def GetIndicies(indexData): outbuff = [] numTris = indexData.indexCount if numTris == 0 : return outbuff else : numTris /= 3 ibuf = indexData.indexBuffer if ibuf.getType() == ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_32BIT: Use32Bit = True else: Use32Bit = False ogre_buffer = ibuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) address = ogre.castAsInt(ogre_buffer) for i in range(numTris): if Use32Bit: l = ogre.getUint32 (ogre.castAsVoidPtr (address), 3) address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3 else: l = ogre.getUint16 (ogre.castAsVoidPtr (address), 3) address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3 outbuff.append(tuple(l)) ibuf.unlock() return outbuff
def getIndices ( sm ) : outbuff = [] numTris = sm.indexData.indexCount if numTris == 0 : return outbuff else : numTris /= 3 ibuf = sm.indexData.indexBuffer if ibuf.getType() == ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_32BIT: Use32Bit = True else: Use32Bit = False buffer = ibuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) address = ogre.CastInt ( buffer ) for i in range( numTris ): if Use32Bit: l = ogre.getUint32 ( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( address ), 3 ) address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3 else: l = ogre.getUint16 ( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( address ), 3 ) address += ibuf.getIndexSize() * 3 outbuff.append(l[0]) outbuff.append(l[1]) outbuff.append(l[2]) #mMaterials[index_offset++] = currentMaterialIndex; return outbuff
def _createScene(self): sm = self.sceneManager ent1 = sm.createEntity("Robot","robot.mesh") ud = UD( ) ent1.setUserObject ( ud ) nud = ent1.getUserObject() print nud print, print nud.getTypeName() print nud.getTypeID() # now test Any list=[1,2,3,4] a=ogre.Any(list) b=a.getData() if len(b) != 2: print "ERROR", b if b[0] != 'p': print "ERROR", b if len(b[1]) != 4: print "ERROR", b print b list[1]=12 print b[1] c=ogre.createAny(['us',123]) d=c.getData() print d c=ogre.createAny(['l',123]) d=c.getData() print d c=ogre.createAny(['ul',123]) d=c.getData() print d c=ogre.createAny(['uc',5]) d=c.getData() print d c=ogre.createAny(['p',list]) #del list d=c.getData() print d a=ogre.Any( nud ) print a b=a.getData() print b print b[1].id, b[1].name sys.exit()
def _updateView(self): """Update object view """ if self.needStateUpdate: self.needStateUpdate = False n = self.sceneNode.numAttachedObjects() mat_name = self._getMaterialName() for idx in xrange(n): object = self.sceneNode.getAttachedObject(idx) object.setMaterialName(mat_name) if self.needScaleUpdate: self.sceneNode.setScale(self.scale) self.needScaleUpdate = False if self.needModeUpdate: if render_engine.viewMode is render_engine.Mode_Perspective: self.sceneNode.setAutoTracking(True, render_engine._ogreCameraNode, ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 1)) else: self.sceneNode.setAutoTracking(False) self.sceneNode.resetOrientation() self.needModeUpdate = False if self.needTextPositionUpdate: if self.text_obj: self.text_obj.setPosition(self.position + self.scale * ogre.Vector3(0.125, -0.125, 0.125)) self.needTextPositionUpdate = False objects.ObjectDepth._updateView(self)
def __init__(self, sceneManager): ogre.FrameListener.__init__(self) self.entities = [] self.warp_lock = True self.warped = 0 self.sceneManager = sceneManager self.warptimer = ogre.Timer()
def _onRootChanged(self, isRoot): """Root changed event """ global prev_background global prev_back_visible BaseModeLogic._onRootChanged(self, isRoot) if isRoot: render_engine.setMode(render_engine.Mode_Perspective) self.prev_cam_pos = render_engine._ogreCameraNode.getPosition() self.prev_cam_dir = render_engine._ogreCameraNode.getOrientation() prev_background = render_engine._ogreViewport.getBackgroundColour() render_engine._ogreViewport.setBackgroundColour( ogre.ColourValue(0, 0, 0)) # space_panel.activate(self._getSheet().getChilds()) prev_back_visible = render_engine.SceneManager.isBackVisible() if prev_back_visible: render_engine.SceneManager.hideBack() else: render_engine.setMode(render_engine.Mode_Isometric) render_engine._ogreCameraNode.setPosition(self.prev_cam_pos) render_engine._ogreCameraNode.setOrientation(self.prev_cam_dir) render_engine._ogreViewport.setBackgroundColour(prev_background) # space_panel.deactivate() space_window.deactivate() if prev_back_visible: render_engine.SceneManager.showBack() self.is_root = isRoot
def __init__(self, point1, point2, normal=None): BoundingObject.__init__(self, "linesegment") self.point1 = ogre.Vector3(point1[0], 0, point1[1]) self.point2 = ogre.Vector3(point2[0], 0, point2[1]) self.vector = ogre.Vector3(self.point2.x - self.point1.x, 0, self.point2.z - self.point1.z) if normal is not None: self.normal = ogre.Vector3(normal[0], 0, normal[1]) #@todo: if normal == None, calculate it from p1, p2 top = min((point1[1], point2[1])) - point1[1] right = max((point1[0], point2[0])) - point1[0] bottom = max((point1[1], point2[1])) - point1[1] left = min((point1[0], point2[0])) - point1[0] self.setup_AABB(top, right, bottom, left)
def __init__(self, _logic): BaseEditMode.__init__(self, _logic, "Geometry edit") # last scroll position self.last_scroll_pos = None # grid align mode self.grid_align = True self.mouse_pos = (0, 0) self.objectInfoPanel = geom_controls.ObjectInfoPanel() # objects we works with self.highlighted_obj = None # current edit state self.state = GeometryEditMode.ES_None # current object we worked with self.active_object = None # candidate object to be processed with mouse self.candidate_object = None # line creation mode self.__pointSpirit = GeometryPoint() self.__pointSpirit.setState(Object.OS_Normal) self.__pointSpirit.setScale(ogre.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) self.__lineSpirit = GeometryLineSection() self.__lineSpirit.setState(Object.OS_Normal) self.__lineSpirit.setEnd(self.__pointSpirit) self.__lineBegin = None
