def parseargs(pgm, argv, usage): try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, 's:j:f:o:xt', ['since=', 'job-category=', 'filters=', 'out=', 'xml', 'text']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) return usage_tail(pgm, usage, None)
def preparseargs(pgm, argv, usage): """Pick out command line options recognized by the Python API. Called from app_main() Parameters: pgm - name of the executable, normally path.basename(sys.argv[0]) argv - list, normally sys.argv[1:] usage - command line args and options specific to this executable Returns two-tuple of: - dict of API options - list containing remaining argv tokens """ import getopt popts = {} for k in ('auth', 'config', 'debug', 'log-level', 'log-console', 'log-disk', 'alias'): popts[k] = None argvslice, argvrem = extractargs(argv) try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argvslice, 'h', ['auth=', 'config=', 'log-level=', 'name=', 'debug', 'help' 'log-console', 'log-disk', 'no-log-console', 'no-log-disk' ]) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) exit(usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1))
def job_search(api, since=3, **kwargs): """Produce list of job posted after given date.""" debug = log.debug url = '' dp = days_ago_to_dp(since) keys = kwargs.keys() params = [('dp', dp)] for keyword in keys: param = valid_job_search_parameter(keyword) if param: params.append((param, kwargs[keyword])) offset=0 count = 200 joblist = [] while 1: params.append(('page', '{0:d};{1:d}'.format(offset, count))) xml = send_GET(api, url, params) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}, {1!s}".format(url, params) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return joblist jl = list_from_xml(xml, 'job') if len(jl) == 0: break joblist.extend(jl) if len(jl) < count: break params.pop() offset += count return joblist
def _send_request(api, url, request='get', params=None, save_xml=None): """Call api.xxxx_request and optionally save XML response to file. Parameter 'api' is an instance of class oDeskAPI """ save_file = None pcopy = params[:] if params else None log.debug("send_{0:s} params: {1!r}".format(pcopy, request.upper())) request = request.lower() try: if request == 'get': response = api.get_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'post': response = api.post_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'put': response = api.put_request(url, pcopy) elif request == 'delete': response = api.delete_request(url, pcopy) else: e = "Unknown request type '{0:s}'".format(request) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None except RequestError, e: # api.last_error is the error code returned by server stderr(e) log.exception(e) # Do not change this return value. # Some callers may check 'if response is None: ...' return None
def keyword_filter(re_word, text, blacklist): if blacklist and not isinstance(blacklist, list): stderr('blacklist must be a list\n') return False for word in re_word.findall(text): if word in blacklist: return False return True
def parseargs(pgm, argv, usage): import getopt popts = {'bonus':None, 'comment':None, 'user':None, 'notes':None} try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, 'b:c:u:n:', ['bonus=', 'comment=', 'user='******'notes=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) return (None, None)
def parseargs(pgm, argv, usage): import getopt popts = {'brief':False, 'request':None} try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv,'br:',['brief','request=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1) return (None, None)
def parseargs(pgm, argv): import getopt popts = {'input':None, 'tag':None, 'output':None} try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, 'i:t:o:h', ['input=', 'tag=', 'output=', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) exit(usage(pgm, 1))
def find_job_filters(popts): filters = popts['filters'] if filters and test_fileobj(filters) == 0: return True home = path.expanduser('~') filters = path.join(home, '.odesk_jobs.filt') if test_fileobj(filters) == 0: popts['filters'] = filters; return True stderr(" --filters <filename> needs to be given.\n"); stderr(" That file should contain at least keyword filters for sw job search.\n"); return False
