Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _populate_set_companies(self, records):
        _logger.info('Setting companies')
        r_company = populate.Random('res.partner+company_has_partners')
        r_partner = populate.Random('res.partner+partner_has_company')
        r_company_pick = populate.Random('res.partner+partner_company_pick=')

        companies = records.filtered(
            lambda p: p.is_company and r_company.getrandbits(
                1))  # 50% change to have partners
        partners = records.filtered(
            lambda p: not p.is_company and r_partner.getrandbits(
                1))  # 50% change to have a company

        companies_partners = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: self.env['res.partner'])
        for partner in partners:
            companies_partners[r_company_pick.choice(companies)] |= partner

        # batching company write improves performances a lot (~40% faster for total partner creation).
        for count, (company, partners) in enumerate(companies_partners.items(),
            if count % 100 == 0:
                _logger.info('Setting company: %s/%s', count, len(companies))
            partners.write({'parent_id': company.id})
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _populate_factories(self):
        random = populate.Random('product_with_supplierinfo')
        company_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models[
            'res.company'][:COMPANY_NB_WITH_STOCK] + [False]
        partner_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['res.partner']
        product_templates_ids = self.env['product.product'].browse(
        product_templates_ids += self.env.registry.populated_models[
        product_templates_ids = random.sample(
            product_templates_ids, int(len(product_templates_ids) * 0.95))

        def get_company_id(values, counter, random):
            partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(values['name'])
            if partner.company_id:
                return partner.company_id.id
            return random.choice(company_ids)

        def get_delay(values, counter, random):
            # 5 % with huge delay (between 5 month and 6 month), otherwise between 1 and 10 days
            if random.random() > 0.95:
                return random.randint(150, 210)
            return random.randint(1, 10)

        return [
            ('name', populate.randomize(partner_ids)),
            ('company_id', populate.compute(get_company_id)),
            ('product_tmpl_id', populate.iterate(product_templates_ids)),
            ('product_name', populate.constant("SI-{counter}")),
            ('sequence', populate.randint(1, 10)),
            ('min_qty', populate.randint(0, 10)),
            ('price', populate.randint(10, 100)),
            ('delay', populate.compute(get_delay)),
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def _compute_default_locations(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            random = populate.Random('_compute_default_locations')
            locations_by_company = dict(
                groupby(internal_locations, key=lambda loc: loc.company_id.id))
            locations_by_company = {
                company_id: self.env['stock.location'].concat(*locations)
                for company_id, locations in locations_by_company.items()

            for values in iterator:

                locations_company = locations_by_company[values['company_id']]
                # TODO : choice only location child of warehouse.lot_stock_id
                inter_location = random.choice(locations_company)
                values['warehouse_id'] = inter_location.get_warehouse().id
                if values['code'] == 'internal':
                    values['default_location_src_id'] = inter_location.id
                    values['default_location_dest_id'] = random.choice(
                        locations_company - inter_location).id
                elif values['code'] == 'incoming':
                    values['default_location_dest_id'] = inter_location.id
                elif values['code'] == 'outgoing':
                    values['default_location_src_id'] = inter_location.id

                yield values
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _populate(self, size):
        def search_coa_ids(currency_id):
            return self.env['account.chart.template'].search([('currency_id', '=', currency_id)])

        records = super()._populate(size)
        _logger.info('Loading Chart Template')
        default_chart_templates = self.env['account.chart.template'].search([], limit=1)
        if not default_chart_templates:
            # TODO install l10n_generic_coa ?
            raise UserError(_(
                "At least one localization is needed to be installed in order to populate the "
                "database with accounting"
        random = populate.Random('res.company+chart_template_selector')

        # Load the a chart of accounts matching the currency of the company for the 3 first created companies
        # We are loading an existing CoA and not populating it because:
        #   * it reflects best real use cases.
        #   * it allows checking reports by localization
        #   * the config is complete with try_loading(), no need to adapt when the model changes
        #   * it is way easier :-)
        # We are loading only for 3 companies because:
        #   * It takes a few hundreds of a second to create account.move records in batch.
        #     Because we want to have a lot of entries for at least one company (in order to test
        #     reports, functions and widgets performances for instance), we can't afford to do it for
        #     a lot of companies.
        #   * it would be useless to have entries for all the companies, we can already do everything with
        #     entries in only a few (but multiple) companies.
        # Note that we can still populate some new records on top of the CoA if it makes sense,
        # like account.journal for instance.
        for company in records[:3]:
            chart_templates_cur = search_coa_ids(company.currency_id.id) or default_chart_templates
        return records
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _populate(self, size):
        res = super()._populate(size)