def reloadResourses(self): if not self.ogreMgr.shouldInitResources: ogre.GpuProgramManager.getSingleton().removeAll() #ogre.CompositorManager.getSingleton().removeAll() ogre.TextureManager.getSingleton().removeAll() dict = [] scripts = {} for value in self.resourceInformation.materialsOrigin: ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().unload(value["name"]) ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().remove(value["name"]) tempDic = {} for value in self.resourceInformation.materialsOrigin: tempDic[value["origin"]] = value for (key, value) in tempDic.iteritems(): stream = ogre.ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton().openResource(key) if not ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().resourceExists(value["name"]) == True: ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().parseScript(stream.getAsString(), value["group"]) for value in self.resourceInformation.materialsOrigin: mat = ogre.MaterialPointer(ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().getByName(value["name"])) mat.compile(True) ogre.MeshManager.getSingleton().reloadAll()
def tick(self, dtime): '''update vel from ds, dh ''' if self.ent.ds > self.ent.speed: self.ent.speed += self.ent.acceleration elif self.ent.ds < self.ent.speed: self.ent.speed -= self.ent.acceleration if self.ent.speed < 0: self.ent.speed = 0 if self.ent.speed > self.ent.maxSpeed: self.ent.speed = self.ent.maxSpeed if self.ent.dh > self.ent.yaw: self.ent.nyaw = self.ent.yaw + (self.ent.turningRate * dtime) elif self.ent.dh < self.ent.yaw: self.ent.nyaw = self.ent.yaw - (self.ent.turningRate * dtime) x = self.ent.speed * math.sin(math.pi - self.ent.nyaw) z = self.ent.speed * math.cos(math.pi - self.ent.nyaw) self.ent.vel.x = -x self.ent.vel.y = 0 self.ent.vel.z = z if self.ent.isSelected: print str(self.ent.vel) self.ent.pos = self.ent.pos + (self.ent.vel * dtime) self.ent.deltaYaw = ogre.Radian(self.ent.nyaw - self.ent.yaw) self.ent.yaw = self.ent.nyaw
def tick(self, dtime): self.keyboard.capture() self.mouse.capture() self.keyPressed(dtime) #self.camNode.yaw(ogre.Degree(-self.yawRot) self.camYawNode.yaw(ogre.Radian(self.yawRot)) self.camPitchNode.pitch(ogre.Radian(self.pitchRot)) # Translate the camera based on time. self.camYawNode.translate(self.camYawNode.orientation * self.transVector * dtime) self.handleCreateEnt(dtime) pass
def getPluginPath(): """ Return the absolute path to a valid plugins.cfg file. look in the current directory for plugins.cfg followed by plugins.cfg.nt|linux|mac If not found look one directory up """ paths = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'plugins.cfg'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..','plugins.cfg'), ] if os.sys.platform == 'darwin': paths.insert(1, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'plugins.cfg.mac')) paths.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'plugins.cfg.mac')) else: paths.insert(1,os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'plugins.cfg.' paths.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'plugins.cfg.' for path in paths: if os.path.exists(path): return path sys.stderr.write("\n" "** Warning: Unable to locate a suitable plugins.cfg file.\n" "** Warning: Please check your ogre installation and copy a\n" "** Warning: working plugins.cfg file to the current directory.\n\n") raise ogre.Exception(0, "can't locate a suitable 'plugins' file", "")
def __init__(self, id, engine, tankID='Null', pos=None, vel=MyVector(0, 0, 0), yaw=0): Entity.__init__(self, id, engine=engine, pos=pos, vel=vel, yaw=yaw) self.mesh = 'wallCube.mesh' self.material = "Examples/CannonBall" self.uiname = 'IWALL' self.eid = id self.yawOffset = 0 self.acceleration = 0 self.turningRate = 0 self.maxSpeed = 0 self.desiredSpeed = 0 self.desiredHeading = 0 self.speed = 0 self.heading = 0 self.engine = engine self.checkValue = 300 self.tankID = tankID self.node = self.engine.gfxMgr.sceneManager.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode(self.pos) self.ent = self.engine.gfxMgr.sceneManager.createEntity(self.eid, self.mesh) self.node.attachObject(self.ent) self.node.rotate(ogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0), ogre.Math.DegreesToRadians(yaw)) self.light = self.engine.gfxMgr.sceneManager.createLight('light' + self.light.type = ogre.Light.LT_POINT self.node.attachObject(self.light)
def _createScene(self): sceneManager = self.sceneManager camera = sceneManager.ambientLight = ogre.ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # sceneManager.setSkyDome(True, 'Examples/CloudySky', 5.0, 8.0) # create a main node to hang the effects off self.fountainNode = sceneManager.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode() self.fountainNode.setPosition(ogre.Vector3(0, 0, -800)) ## Setup Camera camera.setPosition(ogre.Vector3(0,0,300)) camera.lookAt(ogre.Vector3(0,0,-300)) mParticleSystemManager = PU.ParticleSystemManager.getSingletonPtr() self.names = ogre.stdVectorString() mParticleSystemManager.particleSystemTemplateNames(self.names) for n in self.names: print "PU template:", n self.currentDemo=0 # create the particle system self.particleSystem2 = PU.ParticleSystemManager.getSingleton().createParticleSystem("mySystem", self.names[self.currentDemo], sceneManager) # attach it to the node self.fountainNode.attachObject(self.particleSystem2) # and don't forget to start it self.particleSystem2.start() name= = self.sceneManager.getMovableObject(name, PU.ParticleSystemFactory.PU_FACTORY_TYPE_NAME)
def _createViewports(self): """Creates the Viewport.""" try: self.viewport = self.renderWindow.addViewport( except AttributeError: self.viewport = self.renderWindow.addViewport( self.viewport.BackgroundColour = ogre.ColourValue(0,0,0)
def _createPygameMixer(self): """Initialises the pyglet sound module""" try: import pyglet settings.sound_support = True import os.path if os.path.exists("sound.cfg"): config = ogre.ConfigFile() config.loadDirect("sound.cfg") music = config.getSetting("Music") if music == "Yes": = True else: = False sound = config.getSetting("Sound") if sound == "Yes": settings.sound_effects = True else: settings.sound_effects = False except ImportError: print "pyglet not found, sounds are disabled" = False settings.sound_effects = False settings.sound_support = False
def run(self): import time import ogre.renderer.OGRE as ogre weu = ogre.WindowEventUtilities() # Needed for linux/mac weu.messagePump() # Needed for linux/mac self.oldTime = time.time() self.runTime = 0 while (self.keepRunning): now = time.time() # Change to time.clock() for windows dtime = now - self.oldTime self.oldTime = now self.entityMgr.tick(dtime) self.gfxMgr.tick(dtime) self.netMgr.tick(dtime) self.inputMgr.tick(dtime) self.selectionMgr.tick(dtime) self.controlMgr.tick(dtime) self.gameMgr.tick(dtime) self.runTime += dtime weu.messagePump() # Needed for linux/mac time.sleep(0.001) print "381 Engine exiting..."
