def _test_linear_graph_save_load_cpu(test_case): _test_linear_graph_save_load_global(test_case, flow.device("cpu"))
def main(args): train_aug = Compose([ HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), Rotate(15), ]) train_data_loader = face_seg(args.dataset_path, args.batch_size, augmentation=train_aug) print(len(train_data_loader)) # oneflow init start_t = time.time() linknet34_module = LinkNet34(pretrained=True, pretrained_model_path=args.model_path) end_t = time.time()"cuda")) of_sgd = flow.optim.SGD(linknet34_module.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate, cosine = flow.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(of_sgd, 2) of_losses = [] criterion = LossBinary(jaccard_weight=1) for epoch in range(args.epochs): linknet34_module.train() train_data_loader.shuffle_data() epoch_loss = 0 for b in range(len(train_data_loader)): of_sgd.zero_grad() image_nd, label_nd = train_data_loader[b] # oneflow train start_t = time.time() image = flow.Tensor(image_nd) label = flow.Tensor(label_nd, dtype=flow.float32, requires_grad=False) image ="cuda")) label ="cuda")) logits = linknet34_module(image) mask_probs_flat = flow.reshape(logits, shape=[-1]) true_masks_flat = flow.reshape(label, shape=[-1]) loss = criterion(mask_probs_flat, true_masks_flat) epoch_loss += loss.numpy() loss.backward() of_sgd.step() cosine.step() end_t = time.time() l = loss.numpy() of_losses.append(l) sys.stdout.write( f"\rEpoch: {epoch} ---- Loss: {numpy.round(epoch_loss / (b + 1), 4)} ----- num: {b} " ) sys.stdout.flush(), args.save_model_name) writer = open("of_losses.txt", "w") for o in of_losses: writer.write("%f\n" % o) writer.close()
def _test_instancenorm3d(test_case, device): input_arr = np.array( [ [ [ [ [1.04569761, 0.22863248, 1.42439335, 1.62249689], [-0.80578825, -0.27276461, 1.04556507, 0.56864134], [-1.24085419, -1.23960097, 0.33451416, -1.84820402], ], [ [-1.511261, 1.06157517, -0.26715858, -1.32888141], [1.17976881, -0.07931171, 0.33910684, -1.93458573], [-1.72659647, 0.79049652, 0.39102785, -1.16264882], ], ], [ [ [0.30067973, -1.2912226, -0.61508225, 0.56454001], [0.87074187, -1.69257376, 0.36119148, -0.31014289], [0.20776964, 1.26195488, -1.37122193, -0.17945234], ], [ [-0.31112407, -0.80682631, 0.8233194, 0.6384975], [0.57617527, 0.45505028, 1.68286151, -1.09590744], [-1.18127546, -1.07529277, 0.52779943, 1.21755926], ], ], ], [ [ [ [-0.12832351, 1.05625455, -0.23253249, -0.64747611], [-0.00738123, -1.41390089, -1.92664144, -0.21427625], [-0.94631219, -0.86493989, 0.21026905, 0.24989732], ], [ [1.3859182, 1.72002107, 0.50091892, 1.04198896], [0.71694594, 1.66417023, -1.63030052, 0.77182641], [0.71545083, 1.96458366, -1.99031931, 1.3196714], ], ], [ [ [1.80091702, 0.02834973, 0.82259214, -1.05597501], [-0.58212207, 0.44205949, -0.14740003, -0.994508], [1.14678114, -0.39196097, 1.2554798, -0.41829324], ], [ [-1.0153903, -0.25755713, -1.81756333, -1.06781159], [1.79680841, -1.9107133, -0.64325796, -1.94640775], [1.30671156, 1.20445339, -1.26262901, -0.79494188], ], ], ], ], dtype=np.float32, ) output_arr = np.array( [ [ [ [ [1.067, 0.3324, 1.4075, 1.5856], [-0.5976, -0.1184, 1.0669, 0.6381], [-0.9888, -0.9877, 0.4276, -1.5349], ], [ [-1.2319, 1.0813, -0.1134, -1.068], [1.1876, 0.0555, 0.4317, -1.6126], [-1.4256, 0.8376, 0.4784, -0.9185], ], ], [ [ [0.3447, -1.3751, -0.6446, 0.6298], [0.9606, -1.8087, 0.4101, -0.3152], [0.2444, 1.3833, -1.4615, -0.174], ], [ [-0.3162, -0.8518, 0.9094, 0.7097], [0.6424, 0.5115, 1.838, -1.1641], [-1.2563, -1.1418, 0.5901, 1.3353], ], ], ], [ [ [ [-0.2327, 0.8016, -0.3236, -0.6859], [-0.1271, -1.3551, -1.8028, -0.3077], [-0.9469, -0.8758, 0.063, 0.0976], ], [ [1.0895, 1.3812, 0.3167, 0.7892], [0.5054, 1.3324, -1.5441, 0.5533], [0.5041, 1.5947, -1.8584, 1.0316], ], ], [ [ [1.7507, 0.1901, 