Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, name):
     model.Detector.__init__(self, name, "fakedet", parent=None)
     self.data = model.DataFlow()
     self._shape = (2**16, )
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, name, role, **kwargs):
     super(TimeCorrelator, self).__init__(name, role, **kwargs)
     self.data = model.DataFlow()
     # Data depth is 0, as we don't get the data
     self._shape = (0, )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
        children (dict string->kwargs): parameters setting for the children.
            The only possible child is "focus".
            They will be provided back in the .children VA
        image (str or None): path to a file to use as fake image (relative to
         the directory of this class)
        # TODO: support transpose? If not, warn that it's not accepted
        # fake image setup
        image = unicode(image)
        # change to this directory to ensure relative path is from this file
        exporter = dataio.find_fittest_exporter(image)
        self._img = exporter.read_data(image)[0]  # can be RGB or greyscale

        # we will fill the set of children with Components later in ._children
        model.DigitalCamera.__init__(self, name, role, daemon=daemon, **kwargs)

        if self._img.ndim > 3:  # remove dims of length 1
            self._img = numpy.squeeze(self._img)

        imshp = self._img.shape
        if len(imshp) == 3 and imshp[0] in {3, 4}:
            # CYX, change it to YXC, to simulate a RGB detector
            self._img = numpy.rollaxis(self._img, 2)  # XCY
            self._img = numpy.rollaxis(self._img, 2)  # YXC
            imshp = self._img.shape

        # For RGB, the colour is last dim, but we still indicate it as higher
        # dimension to ensure shape always starts with X, Y
        if len(imshp) == 3 and imshp[-1] in {3, 4}:
            # resolution doesn't affect RGB dim
            res = imshp[-2::-1]
            self._shape = res + imshp[-1::]  # X, Y, C
            # indicate it's RGB pixel-per-pixel ordered
            self._img.metadata[model.MD_DIMS] = "YXC"
            res = imshp[::-1]
            self._shape = res  # X, Y,...
        # TODO: handle non integer dtypes
        depth = 2**(self._img.dtype.itemsize * 8)
        self._shape += (depth, )

        # TODO: don't provide range? or don't make it readonly?
        self.resolution = model.ResolutionVA(res,
                                             [res, res])  # , readonly=True)
        # TODO: support (simulated) binning
        self.binning = model.ResolutionVA((1, 1), [(1, 1), (1, 1)])

        exp = self._img.metadata.get(model.MD_EXP_TIME, 0.1)  # s
        self.exposureTime = model.FloatContinuous(exp, [1e-3, 1e3], unit="s")
        # Some code care about the readout rate to know how long an acquisition will take
        self.readoutRate = model.FloatVA(1e9, unit="Hz", readonly=True)

        pxs = self._img.metadata.get(model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE, (10e-6, 10e-6))
        mag = self._img.metadata.get(model.MD_LENS_MAG, 1)
        spxs = tuple(s * mag for s in pxs)
        self.pixelSize = model.VigilantAttribute(spxs, unit="m", readonly=True)

        self._metadata = {
            model.MD_HW_NAME: "FakeCam",
            model.MD_SENSOR_PIXEL_SIZE: spxs

            kwargs = children["focus"]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            logging.info("Will not simulate focus")
            self._focus = None
            self._focus = CamFocus(parent=self, daemon=daemon, **kwargs)
            self.children.value = self.children.value | {self._focus}

        # Simple implementation of the flow: we keep generating images and if
        # there are subscribers, they'll receive it.
        self.data = model.DataFlow(self)
        self._generator = util.RepeatingTimer(exp, self._generate,
                                              "SimCam image generator")