Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createTestImage(self,
        Creates a test image of the required dimensions, where each pixel
        value is set to the value of x+y.
        Returns the image (ImageI)
        from numpy import fromfunction, int16
        from omero.util import script_utils

        if session is None:
            session = self.root.sf
        renderingEngine = session.createRenderingEngine()
        queryService = session.getQueryService()
        pixelsService = session.getPixelsService()
        rawPixelStore = session.createRawPixelsStore()
        containerService = session.getContainerService()

        def f1(x, y):
            return y

        def f2(x, y):
            return (x + y) / 2

        def f3(x, y):
            return x

        pType = "int16"
        # look up the PixelsType object from DB
        # omero::model::PixelsType
        pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery(
            "from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % pType, None)
        if pixelsType is None and pType.startswith("float"):  # e.g. float32
            # omero::model::PixelsType
            pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery(
                "from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % "float", None)
        if pixelsType is None:
            print "Unknown pixels type for: " % pType
            raise Exception("Unknown pixels type for: " % pType)

        # code below here is very similar to combineImages.py
        # create an image in OMERO and populate the planes with numpy 2D arrays
        channelList = range(1, sizeC + 1)
        iId = pixelsService.createImage(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeT,
                                        channelList, pixelsType, "testImage",
        imageId = iId.getValue()
        image = containerService.getImages("Image", [imageId], None)[0]

        pixelsId = image.getPrimaryPixels().getId().getValue()
        rawPixelStore.setPixelsId(pixelsId, True)

        colourMap = {
            0: (0, 0, 255, 255),
            1: (0, 255, 0, 255),
            2: (255, 0, 0, 255),
            3: (255, 0, 255, 255)
        fList = [f1, f2, f3]
        for theC in range(sizeC):
            minValue = 0
            maxValue = 0
            f = fList[theC % len(fList)]
            for theZ in range(sizeZ):
                for theT in range(sizeT):
                    plane2D = fromfunction(f, (sizeY, sizeX), dtype=int16)
                    script_utils.uploadPlane(rawPixelStore, plane2D, theZ,
                                             theC, theT)
                    minValue = min(minValue, plane2D.min())
                    maxValue = max(maxValue, plane2D.max())
            pixelsService.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pixelsId, theC,
            rgba = None
            if theC in colourMap:
                rgba = colourMap[theC]
        for theC in range(sizeC):
            script_utils.resetRenderingSettings(renderingEngine, pixelsId,
                                                theC, minValue, maxValue, rgba)


        # See #9070. Forcing a thumbnail creation
        tb = session.createThumbnailStore()
            s = tb.getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(rint(16), [pixelsId])
            assert s[pixelsId] != ''


        # Reloading image to prevent error on old pixels updateEvent
        image = containerService.getImages("Image", [imageId], None)[0]
        return image
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createTestImage(self, sizeX=16, sizeY=16, sizeZ=1, sizeC=1, sizeT=1, session=None):
        Creates a test image of the required dimensions, where each pixel
        value is set to the value of x+y.
        Returns the image (ImageI)
        from numpy import fromfunction, int16
        from omero.util import script_utils

        if session is None:
            session = self.root.sf
        renderingEngine = session.createRenderingEngine()
        queryService = session.getQueryService()
        pixelsService = session.getPixelsService()
        rawPixelStore = session.createRawPixelsStore()
        containerService = session.getContainerService()

        def f1(x, y):
            return y

        def f2(x, y):
            return (x + y) / 2

        def f3(x, y):
            return x

        pType = "int16"
        # look up the PixelsType object from DB
        # omero::model::PixelsType
        pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery("from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % pType, None)
        if pixelsType is None and pType.startswith("float"):  # e.g. float32
            # omero::model::PixelsType
            pixelsType = queryService.findByQuery("from PixelsType as p where p.value='%s'" % "float", None)
        if pixelsType is None:
            print "Unknown pixels type for: " % pType
            raise Exception("Unknown pixels type for: " % pType)