0.8894, -0.7645], [-0.3473, 0.5544, 0.0354, -0.7104], [1.1748, -0.1799, 1.2705, -0.2031], ], [ [-0.7288, -0.0616, -1.435, -0.7749], [1.7471, -1.517, -0.4012, -1.5485], [1.3156, 1.2256, -0.9465, -0.5347], ], ], ], ], dtype=np.float32, ) m = flow.nn.InstanceNorm3d(num_features=2, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1).to( device=flow.device(device) ) x = flow.tensor(input_arr, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) y = m(x) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), output_arr, 0.0001, 0.0001)) m.eval() y = m(x) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), output_arr, 0.0001, 0.0001))
def _test_randn(test_case, device, shape): y1 = flow.randn(*shape, device=flow.device(device)) y2 = flow.randn(*shape, device=flow.device(device)) test_case.assertTrue( not np.allclose(y1.numpy(), y2.numpy(), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)) test_case.assertTrue(shape == y1.shape)
def _test_randn_tuple_shape(test_case, device, shape): y1 = flow.randn(shape, device=flow.device(device)) y2 = flow.randn(shape, device=flow.device(device)) test_case.assertTrue(not np.array_equal(y1.numpy(), y2.numpy())) test_case.assertTrue(shape == y1.shape)
def new_ones_op(x, size=None, dtype=None, device=None, placement=None, sbp=None, requires_grad=False): if isinstance(device, str): device = flow.device(device) if size != None: size = _single(size) new_size = size new_dtype = dtype new_device = device new_placement = placement new_sbp = sbp new_requires_grad = requires_grad if size is None: new_size = x.shape if dtype is None: new_dtype = x.dtype if device is None: new_device = x.device if x.is_local else None if placement is None: new_placement = x.placement if x.is_global else None if sbp is None: new_sbp = x.sbp if x.is_global else None if new_placement is not None: assert device is None assert new_sbp is not None assert isinstance( new_size, (int, tuple, flow.Size)), f"size parameter not correct, please check!" assert isinstance( new_dtype, flow.dtype), f"dtype parameter not correct, please check!" if new_placement is not None: assert isinstance( new_placement, flow.placement), f"device parameter not correct, please check!" assert isinstance( new_sbp, flow.sbp.sbp), f"device parameter not correct, please check!" else: assert isinstance( new_device, (str, flow.device)), f"device parameter not correct, please check!" assert isinstance( new_requires_grad, bool), f"requires_grad parameter not correct, please check!" if placement is not None: res = flow._C.global_constant(new_size, 1.0, dtype=new_dtype, placement=placement, sbp=sbp) else: res = flow._C.constant(new_size, 1.0, dtype=new_dtype, device=new_device) res.requires_grad = new_requires_grad return res
def test_non_default_device(test_case): x = flow.randn(2, 3, device="cuda:1") test_case.assertEqual(x.device, flow.device("cuda:1"))
def test_tensor_to_cast_h2d(test_case): input = flow.Tensor(np.random.randn(2, 3, 4, 5)) output ="cuda"), test_case.assertEqual(output.dtype, test_case.assertEqual(output.device, flow.device("cuda"))
def _test_interpolate_trilinear_3d_align_corners(test_case, device): input = flow.tensor( np.arange(1, 9).reshape((1, 1, 2, 2, 2)), device=flow.device(device), dtype=flow.float32, requires_grad=True, ) of_out = flow.nn.functional.interpolate(input, scale_factor=2.0, mode="trilinear", align_corners=True) np_out = np.array([[[ [ [1.0, 1.3333332538604736, 1.6666667461395264, 2.0], [ 1.6666666269302368, 2.0, 2.3333334922790527, 2.6666665077209473, ], [ 2.3333332538604736, 2.6666665077209473, 3.0, 3.3333334922790527, ], [3.0, 3.3333332538604736, 3.6666667461395264, 4.0], ], [ [ 2.3333334922790527, 2.6666665077209473, 3.0, 3.3333332538604736, ], [3.0, 3.3333330154418945, 3.6666665077209473, 4.0], [ 3.6666665077209473, 4.0, 4.333333492279053, 