def addPlanet(self, object, position, parent): pos = self.calculateRadialPosition(position, 300, 720, parent.planets, object.index) node = self.createObjectNode(pos,, 'sphere_lod.mesh', 50) self.nodes[] = node self.planets.append(node) entity_node = self.sceneManager.getSceneNode("Object%i_EntityNode" % colour = None owner = object.Ownership[0][1] if owner != -1: random.seed(owner) r = random.random colour = ogre.ColourValue(r(), r(), r(), 1) icon = overlay.IconOverlay(entity_node, object, "Starmap/Icons/Planets", 15, 15, colour) self.icons[] = icon random.seed( for i in range(object.index): random.random() planet_type = random.choice(["Terran", "Ocean", "Arid"]) entity = self.sceneManager.getEntity("Object%i" % entity.setMaterialName("Starmap/Planet/%s" % planet_type) return node
def calculateFakeNormals(self): buf = self.vertexBuffers[self.currentBufNumber] pNormals = self.normVertexBuffer.lock( 0, self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD ) # storageclass1=ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes()*3) pNormalsAddress = (ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes() * 3)).from_address( ogre.castAsInt(pNormals) ) for y in range(self.complexity): start = 3 * y * (self.complexity + 1) nrow = pNormalsAddress[start] row = buf[3 * y * (self.complexity + 1) + 1] rowup = buf[3 * (y - 1) * (self.complexity + 1) + 1] rowdown = buf[3 * (y + 1) * (self.complexity + 1) + 1] for x in range(self.complexity): xdiff = row + 3 * x + 3 - row + 3 * x - 3 ydiff = rowup + 3 * x - rowdown + 3 * x - 3 norm = ogre.Vector3(xdiff, 30, ydiff) norm.normalise() pNormalsAddress[start + 3 * x + 0] = norm.x pNormalsAddress[start + 3 * x + 1] = norm.y pNormalsAddress[start + 3 * x + 2] = norm.z # ogre.setUint16 ( pNormals, buf ) self.normVertexBuffer.unlock()
def _readFromScreenshotPictureToTexture(self): f = open(self.textureName, 'rb') data = f.close() stream = ogre.MemoryDataStream("%s" % str(self), len(data), False) stream.setData(data) img = ogre.Image() img.load(stream, ogre.Image.getFileExtFromMagic(stream)) txtrMngr = ogre.TextureManager.getSingleton() screenshot = txtrMngr.loadImage(self.textureName, env.resource_group, img) self.texture.getBuffer().blit(screenshot.getBuffer()) txtrMngr.remove(screenshot) screenshot.unload()
def getScaledPosition(self, position): """Returns an array containing the position scaled accordingly""" return ogre.Vector3( (position[0] / self.map_scale) * self.distance_units, (position[1] / self.map_scale) * self.distance_units, (position[2] / self.map_scale) * self.distance_units, )
def run(self): import time import ogre.renderer.OGRE as ogre weu = ogre.WindowEventUtilities() # Needed for linux/mac weu.messagePump() # Needed for linux/mac while (self.keepRunning): now = time.time() # Change to time.clock() for windows dtime = now - self.oldTime self.oldTime = now self.entMgr.tick(dtime) self.gfxMgr.tick(dtime) self.netMgr.tick(dtime) self.inputMgr.tick(dtime) self.selectionMgr.tick(dtime) self.widgetMgr.tick(dtime) self.gameMgr.tick(dtime) self.runTime += dtime weu.messagePump() # Needed for linux/mac time.sleep(0.001) self.releaseLevel()
def _create(self, scene, shape_type, shape_props, mass, center_of_mass, inertia, position, orientation): # Create Collision Object # TODO: Improve collision support col = None if shape_type == 'box': size = sim.OgreVector3(shape_props['size']) col = OgreNewt.Box(, size) elif shape_type == 'cylinder': col = OgreNewt.Cylinder(, shape_props['radius'], shape_props['height']) elif shape_type == 'mesh': # Fix this by later (we shouldn't need a node!!!) name = 'TREE_HACK' + str(Body._tree_mesh_hack) Body._tree_mesh_hack += 1 mesh_name = shape_props['mesh_name'] scale = sim.OgreVector3(shape_props.get('mesh_scale', Ogre.Vector3(1,1,1))) tree_ent = scene.scene_mgr.createEntity(name, mesh_name) # Need extra node, for scaling error temp_node = \ scene.scene_mgr.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode() temp_node.attachObject(tree_ent) temp_node.setVisible(False) temp_node.setScale(scale) col = OgreNewt.TreeCollision(, temp_node, True) # When this works remove and destory our node temporary node!! else: raise PhysicsError, '"%s" is not a valid shape type' % shape_type self._body =, col, mass, center_of_mass, inertia, position, orientation)
def _setUp(self): """This sets up the ogre application Returns false if the user hits "cancel" in the dialog box. """ self._createLogger() self.root = ogre.Root("plugins.cfg", "ogre.cfg") settings.renderers = self.root.getAvailableRenderers() self._setUpResources() if not self._configure(): return False self._chooseSceneManager() self._createCamera() self._createViewports() self._createPygameMixer() ogre.TextureManager.getSingleton().defaultNumMipmaps = 5 self._createResourceListener() self._loadResources() self._createScene() self._createFrameListener() return True
def lock (self, * args ) : # start, size, options): if len ( args ) != 1 and len (args ) != 3: print "ERROR IN ARG LIST", len (args), args raise ValueError if len (args) == 3: self.lock = self.buffer.lock(args[0], args[1], args[2] ) # this returns a void pointer else: self.lock = self.buffer.lock(args[0] ) # this returns a void pointer self.buffAddress = ogre.castAsInt ( self.lock ) # and we store it as an unsigned long so was can get to it # and now we make a ctypes byte array that points to the index buffer if self.buffType == 1 : # index buffer so 'ints' if self.itemSize == 4: self.rawBuffer=(ctypes.c_uint32 * (self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress) elif self.itemSize == 2: # if len(args) == 3: # if args[2] == ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY: # = True # temp= [0]*self.numItems ## self.rawBuffer=array.array('H') # self.rawBuffer.fromlist(temp) # self.buffer.readData(args[0], args[1], self.rawBuffer.buffer_info()[0] ) # return self.rawBuffer=(ctypes.c_ushort * (self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress) else: # assume it's a vertex buffer with floats self.rawBuffer=(ctypes.c_float * (self.itemSize*self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress)
def __init__(self): og.MaterialManager.Listener.__init__(self) self.currentColor = og.ColourValue(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.currentColorAsVector3 = og.Vector3() self.lastEntity = "" self.lastTechnique = None if platform.system() == "Windows": self.lastTechnique = og.MaterialManager.getSingleton().load("PlainColor", og.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME).getTechnique(0) else: self.lastTechnique = og.MaterialManager.getSingleton().load("PlainColorGLSL", og.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME).getTechnique(0) self.colorDict = {}
def _update(self, _timeSinceLastFrame): """Update mode """ if self.navigation: if self._logic._getSheet().isRoot and render_engine.viewMode is render_engine.Mode_Perspective: # processing keyboard input if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_A): self.move.x = -self.moveScale # Move camera left if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_D): self.move.x = self.moveScale # Move camera RIGHT if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_W): self.move.z = -self.moveScale # Move camera forward if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_S): self.move.z = self.moveScale # Move camera backward if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_Q): self.move.y = self.moveScale # Move camera up if render_engine._oisKeyboard.isKeyDown(ois.KC_E): self.move.y = -self.moveScale # Move camera down # updating camera position camera = render_engine._ogreCamera cameraNode = render_engine._ogreCameraNode cameraNode.translate(camera.getOrientation() * self.move) camera.yaw(self.rotX) camera.pitch(self.rotY) self.move = ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.rotX = 0 self.rotY = 0