        # Set alternative workcenters
        _logger.info("Set alternative workcenters")
        # Valid workcenters by company_id (the workcenter without company can be the alternative of all workcenter)
        workcenters_by_company = defaultdict(OrderedSet)
        for workcenter in res:
        workcenters_by_company = {
            company_id: self.env['mrp.workcenter'].browse(workcenters)
            for company_id, workcenters in workcenters_by_company.items()
        workcenters_by_company = {
            company_id: workcenters
            | workcenters_by_company.get(False, self.env['mrp.workcenter'])
            for company_id, workcenters in workcenters_by_company.items()

        random = populate.Random('set_alternative_workcenter')
        for workcenter in res:
            nb_alternative = max(
                random.randint(0, 3),
                len(workcenters_by_company[workcenter.company_id.id]) - 1)
            if nb_alternative > 0:
                alternatives_workcenter_ids = random.sample(
                    (workcenters_by_company[workcenter.company_id.id] -
                     workcenter).ids, nb_alternative)
                workcenter.alternative_workcenter_ids = [
                    (6, 0, alternatives_workcenter_ids)

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _populate_factories(self):
        # Take a subset (50%) of bom to have some of then without any operation
        random = populate.Random('byproduct_subset_bom')
        boms_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models['mrp.bom']
        boms_ids = random.sample(boms_ids, int(len(boms_ids) * 0.5))

        boms = self.env['mrp.bom'].search(
            [('id', 'in', self.env.registry.populated_models['mrp.bom'])],
            order='sequence, product_id, id')

        product_manu_ids = OrderedSet()
        for bom in boms:
            if bom.product_id:
                for product_id in bom.product_tmpl_id.product_variant_ids:
        product_manu = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_manu_ids)
        # product_no_manu is products which don't have any bom (leaves in the BoM trees)
        product_no_manu = self.env['product.product'].browse(
        ) - product_manu
        product_no_manu_ids = product_no_manu.ids

        def get_product_uom_id(values, counter, random):
            return self.env['product.product'].browse(

        return [
            ('bom_id', populate.iterate(boms_ids)),
            ('product_id', populate.randomize(product_no_manu_ids)),
            ('product_uom_id', populate.compute(get_product_uom_id)),
            ('product_qty', populate.randint(1, 10)),
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def _compute_contact(iterator, *args):
            r = populate.Random('res.partner+contact_generator_selector')

            for values in iterator:
                if values['partner_id']:
                    yield {**values}
                    fn = r.choice(tools._p_forename_groups)
                    mn = r.choices(
                        [False] + tools._p_middlename_groups,
                        weights=[1] +
                        [1 / (len(tools._p_middlename_groups) or 1)] *
                    sn = r.choice(tools._p_surname_groups)
                    mn_wseparator = f' "{mn}" '
                    contact_name = f'{fn}{mn_wseparator}{sn}'

                    country_id = values['country_id']
                    if country_id not in phones_per_country.keys():
                        country_id = False
                    mobile = r.choice(phones_per_country[country_id])
                    phone = r.choice(phones_per_country[country_id])

