Ejemplo n.º 1
def drop_over(over_canny, over_width):
    over_canny_width = np.shape(over_canny)[1]
    over_left = over_width / 2
    over_right = over_width - over_left
    eliminate_pic_01 = fn.deal_pixel_01(over_canny)
    shadow_x = fn.picshadow_x(eliminate_pic_01)
    shadow_y = fn.picshadow_y(eliminate_pic_01)
    # cv2.imshow('canny' + str(over_left), over_canny)
    for i in range(over_canny_width):
        if shadow_x[i] > height - 4:
            over_canny[:, i] = 0
    for i in range(height):
        if shadow_y[i] > over_canny_width - 1:
            over_canny[i, :] = 0
    eliminate_pic_01 = fn.deal_pixel_01(over_canny)
    shadow_x = fn.picshadow_x(eliminate_pic_01)

    # print(int(np.sum(shadow_x[: over_width])), int(np.sum(shadow_x[-over_width :])))
    # print((height - 1) * over_width)
    if np.sum(shadow_x) > (height - 1.5) * over_canny_width:  # 去除线段后接近黑图
        return 0
    if int(np.sum(shadow_x[:over_width])) < (height - 1) * over_width and int(
            np.sum(shadow_x[-over_width:])) > (height -
                                               2) * over_width:  # 右边黑色像素远大出左边
        return 1
    if int(np.sum(shadow_x[-over_width:])) < (height - 1) * over_width and int(
            np.sum(shadow_x[:over_width])) > (height -
                                              2) * over_width:  # 左边黑色像素远大出右边
        return 2
    if over_canny_width > 1.5 * thre:
        eliminate_pic_01 = fn.deal_pixel_01(over_canny)
        again_list = etp.find_singledigital(shadow_x, over_canny_width)
        return again_list
        return 3
Ejemplo n.º 2
def drop_little(eliminate_pic):
    eliminate_pic_01 = fn.deal_pixel_01(eliminate_pic)
    shadow_x = fn.picshadow_x(eliminate_pic_01)
    thre = height - 3
    for i in range(width):
        if shadow_x[i] > thre:
            eliminate_pic[:, i] = 0
    return eliminate_pic
Ejemplo n.º 3
            if shadow_pic[i] < height:
                single_start = i
                is_start = False
            if shadow_pic[i] == height:
                single_end = i
                is_start = True
                if single_end - single_start > thre:
                    single_digital_list.append([single_start, single_end])
    return single_digital_list

num_img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(num_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
threshold = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(num_img2gray, 255,
                                  cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 5, 5)

for i in range(np.shape(threshold)[1]):
    for j in range(np.shape(threshold)[0]):
        if threshold[j, i] == 0:
            threshold[j, i] = 255
            threshold[j, i] = 0
cv2.imshow('threshold', threshold)

drop_num = drop_little(threshold)
cv2.imshow('drop_num', drop_num)
eliminate_pic_01 = fn.deal_pixel_01(drop_num)
shadow_x = fn.picshadow_x(eliminate_pic_01)
digital_list = find_singledigital(shadow_x)