Ejemplo n.º 1
def processOneLineImage(gray_img, iTag):
    (_, img) = cv2.threshold(gray_img, 110, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    img = img[:, 2 : img.shape[1] - 2]
    scale = psegutils.estimate_scale(img)
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 1))
    closed = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    edges = cv2.Canny(closed, 60, 300)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    cv2.drawContours(edges, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), 1)
    # cv2.imwrite('edges%s.png' % iTag,edges)
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(img, scale, threshold=(0.4, 10), dtype="B")
    # combineBoxmap(boxmap)
    cv2.imwrite("box%s.png" % iTag, boxmap * 255)
    h_projection = hprojection(boxmap * 255)
    top, bottom = cropProjection(h_projection)
    regions = splitProjection(h_projection, top, bottom, 30, 2)
    # print iTag, top,bottom
    # print regions
    # print v_projection[1270:1450]
    if len(iTag) == 0:
        return regions, top, bottom
    for region in regions:
        topStart, TopEnd = region
        cr_img = cv2.getRectSubPix(
            gray_img, (gray_img.shape[1] - 4, TopEnd - topStart + 8), (gray_img.shape[1] / 2, (TopEnd + topStart) / 2)
        cv2.imwrite("%sx%d.png" % (iTag, topStart), cr_img)
    return regions, top, bottom
Ejemplo n.º 2
def processOneLineImage(gray_img, iTag):
    (_, img) = cv2.threshold(gray_img, 110, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    img = img[:, 2:img.shape[1]-2]
    scale = psegutils.estimate_scale(img)
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 1))
    closed = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations = 1)
    edges = cv2.Canny(closed,60,300)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    #cv2.imwrite('edges%s.png' % iTag,edges)
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(img,scale,threshold=(.4,10),dtype='B')
    cv2.imwrite('box%s.png' % iTag, boxmap*255)
    h_projection = hprojection(boxmap*255)
    top, bottom = cropProjection(h_projection)
    regions = splitProjection(h_projection, top, bottom,30,2)
    #print iTag, top,bottom
    #print regions
    #print v_projection[1270:1450]
    if len(iTag) == 0:
        return regions,top,bottom
    for region in regions:
        topStart, TopEnd = region
        cr_img =cv2.getRectSubPix(gray_img, (gray_img.shape[1]-4, TopEnd-topStart+8), (gray_img.shape[1]/2, (TopEnd+topStart)/2))
        cv2.imwrite('%sx%d.png' % (iTag, topStart), cr_img)
    return regions,top,bottom
Ejemplo n.º 3
def compute_gradmaps(binary, scale):
    # use gradient filtering to find baselines
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale, (0.4, 5))
    cleaned = boxmap * binary
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/cleaned.png', cleaned)
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/boxmap.png', boxmap)
    # DSAVE("cleaned",cleaned)
    if args.usegauss:
        # this uses Gaussians
        grad = gaussian_filter(
            1.0 * cleaned,
            (args.vscale * 0.3 * scale, args.hscale * 6 * scale),
            order=(1, 0))
        # this uses non-Gaussian oriented filters
        grad = gaussian_filter(
            1.0 * cleaned,
            (max(4, args.vscale * 0.3 * scale), args.hscale * scale),
            order=(1, 0))
        grad = uniform_filter(grad, (args.vscale, args.hscale * 6 * scale))
    bottom = ocrolib.norm_max((grad < 0) * (-grad))
    top = ocrolib.norm_max((grad > 0) * grad)
    testseeds = zeros(binary.shape, 'i')
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/grad.png', grad)
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/top.png', [testseeds,1.0*top,binary])
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/bottom.png', [testseeds,1.0*bottom,binary])
    return bottom, top, boxmap
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute_gradmaps(binary, scale):
    # use gradient filtering to find baselines
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale)
    cleaned = boxmap * binary
    grad = gaussian_filter(1.0 * cleaned, (max(4, 0.3 * scale),
                                            scale), order=(1, 0))
    grad = uniform_filter(grad, (1.0, 1.0 * 6 * scale))
    bottom = norm_max((grad < 0) * (-grad))
    top = norm_max((grad > 0) * grad)
    return bottom, top, boxmap
Ejemplo n.º 5
def compute_colseps_morph(binary, scale, maxseps=3, minheight=20, maxwidth=5):
    """Finds extended vertical whitespace corresponding to column separators
    using morphological operations."""