                    yield {
                        'contact_name': contact_name,
                        'mobile': mobile,
                        'phone': phone,
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def confirm_prototype_mo(sample_ratio):
     # Confirm X % of prototype MO
     random = populate.Random('confirm_prototype_mo')
     mo_ids = moves.raw_material_production_id.ids
     mo_to_confirm = self.env['mrp.production'].browse(
         random.sample(mo_ids, int(len(mo_ids) * 0.8)))
     _logger.info("Confirm %d of prototype MO" % len(mo_to_confirm))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def confirm_bom_mo(sample_ratio):
     # Confirm X % of prototype MO
     random = populate.Random('confirm_bom_mo')
     mo_ids = productions.filtered('bom_id').ids
     mo_to_confirm = self.env['mrp.production'].browse(
         random.sample(mo_ids, int(len(mo_ids) * 0.8)))
     _logger.info("Confirm %d MO with BoM" % len(mo_to_confirm))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def start_inventory_sample(sample_ratio):
     random = populate.Random('start_inventory_sample')
     inventories_to_start = self.browse(
                       int(len(inventories.ids) * sample_ratio)))
     # Start empty to let the stock.inventory.line populate create lines
     inventories_to_start.start_empty = True
     for inventory in inventories_to_start:
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def confirm_sale_order(sample_ratio):
     # Confirm sample_ratio * 100 % of picking
     random = populate.Random('confirm_sale_order')
     order_ids = so_line.order_id.ids
     orders_to_confirm = self.env['sale.order'].browse(
         random.sample(order_ids, int(len(order_ids) * sample_ratio)))
     _logger.info("Confirm %d sale orders", len(orders_to_confirm))
     return orders_to_confirm
Ejemplo n.º 12
        def _attach_to_record(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            random = populate.Random('_attach_to_record')
            fields, weights = self._populate_attach_record_weight()
            fields_generator = self._populate_attach_record_generator()

            for values in iterator:
                field = random.choices(fields, weights)[0]
                values[field] = next(fields_generator[field])
                yield values
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def confirm_pickings(sample_ratio):
     # Confirm sample_ratio * 100 % of picking
     random = populate.Random('confirm_pickings')
     picking_ids = moves.picking_id.ids
     picking_to_confirm = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(
                       int(len(picking_ids) * sample_ratio)))
     _logger.info("Confirm %d of pickings" % len(picking_to_confirm))
Ejemplo n.º 14
        def _compute_address(iterator, *args):
            r = populate.Random('res.partner+address_generator_selector')

            for values in iterator:
                if values['partner_id']:
                    yield {**values}
                    address_gen = r.choice(address_generators)
                    address_values = next(address_gen)
                    yield {**values, **address_values}
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _populate(self, size):
        p_tmpl_ids = self.env.registry.populated_models["product.template"]
        ptavs = self.search([('product_tmpl_id', 'in', p_tmpl_ids)])
        # ptavs are automatically created when specifying attribute lines on product templates.

        rand = populate.Random("ptav_extra_price_generator")
        for ptav in ptavs:
            if rand.random() < 0.50:  # 50% of having a extra price
                ptav.price_extra = rand.randrange(500) * rand.random()

        return ptavs
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def validate_inventory_sample(sample_ratio):
     # Validate the inventory adjustment, useful to have a stock at beginning
     inventories_ids = inventory_lines.inventory_id.ids
     random = populate.Random('validate_inventory')
     inventories_to_done = self.env['stock.inventory'].browse(
                       int(len(inventories_ids) * sample_ratio)))
     _logger.info("Validate %d inventory adjustment" %
     for inventory in inventories_to_done:
Ejemplo n.º 17
        def _compute_locations(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            locations_out = cross_company_locations.filtered_domain([
                ('usage', '=', 'customer')
            locations_in = cross_company_locations.filtered_domain([
                ('usage', '=', 'supplier')
            locations_internal = locations_companies.filtered_domain([
                ('usage', '=', 'internal')
            locations_by_company = dict(
                        key=lambda loc: loc.company_id.id))
            locations_by_company = {
                com: self.env['stock.location'].concat(*locs)
                for com, locs in locations_by_company.items()

            random = populate.Random('_compute_locations')
            for values in iterator:
                picking_type = self.env['stock.picking.type'].browse(

                source_loc = picking_type.default_location_src_id
                dest_loc = picking_type.default_location_dest_id

                locations_company = locations_by_company[
                if not source_loc or random.random() > 0.8:
                    if picking_type.code == 'incoming':
                        source_loc = random.choice(locations_in)
                    elif picking_type.code == 'outgoing':
                        source_loc = random.choice(locations_internal
                                                   & locations_company)
                    elif picking_type.code == 'internal':
                        source_loc = random.choice(locations_internal
                                                   & locations_company)

