Ejemplo n.º 1
def submit_view(request):
        token = request.POST['token']
        current_token = SubmitServiceToken.objects.filter(token=token)
        if not current_token.exists():
            raise PermissionDenied('AUTHORIZATION_FAILED')
        request.user = current_token[0].user
        if not can_enter_contest(request):
            raise PermissionDenied('AUTHORIZATION_FAILED')
        task_name = request.POST['task']
        file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(
        if task_name:
            file_name = task_name
        pi = match_problem(visible_problem_instances(request), file_name)
        if not pi:
            raise SubmitServiceException(
                ', '.join([
                    x.short_name for x in visible_problem_instances(request)

        lang_exts = get_allowed_languages_extensions(pi)
        if file_extension[1:] not in lang_exts:
            raise ValueError('UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION')

        form = SubmissionForm(
                'problem_instance_id': pi.id,
                'user': request.user,
                'kind': 'NORMAL'
        if not form.is_valid():
            raise SubmitServiceException('INVALID_SUBMISSION', form.errors)
        submission = request.contest.controller.create_submission(
            request, pi, form.cleaned_data)
        result_url = reverse(
                'contest_id': request.contest.id,
                'submission_id': submission.id
        result = {'result_url': result_url, 'submission_id': submission.id}
    except SubmitServiceException as exception_info:
        result = {
            exception_info.args[1] if len(exception_info.args) == 2 else '',
    except Exception as e:
        result = {'error_code': 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', 'error_data': str(e)}
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def statistics_available_plots(self, request, category, object):
        """Available plots for given object in given category.
           Does not check user's permission for viewing those statistics."""

        result = []
        rtimes = rounds_times(request, self.contest)

        def plot_kind(name, object):
            return (statistics_plot_kinds[name], object)

        def pi_results_visible(pi):
            return rtimes[pi.round].public_results_visible(request.timestamp) \
                   or is_contest_admin(request) or is_contest_observer(request)

        if category == 'CONTEST':
            if not object:
                object = request.contest

            result.append(plot_kind('SUBMISSIONS_HISTOGRAM_CONTEST', object))

            pis = visible_problem_instances(request)

            # Do not add this plot if it would be empty.
            if any(
                    pi_results_visible(pi) and not pi.round.is_trial
                    for pi in pis):
                result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_HISTOGRAM_CONTEST', object))

        if category == 'PROBLEM':
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_HISTOGRAM_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_TABLE_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_TO_SOURCE_LENGTH_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('TEST_SCORES_TABLE_PROBLEM', object))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def problems_list_view(request):
    controller = request.contest.controller
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)

    # Problem statements in order
    # 1) problem instance
    # 2) statement_visible
    # 3) round end time
    # 4) user result
    # Sorted by (start_date, end_date, round name, problem name)
    problems_statements = sorted(
        [(pi, controller.can_see_statement(
            request, pi), controller.get_round_times(request, pi.round),
         for pi in problem_instances],
        key=lambda p:
        (p[2].get_start(), p[2].get_end(), p[0].round.name, p[0].short_name))

    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(
        request, 'contests/problems_list.html', {
            'problem_instances': problems_statements,
            'show_rounds': show_rounds,
            'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def contest_files_view(request):
    contest_files = ContestAttachment.objects.filter(contest=request.contest) \
        .filter(Q(round__isnull=True) | Q(round__in=visible_rounds(request))) \
    round_file_exists = contest_files.filter(round__isnull=False).exists()
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    problem_files = ProblemAttachment.objects \
            .filter(problem_id__in=problem_ids) \
    add_category_field = round_file_exists or problem_files.exists()
    rows = [{
        'category': cf.round if cf.round else '',
        'name': cf.filename,
        'description': cf.description,
        'link': reverse('contest_attachment',
            kwargs={'contest_id': request.contest.id, 'attachment_id': cf.id}),
        } for cf in contest_files]
    rows += [{
        'category': pf.problem,
        'name': pf.filename,
        'description': pf.description,
        'link': reverse('problem_attachment',
            kwargs={'contest_id': request.contest.id, 'attachment_id': pf.id}),
        } for pf in problem_files]
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/files.html', {'files': rows,
        'files_on_page': getattr(settings, 'FILES_ON_PAGE', 100),
        'add_category_field': add_category_field})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def problem_attachment_view(request, contest_id, attachment_id):
    attachment = get_object_or_404(ProblemAttachment, id=attachment_id)
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    if attachment.problem_id not in problem_ids:
        raise PermissionDenied
    return stream_file(attachment.content)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.kind = 'MAILSUBMIT'
        problem_filter = kwargs.pop('problem_filter', None)

