from machine import Pin from time import sleep_ms import onebutton #switch box @living room boxID_1 = 'B1' pinList_1 = [14,12,13] patList_1 = ['000','100','110','111','001'] #switch box @terrace boxID_2 = 'B2' pinList_2 = [4,5] patList_2 = ['00','10','01','11'] Box_01 = onebutton.Config(boxID_1, pinList_1, patList_1) Box_02 = onebutton.Config(boxID_2, pinList_2, patList_2) #set pin 15 as button@living room button1 = Pin(15, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) #set pin 2 as button@terrace button2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) while True: while not button1.value() or not button2.value(): pass if not button1.value(): Box_01.push() Box_01.turn() if not button2.value(): Box_02.push()
"MQTT_BROKER": "", "USER": "", "PASSWORD": "", "PORT": 1883, # unique identifier of the chip "CLIENT_ID": b"ESP8266" + ubinascii.hexlify(machine.unique_id()) } Topic = b"box1" #switch box @living room boxID = 'B1' pinList = [14, 12, 13] patList = ['000', '100', '110', '111', '001'] #create onebutton object box = onebutton.Config(boxID, pinList, patList) #set pin 15 as button button = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) def sub_cb(topic, msg): msg = json.loads(msg) if msg['pattern'] != box.pattern: print(msg + "(from dashboard)") box.pattern = msg['pattern'] box.iturn() if box.pattern in box.patternList: box.state = box.patternList.index(box.pattern) led.on()