def provider_search(api, save_xml=False, **kwargs): """Use the provider search API to search all public providers on oDesk. Parameter kwargs is expected to contain key-value pairs where the key is one of the keys, or the 'field_name', from the dict 'params' defined in valid_provider_search_parameter(). The utility function str2kwargs() from api.util.utility can be used to generate 'kwargs'. """ node_name = 'providers' url = get_API_URL('providers') if save_xml: save_xml = 'providers.xml' params = [] for keyword in kwargs.keys(): parameter = valid_provider_search_parameter(keyword) if not parameter: continue if kwargs[keyword]: # could be 'None' if parameter == 'sort': stderr('\nkwargs[keyword] = {0:s}\n'.format(kwargs[keyword])) value = _verify_sort(kwargs[keyword]) else: value = kwargs[keyword] if value: params.append((parameter, value)) else: params.append((parameter)) # HERE #stderr('\nquery/ params = {0!r}\n\n'.format(params)) # offset=0 count = 200 providers = [] while 1: # extrac parens needed, param to append is a tuple params.append(('page', '{0:d};{1:d}'.format(offset, count))) # HERE #stderr('send_GET params: {0:s}\n'.format(params)) # xml = send_GET(api, url, params, save_xml) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}, {1!s}".format(url, params) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None pl = list_from_xml(xml, node_name) if len(pl) == 0: break providers.extend(pl) if len(pl) < count: break params.pop() offset += count return providers
def user_info(api, company, team, user_email=None, user_id=None, user_ref=None, user_name=None): iam = func() if not (user_email or user_id or user_ref or user_name): stderr('Missing required parameter- one of email, id, ref, name\n', iam) return None (reference, status) = find_team(api, company, team) if not reference: return None kwargs = {'status':'active'} request = ['provider__id', 'provider__reference', 'job__reference'] engagements = team_engagements(api, team, request=request, kwargs=kwargs) request = []
def jobs_managed(api, company, team, request=None, **kwargs): """Compile a list of open jobs managed under 'company'.""" # Need team reference for 'buyer_team_reference' parameter to Jobs HR API bad_result = (0, None) (ref, status) = find_team(api, company, team) if not ref: log.error("Failed to find team {0:s} (company {1:s})".format(team, company)) return bad_result node_name = 'job' params = [('buyer_team__reference', ref)] if kwargs: keys = kwargs.keys() for key in keys: param = valid_jobs_managed_parameter(key) if param: params.append((param, kwargs[key])) elif key == 'save_xml': save_xml = 'jobs_managed' if kwargs[key] else None url = get_API_URL('jobs_hr') xml = send_GET(api, url, params, save_xml=save_xml) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}, {1!s}".format(url, params) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return bad_result total_items = int(xml_get_tag(xml, 'total_items')) all_info = ['buyer_company__name','buyer_company__reference','buyer_team__id', 'buyer_team__name','buyer_team__reference','category','company__reference', 'company_name','created_by','created_by_name','created_time','description', 'duration','end_date','filled_date','id','job_type','name', 'num_active_candidates','num_candidates','num_new_candidates', 'owner_user_id','parent_team__id','parent_team__name', 'parent_team__reference','public_url','reference','start_date','status', 'subcategory','title','visibility'] if not request: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(request, all_info) if total_items > 0: result = dict_subset(list_from_xml(xml, node_name), requested_info) else: result = [] return (total_items, result)
def provider_profile(api, provider_keys, request=None, brief_listing=True, save_xml=False): """Fetch provider profile(s) associated with provider key(s). Parameter 'provider_keys' is interpreted as a string of one or more keys, or a tuple or list of two or more keys. 