Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init_gui(self):
        """ This method binds events to menu items and initializes GUI controls """

            # Add frame icon
            ib = wx.IconBundle()

            # IMPORTANT NOTE:
            # As all tab panels are hidden on start-up, the MinSize attribute
            # of the main GUI frame will be set to such a low value that most of
            # the interface will be invisible if the user takes the interface out of
            # 'full screen' view.
            # Also, Gnome's GDK library will start spewing error messages, saying
            # it cannot draw certain images, because the dimensions are 0x0.
            self.main_frame.SetMinSize((1000, 550))
            self.main_frame.Maximize()  # must be done before Show()

            # List of all possible tabs used in Odemis' main GUI
            tab_defs = [
                    # Unique name of the tab
                    "name": "secom_live",
                    # Tab controller for this tab
                    "controller": tabs.SecomStreamsTab,
                    # Tab button for this tab
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_secom_streams,
                    # Constructor of the tab panel
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_secom_streams
                    "name": "cryosecom-localization",
                    "controller": tabs.LocalizationTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_localization,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_localization
                    "name": "secom_align",
                    "controller": tabs.SecomAlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_secom_align
                    "name": "sparc_align",
                    "controller": tabs.SparcAlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_align
                    "name": "sparc2_align",
                    "controller": tabs.Sparc2AlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc2_align
                    "name": "sparc_acqui",
                    "controller": tabs.SparcAcquisitionTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_acqui,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_acqui
                    "name": "fastem_overview",
                    "controller": tabs.FastEMOverviewTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_fastem_overview,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_fastem_overview
                    "name": "fastem_acqui",
                    "controller": tabs.FastEMAcquisitionTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_fastem_acqui,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_fastem_acqui
                {"name": "fastem_chamber",
                    "controller": tabs.FastEMChamberTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_chamber,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_fastem_chamber
                    "name": "sparc_chamber",
                    "controller": tabs.ChamberTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_chamber,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_chamber
                    "name": "cryosecom_chamber",
                    "controller": tabs.CryoChamberTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_cryosecom_chamber,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_cryosecom_chamber
                    "name": "analysis",
                    "controller": tabs.AnalysisTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_inspection,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_inspection

            # Create the main tab controller and store a global reference
            # in the odemis.gui.cont package
            self.tab_controller = tabs.TabBarController(tab_defs, self.main_frame, self.main_data)

            # Connect the log panel button of each tab
            def toggle_log_panel(_):
                self.main_data.debug.value = not self.main_frame.pnl_log.IsShown()

            for tab in self.tab_controller.get_tabs():
                if hasattr(tab.panel, 'btn_log'):
                    tab.panel.btn_log.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, toggle_log_panel)
            self.main_frame.btn_log.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, toggle_log_panel)

            self.main_data.debug.subscribe(self.on_debug_va, init=True)
            self.main_data.level.subscribe(self.on_level_va, init=True)
            log.create_gui_logger(self.main_frame.txt_log, self.main_data.debug, self.main_data.level)

            self._menu_controller = MenuController(self.main_data, self.main_frame)
            # Menu events
            self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_close_window, id=self.main_frame.menu_item_quit.GetId())

            self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close_window)

            # To handle "Save snapshot" menu
            self._snapshot_controller = acquisition.SnapshotController(self.main_data,

            # Update the logo if a non-default logo is defined
            if gui.logo:
            # Update legend logo filepath
            self.main_frame.legend_logo = gui.legend_logo

            # Now starts the plugins, after the rest of the GUI is ready
            pfns = plugin.find_plugins()
            for p in pfns:
                pis = plugin.load_plugin(p, self.main_data.microscope, self)

            # add temperature controller
            if self.main_data.sample_thermostat:
                self._temperature_controller = TemperatureController(self.main_frame, self.main_data.sample_thermostat)