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale, (0.4, 5), dtype='B')
    bounds = morph.rb_closing(B(boxmap), (int(5 * scale), int(5 * scale)))
    bounds = maximum(B(1 - bounds), B(boxmap))
    cols = 1 - morph.rb_closing(boxmap, (int(20 * scale), int(scale)))
    cols = morph.select_regions(cols, sl.aspect, min=args.csminaspect)
    cols = morph.select_regions(cols,
                                min=args.csminheight * scale,
    cols = morph.r_erosion(cols, (int(0.5 + scale), 0))
    cols = morph.r_dilation(cols, (int(0.5 + scale), 0),
                            origin=(int(scale / 2) - 1, 0))
    return cols
Ejemplo n.º 6
def compute_gradmaps(binary,scale,vscale=1.0,hscale=1.0,usegauss=False):
    # use gradient filtering to find baselines
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary,scale)
    cleaned = boxmap*binary
    if usegauss:
        # this uses Gaussians
        grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*cleaned,(vscale*0.3*scale,
        # this uses non-Gaussian oriented filters
        grad = gaussian_filter(1.0*cleaned,(max(4,vscale*0.3*scale),
        grad = uniform_filter(grad,(vscale,hscale*6*scale))
    bottom = ocrolib.norm_max((grad<0)*(-grad))
    top = ocrolib.norm_max((grad>0)*grad)
    return bottom,top,boxmap
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def compute_colseps_morph(self, binary, scale):
     """Finds extended vertical whitespace corresponding to column separators
     using morphological operations."""
     boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale, dtype='B')
     bounds = morph.rb_closing(B(boxmap), (int(5 * scale), int(5 * scale)))
     bounds = np.maximum(B(1 - bounds), B(boxmap))
     cols = 1 - morph.rb_closing(boxmap, (int(20 * scale), int(scale)))
     cols = morph.select_regions(cols,
     cols = morph.select_regions(cols,
                                 min=self.parameter['csminheight'] * scale,
     cols = morph.r_erosion(cols, (int(0.5 + scale), 0))
     cols = morph.r_dilation(cols, (int(0.5 + scale), 0),
                             origin=(int(scale / 2) - 1, 0))
     return cols
Ejemplo n.º 8
def compute_gradmaps(binary, scale, usegauss, vscale, hscale):
    # use gradient filtering to find baselines
    boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale)
    cleaned = boxmap * binary
    DSAVE("cleaned", cleaned)
    if usegauss:
        # this uses Gaussians
        grad = gaussian_filter(1.0 * cleaned,
                               (vscale * 0.3 * scale, hscale * 6 * scale),
                               order=(1, 0))
        # this uses non-Gaussian oriented filters
        grad = gaussian_filter(1.0 * cleaned,
                               (max(4, vscale * 0.3 * scale), hscale * scale),
                               order=(1, 0))
        grad = uniform_filter(grad, (vscale, hscale * 6 * scale))
    bottom = ocrolib.norm_max((grad < 0) * (-grad))
    top = ocrolib.norm_max((grad > 0) * grad)
    return bottom, top, boxmap
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def compute_gradmaps(self, binary, scale):
     # use gradient filtering to find baselines
     boxmap = psegutils.compute_boxmap(binary, scale)
     cleaned = boxmap * binary
     if self.parameter['usegauss']:
         # this uses Gaussians
         grad = gaussian_filter(1.0 * cleaned,
                                (self.parameter['vscale'] * 0.3 * scale,
                                 self.parameter['hscale'] * 6 * scale),
                                order=(1, 0))
         # this uses non-Gaussian oriented filters
         grad = gaussian_filter(
             1.0 * cleaned, (max(4, self.parameter['vscale'] * 0.3 * scale),
                             self.parameter['hscale'] * scale),
             order=(1, 0))
         grad = uniform_filter(grad, (self.parameter['vscale'],
                                      self.parameter['hscale'] * 6 * scale))
     bottom = ocrolib.norm_max((grad < 0) * (-1 * grad))
     top = ocrolib.norm_max((grad > 0) * grad)
     return bottom, top, boxmap