        super(MailSubmissionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.request = request

        pis = visible_problem_instances(request)
        if problem_filter:
            pis = problem_filter(pis)

        pi_choices = [(pi.id, unicode(pi)) for pi in pis]
        pi_field = self.fields['problem_instance_id']
        pi_field.choices = pi_choices
        pi_field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'input-xlarge'

        # if problem_instance does not exist any from the current
        # contest is chosen. To change in future.
        # ALSO in contests.forms
        contest = request.contest
        assert contest is not None
        problem_instance = ProblemInstance.objects \
        contest.controller.adjust_submission_form(request, self,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def visible_tests_packages(request):
    problems = [pi.problem for pi in visible_problem_instances(request)]
    tests_packages = TestsPackage.objects.filter(problem__in=problems)
    return [
        tp for tp in tests_packages
        if tp.is_visible(request.timestamp) and tp.package is not None
Ejemplo n.º 8
def contest_files_view(request):
    contest_files = ContestAttachment.objects.filter(contest=request.contest) \
        .filter(Q(round__isnull=True) | Q(round__in=visible_rounds(request))) \
    if not is_contest_admin(request):
        contest_files = contest_files.filter(Q(pub_date__isnull=True)
                | Q(pub_date__lte=request.timestamp))

    round_file_exists = contest_files.filter(round__isnull=False).exists()
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    problem_files = ProblemAttachment.objects \
            .filter(problem_id__in=problem_ids) \
    add_category_field = round_file_exists or problem_files.exists()
    rows = [{
        'category': cf.round if cf.round else '',
        'name': cf.download_name,
        'description': cf.description,
        'link': reverse('contest_attachment',
            kwargs={'contest_id': request.contest.id, 'attachment_id': cf.id}),
        'pub_date': cf.pub_date
        } for cf in contest_files]
    rows += [{
        'category': pf.problem,
        'name': pf.download_name,
        'description': pf.description,
        'link': reverse('problem_attachment',
            kwargs={'contest_id': request.contest.id, 'attachment_id': pf.id}),
        'pub_date': None
        } for pf in problem_files]
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/files.html', {'files': rows,
        'files_on_page': getattr(settings, 'FILES_ON_PAGE', 100),
        'add_category_field': add_category_field, 'show_pub_dates': True})
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def statistics_available_plots(self, request, category, object):
        """Available plots for given object in given category.
           Does not check user's permission for viewing those statistics."""

        result = []
        rtimes = rounds_times(request)

        def plot_kind(name, object):
            return (statistics_plot_kinds[name], object)

        def pi_results_visible(pi):
            return rtimes[pi.round].public_results_visible(request.timestamp) \
                   or is_contest_admin(request) or is_contest_observer(request)

        if category == 'CONTEST':
            if not object:
                object = request.contest

            result.append(plot_kind('SUBMISSIONS_HISTOGRAM_CONTEST', object))

            pis = visible_problem_instances(request)

            # Do not add this plot if it would be empty.
            if any(pi_results_visible(pi) and not pi.round.is_trial
                   for pi in pis):
                result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_HISTOGRAM_CONTEST', object))

        if category == 'PROBLEM':
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_HISTOGRAM_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_TABLE_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('POINTS_TO_SOURCE_LENGTH_PROBLEM', object))
            result.append(plot_kind('TEST_SCORES_TABLE_PROBLEM', object))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def problem_attachment_view(request, attachment_id):
    attachment = get_object_or_404(ProblemAttachment, id=attachment_id)
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    if attachment.problem_id not in problem_ids:
        raise PermissionDenied
    return stream_file(attachment.content, attachment.download_name)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self, request, queryset):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return queryset.none()

            tm = TeamMembership.objects.get(user=request.user,
            qs = queryset.filter(user=tm.team.user,
        except TeamMembership.DoesNotExist:
            qs = queryset.filter(user=request.user,

        if is_contest_admin(request):
            return qs
            return qs.filter(date__lte=request.timestamp)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def problems_list_view(request):
    controller = request.contest.controller
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)