        # code below here is very similar to combineImages.py
        # create an image in OMERO and populate the planes with numpy 2D arrays
        channelList = range(1, sizeC + 1)
        iId = pixelsService.createImage(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeT, channelList, pixelsType, "testImage", "description")
        imageId = iId.getValue()
        image = containerService.getImages("Image", [imageId], None)[0]

        pixelsId = image.getPrimaryPixels().getId().getValue()
        rawPixelStore.setPixelsId(pixelsId, True)

        colourMap = {0: (0, 0, 255, 255), 1: (0, 255, 0, 255), 2: (255, 0, 0, 255), 3: (255, 0, 255, 255)}
        fList = [f1, f2, f3]
        for theC in range(sizeC):
            minValue = 0
            maxValue = 0
            f = fList[theC % len(fList)]
            for theZ in range(sizeZ):
                for theT in range(sizeT):
                    plane2D = fromfunction(f, (sizeY, sizeX), dtype=int16)
                    script_utils.uploadPlane(rawPixelStore, plane2D, theZ, theC, theT)
                    minValue = min(minValue, plane2D.min())
                    maxValue = max(maxValue, plane2D.max())
            pixelsService.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pixelsId, theC, float(minValue), float(maxValue))
            rgba = None
            if theC in colourMap:
                rgba = colourMap[theC]
        for theC in range(sizeC):
            script_utils.resetRenderingSettings(renderingEngine, pixelsId, theC, minValue, maxValue, rgba)


        # See #9070. Forcing a thumbnail creation
        tb = session.createThumbnailStore()
            s = tb.getThumbnailByLongestSideSet(rint(16), [pixelsId])
            assert s[pixelsId] != ""


