Ejemplo n.º 1
    def CreateSpreadsheet(self, data=None):
        """ Create spreadsheet from data returned by CalibrationPrompt.
        Exists mostly to ensure proper xl cleanup by executing in
        try/finally context.

        @param data: dict from prompt

        if data is None:
            if not self._complete:
                raise DialogIncomplete("Can't create spreadsheet without data.\nNo data given, none generated by dialog.")
            data = self._data
        persist = data.get('Persist', False)
        xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs(visible=False)
        xlctxt = (xl, wb, ws, cells)
            self.PlotData(xlctxt, data)
            print("Error occurred, aborting")
            print("Data plotted successfully!")
            if persist:
                xl.Visible = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.column = 1
     self.xl, self.wb, self.ws, self.cells = xlcom.xlObjs(new=True)
     self.ws.Name = "Raw"
     self.sizes = {}
     self.weights = {}
     self.tests = []
     self.logger = BuiltinLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def add_to_compiled(self, report):
                @param report: KLAReportFile
                @type report: KLAReportFile
        xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs(report.save_name, visible=False)

        with HiddenXl(xl, True):
            self._update_data_sheet(cells, report)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def analyze_file(self, save=True):
        Analyzing data is ugly. Analyze 'file', where 'file' is a csv file
         corresponding to a batch data report with KLA data.

        print("Analyzing file:", os.path.split(self.raw_file)[1])
        print("Opening new worksheet")

        xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs(self.raw_file, visible=False)
        with HiddenXl(xl, True):

            # XXX what if cell not found?
            do_cell = cells.Find(What="DOPV(%)", After=cells(1, 1), SearchOrder=xlByRows)
            xcol = do_cell.Column + 1
            end_row = do_cell.End(xlDown).Row

            print("Performing data analysis")
            self._insert_time_col(ws, cells, xcol)
            self._insert_ln_col(ws, cells, xcol + 2)

            print("Creating data plot")

            # XXX possible in one call?
            ws.Columns(xcol + 3).Insert(Shift=xlToRight)
            ws.Columns(xcol + 3).Insert(Shift=xlToRight)

            named_ranges = _MakeNamedRanges(wb, ws, cells, 2, end_row, xcol - 1)
            ln_x, ln_y, lin_x, lin_y = named_ranges.get_ranges()
            chart_name = self.metadata.test_name
            self.metadata.local_named_ranges = named_ranges

            # ln v time for specific chart
            chart = CreateChart(ws, xlXYScatter)
            CreateDataSeries(chart, ln_x, ln_y)
            FormatChart(chart, None, chart_name + "-LN(100-DOPV)", "Time(hour)", "-LN(DO PV (%))", True, False)

            # do v time
            chart2 = CreateChart(ws, xlXYScatter)
            CreateDataSeries(chart2, lin_x, lin_y)
            FormatChart(chart2, None, chart_name + "DO PV", "Time(hour)", "DO (%)", True, False)

            # uncomment to move to move chart to new sheet
            # xlLocationAsNewSheet = 1
            # chart.Location(1)

            # uncomment to save in raw data  folder
            # wb.SaveAs(save_name, AddToMru=False)
            if save:
                os.makedirs(self.save_path, exist_ok=True)
                wb.SaveAs(self.save_path + self.save_name, AddToMru=False, FileFormat=xlOpenXMLWorkbook)

        return ws
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        self.data_input = data_input1
        self.steps_input = steps_input1
        outfile = full_scan_result1

        from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlObjs
        xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs(outfile, visible=False)
        self.expected_output = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Value2

Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_fourier(start_temp='37.01', c=HEAT_DECAY_CONSTANT):

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlObjs
    start_temp = Decimal(start_temp)
    tcur = start_temp
    rt = 25
    xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs("Book2")
    cell_range = cells.Range
    data = []
    for s in range(3600):

        data.append((s, "%.12f" % tcur))
        tcur = next_temp(tcur, rt, c)

    d_len = len(data)
    d_range = cell_range(cells(1, 4), cells(d_len, 5))
    d_range.Value = data
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, files=(), savepath='', savename="Compiled KLA Data"):
        self._data_files = []
        self._report_files = []
        files = files or ()
        for file in files:

        self._xl, self._wb, self._data_sheet, self._cells = xlObjs()
        self._summary_sheet = self._wb.Worksheets("Sheet2")

        self._data_sheet.Name = "Data"
        self._summary_sheet.Name = "Summary"

        self._path = savepath or "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\PBSSS\\KLA Testing\\" + pretty_date() + "\\"
        if not self._path.endswith("\\"):
            self._path += "\\"
        self._ln_chart = None
        self._linear_chart = None
        self._current_col_data_ws = 1
        self._current_row_summary_ws = 2
        self._savename = savename
Ejemplo n.º 8
def plot_tests(header, column_data, chart_series_list, header_row_offset=0):
    @param header: iterable of tuples of header data to plot
    @type header: collections.Sequence[collections.Sequence]
    @param column_data: iterable of tuples of column data to plot
    @type column_data: collections.Sequence[collections.Sequence]
    @param chart_series_list: iterable of ChartSeries instances to plot
    @type chart_series_list: collections.Sequence[ChartSeries]
    @param header_row_offset: move the data down by this # of rows
    @type header_row_offset: int
    @return: workbook
    @rtype: officelib.xllib.typehint.th0x1x6._Workbook._Workbook

    Plot all the tests. Header and column data should correspond.
    Function isn't private but is probably very hard to use
    outside of being called automatically by other module functions.

    data_row_offset = len(header) + header_row_offset
    rows = len(column_data)
    columns = len(column_data[0])

    data_area = cellRangeStr(
                            (1 + data_row_offset, 1),
                            (rows + data_row_offset, columns)
    header_area = cellRangeStr(
                            (1 + header_row_offset, 1),
                            (len(header) + header_row_offset, columns)

    # Because importing xllib requires importing win32com, and
    # win32com can be very slow to initialize, wait until here to
    # do the import, so that any errors thrown will abort analysis
    # before getting to this point.

    from officelib.xllib.xlcom import xlObjs, CreateDataSeries, HiddenXl
    from officelib.const import xlLocationAsNewSheet

    xl, wb, ws, cells = xlObjs(visible=False)

    with HiddenXl(xl):
        ws_name = ws.Name

        cells.Range(header_area).Value = header
        cells.Range(data_area).Value = column_data

        chart_map = _prepare_charts(ws, chart_series_list)

        for series in chart_series_list:

            # Set these to get proper formula from SeriesRange properties
            series.sheet_name = ws_name
            series.series_name = series.series_name % ws_name

            chart = chart_map[series.chart_name]
            CreateDataSeries(chart, series.XSeriesRange, series.YSeriesRange, series.SeriesName)

        for name, chart in chart_map.items():
            chart.Location(Where=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name=name)

    return wb
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def main(self):

        self.xl, self.wb, self.ws, self.cells = xlcom.xlObjs(self.file_name)
        with xlcom.HiddenXl(self.xl):