    # Problem statements in order
    # 1) problem instance
    # 2) statement_visible
    # 3) round end time
    # 4) user result
    # 5) number of submissions left
    # 6) submissions_limit
    # 7) can_submit
    # Sorted by (start_date, end_date, round name, problem name)
    problems_statements = sorted(
                controller.can_see_statement(request, pi),
                controller.get_round_times(request, pi.round),
                # Because this view can be accessed by an anynomous user we can't
                # use `user=request.user` (it would cause TypeError). Surprisingly
                # using request.user.id is ok since for AnynomousUser id is set
                # to None.
                    (r for r in UserResultForProblem.objects.filter(
                        user__id=request.user.id, problem_instance=pi)
                     if r and r.submission_report
                     and controller.can_see_submission_score(
                         request, r.submission_report.submission)),
                pi.controller.get_submissions_left(request, pi),
                pi.controller.get_submissions_limit(request, pi),
                controller.can_submit(request, pi),
            ) for pi in problem_instances
        key=lambda p:
        (p[2].get_key_for_comparison(), p[0].round.name, p[0].short_name),

    show_submissions_limit = any([p[5] for p in problems_statements])
    show_submit_button = any([p[6] for p in problems_statements])
    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    table_columns = 3 + int(show_submissions_limit) + int(show_submit_button)

    return TemplateResponse(
            'problem_instances': problems_statements,
            'show_rounds': show_rounds,
            'show_scores': request.user.is_authenticated,
            'show_submissions_limit': show_submissions_limit,
            'show_submit_button': show_submit_button,
            'table_columns': table_columns,
            'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100),
Ejemplo n.º 13
def submit_view(request):
        token = request.POST['token']
        current_token = SubmitServiceToken.objects.filter(token=token)
        if not current_token.exists():
            raise PermissionDenied('AUTHORIZATION_FAILED')
        request.user = current_token[0].user
        if not can_enter_contest(request):
            raise PermissionDenied('AUTHORIZATION_FAILED')
        task_name = request.POST['task']
        file_name, file_extension = \
        if task_name:
            file_name = task_name
        pi = match_problem(visible_problem_instances(request), file_name)
        if not pi:
            raise SubmitServiceException('NO_SUCH_PROBLEM', ', '.join([
                    x.short_name for x in visible_problem_instances(request)]))

        lang_exts = sum(
            getattr(settings, 'SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS', {}).values(), [])
        if file_extension[1:] not in lang_exts:
            raise ValueError('UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION')

        form = SubmissionForm(request, {
            'problem_instance_id': pi.id,
            'user': request.user,
            'kind': 'NORMAL'
        }, request.FILES)
        if not form.is_valid():
            raise SubmitServiceException('INVALID_SUBMISSION', form.errors)
        submission = request.contest.controller \
            .create_submission(request, pi, form.cleaned_data)
        result_url = reverse('oioioi.contests.views.submission_view',
                                kwargs={'contest_id': request.contest.id,
                                'submission_id': submission.id})
        result = {'result_url': result_url, 'submission_id': submission.id}
    except SubmitServiceException as exception_info:
        result = {'error_code': exception_info.args[0],
                  'error_data': exception_info.args[1]
                  if len(exception_info.args) == 2 else ''}
    except StandardError as e:
        result = {'error_code': 'UNKNOWN_ERROR',
                  'error_data': str(e)}
    return result
def problems_list_view(request, contest_id):
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(
        request, 'contests/problems_list.html', {
            'problem_instances': problem_instances,
            'show_rounds': show_rounds,
            'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def problems_list_view(request):
    controller = request.contest.controller
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problems_statements = [(pi, controller.can_see_statement(request, pi))
                           for pi in problem_instances]
    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/problems_list.html',
        {'problem_instances': problems_statements,
         'show_rounds': show_rounds,
         'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100)})
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self, request, queryset):
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return queryset.none()

            tm = TeamMembership.objects.get(user=request.user,
            qs = queryset.filter(
        except TeamMembership.DoesNotExist:
            qs = queryset.filter(

