var_to_add = vc_coords[to_add].extract()

            rank_print('start sub.write')
            rank_print('finished sub.write')

            if ocgis.vm.rank == 0:
                print 'subset x extent:', sub[FACE_CENTER_X].extent
                print 'subset y extent:', sub[FACE_CENTER_Y].extent
            has_subset = False

    return has_subset