        # Reloading image to prevent error on old pixels updateEvent
        image = containerService.getImages("Image", [imageId], None)[0]
        return image
Ejemplo n.º 3
def emanFilter(session, parameterMap):
    This is where the action happens.
    For each image, we get the data from OMERO as an EMData object, do the filtering and write back to OMERO. 
    # create services we need 
    queryService = session.getQueryService()
    rawFileStore = session.createRawFileStore()
    rawPixelStore = session.createRawPixelsStore()
    rawPixelStoreUpload = session.createRawPixelsStore()
    renderingEngine = session.createRenderingEngine()
    pixelsService = session.getPixelsService()
    containerService = session.getContainerService()
    updateService = session.getUpdateService()
    imageIds = []
    dataType = parameterMap["Data_Type"]
    if dataType == "Image":
        for imageId in parameterMap["IDs"]:
            iId = long(imageId.getValue())
    else:   # Dataset
        for datasetId in parameterMap["IDs"]:
            datasetIds = []
                dId = long(datasetId.getValue())
            except: pass
            # simply aggregate all images from the datasets
            images = containerService.getImages("Dataset", datasetIds, None)
            for i in images:
    if len(imageIds) == 0:
    # get the project from the first image
    project = None
    dataset = None
    imageId = imageIds[0]
    query_string = "select i from Image i join fetch i.datasetLinks idl join fetch idl.parent d join fetch d.projectLinks pl join fetch pl.parent where i.id in (%s)" % imageId
    image = queryService.findByQuery(query_string, None)
    if image:
        for link in image.iterateDatasetLinks():
            dataset = link.parent
            print "Dataset", dataset.name.val
            for dpLink in dataset.iterateProjectLinks():
                project = dpLink.parent
                print "Project", project.name.val
                break # only use 1st Project
            break    # only use 1st Dataset
    if "New_Dataset_Name" in parameterMap:
        # make a dataset for images
        dataset = omero.model.DatasetI()
        dataset.name = rstring(parameterMap["New_Dataset_Name"])
        from datetime import datetime
        dt = datetime.now()
        dataset.description = rstring("Images generated by EMAN2 Filtering on %s" % dt.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p"))
        dataset = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(dataset)
        if project:        # and put it in the same project
            link = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI()
            link.parent = omero.model.ProjectI(project.id.val, False)
            link.child = omero.model.DatasetI(dataset.id.val, False)
    filterName = parameterMap["Filter_Name"]
    paramStrings = []
    filterParamMap = None
    if "Filter_Params" in parameterMap:
        filterParamMap = {}
        fpMap = parameterMap["Filter_Params"]
        for p, v in fpMap.items():
            paramStrings.append("%s: %s" % (p, v.getValue())) # get value from rtype
                filterParamMap[p] = float(v.getValue())  # if the value is a float
                filterParamMap[p] = v.getValue()
    paramString = ", ".join(paramStrings)   # just for adding to new image description
    e = EMData()
    bypassOriginalFile = True
    newImages = []
    for imageId in imageIds:
        # set up pixel-store and get the pixels object
        query_string = "select p from Pixels p join fetch p.image as i join fetch p.pixelsType where i.id='%d'" % imageId
        pixels = queryService.findByQuery(query_string, None)
        sizeX = pixels.getSizeX().getValue()
        sizeY = pixels.getSizeY().getValue()
        sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ().getValue()
        sizeC = pixels.getSizeC().getValue()
        sizeT = pixels.getSizeT().getValue()
        rawPixelStore.setPixelsId(pixels.getId().getValue(), bypassOriginalFile)
        em = EMData(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ)
        pixelsType = pixels.pixelsType
        # create the new image, ready to take planes
        description = "Created from image ID: %s by applying EMAN2 filter: '%s' with parameters: %s" % (imageId, filterName, paramString)
        imageName = pixels.image.name.val   # new image has same name
        print imageName, description
        iId = None
        image = None
        # need to loop through extra dimensions, since EMAN2 only handles 3D. 
        for theC in range(sizeC):
            minValue = None
            maxValue = 0
            for theT in range(sizeT):
                for z in range(sizeZ):
                    plane2D = scriptUtil.downloadPlane(rawPixelStore, pixels, z, theC, theT)
                    try:    # method seems to depend which version of EMAN2 you have
                        EMNumPy.numpy2em(plane2D, e)
                        e = EMNumPy.numpy2em(plane2D)
                # do the filtering
                if filterParamMap:  em.process_inplace(filterName, filterParamMap)
                else:   em.process_inplace(filterName)
                # convert back to numpy (datatype may be different) and upload to OMERO as new image
                filteredPlanes = EMNumPy.em2numpy(em)
                print "em.get_zsize()", em.get_zsize()
                print "filteredPlanes", filteredPlanes.shape
                if iId == None:
                    iId = createImage(pixelsService, queryService, filteredPlanes, sizeT, sizeC, imageName, description)
                    image = containerService.getImages("Image", [iId], None)[0]
                    pixelsId = image.getPrimaryPixels().getId().getValue()
                    rawPixelStoreUpload.setPixelsId(pixelsId, bypassOriginalFile)
                if em.get_zsize() > 1:      # 3D array
                    for z, plane in enumerate(filteredPlanes):
                        if minValue == None: minValue = plane.min()
                        minValue = min(minValue, plane.min())
                        maxValue = max(maxValue, plane.max())
                        scriptUtil.uploadPlane(rawPixelStoreUpload, plane, z, theC, theT)
                else:   # 2D array
                    if minValue == None: minValue = filteredPlanes.min()
                    minValue = min(minValue, filteredPlanes.min())
                    maxValue = max(maxValue, filteredPlanes.max())
                    scriptUtil.uploadPlane(rawPixelStoreUpload, filteredPlanes, z, theC, theT)
            print "Setting the min, max ", minValue, maxValue
            pixelsService.setChannelGlobalMinMax(pixelsId, theC, float(minValue), float(maxValue))
            scriptUtil.resetRenderingSettings(renderingEngine, pixelsId, theC, minValue, maxValue)

        image.name = rstring(imageName)
        image.description = rstring(description)
        # put image in dataset
        if dataset:
            dlink = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI()
            dlink.parent = omero.model.DatasetI(dataset.id.val, False)
            dlink.child = omero.model.ImageI(iId, False)
    return (dataset, newImages)