'ciphertext' returned from provider_search() above is the 'provider_key'. """ url = get_API_URL('profiles') url_suffix = '/brief.xml' if brief_listing else '.xml' node_name = 'profile' # 'Parameters: Accepts a provider key or list of keys' # E.g. "~~d4080e9142d610ea;~~d4080e9142d610ea;~~9eaf4d98034b5bd8" # Note: as of 2011-04-08 the list of keys format does not work? Perms? if isinstance(provider_keys, basestring): provider_keys = provider_keys.replace(' ', ';') provider_keys = provider_keys.split(';') elif isinstance(provider_keys, list) or isinstance(provider_keys, tuple): provider_keys = list(provider_keys) else: e = "provider_profile(api, provider_keys): provider_keys parmeter must\n" e += "be a string, tuple, or list." raise ParamFmtError(e) assert isinstance(provider_keys,list) params = '' for pk in provider_keys: params += pk + ';' params = params.rstrip(';') # quoting multiple strings does not work either # url += "'" + params + "'"+ url_suffix url += params + url_suffix xml = send_GET(api, url, params=None, save_xml=save_xml) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s})".format(url) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None result = list_from_xml(xml, node_name) return result
def app_main(pgm, argv, usage): """Preparse command line and initialize the Python API. This is designed to be called from the executable prior to any other command line parsing. It will parse all the generic command line arguments recognised by the library and initialize the API library. Parameters: pgm - name of the executable, normally path.basename(sys.argv[0]) argv - list, normally sys.argv[1:] usage - command line args and options specific to this executable Returns two-tuple of: - API instance - list containing remaining argv tokens after parsing """ try: (popts, argv2) = preparseargs(pgm, argv, usage) except AppOptionError, e: stderr('{0:s\n', e) exit(1)
def engagement_details(api, reference_no, request=None, save_xml=None): """Fetch details on one engagements. Parameter 'reference_no' is the engagement reference number- same as 'reference' returned from the query api.query.engagements(api, team) Parameter 'request' if given limits the information returned to a subset of: [buyer_team__id, buyer_team__reference, created_time, engagement_job_type, engagement_start_date, engagement_title, estimated_duration, estimated_duration_id, hourly_charge_rate, hourly_pay_rate, job__reference, job__title, modified_time, offer__reference, provider__id, provider__reference, reference, role, status, weekly_hours_limit, weekly_salary_charge_amount, weekly_salary_pay_amount] Return value is a list of dicionary objects, one for each 'engagement' the query returns. """ all_info = ['buyer_team__id', 'buyer_team__reference', 'created_time', 'engagement_job_type', 'engagement_start_date', 'engagement_title', 'estimated_duration', 'estimated_duration_id', 'hourly_charge_rate', 'hourly_pay_rate', 'job__reference', 'job__title', 'modified_time', 'offer__reference', 'provider__id', 'provider__reference', 'reference', 'role', 'status', 'weekly_hours_limit', 'weekly_salary_charge_amount', 'weekly_salary_pay_amount'] if not request: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(request, all_info) node_name = 'engagement' url = get_API_URL('engagement', engagement_ref=reference_no) xml = send_GET(api, url) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s})".format(url) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None result = list_from_xml(xml, node_name) details = dict_subset(result, requested_info) return details[0]
def job_details(api, job_reference, request=None, **kwargs): """Find all available information for a particular job.""" # Need team reference for 'buyer_team_reference' parameter to Jobs HR API (ref, status) = find_team(api, company, team) if not ref: log.error("Failed to find team {0:s} (company {1:s})".format(team, company)) return None node_name = 'job' save_xml = None params = [('buyer_team__reference', ref)] if kwargs: keys = kwargs.keys() for key in keys: param = valid_jobs_managed_parameter(key) if param: params.append((param, kwargs[key])) elif key == 'save_xml': save_xml = kwargs[key] url = get_API_URL('jobs_hr') xml = send_GET(api, url, params, save_xml=save_xml) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}, {1!s}".format(url, params) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None result = list_from_xml(xml, node_name) all_info= ['reference','title','job_type','description','public_url', 'created_time','created_by','start_date','end_date','filled_date', 'cancelled_date','buyer_team__reference','buyer_team__id', 'buyer_team__name','buyer_company__reference','buyer_company__name', 'visibility','budget','duration','category','subcategory','num_candidates', 'num_active_candidates','num_new_candidates','last_candidacy_access_time', 'status'] if not rquest: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(request, all_info) return dict_subset(result, all_info)