        if is_contest_admin(request):
            return qs
            return qs.filter(date__lte=request.timestamp)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def visible_messages(request):
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    messages = Message.objects.filter(Q(contest=request.contest.id) | Q(problem_id__in=problem_ids)).order_by("-date")
    if not request.user.has_perm("contests.contest_admin", request.contest):
        q_expression = Q(kind="PUBLIC")
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            q_expression = (
                q_expression | (Q(author=request.user) & Q(kind="QUESTION")) | Q(top_reference__author=request.user)
        messages = messages.filter(q_expression)
    return messages
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AddContestMessageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['topic'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'input-xxlarge'
        self.fields['content'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'input-xxlarge monospace'

        self.request = request

        problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
        categories = [('__general__', _("General"))] + \
                [(pi.id, _("Problem %s") % (pi.problem.name,))
                        for pi in problem_instances]
        self.fields['category'].choices = categories
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self, request, queryset):
        """Returns the submissions which the user should see in the
           "My submissions" view.

           The default implementation returns all submissions belonging to
           the user for the problems that are visible.

           Should return the updated queryset.
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return queryset.none()
        qs = queryset.filter(user=request.user) \
        if is_contest_admin(request):
            return qs
            return qs.filter(date__lte=request.timestamp)
    def statistics_available_plot_groups(self, request):
        problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)

        result = []
        times = rounds_times(request)

        can_see_any_problems = False
        for pi in problem_instances:
            can_see_round = times[pi.round].results_visible(request.timestamp)
            if can_see_round:
                result.append(('PROBLEM', pi.short_name, pi.problem.name))
                can_see_any_problems = True

        if can_see_any_problems:
                0, ('CONTEST', request.contest.id, request.contest.name))
        return result
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self, request, queryset):
        """Returns the submissions which the user should see in the
           "My submissions" view.

           The default implementation returns all submissions belonging to
           the user for the problems that are visible.

           Should return the updated queryset.
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return queryset.none()
        qs = queryset.filter(user=request.user) \
        if is_contest_admin(request):
            return qs
            return qs.filter(date__lte=request.timestamp)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self, request, queryset):
        """Returns the submissions which the user should see in the
           "My submissions" view.

           The default implementation returns all submissions belonging to
           the user for the problems that are visible, except for admins, which
           get all their submissions.

           Should return the updated queryset.
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return queryset.none()
        qs = queryset.filter(user=request.user)
        if is_contest_basicadmin(request):
            return qs
            return qs.filter(date__lte=request.timestamp) \
            .filter(problem_instance__in=visible_problem_instances(request)) \
Ejemplo n.º 23
def problems_list_view(request):
    controller = request.contest.controller
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)

    # Problem statements in order
    # 1) problem instance
    # 2) statement_visible
    # 3) round end time
    # 4) user result
    # 5) number of submissions left
    # Sorted by (start_date, end_date, round name, problem name)
    problems_statements = sorted([
            controller.can_see_statement(request, pi),
            controller.get_round_times(request, pi.round),

            # Because this view can be accessed by an anynomous user we can't
            # use `user=request.user` (it would cause TypeError). Surprisingly
            # using request.user.id is ok since for AnynomousUser id is set
            # to None.
            next((r for r in UserResultForProblem.objects.filter(
                        user__id=request.user.id, problem_instance=pi)
                    if r and r.submission_report
                        and controller.can_see_submission_score(request,
            pi.controller.get_submissions_left(request, pi),
            pi.controller.get_submissions_limit(request, pi)
        for pi in problem_instances
    ], key=lambda p: (p[2].get_start(), p[2].get_end(), p[0].round.name,

    show_submissions_limit = any([p[5] for p in problems_statements])
    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/problems_list.html',
        {'problem_instances': problems_statements,
         'show_rounds': show_rounds,
         'show_scores': request.user.is_authenticated,
         'show_submissions_limit': show_submissions_limit,
         'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100)})
Ejemplo n.º 24
def files_view(request, contest_id):
    contest_files = ContestAttachment.objects.filter(contest=request.contest)
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    problem_ids = [pi.problem_id for pi in problem_instances]
    problem_files = \
    rows = [{
        'name': cf.filename,
        'description': cf.description,
        'link': reverse('contest_attachment', kwargs={'contest_id': contest_id,
            'attachment_id': cf.id}),
        } for cf in contest_files]
    rows += [{
        'name': pf.filename,
        'description': u'%s: %s' % (pf.problem, pf.description),
        'link': reverse('problem_attachment', kwargs={'contest_id': contest_id,
            'attachment_id': pf.id}),
        } for pf in problem_files]
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/files.html', {'files': rows})
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def filter_my_visible_submissions(self,
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            return queryset.none()
        if not filter_user:
            raise NotImplementedError

