Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_element( s ):
    """Add namespace to string and use TemplateXML_File to make Element"""
    s = s.replace(' ',' %s '%XMLNS_STR, 1) # First space ONLY
    return TemplateXML_File( s ).root
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Create a reverse lookup as well
#   e.g. REV_ODF_NAMESPACES["urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0"] == "draw"
for key, val in list(ODF_NAMESPACES.items()):
    REV_ODF_NAMESPACES[val] = key

XMLNS_STR = ' '.join(
    ['xmlns:%s="%s"' % (sh, tag) for sh, tag in list(ODF_NAMESPACES.items())])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from odpslides.template_xml_file import TemplateXML_File
    import sys

    TFile = TemplateXML_File(r'D:\temp\open_office\content.xml')
    #TFile = TemplateXML_File(r'D:\temp\open_office_v2\GN2_Press\content.xml')
    for key, val in list(TFile.rev_nsOD.items()):
        if key not in ODF_NAMESPACES:
            print('%s not in ODF_NAMESPACES' % key)

    root = TFile.root
    short_pathD = TFile.short_pathD
    depthD = TFile.depthD
    print('root = %s at depth = %i' % (short_pathD[root], depthD[root]))
    for n in range(1, TFile.max_depth):
        for parent in root.iter():
            if depthD[parent] == n:
                short_path = short_pathD[parent]
                sL = short_path.split('/')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_text_box( presObj, text_or_list='Test Message', 
                    text_font_colors='black #333333',
                    x=8.0, y=2.0):
    text_font_colors can be a list of colors or a single string with space-seperated colors
    (e.g. "black #666666" or ["black", "#666666"])
    if not presObj.new_content_pageL:
        print('...WARNING... No Last Page for TextBox:', text_or_list)
    last_page = presObj.new_content_pageL[-1] # Page object 
    # Build a color list (colorL)
    # If not already in list form, make a list
    if type(text_font_colors) != type(['r','b']):
        # Create a list of colors
        colorL = text_font_colors.split(' ') # <- make a list
        colorL = text_font_colors # <- already a list
    # make the colors valid
    colorL = [ getValidHexStr(c,'#000000') for c in colorL ]    
    # if there's a problem with the list, make a default list
    if not colorL:
        colorL = ['#000000']
    # get new style names (e.g. "a123")
    a_frame = presObj.get_next_a_style()

    # Make new Element objects and style Element objects
    s = TBOX_DRAW_FRAME.replace('svg:x="5.75in" svg:y="3in"','svg:x="%sin" svg:y="%sin"'%(x,y))
    draw_frame = TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a343"', '"%s"'%a_frame) ).root
    text_box = draw_frame.find( force_to_tag('draw:text-box') )
    draw_frame_style = TemplateXML_File( TBOX_DRAW_FRAME_STYLE.replace('"a343"', '"%s"'%a_frame) ).root
    # get all the lines in the TextBox
    textL = build_text_list(text_or_list)
    annn_styleElemL = [(a_frame, draw_frame_style)]
    for itext, text in enumerate(textL):
        hex_col_str = colorL[ itext % len(colorL) ]
        a_p = presObj.get_next_a_style()
        a_span = presObj.get_next_a_style()
        p_span_elem = TemplateXML_File( TBOX_TEXT_P_SPAN.replace('"a337"', '"%s"'%a_p).replace('"a336"', '"%s"'%a_span) ).root
        span_elem = p_span_elem.getchildren()[0]
        span_elem.text = text
        s = TBOX_TEXT_P_STYLE.replace( 'fo:color="#000000"', 'fo:color="%s"'%hex_col_str )
        p_style =  TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a337"', '"%s"'%a_p) ).root
        s = TBOX_TEXT_SPAN_STYLE.replace( 'fo:color="#000000"', 'fo:color="%s"'%hex_col_str )
        span_style =  TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a336"', '"%s"'%a_span) ).root
        annn_styleElemL.append(  (a_p, p_style) )
        annn_styleElemL.append( (a_span, span_style) )
        text_box.append( p_span_elem )
    # put the new style descriptions and elements into the Presentation object.
    for a_new, style_elem in annn_styleElemL:
        presObj.new_content_styleL.append( style_elem )
        presObj.new_content_styleD[ a_new ] = style_elem
    last_page.draw_page.append( draw_frame )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_text_box( presObj, text_or_list='Test Message', 
                    text_font_colors='black #333333',
                    x=8.0, y=2.0):
    text_font_colors can be a list of colors or a single string with space-seperated colors
    (e.g. "black #666666" or ["black", "#666666"])
    if not presObj.new_content_pageL:
        print('...WARNING... No Last Page for TextBox:', text_or_list)
    last_page = presObj.new_content_pageL[-1] # Page object 
    # Build a color list (colorL)
    # If not already in list form, make a list
    if type(text_font_colors) != type(['r','b']):
        # Create a list of colors
        colorL = text_font_colors.split(' ') # <- make a list
        colorL = text_font_colors # <- already a list
    # make the colors valid
    colorL = [ getValidHexStr(c,'#000000') for c in colorL ]    
    # if there's a problem with the list, make a default list
    if not colorL:
        colorL = ['#000000']
    # get new style names (e.g. "a123")
    a_frame = presObj.get_next_a_style()

    # Make new Element objects and style Element objects
    s = TBOX_DRAW_FRAME.replace('svg:x="5.75in" svg:y="3in"','svg:x="%sin" svg:y="%sin"'%(x,y))
    draw_frame = TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a343"', '"%s"'%a_frame) ).root
    text_box = draw_frame.find( force_to_tag('draw:text-box') )
    draw_frame_style = TemplateXML_File( TBOX_DRAW_FRAME_STYLE.replace('"a343"', '"%s"'%a_frame) ).root
    # get all the lines in the TextBox
    textL = build_text_list(text_or_list)
    annn_styleElemL = [(a_frame, draw_frame_style)]
    for itext, text in enumerate(textL):
        hex_col_str = colorL[ itext % len(colorL) ]
        a_p = presObj.get_next_a_style()
        a_span = presObj.get_next_a_style()
        p_span_elem = TemplateXML_File( TBOX_TEXT_P_SPAN.replace('"a337"', '"%s"'%a_p).replace('"a336"', '"%s"'%a_span) ).root
        span_elem = p_span_elem.getchildren()[0]
        span_elem.text = text
        s = TBOX_TEXT_P_STYLE.replace( 'fo:color="#000000"', 'fo:color="%s"'%hex_col_str )
        p_style =  TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a337"', '"%s"'%a_p) ).root
        s = TBOX_TEXT_SPAN_STYLE.replace( 'fo:color="#000000"', 'fo:color="%s"'%hex_col_str )
        span_style =  TemplateXML_File( s.replace('"a336"', '"%s"'%a_span) ).root
        annn_styleElemL.append(  (a_p, p_style) )
        annn_styleElemL.append( (a_span, span_style) )
        text_box.append( p_span_elem )
    # put the new style descriptions and elements into the Presentation object.
    for a_new, style_elem in annn_styleElemL:
        presObj.new_content_styleL.append( style_elem )
        presObj.new_content_styleD[ a_new ] = style_elem
    last_page.draw_page.append( draw_frame )
def get_empty_styles_elem():
    return TemplateXML_File(styles_str)
def get_empty_content_elem():
    return TemplateXML_File(content_str)
def get_manifest_elem():
    return TemplateXML_File(manifest_str)