def user_roles(api, request=None, save_xml=None): """Retrieve permission information of user. For the currently authenticated user return a list of permission information for each company/team the user has access to. Parameter 'request' is a list which limits the information returned. Must be a subset of: ['affiliation_status', 'company__name', 'company__reference', 'engagement__reference', 'has_team_room_access', 'parent_team__id', 'parent_team__name', 'parent_team__reference', 'permission', 'reference', 'role', 'team__id', 'team__name', 'team__reference', 'user__first_name', 'user__id', 'user__is_provider', 'user__last_name', 'user__reference'] """ url = urls.get_API_URL('user_roles') xmlnode = 'userrole' if save_xml: save_xml = 'user_roles' xml = send_GET(api, url, save_xml=save_xml) if xml is None: e = "Error, request failed: send_GET(api, {0:s}".format(url) stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e)) log.error(e) return None roles = list_from_xml(xml, xmlnode) all_info = ['affiliation_status', 'company__name', 'company__reference', 'engagement__reference', 'has_team_room_access', 'parent_team__id', 'parent_team__name', 'parent_team__reference', 'permission', 'reference', 'role', 'team__id', 'team__name', 'team__reference', 'user__first_name', 'user__id', 'user__is_provider', 'user__last_name', 'user__reference'] if not request: requested_info = all_info[:] else: requested_info = list_intersect(list(request), all_info) return dict_subset(roles, requested_info)
from odapi.util import stderr from odapi.exception import AppUnknownAPIError from odapi.urls import get_API_URL if len(sys.argv) == 2: if sys.argv[1] == 'xml' or sys.argv[1] == 'json': fmt = sys.argv[1] else: fmt = 'xml' api_tags = ('jobs', 'providers', 'profiles', 'teams', 'companies', 'jobs_hr', 'engagements', 'company_details', 'company_teams', 'company_teamrooms', 'company_users', 'user_roles', 'team_users', 'payments', 'teamrooms', 'teamroom', 'bogus', 'engagement') kwargs = {'company_ref':'{company_ref}', 'team_ref':'{team_ref}', 'user_ref':'{user_ref}', 'engagement_ref':'{engagement_ref}', 'fmt': fmt} for tag in api_tags: try: url = get_API_URL(tag, **kwargs) except AppUnknownAPIError, e: stderr(e) assert tag == 'bogus' continue print url
(pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if popts["request"]: req = strip_csv(popts["request"]) kwargs = str2kwargs(req) # request = req.split(',') else: # request = None kwargs = None # HERE # stdout('\nquery/test/ kwargs = {0!r}\n'.format(kwargs)) all_providers = provider_search(api, save_xml=api.debug, **kwargs) # HERE if not all_providers or len(all_providers) == 0: stderr("No providers returned.\n") print all_providers api.clean_exit(0) ######################################### for n in range(len(all_providers)): company = all_providers[n] hdr = "------ provider {0:2d} ------\n".format(n + 1) stdout(hdr) print_dict(stdout, company) stdout("\n") api.clean_exit(0)
"buyer_team__id, buyer_team__reference, created_time, engagement_job_type, engagement_start_date, engagement_title, estimated_duration, estimated_duration_id, hourly_charge_rate, hourly_pay_rate, job__reference, job__title, offer__reference, provider__id, provider__reference, reference, role, status, weekly_hours_limit, weekly_salary_charge_amount, weekly_salary_pay_amount" Default is to return all of the above. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if not len(args) == 1: stderr ("\n ** Need engagement reference number **\n") api.clean_exit(usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1)) if popts['request']: req = strip_csv(popts['request']) request = req.split(',') else: request = None ref_no = args[0] details = engagement_details(api, ref_no, request=request, save_xml=api.debug) if not details: stderr('failed to fetch engagement details\n') api.clean_exit(1) print_dict(stdout, details) api.clean_exit(0)
