Ejemplo n.º 1
def getcloud(site, feed_id=None):
    """ Returns the tag cloud for a site or a site's subscriber.

    cloudict = fjcache.cache_get(site.id, 'tagclouds')
    if not cloudict:
        cloudict = cloudata(site)
        fjcache.cache_set(site, 'tagclouds', cloudict)

    # A subscriber's tag cloud has been requested.
    if feed_id:
        feed_id = int(feed_id)
        if feed_id in cloudict:
            return cloudict[feed_id]
        return []
    # The site tagcloud has been requested.
    return cloudict[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def initview(request):
    """ Retrieves the basic data needed by all feeds (host, feeds, etc)

    Returns a tuple of:
    1. A valid cached response or None
    2. The current site object
    3. The cache key
    4. The subscribers for the site (objects)
    5. The feeds for the site (ids)

    site_id, cachekey = fjlib.getcurrentsite(request.META['HTTP_HOST'], \
      request.META.get('REQUEST_URI', request.META.get('PATH_INFO', '/')), \
    response = fjcache.cache_get(site_id, cachekey)
    if response:
        return response, None, cachekey, [], []

    site = models.Site.objects.get(pk=site_id)
    sfeeds_obj = fjlib.sitefeeds(site)
    sfeeds_ids = [subscriber.feed.id for subscriber in sfeeds_obj]

    return None, site, cachekey, sfeeds_obj, sfeeds_ids