def create(ship_position=(0, 0, 0)): """Create a HexShip entity.""" # Initialize OGRE graphical representation. ship_id = entitysystem.create_entity() logging.debug("HexShip id: " + str(ship_id) + " pos: (" + str(ship_position[0]) + ", " + str(ship_position[1]) + ", " + str(ship_position[2]) + ")") ogre_entity = application.ogre_scene_manager.createEntity( 'ogreEntity-' + str(ship_id), 'HexCell.mesh') ogre_node = application.ogre_root_node.createChildSceneNode('ogreNode-' + str(ship_id)) ogre_node.attachObject(ogre_entity) ogre_entity.setCastShadows(True) ogre_node.setScale(ogre.Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) entitysystem.add_component(ship_id, entitysystem.ComponentTypes.Graphics, ogre_node) # Initialize physics. collision_object = OgreBulletUtils.CollisionObject( application.bullet_world) collision_object.setShape( OgreBulletUtils.MeshInfo.createCylinderShape( ogre_entity, OgreBulletUtils.BulletShapes.CYLINDERZ)) collision_object.setTransform( bullet.btVector3(ship_position[0], ship_position[1], ship_position[2])) collision_object.setMass(1.0) collision_object.setInertia(bullet.btVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) collision_object.setMotion(ogre_entity.getParentSceneNode()) entitysystem.add_component(ship_id, entitysystem.ComponentTypes.Physics, collision_object)
def on_health_changed(self, player, value): p = / player.max_health width = p * 120 r, g, b = 1 - p, p, 0 color = ogre.ColourValue(r, g, b, .5) self.bar_health.setDimensions(width, 20) self.bar_health.setColour(color)
def createCamera(self): = self.sceneManager.createCamera("Camera") = 10 yawNode = self.sceneManager.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode("RTSCamNode", (0, 250, 1200)) yawNode.yaw(ogre.Degree(0)) yawNode.createChildSceneNode("RTSPitchNode").attachObject( = (0, 0, 0)
def _spawnCube(self): # Now lets spawn an object obj = scene.SceneObject() position = self._robot._main_part._node.position robotOrient = self._robot._main_part._node.orientation # 30cm below robot offset = ogre.Vector3(0.4, 0.30 - (self._count * 0.2), 0) position = position + robotOrient * offset cfg = { 'name' : self._name + str(self._count), 'position' : position, 'Graphical' : { 'mesh' : 'cylinder.mesh', 'scale' : [0.127, 0.0127, 0.0127], 'material' : 'Simple/Yellow', 'orientation' : robotOrient }, 'Physical' : { 'mass' : 0.005, 'orientation' : robotOrient, 'Shape' : { 'type' : 'cylinder', 'radius' : 0.0127, 'height' : 0.0127 } } } obj.load((self._scene, None, cfg)) self._scene._objects.append(obj)
def __init__(self, parent, sceneManager): scene.Scene.__init__(self, parent, sceneManager) self.background_nodes = [] self.sides = [] self.bg_particle = None self.nodes = {} self.userobjects = {} self.listeners = {} self.initial_positions = [] self.camera_focus_node = self.rootNode.createChildSceneNode("CameraFocus") self.camera_node = self.camera_focus_node.createChildSceneNode("CameraNode") self.camera_node.attachObject( self.camera_target_node = self.camera_focus_node.createChildSceneNode("CameraTarget") self.camera_target_node.position = self.camera_node.position self.h_angle = 0 self.v_angle = 0 root = ogre.Root.getSingleton() self.mfl = MoveFrameListener() self.wfl = WarpFrameListener(self.sceneManager) root.addFrameListener(self.mfl) root.addFrameListener(self.wfl) self.zoomtimer = ogre.Timer() self.zoomstart = 0 self.basezoom = 100 #self.createBackground() self.hide()
def _mouse_moved(self, arg): """ If the shift key is down, swing the camera """ if self.shift_key: ms = arg.get_state() # Rotate around our object self._camera_node.pitch(Ogre.Radian(ms.Y.rel * -0.5)) self._camera_node.yaw(Ogre.Radian(ms.X.rel * -0.5), Ogre.Node.TS_WORLD) # Zoom in or out of our objective if ms.Z.rel < 0 or ms.Z.rel > 0: pos = self._camera.position self._camera.setPosition(pos + (pos * ms.Z.rel * 0.002))
def buoyancyCallback(colID, me, orient, pos, plane): """ Here we need to create an Ogre::Plane object representing the surface of the liquid. In our case, we're just assuming a completely flat plane of liquid, however you could use this function to retrieve the plane equation for an animated sea, etc. """ plane1 = Ogre.Plane(Ogre.Vector3(0, 1, 0), Ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 0)) # we need to copy the normals and 'd' to the plane we were passed... plane.normal = plane1.normal plane.d = plane1.d # pos = Ogre.Vector3(0,0,0) return True
def _createCamera(self): # creating the cameras # Tkinter.Tk().withdraw() # global file_path # self.openOpt = options = {} # options['initialdir'] = wDir+'\..\..\..\Configurations' # options['title'] = 'Select experiment parameters' # #file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**self.openOpt) # asking which experiment to load? # file_path = u'C:/LuigsNeumann_Treadmill/Configurations/20181001ReducedMazeSet.xlsx' # wb = load_workbook(file_path) # ws = wb.get_active_sheet() self.numMonitors = 3 #int(ws.cell('C46').value) self.resolution = [ 1024, 768 ] #map(int,re.findall(r'\d+',ws.cell('C47').value)) # 1024 x 768 #This value represents the VERTICAL field-of-view. # The horizontal field of view is calculated from this depending on the dimensions of the viewport # (they will only be the same if the viewport is square). if self.numMonitors == 5: FOV = 34 else: FOV = 73.74 = self.sceneManager.createCamera('PlayerCam') = 1 camH = 4.9 # # to pitch the camera towards the sky, camH, 0)) if self.numMonitors >= 3: self.cameraL = self.sceneManager.createCamera('CamL') self.cameraL.nearClipDistance = 1 self.cameraL.setFOVy(ogre.Degree(FOV)) self.cameraR = self.sceneManager.createCamera('CamR') self.cameraR.nearClipDistance = 1 self.cameraR.setFOVy(ogre.Degree(FOV)) self.cameraL.setPosition(ogre.Vector3(0, camH, 0)) self.cameraR.setPosition(ogre.Vector3(0, camH, 0)) if self.numMonitors == 5: self.cameraLL = self.sceneManager.createCamera('CamLL') self.cameraLL.nearClipDistance = 1 self.cameraLL.setFOVy(ogre.Degree(FOV)) self.cameraRR = self.sceneManager.createCamera('CamRR') self.cameraRR.nearClipDistance = 1 self.cameraRR.setFOVy(ogre.Degree(FOV)) self.renderWindow.resize( max(1, self.numMonitors) * self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1] + 30) # window size and position # self.renderWindow.reposition(-(max(1,self.numMonitors)-1)/2*self.resolution[0],-30) # self.renderWindow.reposition(-3*self.resolution[0],-30) self.renderWindow.reposition(-3080, -30)
def center(self, id=None): """Center on an object identified by object id, or center on map if id is None""" if id: node = self.nodes[id] pos = node.getPosition() cam_focus = self.sceneManager.getSceneNode("CameraFocus") cam_focus.position = ogre.Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, 0) else: map_width = self.map_upper_right[0] - self.map_lower_left[0] map_height = self.map_upper_right[1] - self.map_lower_left[1] cam_focus = self.sceneManager.getSceneNode("CameraFocus") cam_focus.resetOrientation() self.h_angle = 0 self.v_angle = 0 x = self.map_upper_right[0] - (map_width / 2) y = self.map_upper_right[1] - (map_height / 2) cam_focus.position = ogre.Vector3(x, y, 0)
def GetVerticies(vertex_data, transform): outbuff = [] # get the start of the element posElem = vertex_data.vertexDeclaration.findElementBySemantic(ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION) vbuf = vertex_data.vertexBufferBinding.getBuffer(posElem.getSource()) # get the start of the actual buffer vertex = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) # What we need is the actual address of the buffer, # so we have to check if there's an offset as well. # This is basically what baseVertexPointerToElement does. newaddress = posElem.getOffset() + ogre.castAsInt(vertex) # note the cast to int to get the address for i in range (vertex_data.vertexCount): points = ogre.getFloat(ogre.castAsVoidPtr(newaddress), 3) # note the getFloat and Cast back to a pointer :) #_transform vec = transform * ogre.Vector3(points[0], points[1], points[2]) outbuff.append(tuple((vec.x, vec.y, vec.z))) newaddress += vbuf.getVertexSize() vbuf.unlock() return outbuff
def _createScene(self): sceneManager = self.sceneManager camera = sceneManager.ambientLight = ogre.ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) sceneManager.setSkyDome(True, 'Examples/CloudySky', 5.0, 8.0) self.fountainNode = sceneManager.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode() psm = ogre.ParticleSystemManager.getSingleton() self.particleSystem2 = sceneManager.createParticleSystem("Smoke", "Examples/Smoke") #'fountain1', 'Examples/Smoke') node = self.fountainNode.createChildSceneNode() node.attachObject(self.particleSystem2) ogre.LogManager.getSingleton().logMessage( "INNER COUNT -- ANDY" ) self.item = ogre.Any ( self.root ) a1 = ogre.getAddress( self.item ) print "Address:", a1
