Ejemplo n.º 1
def xr_geomedian_tmad_new(ds, **kw):
    Same as other one but uses reshape_yxbt instead of

    import hdstats

    def gm_tmad(arr, **kw):
        arr: a high dimensional numpy array where the last dimension will be reduced. 
        returns: a numpy array with one less dimension than input.
        gm = hdstats.nangeomedian_pcm(arr, **kw)
        nt = kw.pop('num_threads', None)
        emad = hdstats.emad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:, :, np.newaxis]
        smad = hdstats.smad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:, :, np.newaxis]
        bcmad = hdstats.bcmad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:, :, np.newaxis]
        return np.concatenate([gm, emad, smad, bcmad], axis=-1)

    def norm_input(ds):
        if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset):
            xx = reshape_yxbt(ds, yx_chunks=500)
            return ds, xx, xx.data

    kw.setdefault('nocheck', False)
    kw.setdefault('num_threads', 1)
    kw.setdefault('eps', 1e-6)

    ds, xx, xx_data = norm_input(ds)
    is_dask = dask.is_dask_collection(xx_data)

    if is_dask:
        data = da.map_blocks(lambda x: gm_tmad(x, **kw),
                             chunks=xx_data.chunks[:-2] +
                             (xx_data.chunks[-2][0] + 3, ),

    dims = xx.dims[:-1]
    cc = {k: xx.coords[k] for k in dims}
    cc[dims[-1]] = np.hstack(
        [xx.coords[dims[-1]].values, ['edev', 'sdev', 'bcdev']])
    xx_out = xr.DataArray(data, dims=dims, coords=cc)

    if ds is None:
        return xx_out

    ds_out = xx_out.to_dataset(dim='band')
    for b in ds.data_vars.keys():
        src, dst = ds[b], ds_out[b]

    return assign_crs(ds_out, crs=ds.geobox.crs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def xr_geomedian_tmad(ds, axis='time', where=None, **kw):
    :param ds: xr.Dataset|xr.DataArray|numpy array
    Other parameters:
    **kwargs -- passed on to pcm.gnmpcm
       maxiters   : int         1000
       eps        : float       0.0001
       num_threads: int| None   None

    import hdstats
    def gm_tmad(arr, **kw):
        arr: a high dimensional numpy array where the last dimension will be reduced. 
        returns: a numpy array with one less dimension than input.
        gm = hdstats.nangeomedian_pcm(arr, **kw)
        nt = kw.pop('num_threads', None)
        emad = hdstats.emad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:,:, np.newaxis]
        smad = hdstats.smad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:,:, np.newaxis]
        bcmad = hdstats.bcmad_pcm(arr, gm, num_threads=nt)[:,:, np.newaxis]
        return np.concatenate([gm, emad, smad, bcmad], axis=-1)

    def norm_input(ds, axis):
        if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray):
            xx = ds
            if len(xx.dims) != 4:
                raise ValueError("Expect 4 dimensions on input: y,x,band,time")
            if axis is not None and xx.dims[3] != axis:
                raise ValueError(f"Can only reduce last dimension, expect: y,x,band,{axis}")
            return None, xx, xx.data
        elif isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset):
            xx = reshape_for_geomedian(ds, axis)
            return ds, xx, xx.data
        else:  # assume numpy or similar
            xx_data = ds
            if xx_data.ndim != 4:
                raise ValueError("Expect 4 dimensions on input: y,x,band,time")
            return None, None, xx_data

    kw.setdefault('nocheck', False)
    kw.setdefault('num_threads', 1)
    kw.setdefault('eps', 1e-6)

    ds, xx, xx_data = norm_input(ds, axis)
    is_dask = dask.is_dask_collection(xx_data)

    if where is not None:
        if is_dask:
            raise NotImplementedError("Dask version doesn't support output masking currently")

        if where.shape != xx_data.shape[:2]:
            raise ValueError("Shape for `where` parameter doesn't match")
        set_nan = ~where
        set_nan = None

    if is_dask:
        if xx_data.shape[-2:] != xx_data.chunksize[-2:]:
            xx_data = xx_data.rechunk(xx_data.chunksize[:2] + (-1, -1))

        data = da.map_blocks(lambda x: gm_tmad(x, **kw),
                             chunks=xx_data.chunks[:-2] + (xx_data.chunks[-2][0]+3,),
        data = gm_tmad(xx_data, **kw)

    if set_nan is not None:
        data[set_nan, :] = np.nan

    if xx is None:
        return data

    dims = xx.dims[:-1]
    cc = {k: xx.coords[k] for k in dims}
    cc[dims[-1]] = np.hstack([xx.coords[dims[-1]].values,['edev', 'sdev', 'bcdev']])
    xx_out = xr.DataArray(data, dims=dims, coords=cc)

    if ds is None:
        return xx_out

    ds_out = xx_out.to_dataset(dim='band')
    for b in ds.data_vars.keys():
        src, dst = ds[b], ds_out[b]

    return assign_crs(ds_out, crs=ds.geobox.crs)