Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _get_account_period(self, date=None):
     if not date:
         date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
     ids = self.env['account.period'].search([('date_start', '<=', date), ('date_stop', '>=', date)])
     if not ids:
         raise exceptions('Error !','No period defined for this date !\nPlease create a'
               ' fiscal year.')
     return ids
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def action_cancel(self):
        """ Verify first in the invoice have a fiscal book associated and if
        the state of the book is in cancel. """

        for inv_brw in self.browse():
            if not (not inv_brw.fb_id or
                    (inv_brw.fb_id and inv_brw.fb_id.state == 'cancel')):
                raise exceptions(
                    "Error!", "You can't cancel an invoice that is loaded in a"
                    " processed Fiscal Book (%s). You need to go to"
                    " Fiscal Book and set the book to Cancel. Then you"
                    " could be able to cancel the invoice." %
                    (inv_brw.fb_id.state, ))

        return super(AccountInvoice, self).action_cancel()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def decrease_amount(self):
        Change the amount petty cash

        context = self._context or {}
        ids = isinstance(self.ids, (int, int)) and [self.ids] or self.ids
        petc_obj = self.env['account.petty.cash']
        petc_ids = context.get('active_ids', [])
        data = self.browse(ids[0])
        if not data.sure:
            raise exceptions("Error!",
                "Please confirm that you want to do this by checking the option")
        if petc_ids:
            #petc_obj.write(petc_ids, {'sin_cred': data.sin_cred})
        return {}
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def sin_fiscal_book(self):
        Change the sin cred field in the invoice
        context = self._context or {}
        ids = isinstance(self.ids, (int, int)) and [self.ids] or self.ids
        inv_obj = self.env['account.invoice']
        inv_ids = context.get('active_ids', [])
        data = self.browse(ids[0])
        invoice = inv_obj.browse(self._context['active_id'])

        if not data.sure:
            raise exceptions(
                "Error!, Please confirm that you want to do this by checking the option"
        if inv_ids:
            invoice.write({'sin_cred': self.sin_cred})
        return {}