def lock(self, *args): # start, size, options): if len(args) != 1 and len(args) != 3: print "ERROR IN ARG LIST", len(args), args raise ValueError if len(args) == 3: self.lock = self.buffer.lock(args[0], args[1], args[2]) # this returns a void pointer else: self.lock = self.buffer.lock(args[0]) # this returns a void pointer self.buffAddress = ogre.castAsInt(self.lock) # and we store it as an unsigned long so was can get to it # and now we make a ctypes byte array that points to the index buffer if self.buffType == 1: # index buffer so 'ints' if self.itemSize == 4: self.rawBuffer = (ctypes.c_uint32 * (self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress) elif self.itemSize == 2: self.rawBuffer = (ctypes.c_ushort * (self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress) else: # assume it's a vertex buffer with floats self.rawBuffer = (ctypes.c_float * (self.itemSize * self.numItems)).from_address(self.buffAddress)
def getExtents ( mesh ) : vMin = ogre.Vector3(99999,99999,99999) vMax = ogre.Vector3(-99999,-99999,-99999) i = [] for m in range(mesh.numSubMeshes): sm = mesh.getSubMesh(m) pmesh = sm.parent if pmesh and sm.useSharedVertices : vertex_data = pmesh.sharedVertexData else : vertex_data = sm.vertexData # get the start of the element posElem = vertex_data.vertexDeclaration.findElementBySemantic(ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION) vbuf = vertex_data.vertexBufferBinding.getBuffer(posElem.getSource()) # get the start of the actual buffer vertex = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) # what we need is the actual address of the buffer, so we have to check if there's an offset as well # the is basically what baseVertexPointerToElement does newaddress = posElem.getOffset() + ogre.CastInt(vertex) # note the cast to int to get the address for i in range (vertex_data.vertexCount): points = ogre.getFloat( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( newaddress), 3 ) # note the getFloat and Cast back to a pointer :) print points if (points[0]<vMin.x): vMin.x = points[0] if (points[1]<vMin.y): vMin.y = points[1] if (points[2]<vMin.z): vMin.z = points[2] if (points[0]>vMax.x): vMax.x = points[0] if (points[1]>vMax.y): vMax.y = points[1] if (points[2]>vMax.z): vMax.z = points[2] #outbuff.append(tuple(points)) newaddress += vbuf.getVertexSize() return vMin, vMax
def prepareCircleMaterial(): global CIRCLES_MATERIAL bmap = array.array('B') # unsigned char -- int in python for x in range (256*256*4): bmap.append(127) for b in range(16): x0 = b % 4 y0 = b >> 2 radius = 4.0 + 1.4 * b for x in range(64): for y in range (64) : dist = math.sqrt((x-32)*(x-32)+(y-32)*(y-32)) ## dist = math.fabs(dist-radius-2) / 2.0 dist = dist * 255.0 if (dist>255): dist=255 colour = 255- int(dist) colour = int (float(15-b)/15.0 * colour ) bmap[4*(256*(y+64*y0)+x+64*x0)+0]=colour bmap[4*(256*(y+64*y0)+x+64*x0)+1]=colour bmap[4*(256*(y+64*y0)+x+64*x0)+2]=colour bmap[4*(256*(y+64*y0)+x+64*x0)+3]=colour ### Need to pass the address to MemoryDataStream ## imgstream = Ogre.MemoryDataStream(pMem=Ogre.castAsVoidPtr(bmap.buffer_info()[0]), size = 256 * 256 *4 ) Ogre.TextureManager.getSingleton().loadRawData(CIRCLES_MATERIAL, Ogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, imgstream, 256, 256 , Ogre.PixelFormat.PF_A8R8G8B8 ) material = Ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().create( CIRCLES_MATERIAL, Ogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) texLayer = material.getTechnique(0).getPass(0).createTextureUnitState( CIRCLES_MATERIAL ) texLayer.setTextureAddressingMode( Ogre.TextureUnitState.TAM_CLAMP ) material.setSceneBlending( Ogre.SceneBlendType.SBT_ADD ) material.setDepthWriteEnabled( False ) material.load()
def GetVerticies ( sm ) : outbuff = [] pmesh = sm.parent if pmesh and sm.useSharedVertices : vertex_data = pmesh.sharedVertexData else : vertex_data = sm.vertexData # get the start of the element posElem = vertex_data.vertexDeclaration.findElementBySemantic(ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION) vbuf = vertex_data.vertexBufferBinding.getBuffer(posElem.getSource()) # get the start of the actual buffer vertex = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) # what we need is the actual address of the buffer, so we have to check if there's an offset as well # the is basically what baseVertexPointerToElement does newaddress = posElem.getOffset() + ogre.CastInt(vertex) # note the cast to int to get the address for i in range (vertex_data.vertexCount): points = ogre.getFloat( ogre.CastVoidPtr ( newaddress), 3 ) # note the getFloat and Cast back to a pointer :) outbuff += points newaddress += vbuf.getVertexSize() return outbuff
def updateOgreTexture(self): width = self.texture.getWidth() height = self.texture.getHeight() byteSize = ogre.PixelUtil.getNumElemBytes(self.texture.getDesiredFormat()) bufferSize = width * height * byteSize ## sanity checks assert self.noiseImage.Width == width assert self.noiseImage.Height == height #assert (noiseImage.Width * noiseImage.Height * 4) == bufferSize # get and lock texture's pixel buffer pixelBuffer = self.texture.getBuffer() pointer = pixelBuffer.lock(0, bufferSize, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_NORMAL) # python-ogre hack storageclass = ctypes.c_uint8 * ( bufferSize ) cbuffer=storageclass.from_address(ogre.castAsInt(pointer)) ## copy image buffer to texture k = 0 for i in range(height): for j in range(width): c = self.noiseImage.GetSlabPtr(i,j) cbuffer[k] = cbuffer[k+1] = cbuffer[k+2] = if byteSize>3: cbuffer[k+3] = c.alpha k+=4 else: k+=3 # Unlock the pixel buffer pixelBuffer.unlock()
def calculateNormals1(self): ## zero normals for i in range(self.numVertices*3) : self.vNormals[i]= 0 ## first, calculate normals for faces, add them to proper vertices # use helper function vinds = buffer ( self.indexBuffer) vinds.lock (0, self.indexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) pNormals = self.normVertexBuffer.lock( 0, self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) pNormalsAddress=(ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes()*3)).from_address(ogre.castAsInt(pNormals)) # make life easier (and faster) by using a local variables buf = self.vertexBuffers[self.currentBufNumber] vNormals = self.vNormals ## AJM so here's a case where accessing a C++ object from python shows a performance hit !! ## in this case we look through and the original C++ code creates and access ovre.Vector3 objects ## multiple times on each pass. for count in range(self.numFaces) : p0 = vinds[3*count] p1 = vinds[3*count+1] p2 = vinds[3*count+2] # this is slow # v0= ogre.Vector3 (self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p0], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p0+1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p0+2]) # v1 = ogre.Vector3 (self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p1+1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p1+2]) # v2 = ogre.Vector3 (self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p2], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p2+1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3*p2+2]) # so use python arrays instead of Vector3's i0 = 3*p0 i1 = 3*p1 i2 = 3*p2 v0 = [buf[i0], buf[i0+1], buf[i0+2]] v1 = [buf[i1], buf[i1+1], buf[i1+2]] v2 = [buf[i2], buf[i2+1], buf[i2+2]] # Do the vector subtraction by 'hand' instead of original # diff2 = v0 - v1 diff1 = [v2[0]-v1[0],v2[1]-v2[1],v2[2]-v2[2]] diff2 = [v0[0]-v1[0],v0[1]-v2[1],v0[2]-v2[2]] # and now we need to do a crossProduct by hand.. # fn = ogre.Vector3(*diff1).crossProduct(ogre.Vector3(*diff2)) fn = [diff1[1] * diff2[2] - diff1[2] * diff2[1], diff1[2] * diff2[0] - diff1[0] * diff2[2], diff1[0] * diff2[1] - diff1[1] * diff2[0]] # And of course now add the values into the normals # self.vNormals[p0] += fn # self.vNormals[p1] += fn # self.vNormals[p2] += fn vNormals[i0] += fn[0] vNormals[i0+1] += fn[1] vNormals[i0+2] += fn[2] vNormals[i1] += fn[0] vNormals[i1+1] += fn[1] vNormals[i1+2] += fn[2] vNormals[i2] += fn[0] vNormals[i2+1] += fn[1] vNormals[i2+2] += fn[2] ## now normalize vertex normals complexity = self.complexity for y in range(complexity) : for x in range(complexity) : numPoint = y*(complexity+1) + x v = 3*numPoint n = ogre.Vector3(vNormals[v],vNormals[v+1],vNormals[v+2]) n.normalise() v = 3*numPoint pNormalsAddress [v] = n.x pNormalsAddress [v+1] = n.y pNormalsAddress [v+2] = n.z self.indexBuffer.unlock() self.normVertexBuffer.unlock()
