def test_project_create_read(self):
        Tests creation by POST to /save and reading with GET of /project/:id/
        django_client = self.django_root_client
        group = self.ctx.groupId
        version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
        # Need to get the Schema url to create @type
        base_url = reverse('api_base', kwargs={'api_version': version})
        rsp = get_json(django_client, base_url)
        schema_url = rsp['url:schema']
        # specify group via query params
        save_url = "%s?group=%s" % (rsp['url:save'], group)
        projects_url = rsp['url:projects']
        project_name = 'test_api_projects'
        payload = {'Name': project_name,
                   '@type': schema_url + '#Project'}
        rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload,
        new_proj = rsp['data']
        # We get the complete new Project returned
        assert new_proj['Name'] == project_name
        project_id = new_proj['@id']

        # Read Project
        project_url = "%s%s/" % (projects_url, project_id)
        rsp = get_json(django_client, project_url)
        new_proj = rsp['data']
        assert new_proj['@id'] == project_id
        conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=self.root)
        assert_objects(conn, [new_proj], [project_id])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_link_unlink_tagset_tags(self):
        Tests linking of tagset to tag, then unlinking
        tag = self.make_tag()
        tagset = self.make_tag(ns=omero.constants.metadata.NSINSIGHTTAGSET)
        tagId =
        tagsetId =

        links_url = reverse("api_links")
        # Link tagset to tag
        data = {'tagset': {tagsetId: {'tag': [tagId]}}}
        rsp = post_json(self.django_client, links_url, data)
        assert rsp == {"success": True}

        # Check that tag is listed under tagset...
        tags_url = reverse("api_tags_and_tagged")
        r = get_json(self.django_client, tags_url, {'id': tagsetId})
        assert len(r['tags']) == 1
        assert r['tags'][0]['id'] == tagId

        # Unlink first Tag from Tagset
        # data {} is same as for creating link above
        response = delete_json(self.django_client, links_url, data)
        assert response["success"]

        # Since the Delete is ansync - need to check repeatedly for deletion
        for i in range(10):
            rsp = get_json(self.django_client, tags_url, {'id': tagsetId})
            if len(rsp['tags']) == 0:
        # Check that link has been deleted
        assert len(rsp['tags']) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_validation_exception(self, user_A):
        """Test handling when we try to save something invalid."""
        conn = get_connection(user_A)
        group = conn.getEventContext().groupId
        userName = conn.getUser().getName()
        django_client = self.new_django_client(userName, userName)
        version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
        save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
        save_url += '?group=' + native_str(group)

        # Create Tag
        tag = TagAnnotationI()
        tag.textValue = rstring('test_tag')
        tag = conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(tag)
        tag_json = {'Value': 'test_tag',
                    '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#TagAnnotation'}
        # Add Tag twice to Project to get Validation Exception
        payload = {'Name': 'test_validation',
                   '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#Project',
                   'Annotations': [tag_json, tag_json]}
        rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=400)
        # NB: message contains whole stack trace
        assert "ValidationException" in rsp['message']
        assert rsp['stacktrace'].startswith(
            'Traceback (most recent call last):')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_security_violation(self, group_B, user_A):
     """Test saving to incorrect group."""
     conn = get_connection(user_A)
     group_A_id = conn.getEventContext().groupId
     userName = conn.getUser().getName()
     django_client = self.new_django_client(userName, userName)
     version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
     group_B_id =
     save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
     # Create project in group_A (default group)
     payload = {'Name': 'test_security_violation',
                '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#Project'}
     save_url_grp_A = save_url + '?group=' + native_str(group_A_id)
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url_grp_A, payload,
     pr_json = rsp['data']
     projectId = pr_json['@id']
     # Try to save again into group B
     save_url_grp_B = save_url + '?group=' + native_str(group_B_id)
     rsp = put_json(django_client, save_url_grp_B, pr_json, status_code=403)
     assert 'message' in rsp
     msg = "Cannot read ome.model.containers.Project:Id_%s" % projectId
     assert msg in rsp['message']
     assert rsp['stacktrace'].startswith(
         'Traceback (most recent call last):')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_marshal_type(self):
     """If no decoder found for @type, get suitable message."""
     django_client = self.django_root_client
     version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
     save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
     objType = 'SomeInvalidSchema#Project'
     payload = {'Name': 'test_marshal_type', '@type': objType}
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=400)
     assert (rsp['message'] == 'No decoder found for type: %s' % objType)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_link_datasets_images(self, datasets, images):
        # Link Datasets to Images
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        dids = [ for d in datasets]
        iids = [ for i in images]
        # Link first dataset to first image,
        # Second dataset linked to both images
        data = {
            'dataset': {
                dids[0]: {
                    'image': [iids[0]]
                dids[1]: {
                    'image': iids
        rsp = post_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        assert rsp == {"success": True}