"fields" should be a comma-seperated list of fields. This limits the information returned and should be a subset of: "parent_team__id, is_hidden, status, name, company_name, parent_team__name, company__reference, parent_team__reference, reference, id" For example: -r "" or -r "id" """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if popts['request']: req = strip_csv(popts['request']) request = req.split(',') else: request = None teamlist = teams(api, request=request,save_xml=api.debug) if not teamlist or len(teamlist) == 0: stderr('failed to fetch team list\n') hdr = '----- team {0:2d} ----\n' for n in range(len(teamlist)): header = hdr.format(n+1) team = teamlist[n] stdout(header) print_dict(stdout, team) api.clean_exit(0)
import getopt popts = {'brief':False, 'request':None} try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv,'br:',['brief','request=']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1) return (None, None) for (key, val) in opts: if key == '-r' or key == '--request': popts['request'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-b' or key == '--brief': popts['brief'] = True else: e = "Error in parseargs code: option parsed by getopt not matched." stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e), 'parseargs') popts = None return (popts, args) (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parseargs(pgm, argv, usage) if not len(args) > 0: stderr('No provider key(s) given...\n') api.clean_exit(1) #print 'args:', args #api.clean_exit(1) provider_keys = "" for key in args: provider_keys += "{0:s} ".format(key) if popts['request']:
initLogger, setLogLevel (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) # Test conversions to Python logger levels first user_levels = ('off', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', 'nosuch') log_levels = (logging.NOTSET, logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL) errors = 0 tests = 0 for n in range(6): # convert string log levels to logger values pylevel = str2loglevel(user_levels[n]) if pylevel != log_levels[n]: stderr("str2loglevel({0:s}) ({1:d}) failed, got {2:d} ({3:s})\n".format( user_levels[n], n, pylevel, user_levels[pylevel/10])) errors += 1 tests += 1 # convert logger levers to strings strlevel = loglevel2str(log_levels[n]) if strlevel.lower() != user_levels[n]: stderr("loglevel2str({0:d}) failed, got {1:s}\n".format( log_levels[n], strlevel)) errors += 1 tests += 1 # convert strings to logger levels pylevel = toLogLevel(user_levels[n]) if pylevel != log_levels[n]: stderr("toLogLevel({0:s}) ({1:d}) failed, got {2:d} ({3:s})\n".format(
[OPTIONS] -r, --request "list,of,fields" The list should be a comma-seperated list of parameters. This limits the information returned and should be a subset of: "reference, status, name, owner_user_id" Default is to return all of the above. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if popts['request']: req = strip_csv(popts['request']) request = req.split(',') else: request = None all_companies = companies(api, request=request, save_xml=api.debug) if not all_companies or len(all_companies) == 0: stderr('failed to fetch company list\n') api.clean_exit(1) for n in range(len(all_companies)): company = all_companies[n] hdr = '------ company {0:2d} ------\n'.format(n+1) stdout(hdr) print_dict(stdout, company) stdout('\n') api.clean_exit(0)
list should be a comma-seperated list of parameters. This limits the information returned and should be a subset of: "parent_team__id, is_hidden, status, name, company_name, parent_team__name, company__reference, parent_team__reference, reference, id" Default is to return all of the above for each team. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if not len(args) == 1: stderr("\n **Need company name**, quoted if needed.\n") api.clean_exit(usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1)) company = args[0] if popts["request"]: req = strip_csv(popts["request"]) request = req.split(",") else: request = None teamlist = company_teams(api, company, request=request, save_xml=api.debug) if not teamlist: stderr("failed to fetch company team list\n") api.clean_exit(1) hdr = "----- team {0:2d} ----\n" for n in range(len(teamlist)): header = hdr.format(n + 1) team = teamlist[n]