def __init__ ( self, meshName, planeSize, complexity ): self.dirty = True # need to refo calcs self.meshName = meshName self.complexity = complexity self.numFaces = 2 * complexity * complexity self.numVertices = (complexity + 1) * (complexity + 1) self.lastTimeStamp = 0 self.lastAnimationTimeStamp = 0 self.lastFrameTime = 0 ## initialize algorithm parameters self.PARAM_C = 0.3 ## ripple speed self.PARAM_D = 0.4 ## distance self.PARAM_U = 0.05 ## viscosity self.PARAM_T = 0.13 ## time self.useFakeNormals = False ## allocate space for normal calculation self.vNormals=[] for x in range ( self.numVertices * 3 ): self.vNormals.append(0) ## create mesh and submesh self.mesh = ogre.MeshManager.getSingleton().createManual(meshName, ogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) self.subMesh = self.mesh.createSubMesh() self.subMesh.useSharedVertices=False ## Vertex buffers ##self.subMesh.vertexData = ogre.VertexData() self.subMesh.vertexData = ogre.createVertexData() self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexStart = 0 self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexCount = self.numVertices vdecl = self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexDeclaration vbind = self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding vdecl.addElement(0, 0, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION) vdecl.addElement(1, 0, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_NORMAL) vdecl.addElement(2, 0, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT2, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES) ## Prepare buffer for positions - todo: first attempt, slow self.posVertexBuffer = \ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 3 * ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), self.numVertices, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE) vbind.setBinding(0, self.posVertexBuffer) ## Prepare buffer for normals - write only self.normVertexBuffer = \ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 3*ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), self.numVertices, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE) vbind.setBinding(1, self.normVertexBuffer) ## Prepare texture coords buffer - static one ## todo: optimize to write directly into buffer texcoordsBufData=array.array('f') for x in range (self.numVertices*2): texcoordsBufData.append(0) for y in range (complexity) : for x in range(complexity) : texcoordsBufData[2*(y*(complexity+1)+x)+0] = float(x) / complexity texcoordsBufData[2*(y*(complexity+1)+x)+1] = 1.0 - (float(y) / (complexity)) texcoordsVertexBuffer = \ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 2*ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), self.numVertices, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY) texcoordsVertexBuffer.writeData(0, texcoordsVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), texcoordsBufData.buffer_info()[0], True) ## true? vbind.setBinding(2, texcoordsVertexBuffer) ## Prepare buffer for indices self.indexBuffer = \ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_16BIT, 3*self.numFaces, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC, True) # using a helper object to handle the ctypes implement # Create a buffer object and then lock it faceVertexIndices = buffer ( self.indexBuffer ) faceVertexIndices.lock (0, self.numFaces*3*2, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) for y in range (complexity) : for x in range (complexity ) : twoface = (y*complexity+x)*2*3 # index into buffer p0 = y*(complexity+1) + x p1 = y*(complexity+1) + x + 1 p2 = (y+1)*(complexity+1) + x p3 = (y+1)*(complexity+1) + x + 1 # write a series of bytes faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 0]= p2 faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 1]= p1 faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 2]= p0 faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 3]= p2 faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 4]= p3 faceVertexIndices [ twoface + 5]= p1 self.indexBuffer.unlock() ## Set index buffer for self submesh self.subMesh.indexData.indexBuffer = self.indexBuffer self.subMesh.indexData.indexStart = 0 self.subMesh.indexData.indexCount = 3*self.numFaces # prepare vertex positions # note - we use 3 vertex buffers, since algorighm uses two last phases # to calculate the next one # we need 2 floats, and are going through the loop three times floatStorage = ctypes.c_float * (self.numVertices * 3 ) #self.vertexBuffers = storageclass2 (1.1) # # Change here to use an 'array' for the buffers self.vertexBuffers = [] for x in range (3): if USE_ARRAY: self.vertexBuffers.append( array.array('f') ) for y in range (self.numVertices *3): self.vertexBuffers[x].append(0) else: self.vertexBuffers.append( floatStorage(1.1) ) ## Note that in the C++ code self.vertexBuffers is a float * array[3], whcih indexes into float*numverticies*3 ## we have made a single array bige nough to cope #self.vertexIndexSize = self.numVertices*3 for b in range(3) : for y in range(complexity) : for x in range (complexity) : numPoint = y*(complexity+1) + x VertexPos = 3 * numPoint self.vertexBuffers[b][VertexPos + 0] = float(x) / float(complexity) * float(planeSize) self.vertexBuffers[b][VertexPos + 1] = 0 self.vertexBuffers[b][VertexPos + 2] = float(y) / float(complexity) * float(planeSize) meshBounds = ogre.AxisAlignedBox(0,0,0, planeSize,0, planeSize) self.mesh._setBounds(meshBounds) self.currentBufNumber = 0 if USE_ARRAY: self.posVertexBuffer.writeData(0, self.posVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ## size self.vertexBuffers[0].buffer_info()[0], True) ## discard? else: self.posVertexBuffer.writeData(0, self.posVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ## size ctypes.addressof(self.vertexBuffers[0]), True) ## discard? self.mesh.load() self.mesh.touch()
def calculateNormals(self): # return #AJM buf = self.currentBufNumber # +1 #AJM ## zero normals for i in range(self.numVertices): self.vNormals[i] = ogre.Vector3().ZERO ## first, calculate normals for faces, add them to proper vertices # use helper function vinds = buffer(self.indexBuffer) vinds.lock(0, self.indexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) pNormals = self.normVertexBuffer.lock( 0, self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD ) # storageclass1=ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes()*3) pNormalsAddress = (ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes() * 3)).from_address( ogre.castAsInt(pNormals) ) for i in range(self.numFaces): p0 = vinds[3 * i] p1 = vinds[3 * i + 1] p2 = vinds[3 * i + 2] # print p0, p1, p2 v0 = ogre.Vector3( self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p0], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p0 + 1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p0 + 2], ) v1 = ogre.Vector3( self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p1 + 1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p1 + 2], ) v2 = ogre.Vector3( self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p2], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p2 + 1], self.vertexBuffers[buf][3 * p2 + 2], ) diff1 = v2 - v1 diff2 = v0 - v1 fn = diff1.crossProduct(diff2) self.vNormals[p0] += fn self.vNormals[p1] += fn self.vNormals[p2] += fn ## now normalize vertex normals for y in range(self.complexity): for x in range(self.complexity): numPoint = y * (self.complexity + 1) + x n = self.vNormals[numPoint] n.normalise() pNormalsAddress[3 * numPoint] = n.x pNormalsAddress[3 * numPoint + 1] = n.y pNormalsAddress[3 * numPoint + 2] = n.z # normal[0]=n.x # normal[1]=n.y # normal[2]=n.z self.indexBuffer.unlock() self.normVertexBuffer.unlock()