        # Check links
        images_url = reverse("api_images")
        # First Dataset has single image
        rsp = get_json(self.django_client, images_url, {'id': dids[0]})
        assert len(rsp['images']) == 1
        assert rsp['images'][0]['id'] == iids[0]
        # Second Dataset has both images
        rsp = get_json(self.django_client, images_url, {'id': dids[1]})
        assert len(rsp['images']) == 2
        assert rsp['images'][0]['id'] == iids[0]
        assert rsp['images'][1]['id'] == iids[1]

        # Link BOTH images to first Dataset. Shouldn't get any
        # Validation Exception, even though first image is already linked
        data = {'dataset': {dids[0]: {'image': iids}}}
        rsp = post_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        assert rsp == {"success": True}
        # Check first Dataset now has both images
        rsp = get_json(self.django_client, images_url, {'id': dids[0]})
        assert len(rsp['images']) == 2
        assert rsp['images'][0]['id'] == iids[0]
        assert rsp['images'][1]['id'] == iids[1]
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_save_post_no_id(self):
     """If POST to /save/ data shouldn't contain @id."""
     django_client = self.django_root_client
     version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
     save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
     payload = {'Name': 'test_save_post_no_id',
                '@type': '%s#Project' % OME_SCHEMA_URL,
                '@id': 1}
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=400)
     assert (rsp['message'] ==
             "Object has '@id' attribute. Use PUT to update objects")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_project_create_other_group(self, user1, projects_user1_group2):
     Test saving to non-default group
     conn = get_connection(user1)
     user_name = conn.getUser().getName()
     django_client = self.new_django_client(user_name, user_name)
     version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
     # We're only using projects_user1_group2 to get group2 id
     group2_id = projects_user1_group2[0].getDetails()
     # This seems to be the minimum details needed to pass group ID
     group2_details = {
         'group': {
             '@id': group2_id,
             '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#ExperimenterGroup'
         '@type': 'TBD#Details'
     save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
     project_name = 'test_project_create_group'
     payload = {'Name': project_name, '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#Project'}
     # Saving fails with NO group specified
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=400)
     assert rsp['message'] == ("Specify Group in omero:details or "
                               "query parameters ?group=:id")
     # Add group details and try again
     payload['omero:details'] = group2_details
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=201)
     new_proj = rsp['data']
     new_project_id = new_proj['@id']
     assert new_proj['omero:details']['group']['@id'] == group2_id
     # Read Project
     project_url = reverse('api_project',
                               'api_version': version,
                               'object_id': new_project_id
     rsp = get_json(django_client, project_url)
     assert rsp['data']['omero:details']['group']['@id'] == group2_id
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_marshal_validation(self):
     """Test that we get expected error with invalid @type in json."""
     django_client = self.django_root_client
     version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
     save_url = reverse('api_save', kwargs={'api_version': version})
     payload = {'Name': 'test_marshal_validation',
                '@type': OME_SCHEMA_URL + '#Project',
                'omero:details': {'@type': 'foo'}}
     rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=400)
     assert (rsp['message'] ==
             "Error in decode of json data by omero_marshal")
     assert rsp['stacktrace'].startswith(
         'Traceback (most recent call last):')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_container_crud(self, dtype):
        Test create, read, update and delete of Containers.

        Create with POST to /save
        Read with GET of /m/dtype/:id/
        Update with PUT to /m/dtype/:id/
        Delete with DELETE to /m/dtype/:id/
        django_client = self.django_root_client
        group = self.ctx.groupId
        version = api_settings.API_VERSIONS[-1]
        # Need to get the Schema url to create @type
        base_url = reverse('api_base', kwargs={'api_version': version})
        rsp = get_json(django_client, base_url)
        schema_url = rsp['url:schema']
        # specify group via query params
        save_url = "%s?group=%s" % (rsp['url:save'], group)
        project_name = 'test_container_create_read'
        payload = {
            'Name': project_name,
            '@type': '%s#%s' % (schema_url, dtype)
        rsp = post_json(django_client, save_url, payload, status_code=201)
        new_obj = rsp['data']
        # We get the complete new Object returned
        assert new_obj['Name'] == project_name
        object_id = new_obj['@id']

        # Read Object
        object_url = "%sm/%ss/%s/" % (base_url, dtype.lower(), object_id)
        rsp = get_json(django_client, object_url)
        object_json = rsp['data']
        assert object_json['@id'] == object_id
        conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=self.root)
        assert_objects(conn, [object_json], [object_id], dtype=dtype)

        # Update Object...
        object_json['Name'] = 'new name'
        rsp = put_json(django_client, save_url, object_json)
        # ...and read again to check
        rsp = get_json(django_client, object_url)
        updated_json = rsp['data']
        assert updated_json['Name'] == 'new name'

        # Delete
        delete_json(django_client, object_url, {})
        # Get should now return 404
        rsp = get_json(django_client, object_url, status_code=404)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_paste_move_remove_deletamany_image(self):