popts = {'input':None, 'tag':None, 'output':None} try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, 'i:t:o:h', ['input=', 'tag=', 'output=', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError, e: stderr(e) exit(usage(pgm, 1)) for (key, val) in opts: if key == '-h' or key == '--help': exit(usage(pgm, 0)) elif key == '-i' or key == '--input': popts['input'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-o' or key == '--output': popts['output'] = to_str(val) elif key == '-t' or key == '--tag': popts['tag'] = to_str(val) else: e = "Error in parseargs code: option parsed by getopt not matched." stderr("{0:s}\n".format(e), 'parseargs') exit(1) return (popts, args) (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (popts, args) = parseargs(pgm, sys.argv[1:]) if not popts['input']: stderr("\n\tNeed input XML file.\n") exit(usage(pgm, 1)) if not popts['tag']: stderr("\n\tNeed XML node (tag) to parse on.\n") exit(usage(pgm, 1)) infile = popts['input'] tag = popts['tag'] outfile = popts['output']
stderr('{0:s\n', e) exit(1) auth = popts['auth'] config = popts['config'] alias = popts['alias'] # Put together keyword argument list for find_app_auth() kwargs = {'app_name': pgm, # name of this executable 'app_alias': alias, # --name alias 'app_auth': auth, # --app_auth file 'auth_envar': 'ODESK_AUTH'} # environment variable auth = find_app_auth(**kwargs) if not auth: stderr('No authorization file found.\n') exit(1) kwargs = {'app_auth_file': auth} if alias: kwargs['app_alias'] = alias try: api = oDeskAPI(config=config, **kwargs) except AppInitError, e: stderr(e) stderr("Failed to initialize oDeskAPI instance...\n") exit(1) if popts['debug']: api.debug = True init_logging(api, popts) # Authorize this process with developer API
buyer_team__name, buyer_team__reference, category, company__reference, company_name, created_by, created_by_name, created_time, description, duration, end_date, filled_date, id, job_type, name, num_active_candidates, num_candidates, num_new_candidates, owner_user_id, parent_team__id, parent_team__name, parent_team__reference, public_url, reference, start_date, status, subcategory, title, visibility" Default is to return all of the above. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if not args or not len(args) == 2: stderr ("\n **Need 'company name' 'team name' **, quoted if needed.\n") api.clean_exit(usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1)) company = args[0] team = args[1] if popts['request']: req = strip_csv(popts['request']) request = req.split(',') else: request = None (total, joblist) = jobs_managed(api, company, team, request=request, save_xml=api.debug) if total == 0: stderr("No jobs currently managed by {0:s}\n".format(company)) api.clean_exit(0) hdr = '----- Job {0:2d} of {1:d} ----\n' for n in range(total):
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see < """Test odapi.query.organization.company_reference_IDs().""" import sys from os import path from odapi.main import app_main from odapi.util import stdout, stderr from odapi.query.organization import company_reference_IDs usage=""" Usage: {0:s} [OPTIONS] {0:s} --help For all companies the authorized user has access to the company name and reference Id is returned in a list of dictionary objects. The dict object keys are 'name' and 'reference'. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) cIds = company_reference_IDs(api) if not cIds or len(cIds) == 0: stderr('failed to fetch company reference ids\n') api.clean_exit(1) for n in range(len(cIds)): item = '{0:2d}: {1:40s} {2:s}\n'.format( n+1, cIds[n]['company'], cIds[n]['ref']) stdout(item) api.clean_exit(0)
information returned and should be a subset of: "last_name, first_name, status, id, reference, is_provider, timezone, timezone_offset" For example: -r "id, last_name, first_name" or -r "id" Default is to return all of the above. """ (pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) (api, argv) = app_main(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) (popts, args) = parse_request(pgm, argv, usage) if popts is None: api.clean_exit(1) if len(args) != 1: stderr ("\n ** Need team name **, quoted if necessary.\n") api.clean_exit(usage_tail(pgm, usage, 1)) team = args[0] if popts['request']: req = strip_csv(popts['request']) request = req.split(',') else: request = None userlist = team_users(api, team, request=request, eid=None, save_xml=api.debug) if len(userlist) == 0: log.error('failed to get user list for team {0:s}'.format(team)) api.clean_exit(1) hdr = '---- contractor {0:2d} of {1:2d} ----\n' total = len(userlist) stdout('------ Team {0:s} ---------\n'.format(team))