Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_xpi_info(xpi_info, addon=None):
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon, BlacklistedGuid
    guid = xpi_info['guid']
    if amo.get_user():
        deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.exclude(
        deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.filter(guid=guid)
    if not guid:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Could not find an add-on ID."))
    if not waffle.switch_is_active('allow-long-addon-guid') and len(guid) > 64:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _("Add-on ID must be 64 characters or less."))
    if addon and addon.guid != guid:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Add-on ID doesn't match add-on."))
    if (not addon and
            # Non-deleted add-ons.
            Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
            # BlacklistedGuid objects for legacy deletions.
            BlacklistedGuid.objects.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
            # Deleted add-ons that don't belong to the uploader.
        raise forms.ValidationError(_('Duplicate add-on ID found.'))
    if len(xpi_info['version']) > 32:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should have fewer than 32 characters.'))
    if not VERSION_RE.match(xpi_info['version']):
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should only contain letters, numbers, '
              'and these punctuation characters: +*.-_.'))
    return xpi_info
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_xpi_info(xpi_info, addon=None):
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon, BlacklistedGuid
    guid = xpi_info['guid']
    if amo.get_user():
        deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.exclude(
        deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.filter(guid=guid)
    if not guid:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Could not find an add-on ID."))
    if not waffle.switch_is_active('allow-long-addon-guid') and len(guid) > 64:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _("Add-on ID must be 64 characters or less."))
    if addon and addon.guid != guid:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Add-on ID doesn't match add-on."))
    if (not addon and
            # Non-deleted add-ons.
            (Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # BlacklistedGuid objects for legacy deletions.
             BlacklistedGuid.objects.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # Deleted add-ons that don't belong to the uploader.
        raise forms.ValidationError(_('Duplicate add-on ID found.'))
    if len(xpi_info['version']) > 32:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should have fewer than 32 characters.'))
    if not VERSION_RE.match(xpi_info['version']):
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should only contain letters, numbers, '
              'and these punctuation characters: +*.-_.'))
    return xpi_info
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_set_task_user(self):
        def some_func():
            return get_user()

        assert get_user().pk == 999
        assert some_func().pk == int(settings.TASK_USER_ID)
        assert get_user().pk == 999
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_set_task_user(self):
        def some_func():
            return get_user()

        eq_(get_user().pk, 999)
        eq_(some_func().pk, int(settings.TASK_USER_ID))
        eq_(get_user().pk, 999)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_set_task_user(self):
        def some_func():
            return get_user()

        eq_(get_user().pk, 999)
        eq_(some_func().pk, int(settings.TASK_USER_ID))
        eq_(get_user().pk, 999)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_xpi_info(xpi_info, addon=None):
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon, BlacklistedGuid
    guid = xpi_info['guid']
    is_webextension = xpi_info.get('is_webextension', False)

    # If we allow the guid to be omitted we assume that one was generated
    # or existed before and use that one.
    # An example are WebExtensions that don't require a guid but we generate
    # one once they're uploaded. Now, if you update that WebExtension we
    # just use the original guid.
    if addon and not guid and is_webextension:
        xpi_info['guid'] = guid = addon.guid
    if not guid and not is_webextension:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Could not find an add-on ID."))

    if guid:
        if amo.get_user():
            deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.exclude(
            deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.filter(guid=guid)
        guid_too_long = (
            not waffle.switch_is_active('allow-long-addon-guid') and
            len(guid) > 64
        if guid_too_long:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Add-on ID must be 64 characters or less."))
        if addon and addon.guid != guid:
            msg = _(
                "The add-on ID in your manifest.json or install.rdf (%s) "
                "does not match the ID of your add-on on AMO (%s)")
            raise forms.ValidationError(msg % (guid, addon.guid))
        if (not addon and
            # Non-deleted add-ons.
            (Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # BlacklistedGuid objects for legacy deletions.
             BlacklistedGuid.objects.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # Deleted add-ons that don't belong to the uploader.
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('Duplicate add-on ID found.'))
    if len(xpi_info['version']) > 32:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should have fewer than 32 characters.'))
    if not VERSION_RE.match(xpi_info['version']):
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should only contain letters, numbers, '
              'and these punctuation characters: +*.-_.'))
    return xpi_info
Ejemplo n.º 7
def check_xpi_info(xpi_info, addon=None):
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon, BlacklistedGuid
    guid = xpi_info['guid']
    is_webextension = xpi_info.get('is_webextension', False)

    # If we allow the guid to be omitted we assume that one was generated
    # or existed before and use that one.
    # An example are WebExtensions that don't require a guid but we generate
    # one once they're uploaded. Now, if you update that WebExtension we
    # just use the original guid.
    if addon and not guid and is_webextension:
        xpi_info['guid'] = guid = addon.guid
    if not guid and not is_webextension:
        raise forms.ValidationError(_("Could not find an add-on ID."))

