Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: 10537/odoo
    def tags(self, forum, tag_char=None, **post):
        # build the list of tag first char, with their value as tag_char param Ex : [('All', 'all'), ('C', 'c'), ('G', 'g'), ('Z', z)]
        first_char_tag = forum.get_tags_first_char()
        first_char_list = [(t, t.lower()) for t in first_char_tag if t.isalnum()]
        first_char_list.insert(0, (_('All'), 'all'))
        # get active first char tag
        active_char_tag = first_char_list[1][1] if len(first_char_list) > 1 else 'all'
        if tag_char:
            active_char_tag = tag_char.lower()
        # generate domain for searched tags
        domain = [('forum_id', '=', forum.id), ('posts_count', '>', 0)]
        order_by = 'name'
        if active_char_tag and active_char_tag != 'all':
            domain.append(('name', '=ilike', tools.escape_psql(active_char_tag)+'%'))
            order_by = 'posts_count DESC'
        tags = request.env['forum.tag'].search(domain, limit=None, order=order_by)
        # prepare values and render template
        values = self._prepare_forum_values(forum=forum, searches={'tags': True}, **post)

            'tags': tags,
            'pager_tag_chars': first_char_list,
            'active_char_tag': active_char_tag,
        return request.render("website_forum.tag", values)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: zivwang/odoo
    def tags(self, forum, tag_char=None, **post):
        # build the list of tag first char, with their value as tag_char param Ex : [('All', 'all'), ('C', 'c'), ('G', 'g'), ('Z', z)]
        first_char_tag = forum.get_tags_first_char()
        first_char_list = [(t, t.lower()) for t in first_char_tag
                           if t.isalnum()]
        first_char_list.insert(0, (_('All'), 'all'))
        # get active first char tag
        active_char_tag = first_char_list[1][1] if len(
            first_char_list) > 1 else 'all'
        if tag_char:
            active_char_tag = tag_char.lower()
        # generate domain for searched tags
        domain = [('forum_id', '=', forum.id), ('posts_count', '>', 0)]
        order_by = 'name'
        if active_char_tag and active_char_tag != 'all':
                ('name', '=ilike', tools.escape_psql(active_char_tag) + '%'))
            order_by = 'posts_count DESC'
        tags = request.env['forum.tag'].search(domain,
        # prepare values and render template
        values = self._prepare_forum_values(forum=forum,
                                            searches={'tags': True},

            'tags': tags,
            'pager_tag_chars': first_char_list,
            'active_char_tag': active_char_tag,
        return request.render("website_forum.tag", values)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_dynamic_snippet_templates(self, filter_name=False):
     domain = [['key', 'ilike', '.dynamic_filter_template_'],
               ['type', '=', 'qweb']]
     if filter_name:
         domain.append(['key', 'ilike', escape_psql('_%s_' % filter_name)])
     templates = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().search_read(
         domain, ['key', 'name'])
     return templates
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _check_email_list_ids(self):
     for contact in self:
         other_contact = self.search([
             ('email', '=ilike', tools.escape_psql(contact.email)),
             ('id', '!=', contact.id)
         if contact.list_ids & other_contact.mapped('list_ids'):
             raise ValidationError(_("Cannot have the same email more "
                                     "than once in the same list"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_dynamic_snippet_templates(self, filter_name=False):
        domain = [['key', 'ilike', '.dynamic_filter_template_'], ['type', '=', 'qweb']]
        if filter_name:
            domain.append(['key', 'ilike', escape_psql('_%s_' % filter_name)])
        templates = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['key', 'name', 'arch_db'])

        for t in templates:
            children = etree.fromstring(t.pop('arch_db')).getchildren()
            attribs = children and children[0].attrib or {}
            t['numOfEl'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements')
            t['numOfElSm'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements-sm')
            t['numOfElFetch'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements-fetch')
        return templates
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _search_build_domain(self, domain_list, search, fields, extra=None):
        Builds a search domain AND-combining a base domain with partial matches of each term in
        the search expression in any of the fields.

        :param domain_list: base domain list combined in the search expression
        :param search: search expression string
        :param fields: list of field names to match the terms of the search expression with
        :param extra: function that returns an additional subdomain for a search term

        :return: domain limited to the matches of the search expression
        domains = domain_list.copy()
        if search:
            for search_term in search.split(' '):
                subdomains = [[(field, 'ilike', escape_psql(search_term))]
                              for field in fields]
                if extra:
                    subdomains.append(extra(self.env, search_term))
        return expression.AND(domains)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def tags(self, forum, tag_char=None, **post):
        # build the list of tag first char, with their value as tag_char param Ex : [('All', 'all'), ('C', 'c'), ('G', 'g'), ('Z', z)]
        first_char_tag = forum.get_tags_first_char()
        first_char_list = [(t, t.lower()) for t in first_char_tag if t.isalnum()]
        first_char_list.insert(0, (_("All"), "all"))
        # get active first char tag
        active_char_tag = first_char_list[1][1] if len(first_char_list) > 1 else "all"
        if tag_char:
            active_char_tag = tag_char.lower()
        # generate domain for searched tags
        domain = [("forum_id", "=", forum.id), ("posts_count", ">", 0)]
        order_by = "name"
        if active_char_tag and active_char_tag != "all":
            domain.append(("name", "=ilike", tools.escape_psql(active_char_tag) + "%"))
            order_by = "posts_count DESC"
        tags = request.env["forum.tag"].search(domain, limit=None, order=order_by)
        # prepare values and render template
        values = self._prepare_forum_values(forum=forum, searches={"tags": True}, **post)

        values.update({"tags": tags, "pager_tag_chars": first_char_list, "active_char_tag": active_char_tag})
        return request.render("website_forum.tag", values)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _search_fetch(self, search_detail, search, limit, order):
        with_description = 'description' in search_detail['mapping']
        results, count = super()._search_fetch(search_detail, search, limit,
        if with_description and search:
            # Perform search in translations
            # TODO Remove when domains will support xml_translate fields
            query = sql.SQL("""
                SELECT {table}.{id}
                FROM {table}
                LEFT JOIN ir_ui_view v ON {table}.{view_id} = v.{id}
                LEFT JOIN ir_translation t ON v.{id} = t.{res_id}
                WHERE t.lang = {lang}
                AND t.name = ANY({names})
                AND t.type = 'model_terms'
                AND t.value ilike {search}
                LIMIT {limit}
                query, {
                    'lang': self.env.lang,
                    'names': ['ir.ui.view,arch_db', 'ir.ui.view,name'],
                    'search': '%%%s%%' % escape_psql(search),
                    'limit': limit,
            ids = {row[0] for row in self.env.cr.fetchall()}
            domains = search_detail['base_domain'].copy()
            domains.append([('id', 'in', list(ids))])
            domain = expression.AND(domains)
            model = self.sudo() if search_detail.get('requires_sudo') else self
            results = model.search(domain,
                                   order=search_detail.get('order', order))
            count = max(count, len(results))

        def filter_page(search, page, all_pages):
            # Search might have matched words in the xml tags and parameters therefore we make
            # sure the terms actually appear inside the text.
            text = '%s %s %s' % (page.name, page.url, text_from_html(
            pattern = '|'.join(
                [re.escape(search_term) for search_term in search.split()])
            return re.findall('(%s)' %
                              pattern, text, flags=re.I) if pattern else False

        if 'url' not in order:
            results = results._get_most_specific_pages()
        if search and with_description:
            results = results.filtered(
                lambda result: filter_page(search, result, results))
        return results, count