                if not dest_loc or random.random() > 0.8:
                    if picking_type.code == 'incoming':
                        dest_loc = random.choice(locations_internal
                                                 & locations_company)
                    elif picking_type.code == 'outgoing':
                        dest_loc = random.choice(locations_out)
                    elif picking_type.code == 'internal':
                        # Need at most 2 internal locations
                        dest_loc = random.choice((locations_internal
                                                  & locations_company) -

                values['location_id'] = source_loc.id
                values['location_dest_id'] = dest_loc.id
                yield values
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: hr.py Proyecto: yustas147/odoo
    def _populate_set_manager(self, employees):
        manager_ids = []
        rand = populate.Random('hr.employee+manager_generator')

        for employee in employees:
            if rand.random() >= 0.85:  # 15% of employees are managers

        for employee in employees:
            manager = rand.choice(manager_ids)
            if manager != employee.id:
                employee.parent_id = manager
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def set_barcode_variant(sample_ratio):
     random = populate.Random('barcode_product_template')
     product_variants_ids = res.product_variant_ids.ids
     product_variants_ids = random.sample(
         int(len(product_variants_ids) * sample_ratio))
     product_variants = self.env['product.product'].browse(
     _logger.info('Set barcode on product variants (%s)',
     for product in product_variants:
         product.barcode = "BARCODE-PT-%s" % product.id
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def get_custom_values(iterator, field_group, model_name):
     r = populate.Random('%s+fields+%s' % (model_name, field_group))
     for _, values in enumerate(iterator):
         attribute_id = values.get("attribute_id")
         if attribute_id in color_attribute_ids:
             values["html_color"] = r.choice([
                 "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "#FFC300", "#1BC56D", "#FFFF00",
             ], )
         elif not r.getrandbits(4):
             values["is_custom"] = True
         yield values
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _populate_set_manager(self, employees):
        manager_ids = defaultdict(list)
        rand = populate.Random('hr.employee+manager_generator')

        for employee in employees:
            # 15% of employees are managers, at least one per company
            if rand.random() >= 0.85 or not manager_ids.get(

        for employee in employees:
            manager = rand.choice(manager_ids[employee.company_id])
            if manager != employee.id:
                employee.parent_id = manager
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_target_info(iterator, field_name, model_name):
     random = populate.Random("pricelist_target")
     for values in iterator:
         # If product population is updated to consider multi company
         # the company of product would have to be considered
         # for product_id & product_tmpl_id
         applied_on = values["applied_on"]
         if applied_on == "0_product_variant":
             values["product_id"] = random.choice(product_ids)
         elif applied_on == "1_product":
             values["product_tmpl_id"] = random.choice(p_tmpl_ids)
         elif applied_on == "2_product_category":
             values["categ_id"] = random.choice(categ_ids)
         yield values
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def _compute_picking_values(iterator, field_name, model_name):
     random = populate.Random('_compute_picking_values')
     for values in iterator:
         if values.get('picking_id'):
             picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(
             values['picking_id'] = picking.id
             values['location_id'] = picking.location_id.id
             values['location_dest_id'] = picking.location_dest_id.id
             values['name'] = picking.name
             values['date'] = picking.scheduled_date
             values['company_id'] = picking.company_id.id
             if picking.picking_type_id.code == 'incoming':
                 values['price_unit'] = random.randint(1, 100)
         yield values
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: hr.py Proyecto: yustas147/odoo
    def _populate_set_parent_departments(self, departments, size):
        parent_ids = []
        rand = populate.Random('hr.department+parent_generator')

        for dept in departments:
            if rand.random() > 0.3:

        parent_children = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.department'])
        for dept in departments:
            parent = rand.choice(parent_ids)
            if parent < dept.id:
                parent_children[parent] |= dept

        for parent, children in parent_children.items():
            children.write({'parent_id': parent})
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_company_info(iterator, field_name, model_name):
     random = populate.Random("sale_order_company")
     for values in iterator:
         cid = values.get("company_id")
         valid_partner_ids = partners_ids_by_company[cid]
         valid_user_ids = user_ids_by_company[cid]
         valid_pricelist_ids = pricelist_ids_by_company[cid]
         yield values
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _populate_factories(self):
        product_ids = self.env['product.product'].browse(
                lambda p: p.type in ('product', 'consu')).ids
        random_products = populate.Random("move_product_sample")
        product_ids = random_products.sample(product_ids,
                                             int(len(product_ids) * 0.8))