        # Add dataset
        request_url = reverse("manage_action_containers",
        data = {'folder_type': 'dataset', 'name': 'foobar'}
        response = post(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        did = json.loads(response.content).get("id")

        img = self.make_image()
        print img

        # Link image to Dataset
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        data = {'dataset': {did: {'image': []}}}

        post_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)

        # Unlink image from Dataset
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        data = {'dataset': {did: {'image': []}}}
        response = delete_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        # Response will contain remaining links from image (see
        assert response == {"success": True}
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_link_project_datasets(self, project, datasets):
        # Link Project to Datasets
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        pid =
        dids = [ for d in datasets]
        data = {'project': {pid: {'dataset': dids}}}
        rsp = post_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        assert rsp == {"success": True}

        # Check links
        request_url = reverse("api_datasets")
        rsp = get_json(self.django_client, request_url, {'id': pid})
        # Expect a single Dataset with correct id
        assert len(rsp['datasets']) == 2
        assert rsp['datasets'][0]['id'] == dids[0]
        assert rsp['datasets'][1]['id'] == dids[1]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_unlink_screen_plate(self, screens, plates):
        # Link both plates to both screens
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        sids = [ for s in screens]
        pids = [ for p in plates]
        data = {
            'screen': {sids[0]: {'plate': pids},
                       sids[1]: {'plate': pids}}
        rsp = post_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        assert rsp == {"success": True}

        # Confirm that first Screen linked to 2 Plates
        plates_url = reverse("api_plates")
        rsp = get_json(self.django_client, plates_url, {'id': sids[0]})
        assert len(rsp['plates']) == 2

        # Unlink first Plate from first Screen
        request_url = reverse("api_links")
        data = {
            'screen': {sids[0]: {'plate': pids[:1]}}
        response = delete_json(self.django_client, request_url, data)
        # Returns remaining link from 2nd Screen to first Plate
        assert response == {"success": True,
                            "screen": {str(sids[1]): {"plate": pids[:1]}}

        # Since the Delete is ansync - need to check repeatedly for deletion
        # by counting plates under screen...
        plates_url = reverse("api_plates")
        for i in range(10):
            rsp = get_json(self.django_client, plates_url, {'id': sids[0]})
            if len(rsp['plates']) == 1:

        # Check that link has been deleted, leaving 2nd plate under 1st screen
        assert len(rsp['plates']) == 1
        assert rsp['plates'][0]['id'] == pids[1]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_save_rois(self, conn, django_client):
        """Save new ROIs to an Image"""
        image = self.make_image(client=conn.c)
        roi = RoiI() = rstring("roi_name")
        roi.setImage(ImageI(, False))
        point = PointI()
        point.x = rdouble(1)
        point.y = rdouble(2)

        encoder = get_encoder(point.__class__)
        point_json = encoder.encode(point)
        unsaved_id = "-1:-1"
        point_json['oldId'] = unsaved_id
        persist_url = reverse('omero_iviewer_persist_rois')
        data = {
            'rois': {
                'count': 1,
                'new': [point_json]
        rsp = post_json(django_client, persist_url, data)
        print('rsp', rsp)
        # {"ids": {"-1:-1": "225504:416603"}}
        assert "ids" in rsp
        new_ids = rsp["ids"].values()
        assert len(new_ids) == 1
        new_id = rsp["ids"][unsaved_id]
        roi_id = int(new_id.split(':')[0])
        shape_id = int(new_id.split(':')[1])

        # Add Tag to ROI and Shape
        tag = TagAnnotationWrapper(conn)
        tag.setValue("ROI/Shape Tag")
        roi = conn.getObject("Roi", roi_id)
        shape = conn.getObject("Shape", shape_id)
        # check...
        assert len(list(conn.getAnnotationLinks(
            "Shape", parent_ids=[shape_id]))) == 1

        # Load Shape
        rois_url = reverse('api_rois', kwargs={'api_version': 0})
        rois_url += '?image=%s' %
        rsp = get_json(django_client, rois_url)
        assert len(rsp['data']) == 1

        # Edit Shape
        point_json = rsp['data'][0]['shapes'][0]
        point_json["X"] = 100
        point_json["Y"] = 200
        # iviewer wants to know ROI:Shape ID
        point_json["oldId"] = new_id
        # Unload details
        del point_json["omero:details"]
        data = {
            'rois': {
                'count': 1,
                'modified': [point_json]
        rsp = post_json(django_client, persist_url, data)
        # IDs shouldn't have changed, e.g.
        # {"ids": {"225504:416603": "225504:416603"}}
        print('post rsp', rsp)
        assert rsp["ids"][new_id] == new_id

        # Check annotations not lost
        roi = conn.getObject("Roi", roi_id)
        assert len(list(roi.listAnnotations())) == 1
        assert len(list(conn.getAnnotationLinks(
            "Shape", parent_ids=[shape_id]))) == 1