def calculateNormalsCython(self): # use helper function vinds = buffer ( self.indexBuffer) vinds.lock (0, self.indexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) pNormals = self.normVertexBuffer.lock( 0, self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) pNormalsAddress=(ctypes.c_float * (self.normVertexBuffer.getSizeInBytes()*3)).from_address(ogre.castAsInt(pNormals)) ## AJM so here's a case where accessing a C++ object from python shows a performance hit !! ## in this case we use an external cython module calcNormalsFast ( self.numFaces, vinds, self.vertexBuffers[self.currentBufNumber], self.vNormals, self.complexity, pNormalsAddress, self.numVertices) self.indexBuffer.unlock() self.normVertexBuffer.unlock()
def _get_mesh_info(self, mesh): ''' ''' added_shared = False current_offset = 0 shared_offset = 0 next_offset = 0 index_offset = 0 vertex_count = 0 index_count = 0 # Calculate how many vertices and indices we're going to need num_sub_meshes = mesh.getNumSubMeshes() for i in range(0, num_sub_meshes): submesh = mesh.getSubMesh(i) # We only need to add the shared vertices once if submesh.useSharedVertices: if not added_shared: vertex_count += mesh.sharedVertexData.vertexCount added_shared = True else: vertex_count += submesh.vertexData.vertexCount # Add the indices index_count += submesh.indexData.indexCount added_shared = False; # Run through the submeshes again, adding the data into the arrays for i in range(0, num_sub_meshes): submesh = mesh.getSubMesh(i) vertexData = None if submesh.useSharedVertices: vertexData = mesh.sharedVertexData else: vertexData = submesh.vertexData if not submesh.useSharedVertices or\ (submesh.useSharedVertices and not added_shared): if submesh.useSharedVertices: added_shared = True shared_offset = current_offset # retrieve index buffer for this submesh indexData = submesh.indexData ibuf = indexData.indexBuffer pointer = ibuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) index_buffer = None if bool(ibuf.getType() == ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_32BIT): index_buffer = ogre.getUint32(pointer, index_count) else: index_buffer = ogre.getUint16(pointer, index_count) ibuf.unlock() # retrieve vertex buffer for this submesh posElem = vertexData.vertexDeclaration\ .findElementBySemantic(ogre.VES_POSITION) vbuf = vertexData.vertexBufferBinding\ .getBuffer(posElem.getSource()) pointer = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_READ_ONLY) # There are 8 float entries for each vertex in the buffer # 3 for position, 3 for normal, 2 for texture coordinate. # We only need the position. vertex_buffer = ogre.getFloat(pointer, vertex_count * 8) vbuf.unlock() return [vertex_buffer, index_buffer]
def createGrassMesh(self): global GRASS_MESH_NAME self.SetToNone = [] ## Each grass section is 3 planes at 60 degrees to each other ## Normals point straight up to simulate correct lighting msh = ogre.MeshManager.getSingleton().createManual(GRASS_MESH_NAME, ogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) self.msh = msh self.hw = ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton() sm = msh.createSubMesh() sm.useSharedVertices = False self.vertexdata = ogre.createVertexData() ## Create the VertexData Object ## NOTE the submesh will delete the vertexData when it is destroyed which is BAD -- ie we have C++ specifically ## deleting a Python object which makes everything confused.. The fix is to set the submesh vertexData to ## 'None' before exiting -- see the __del__ function sm.vertexData = self.vertexdata sm.vertexData.vertexStart = 0 sm.vertexData.vertexCount = 12 dcl = sm.vertexData.vertexDeclaration offset = 0 dcl.addElement(0, offset, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION) offset += ogre.VertexElement.getTypeSize(ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3) dcl.addElement(0, offset, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_NORMAL) offset += ogre.VertexElement.getTypeSize(ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3) dcl.addElement(0, offset, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT2, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES) offset += ogre.VertexElement.getTypeSize(ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT2) vbuf = ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( offset, 12, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY) #lock the buffer and get a pointer to the data pointer = vbuf.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) baseVec = ogre.Vector3(GRASS_WIDTH/2, 0, 0) vec = baseVec rot = ogre.Quaternion () rot.FromAngleAxis(ogre.Degree(d=60), ogre.Vector3().UNIT_Y) # change from the C++ demo - we build a buffer and then write it in one go buffer=[] for i in range ( 3 ) : ## position buffer.append( -vec.x ) buffer.append( GRASS_HEIGHT ) buffer.append( -vec.z ) ## normal buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## uv buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## position buffer.append( vec.x ) buffer.append( GRASS_HEIGHT ) buffer.append( vec.z ) ## normal buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## uv buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## position buffer.append( -vec.x ) buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( -vec.z ) ## normal buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## uv buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 1 ) ## position buffer.append( vec.x ) buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( vec.z ) ## normal buffer.append( 0 ) buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 0 ) ## uv buffer.append( 1 ) buffer.append( 1 ) vec = rot * vec ## Python-Ogre extension function to write a list of floats to a buffer ogre.setFloat( pointer, buffer ) vbuf.unlock() sm.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.setBinding(0, vbuf) sm.indexData.indexCount = 6*3 sm.indexData.indexBuffer = ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_16BIT, sm.indexData.indexCount, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY) pointer = sm.indexData.indexBuffer.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) ## here is one way to do this using a Python-Ogre helper function # # buff=[] # # for i in range ( 3 ): # # off = i*4 # # buff.append( 0 + off ) # # buff.append( 3 + off ) # # buff.append( 1 + off ) # # # # buff.append( 0 + off ) # # buff.append( 2 + off ) # # buff.append( 3 + off ) # # # # # another Python-Ogre helper function to write unsigned ints to a buffer # # ogre.setUint16( pointer, buff ) ## Here is a way to do it with ctypes.... pVert= ( ctypes.c_uint16 * (sm.indexData.indexCount)).from_address ( ogre.castAsInt ( pointer ) ) index = 0 for i in range ( 3 ): off = i*4 pVert[ index ] = 0 + off index +=1 pVert[ index ] = 3 + off index +=1 pVert[ index ] = 1 + off index +=1 pVert[ index ] = 0 + off index +=1 pVert[ index ] = 2 + off index +=1 pVert[ index ] = 3 + off index +=1 sm.indexData.indexBuffer.unlock() sm.setMaterialName(GRASS_MATERIAL) msh.load() ## we need to keep access to the submesh so we can set .vertexData to None at exit (see __del__ ) = sm
def _createScene(self): self.sceneManager.ambientLight = ogre.ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ## Create a skydome ## self.sceneManager.setSkyDome(True, "Examples/CloudySky", 5, 8) ## create terrain manager self.terrainMgr = ET.TerrainManager(self.sceneManager) self.terrainMgr.setLODErrorMargin(2, self.terrainMgr.setUseLODMorphing(True, 0.2, "morphFactor") ## create a fresh, mid-high terrain for editing # Note try: heightMapValues = ogre.LodDistanceList() ## ET.stdVectorFloat() except: heightMapValues = ogre.stdVectorFloat() for i in xrange(129): for j in xrange(129): heightMapValues.append(float(0.50)) self.terrainInfo = ET.TerrainInfo (129, 129, heightMapValues ) ## save typing self terrainInfo = self.terrainInfo sceneManager = self.sceneManager terrainMgr = self.terrainMgr ## set position and size of the terrain terrainInfo.setExtents(ogre.AxisAlignedBox(0, 0, 0, 1500, 300, 1500)) ## now render it terrainMgr.createTerrain(terrainInfo) ## create the splatting manager self.splatMgr = ET.SplattingManager("ETSplatting", "ET", 128, 128, 3) ## specify number of splatting textures we need to handle self.splatMgr.setNumTextures(6) ## create a manual lightmap texture lightmapTex = ogre.TextureManager.getSingleton().createManual( "ETLightmap", "ET", ogre.TEX_TYPE_2D, 128, 128, 1, ogre.PF_BYTE_RGB) lightmap = ogre.Image() ET.createTerrainLightmap(terrainInfo, lightmap, 128, 128,\ ogre.Vector3(1, -1, 1),\ ogre.ColourValue().White,\ ogre.ColourValue(0.3, 0.3, 0.3,1.0)) lightmapTex.getBuffer(0, 0).blitFromMemory(lightmap.getPixelBox(0, 0)) ## load the terrain material and assign it material = ogre.MaterialManager.getSingleton().getByName("ETTerrainMaterial") self.terrainMgr.setMaterial(material) ## Set camera look point camNode = self.sceneManager.getRootSceneNode().createChildSceneNode("CamNode") camNode.setPosition( 40, 300, 580 ) camNode.attachObject( ogre.Degree(-30) ) ogre.Degree(-45) ) ## CEGUI setup self.GUIRenderer = CEGUI.OgreCEGUIRenderer(self.renderWindow, ogre.RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, False, 3000, self.sceneManager) self.GUIsystem = CEGUI.System(self.GUIRenderer) CEGUI.Logger.getSingleton().setLoggingLevel( CEGUI.Informative ) CEGUI.SchemeManager.getSingleton().loadScheme("TaharezLookSkin.scheme") CEGUI.MouseCursor.getSingleton().setImage("TaharezLook", "MouseArrow")