        def get_product_uom(values, counter, random):
            return self.env['product.product'].browse(

        def _attach_to_record(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            random = populate.Random('_attach_to_record')
            fields, weights = self._populate_attach_record_weight()
            fields_generator = self._populate_attach_record_generator()

            for values in iterator:
                field = random.choices(fields, weights)[0]
                values[field] = next(fields_generator[field])
                yield values

        def _compute_picking_values(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            random = populate.Random('_compute_picking_values')
            for values in iterator:
                if values.get('picking_id'):
                    picking = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(
                    values['picking_id'] = picking.id
                    values['location_id'] = picking.location_id.id
                    values['location_dest_id'] = picking.location_dest_id.id
                    values['name'] = picking.name
                    values['date'] = picking.scheduled_date
                    values['company_id'] = picking.company_id.id
                    if picking.picking_type_id.code == 'incoming':
                        values['price_unit'] = random.randint(1, 100)
                yield values

        return [
            ('product_id', populate.randomize(product_ids)),
            ('product_uom', populate.compute(get_product_uom)),
            ('product_uom_qty', populate.randint(1, 10)),
            ('sequence', populate.randint(1, 1000)),
            ('_attach_to_record', _attach_to_record),
            ('_compute_picking_values', _compute_picking_values),
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def _populate_set_children_tasks(self, tasks, size):
        _logger.info('Setting parent tasks')
        rand = populate.Random('project.task+children_generator')
        parents = self.env["project.task"]
        for task in tasks:
            if not rand.getrandbits(4):
                parents |= task
        parent_ids = parents.ids
        tasks -= parents
        parent_childs = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: self.env['project.task'])
        for count, task in enumerate(tasks):
            if not rand.getrandbits(4):
                parent_childs[rand.choice(parent_ids)] |= task

        for count, (parent, childs) in enumerate(parent_childs.items()):
            if (count + 1) % 100 == 0:
                _logger.info('Setting parent: %s/%s', count + 1,
            childs.write({'parent_id': parent})
Ejemplo n.º 28
        def generate_address(iterator, *args):
            address_generators = [
                populate.chain_factories(address_factories, self._name)
                for address_factories in address_factories_groups
            # first, exhaust all address_generators
            for adress_generator in address_generators:
                for adress_values in adress_generator:
                    if adress_values['__complete']:
                    values = next(
                        iterator)  # only consume main iterator if usefull
                    yield {**values, **adress_values}

            # then, go pseudorandom between generators
            r = populate.Random('res.partner+address_generator_selector')
            for values in iterator:
                adress_generator = r.choice(address_generators)
                adress_values = next(adress_generator)
                yield {**adress_values, **values}
Ejemplo n.º 29
        def compute_product_location(iterator, field_name, model_name):
            random = populate.Random('compute_product_location')

            # To avoid create twice the same line inventory (avoid _check_no_duplicate_line) : product/location (limitation for lot)
            # Use generator to avoid cartisian product in memory
            generator_product_loc_dict = {}
            for inventory in inventories:
                # TODO: randomize cartesian product
                generator_product_loc_dict[inventory.id] = cartesian_product(

            for values in iterator:
                loc_id, product = next(
                values['product_id'] = product.id
                values['location_id'] = loc_id.id
                yield values
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def get_prices(iterator, field_name, model_name):
     random = populate.Random("pricelist_prices")
     for values in iterator:
         # Fixed price, percentage, formula
         compute_price = values["compute_price"]
         if compute_price == "fixed":
             # base = "list_price" = default
             # fixed_price
             values["fixed_price"] = random.randint(1, 1000)
         elif compute_price == "percentage":
             # base = "list_price" = default
             # percent_price
             values["percent_price"] = random.randint(1, 100)
         else:  # formula
             # pricelist base not considered atm.
             values["base"] = random.choice(
                 ["list_price", "standard_price"])
             values["price_discount"] = random.randint(0, 100)
             # price_min_margin, price_max_margin
             # price_round ??? price_discount, price_surcharge
         yield values