    if guid:
        if amo.get_user():
            deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.exclude(
            deleted_guid_clashes = Addon.unfiltered.filter(guid=guid)
        guid_too_long = (
            not waffle.switch_is_active('allow-long-addon-guid') and
            len(guid) > 64
        if guid_too_long:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Add-on ID must be 64 characters or less."))
        if addon and addon.guid != guid:
            msg = _(
                "The add-on ID in your manifest.json or install.rdf (%s) "
                "does not match the ID of your add-on on AMO (%s)")
            raise forms.ValidationError(msg % (guid, addon.guid))
        if (not addon and
            # Non-deleted add-ons.
            (Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # BlacklistedGuid objects for legacy deletions.
             BlacklistedGuid.objects.filter(guid=guid).exists() or
             # Deleted add-ons that don't belong to the uploader.
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('Duplicate add-on ID found.'))
    if len(xpi_info['version']) > 32:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should have fewer than 32 characters.'))
    if not VERSION_RE.match(xpi_info['version']):
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('Version numbers should only contain letters, numbers, '
              'and these punctuation characters: +*.-_.'))
    return xpi_info
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def wrapper(*args, **kw):
     old_user = get_user()
         result = f(*args, **kw)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def wrapper(*args, **kw):
     old_user = get_user()
         result = f(*args, **kw)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def log(action, *args, **kw):
    e.g. amo.log(amo.LOG.CREATE_ADDON, []),
         amo.log(amo.LOG.ADD_FILE_TO_VERSION, file, version)
    from olympia.access.models import Group
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon
    from olympia.amo import get_user, logger_log
    from olympia.devhub.models import (ActivityLog, AddonLog, CommentLog,
                                       GroupLog, UserLog, VersionLog)
    from olympia.users.models import UserProfile
    from olympia.versions.models import Version

    user = kw.get('user', get_user())

    if not user:
        logger_log.warning('Activity log called with no user: %s' % action.id)

    al = ActivityLog(user=user, action=action.id)
    al.arguments = args
    if 'details' in kw:
        al.details = kw['details']

    if 'details' in kw and 'comments' in al.details:
        CommentLog(comments=al.details['comments'], activity_log=al).save()

    # TODO(davedash): post-remora this may not be necessary.
    if 'created' in kw:
        al.created = kw['created']
        # Double save necessary since django resets the created date on save.

    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
            if arg[0] == Addon:
                AddonLog(addon_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == Version:
                VersionLog(version_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == UserProfile:
                UserLog(user_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == Group:
                GroupLog(group_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Addon):
            AddonLog(addon=arg, activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Version):
            VersionLog(version=arg, activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, UserProfile):
            # Index by any user who is mentioned as an argument.
            UserLog(activity_log=al, user=arg).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Group):
            GroupLog(group=arg, activity_log=al).save()

    # Index by every user
    UserLog(activity_log=al, user=user).save()
    return al
Ejemplo n.º 11
def log(action, *args, **kw):
    e.g. amo.log(amo.LOG.CREATE_ADDON, []),
         amo.log(amo.LOG.ADD_FILE_TO_VERSION, file, version)
    from olympia.access.models import Group
    from olympia.addons.models import Addon
    from olympia.amo import get_user, logger_log
    from olympia.devhub.models import (
        ActivityLog, AddonLog, CommentLog, GroupLog, UserLog, VersionLog)
    from olympia.users.models import UserProfile
    from olympia.versions.models import Version

    user = kw.get('user', get_user())

    if not user:
        logger_log.warning('Activity log called with no user: %s' % action.id)

    al = ActivityLog(user=user, action=action.id)
    al.arguments = args
    if 'details' in kw:
        al.details = kw['details']

    if 'details' in kw and 'comments' in al.details:
        CommentLog(comments=al.details['comments'], activity_log=al).save()

    # TODO(davedash): post-remora this may not be necessary.
    if 'created' in kw:
        al.created = kw['created']
        # Double save necessary since django resets the created date on save.

    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
            if arg[0] == Addon:
                AddonLog(addon_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == Version:
                VersionLog(version_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == UserProfile:
                UserLog(user_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
            elif arg[0] == Group:
                GroupLog(group_id=arg[1], activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Addon):
            AddonLog(addon=arg, activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Version):
            VersionLog(version=arg, activity_log=al).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, UserProfile):
            # Index by any user who is mentioned as an argument.
            UserLog(activity_log=al, user=arg).save()
        elif isinstance(arg, Group):
            GroupLog(group=arg, activity_log=al).save()

    # Index by every user
    UserLog(activity_log=al, user=user).save()
    return al
Ejemplo n.º 12
def start_validation(request):
    form = BulkValidationForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        job = form.save(commit=False)
        job.creator = get_user()
        return redirect(reverse('zadmin.validation'))
        return validation(request, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def start_validation(request):
    form = BulkValidationForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        job = form.save(commit=False)
        job.creator = get_user()
        return redirect(reverse('zadmin.validation'))
        return validation(request, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def start_validation(request):
    # FIXME: `@transaction.non_atomic_requests` is a workaround for an issue
    # that might exist elsewhere too. The view is wrapped in a transaction
    # by default and because of that tasks being started in this view
    # won't see the `ValidationJob` object created.
    form = BulkValidationForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        job = form.save(commit=False)
        job.creator = get_user()
        return redirect(reverse('zadmin.validation'))
        return validation(request, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def start_validation(request):
    # FIXME: `@transaction.non_atomic_requests` is a workaround for an issue
    # that might exist elsewhere too. The view is wrapped in a transaction
    # by default and because of that tasks being started in this view
    # won't see the `ValidationJob` object created.
    form = BulkValidationForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        job = form.save(commit=False)
        job.creator = get_user()
        return redirect(reverse('zadmin.validation'))
        return validation(request, form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def some_func():
     return get_user()