def _prepareMesh(self): self.mesh = ogre.MeshManager.getSingleton().createManual(, ogre.ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) self.subMesh = self.mesh.createSubMesh() self.subMesh.useSharedVertices=False numVertices = 4 if (WaterCircle._first) : # first Circle, create some static common data WaterCircle._first = False #static buffer for position and normals WaterCircle._posnormVertexBuffer =\ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 6*ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), #size of one vertex data 4, # number of vertices ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, # usage False) # no shadow buffer posnormBufData = buffer ( WaterCircle._posnormVertexBuffer ) posnormBufData.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) for i in range (numVertices): posnormBufData[6*i+0]=(float(i%2)-0.5)*WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE; # pos X posnormBufData[6*i+1]=0; # pos Y posnormBufData[6*i+2]=(float(i/2)-0.5)*WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE; # pos Z posnormBufData[6*i+3]=0 ; # normal X posnormBufData[6*i+4]=1 ; # normal Y posnormBufData[6*i+5]=0 ; # normal Z posnormBufData.unlock() #static buffers for 16 sets of texture coordinates for lvl in range ( 16 ): WaterCircle._texcoordsVertexBuffers.append( ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createVertexBuffer( 2*ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), # size of one vertex data numVertices, # number of vertices ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, # usage False)) # no shadow buffer texcoordsBufData = buffer( WaterCircle._texcoordsVertexBuffers[lvl]) texcoordsBufData.lock(ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBL_DISCARD) x0 = float(lvl % 4) * 0.25 y0 = float(lvl / 4) * 0.25 y0 = 0.75-y0 # upside down for i in range (4): texcoordsBufData[i*2 + 0]=x0 + 0.25 * float(i%2) texcoordsBufData[i*2 + 1]=y0 + 0.25 * float(i/2) texcoordsBufData.unlock() # Index buffer for 2 faces faces = array.array('H',[2,1,0,2,3,1]) # unsigned short array WaterCircle._indexBuffer =\ ogre.HardwareBufferManager.getSingleton().createIndexBuffer( ogre.HardwareIndexBuffer.IT_16BIT, 6, ogre.HardwareBuffer.HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY) WaterCircle._indexBuffer.writeData(0, WaterCircle._indexBuffer.getSizeInBytes(), faces.buffer_info()[0], True); # true? # Initialize vertex data self.subMesh.vertexData = ogre.createVertexData() self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexStart = 0 self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexCount = 4 #first, set vertex buffer bindings vbind = self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding vbind.setBinding(0, WaterCircle._posnormVertexBuffer) vbind.setBinding(1, WaterCircle._texcoordsVertexBuffers[0]) #now, set vertex buffer declaration vdecl = self.subMesh.vertexData.vertexDeclaration vdecl.addElement(0, 0, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_POSITION); vdecl.addElement(0, 3*ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float), ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT3, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_NORMAL); vdecl.addElement(1, 0, ogre.VertexElementType.VET_FLOAT2, ogre.VertexElementSemantic.VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES); # Initialize index data self.subMesh.indexData.indexBuffer = WaterCircle._indexBuffer self.subMesh.indexData.indexStart = 0 self.subMesh.indexData.indexCount = 6 # set mesh bounds circleBounds = ogre.AxisAlignedBox (-WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE/2.0, 0, -WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE/2.0, WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE/2.0, 0, WaterCircle.CIRCLE_SIZE/2.0) self.mesh._setBounds(circleBounds) self.mesh.load() self.mesh.touch()
def addStaticPlane( self, bodyRestitution, bodyFriction): # Use a load of meshes to represent the floor i = 0 s = self.sceneManager.createStaticGeometry("StaticFloor") s.setRegionDimensions(ogre.Vector3(160.0, 100.0, 160.0)) # Set the region origin so the center is at 0 world s.setOrigin(ogre.Vector3.ZERO(0) for (z in range (-80.0 , 80.0 , 20.0)): for ( x in range ( -80.0, 80.0 , 20.0) ): name = "Plane_" + str(i) i + = 1 entity = self.sceneManager.createEntity(name, "plane.mesh") entity.setMaterialName("BulletPlane") entity.setQueryFlags (ogre.STATIC_GEOMETRY_QUERY_MASK) #entity.setUserObject(_plane) entity.setCastShadows(false) s.addEntity(entity, ogre.Vector3(x,0,z)) Shape = bulletC.StaticPlaneCollisionShape (ogre.Vector3(0,1,0), 0) defaultPlaneBody = bulletC.RigidBody( "Plane" + str(self.mNumEntitiesInstanced), defaultPlaneBody.setStaticShape (Shape, bodyRestitution, bodyFriction) self.mBodies.append(defaultPlaneBody) self.mShapes.append(Shape) self.mNumEntitiesInstanced + = 1 return defaultPlaneBody def throwDynamicObject(self, key) trowDist = 2.0 if key == KC_B if ( self.checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(trowDist)): vec =ogre.Vector3( body = self.addCube("cube", vec, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), self.gCubeBodyBounds, self.gDynamicBodyRestitution, self.gDynamicBodyFriction, self.gDynamicBodyMass); body.setLinearVelocity( * mShootSpeed elif key == KC_N: if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(trowDist)): vec = ogre.vector3 (; body = addSphere("sphere", vec, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gSphereBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); body.setLinearVelocity( * mShootSpeed case KC_H: if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(trowDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addCylinder("cylinder", vec, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gCylinderBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); body.setLinearVelocity( * mShootSpeed ); } break; case KC_G : if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(trowDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addCone("cone", vec, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gConeBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); body.setLinearVelocity( * mShootSpeed ); } break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OgreBulletListener::dropDynamicObject(BULLET_KEY_CODE key) { const float dropDist = 10.0f; switch(key) { case KC_J: if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(dropDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addCube("cube", vec + * 10, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gCubeBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); } break; case KC_K: if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(dropDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addSphere("sphere", vec + * 10, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gSphereBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); } break; case KC_U : if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(dropDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addCylinder("Cylinder", vec, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gCylinderBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); } break; case KC_I: if ( checkIfEnoughPlaceToAddObject(dropDist)) { const Vector3 vec (; body = addCone("Cone", vec + * 10, Quaternion(0,0,0,1), gConeBodyBounds, gDynamicBodyRestitution, gDynamicBodyFriction, gDynamicBodyMass); } break; } }