Ejemplo n.º 1
def trans(db1, db2):
    db2.create_index("id", unique=True)
    for user in db1.find({}):
        if profiles_check.check_ed(user) == True:
            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def count_eds(poidb):
    print 'start count'
    count = 0
    for user in poidb.find({}):
        if profiles_check.check_ed(user):
            print user['screen_name']
            count += 1
    print count
Ejemplo n.º 3
def states_change(dbname1, dbname2, comname1, comname2):
    db1 = dbt.db_connect_no_auth(dbname1)
    db2 = dbt.db_connect_no_auth(dbname2)
    com1 = db1[comname1]
    com2 = db2[comname2]
    count = 0
    index = 0
    for user1 in com1.find({'level': 1}):
        index += 1
        user1_ed = profiles_check.check_ed(user1)
        user2 = com2.find_one({'id': user1['id']})
        if user2:
            user2_ed = profiles_check.check_ed(user2)
            if user1_ed != user2_ed:
                print user1['id']
                count += 1
    print count
    print index
Ejemplo n.º 4
def states_change(dbname1, dbname2, comname1, comname2):
    db1 = dbt.db_connect_no_auth(dbname1)
    db2 = dbt.db_connect_no_auth(dbname2)
    com1 = db1[comname1]
    com2 = db2[comname2]
    count = 0
    index = 0
    for user1 in com1.find({'level': 1}):
        index += 1
        user1_ed = profiles_check.check_ed(user1)
        user2 = com2.find_one({'id': user1['id']})
        if user2:
            user2_ed = profiles_check.check_ed(user2)
            if user1_ed != user2_ed:
                print user1['id']
                count += 1
    print count
    print index
Ejemplo n.º 5
def output_net_user_data(dbname, comname, netname):
    Output the social network (two-ground) and user's ED states into local files
    g = gt.load_network(dbname, netname)
    com = dbt.db_connect_col(dbname, comname)
    for v in g.vs:
        user = com.find_one({'id': int(v['name'])})
        v['l'] = user['level']
        v['ed'] = profiles_check.check_ed(user)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_users(stream, user_info):
    while True:
        count = stream.count({'user_extracted': {'$exists': False}})
        if count == 0:
            print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), 'no new stream, sleep 2 hours'
            print datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), 'extract users from stream amount:', count
            for tweet in stream.find({'user_extracted':{'$exists': False}},
                                    ['id_str', 'user']).limit(min(100, count)):
                user = tweet['user']
                if profiles_check.check_ed(user) == True:
                    except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
                stream.update({'id': int(tweet['id_str'])}, {'$set':{"user_extracted": True
                                                    }}, upsert=False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ed_friend_num(dbname, comname, netname, flag):
    Only one-round social network are used
    filter_user = {'level': 1}
    users = iot.get_values_one_field(dbname, comname, 'id', filter_user)
    net = gt.load_network(dbname, netname)
    com = dbt.db_connect_col(dbname, comname)
    data = []
    for uid in users:
        row = [uid, flag]
        exist = True
            v = net.vs.find(name=str(uid))
        except ValueError:
            exist = False
        if exist:
            followees = set([int(net.vs[v]['name']) for v in net.successors(str(uid))])
            followers = set([int(net.vs[v]['name']) for v in net.predecessors(str(uid))])
            common = followees.intersection(followers)
            followees = followees - common
            followers = followers - common
            for fids in [followees, followers, common]:
                if len(fids) > 0:
                    print uid in fids
                    print len(fids)
                    ed_num, noned_num = 0, 0
                    for fid in fids:
                        ed_flag = profiles_check.check_ed(com.find_one({'id': fid}))
                        if ed_flag:
                            ed_num += 1
                            noned_num += 1
                    row.extend([ed_num, noned_num])
                    row.extend([None] * 2)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 8

from ohsn.util import db_util as dbt
from ohsn.api import profiles_check

db = dbt.db_connect_no_auth('ed')
ed_poi = db['poi_ed']

# db = dbt.db_connect_no_auth('echelon')
ech_poi = db['poi_ed_all']

# Common users in Echelon and ED
# index = 1
# for poi in ed_poi.find({}):
#     poi_id = poi['id']
#     count = ech_poi.count({'id':poi_id})
#     if count > 0:
#         print index, poi_id, poi['screen_name']
#         index += 1

# Target users in Echelon but not in ED
index = 1
for poi in ech_poi.find({}):
    poi_id = poi['id']
    if profiles_check.check_ed(poi):
        count = ed_poi.count({'id':poi_id})
        if count < 1:
            print index, poi_id, poi['screen_name']
            index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9

from ohsn.util import db_util as dbt
from ohsn.api import profiles_check

db = dbt.db_connect_no_auth('ed')
ed_poi = db['poi_ed']

# db = dbt.db_connect_no_auth('echelon')
ech_poi = db['poi_ed_all']

# Common users in Echelon and ED
# index = 1
# for poi in ed_poi.find({}):
#     poi_id = poi['id']
#     count = ech_poi.count({'id':poi_id})
#     if count > 0:
#         print index, poi_id, poi['screen_name']
#         index += 1

# Target users in Echelon but not in ED
index = 1
for poi in ech_poi.find({}):
    poi_id = poi['id']
    if profiles_check.check_ed(poi):
        count = ed_poi.count({'id': poi_id})
        if count < 1:
            print index, poi_id, poi['screen_name']
            index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 10
def eliminate_non_ed(poidb, netdb):
    for user in poidb.find({'level':1}):
        if not profiles_check.check_ed(user):
            poidb.delete_one({'id': user['id']})
            netdb.delete_many({'user': user['id']})
            netdb.delete_many({'follower': user['id']})