            tm = TeamMembership.objects.get(user=request.user,
            qs = queryset.filter(
            filter_user = False
        except TeamMembership.DoesNotExist:
            qs = queryset

        return super(TeamsMixinForContestController, self). \
                filter_my_visible_submissions(request, qs, filter_user)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.kind = 'MAILSUBMIT'
        problem_filter = kwargs.pop('problem_filter', None)

        super(MailSubmissionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.request = request

        pis = visible_problem_instances(request)
        if problem_filter:
            pis = problem_filter(pis)

        pi_choices = [(pi.id, six.text_type(pi)) for pi in pis]
        pi_field = self.fields['problem_instance_id']
        pi_field.choices = pi_choices
        pi_field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'input-xlarge'

        # add fields etc.
        contest = request.contest
        assert contest is not None
        problem_instances = ProblemInstance.objects.filter(contest=contest)
        for pi in problem_instances:
            pi.controller.adjust_submission_form(request, self, pi)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def problems_list_view(request):
    controller = request.contest.controller
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)

    # Problem statements in order
    # 1) problem instance
    # 2) statement_visible
    # 3) round end time
    # 4) user result
    # Sorted by (start_date, end_date, round name, problem name)
    problems_statements = sorted(
                controller.can_see_statement(request, pi),
                controller.get_round_times(request, pi.round),

                # Because this view can be accessed by an anynomous user we can't
                # use `user=request.user` (it would cause TypeError). Suprisingly
                # using request.user.id is ok since for AnynomousUser id is set
                # to None.
                    user__id=request.user.id, problem_instance=pi).first())
            for pi in problem_instances
        key=lambda p:
        (p[2].get_start(), p[2].get_end(), p[0].round.name, p[0].short_name))

    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(
        request, 'contests/problems_list.html', {
            'problem_instances': problems_statements,
            'show_rounds': show_rounds,
            'show_scores': request.user.is_authenticated(),
            'problems_on_page': getattr(settings, 'PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE', 100)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.kind = "MAILSUBMIT"
        problem_filter = kwargs.pop("problem_filter", None)

        super(MailSubmissionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.request = request

        pis = visible_problem_instances(request)
        if problem_filter:
            pis = problem_filter(pis)

        pi_choices = [(pi.id, unicode(pi)) for pi in pis]
        pi_field = self.fields["problem_instance_id"]
        pi_field.choices = pi_choices
        pi_field.widget.attrs["class"] = "input-xlarge"

        # if problem_instance does not exist any from the current
        # contest is chosen. To change in future.
        # ALSO in contests.forms
        contest = request.contest
        assert contest is not None
        problem_instance = ProblemInstance.objects.filter(contest=contest)[0]
        contest.controller.adjust_submission_form(request, self, problem_instance)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_categories(request):
    categories = [('p_%d' % (pi.id,), _("Problem %s") % (pi.problem.name,))
                  for pi in visible_problem_instances(request)]
    categories += [('r_%d' % (round.id,), _("General, %s") % (round.name,))
                   for round in visible_rounds(request)]
    return categories
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_categories(request):
    categories = [('p_%d' % (pi.id, ), _("Problem %s") % (pi.problem.name, ))
                  for pi in visible_problem_instances(request)]
    categories += [('r_%d' % (round.id, ), _("General, %s") % (round.name, ))
                   for round in visible_rounds(request)]
    return categories
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def get_problem_instances(self):
     return visible_problem_instances(self.request)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def problems_list_view(request, contest_id):
    problem_instances = visible_problem_instances(request)
    show_rounds = len(frozenset(pi.round_id for pi in problem_instances)) > 1
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'contests/problems_list.html',
                {'problem_instances': problem_instances,
                 'show_rounds': show_rounds})
Ejemplo n.º 33
def visible_tests_packages(request):
    problems = [pi.problem for pi in visible_problem_instances(request)]
    tests_packages = TestsPackage.objects.filter(problem__in=problems)
    return [tp for tp in tests_packages
            if tp.is_visible(request.timestamp) and tp.package is not None]