            # making it very late seems to make it smoother

        except Exception:
            # Re-raise the exception, so the program will exit. If this is not
            # done and exception will prevent the GUI from being shown, while
            # the program keeps running in the background.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_load_plugin(self):
     # Try to load the example plugin present in this module
     ps = plugin.load_plugin(__file__, None, self.app)
     self.assertEqual(len(ps), 1)
     self.assertEqual(ps[0].name, SimplePlugin.name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_load_plugin(self):
     # Try to load the example plugin present in this module
     ps = plugin.load_plugin(__file__, None, self.app)
     self.assertEqual(len(ps), 1)
     self.assertEqual(ps[0].name, SimplePlugin.name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def init_gui(self):
        """ This method binds events to menu items and initializes GUI controls """

            # Add frame icon
            ib = wx.IconBundle()

            # IMPORTANT NOTE:
            # As all tab panels are hidden on start-up, the MinSize attribute
            # of the main GUI frame will be set to such a low value that most of
            # the interface will be invisible if the user takes the interface out of
            # 'full screen' view.
            # Also, Gnome's GDK library will start spewing error messages, saying
            # it cannot draw certain images, because the dimensions are 0x0.
            self.main_frame.SetMinSize((1280, 550))
            self.main_frame.Maximize()  # must be done before Show()

            # List of all possible tabs used in Odemis' main GUI

            # TODO: instead of roles + label, have a class method on each
            # StreamTab class that takes the microscope as input, and return a
            # label or None if it shouldn't be displayed. (+ a "priority" to
            # decide which one is the default?)

            tab_defs = [
                    # Unique name of the tab
                    "name": "secom_live",
                    # Tab controller for this tab
                    "controller": tabs.SecomStreamsTab,
                    # Tab button for this tab
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_secom_streams,
                    # Constructor of the tab panel
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_secom_streams
                    "name": "secom_align",
                    "controller": tabs.SecomAlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_secom_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_secom_align
                    "name": "sparc_align",
                    "controller": tabs.SparcAlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_align
                    "name": "sparc2_align",
                    "controller": tabs.Sparc2AlignTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc2_align,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc2_align
                    "name": "sparc_acqui",
                    "controller": tabs.SparcAcquisitionTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_acqui,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_acqui
                    "name": "sparc_chamber",
                    "controller": tabs.ChamberTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_sparc_chamber,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_sparc_chamber
                    "name": "analysis",
                    "controller": tabs.AnalysisTab,
                    "button": self.main_frame.btn_tab_inspection,
                    "panel": main_xrc.xrcpnl_tab_inspection

            # Create the main tab controller and store a global reference
            # in the odemis.gui.cont package
            self.tab_controller = tabs.TabBarController(tab_defs, self.main_frame, self.main_data)

            # Connect the log panel button of each tab
            def toggle_log_panel(_):
                self.main_data.debug.value = not self.main_frame.pnl_log.IsShown()

            for tab in self.tab_controller.get_tabs():
                if hasattr(tab.panel, 'btn_log'):
                    tab.panel.btn_log.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, toggle_log_panel)
            self.main_frame.btn_log.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, toggle_log_panel)

            self.main_data.debug.subscribe(self.on_debug_va, init=True)
            self.main_data.level.subscribe(self.on_level_va, init=True)
            log.create_gui_logger(self.main_frame.txt_log, self.main_data.debug, self.main_data.level)

            self._menu_controller = MenuController(self.main_data, self.main_frame)
            # Menu events
            self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_close_window, id=self.main_frame.menu_item_quit.GetId())

            self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_close_window)

            # To handle "Save snapshot" menu
            self._snapshot_controller = acquisition.SnapshotController(self.main_data,

            # Update the logo if a non-default logo is defined
            if gui.logo:
            # Update legend logo filepath
            self.main_frame.legend_logo = gui.legend_logo

            # Now starts the plugins, after the rest of the GUI is ready
            pfns = plugin.find_plugins()
            for p in pfns:
                pis = plugin.load_plugin(p, self.main_data.microscope, self)

            # making it very late seems to make it smoother

        except Exception:
            # Re-raise the exception, so the program will exit. If this is not
            # done and exception will prevent the GUI from being shown, while
            # the program keeps running in the background.