4.6666669845581055, ], [4.333333492279053, 4.666666030883789, 5.0, 5.3333330154418945], ], [ [3.6666667461395264, 4.0, 4.333333492279053, 4.666666507720947], [4.333333492279053, 4.666666507720947, 5.0, 5.3333330154418945], [5.0, 5.333333492279053, 5.6666669845581055, 6.0], [ 5.6666669845581055, 6.0, 6.333333492279053, 6.6666669845581055, ], ], [ [5.0, 5.3333330154418945, 5.666666507720947, 6.0], [ 5.666666507720947, 5.999999523162842, 6.3333330154418945, 6.666666507720947, ], [6.333333492279053, 6.666666030883789, 7.0, 7.333333492279053], [7.0, 7.3333330154418945, 7.6666669845581055, 8.0], ], ]]]) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) of_out = of_out.sum() of_out.backward() np_grad = [[[ [[7.999999523162842, 8.0], [7.999999523162842, 8.0]], [[8.0, 8.0], [8.0, 8.0]], ]]] test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(input.grad.numpy(), np_grad, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def forward(self, x): assert len(x.shape) > len( self.normalized_shape ), "Input tensor dim must greater than normalized dim!" self.begin_norm_axis = len(x.shape) - len(self.normalized_shape) self.begin_params_axis = len(x.shape) - len(self.normalized_shape) if x.device == flow.device("cpu"): reduce_axis = [] for dim in range(len(x.shape)): if dim >= self.begin_norm_axis: reduce_axis.append(dim) mean = x.mean(dim=reduce_axis, keepdim=True) variance = x.var(dim=reduce_axis, keepdim=True) axis = self.begin_norm_axis params_shape = x.shape[self.begin_params_axis:] weight = self.weight bias = self.bias if len(mean.shape) == 1: nd_params_shape = [1] * len(x.shape) nd_params_shape[self.begin_norm_axis] = params_shape[0] mean = mean.reshape(shape=nd_params_shape) variance = variance.reshape(shape=nd_params_shape) if self.weight and params_shape[0] == self.weight.nelement(): weight = self.weight.reshape(shape=nd_params_shape) if self.bias and params_shape[0] == self.bias.nelement(): bias = self.bias.reshape(shape=nd_params_shape) elif len(mean.shape) == len(x.shape): pass else: raise ValueError( "shape of mean and variance should be 1D or has number of axes and x's" ) variance += self.epsilon normalized = (x - mean) * variance.rsqrt() if self.weight: normalized = normalized * weight if self.bias: normalized = normalized + bias affined = normalized nd_params_shape = [1] * (len(x.shape) - len(params_shape)) + list(params_shape) if self.elementwise_affine: affined = affined * self.weight affined = affined + self.bias return affined else: if self.elementwise_affine: res = self._op( x, self.weight, self.bias, center=True, scale=True, begin_norm_axis=self.begin_norm_axis, begin_params_axis=self.begin_params_axis, epsilon=self.epsilon, )[0] else: res = self._op2( x, center=False, scale=False, begin_norm_axis=self.begin_norm_axis, begin_params_axis=self.begin_params_axis, epsilon=self.epsilon, )[0] return res
def test_tensor_to_h2h(test_case): input = flow.Tensor(np.random.randn(2, 3, 4, 5)) output ="cpu")) test_case.assertEqual(output.device, flow.device("cpu")) test_case.assertTrue( np.allclose(input.numpy(), output.numpy(), rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-04))
def _test_embedding_scale_by_freq(test_case, device): weight = np.array( [ [0.68258786, 0.6957856, 1.1829041], [1.0154, -1.0616943, 0.50303376], [0.29679507, 0.65562993, 1.0424724], [-0.42980736, -0.35347632, -0.15600166], [0.6763601, -0.24286619, -2.0873115], [-0.13371214, -0.5589277, 1.9173933], [0.08762296, 1.0264007, -0.67938024], [0.32019204, -0.26137325, -1.3534237], [-1.1555519, -0.67776406, 0.27372134], [1.0615997, -0.59715784, 1.9855849], ], dtype=np.float32, ) output = np.array( [ [ [1.0154, -1.0616943, 0.50303376], [0.29679507, 0.65562993, 1.0424724], [0.6763601, -0.24286619, -2.0873115], [-0.13371214, -0.5589277, 1.9173933], ], [ [0.6763601, -0.24286619, -2.0873115], [-0.42980736, -0.35347632, -0.15600166], [0.29679507, 0.65562993, 1.0424724], [1.0615997, -0.59715784, 1.9855849], ], ], dtype=np.float32, ) indices = flow.tensor( [[1, 2, 4, 5], [4, 3, 2, 9]],, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=False, ) m = flow.nn.Embedding(10, 3, scale_grad_by_freq=True, _weight=flow.Tensor(weight)) m = y = m(indices) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(y.numpy(), output, 1e-05, 1e-05)) y = y.sum() y.backward() weight_grad_np = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ] test_case.assertTrue( np.allclose(m.weight.grad.numpy(), weight_grad_np, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def test_scalar_train_graph_cpu(test_case): _test_scalar_train_graph(test_case, flow.device("cpu"))
def test_scalar_train_graph_gpu(test_case): _test_scalar_train_graph(test_case, flow.device("cuda"))
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.para0 = flow.nn.Parameter( flow.Tensor(init_value, device=flow.device(device)))
def _test_interpolate_area_3d(test_case, device): input = flow.tensor( np.array([[[ [ [ -1.077571799600885, -0.7804538890365837, -1.2627538752119443, 0.9993507145120477, ], [ 2.0222532489157516, 1.103451377699465, -0.4377324754879578, 1.890491810587517, ], [ -0.5593861899064654, -0.4949520241526519, -0.18536721363519787, -0.6098969866775772, ], [ -1.6536215260171816, -1.0392583540436786, 0.3686776597613967, -0.5356882834951805, ], ], [ [ -1.2617900664449953, -1.4390921091631532, 0.20654399652431357, 0.8186472101906713, ], [ -0.3033378863400014, -0.8173269764076293, -0.3767515097625614, -0.11021655039337777, ], [ -0.22977043608192885, 1.2717196366649905, -0.4790851297878291, -1.4495369404727856, ], [ -1.2802093286977783, -0.11184514806663474, 1.7022167087210984, -1.7354837287725355, ], ], [ [ 2.4706497991773606, -0.6549702631973298, -0.9318107079571676, 1.4652904271682428, ], [ 1.1419864234341397, 1.389909081086008, 0.9657841900525568, -0.8563114264976619, ], [ 0.19515087084250754, -0.37808457398571094, 0.2938625398496183, 0.9279930510353327, ], [ -0.9374118277994007, 0.3341831730452431, -0.2792542765303833, 0.38029090707066726, ], ], [ [ 0.5918686659736041, -0.7870631089938902, -0.9534344874245392, 0.31341612954718795, ], [ 0.7509029444145228, -0.9299288398562323, -0.7343054052782476, -0.8806481590696694, ], [ -0.4707853016353985, 0.12253641652645629, 0.5088022039832846, 0.520391789327562, ], [ -0.0861300651163632, 0.30291348404866386, -0.6268565873680123, -0.27469204305759976, ], ], ]]]), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True, ) of_out_1 = flow.nn.functional.interpolate(input, size=(2, 2, 2), mode="area") of_out_2 = flow.nn.functional.interpolate(input, scale_factor=0.5, mode="area") np_out = np.array([[[ [ [-0.3192335125472539, 0.2159474151198386], [-0.5121654212876662, -0.3655204892948264], ], [ [0.4966693377547728, -0.2015024299324123], [-0.11470347800925032, 0.18131719803880864], ], ]]]) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out_1.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out_2.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_out_1 = of_out_1.sum() of_out_1.backward() np_grad = np.array([[[ [ [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], ], [ [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], ], [ [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], ], [ [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125], ], ]]]) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(input.grad.numpy(), np_grad, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def _test_inplace_add(test_case, shape, device): np_x = np.random.randn(*shape) of_x = flow.tensor( np_x, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True ) of_x_inplace = of_x + 1 id_old = id(of_x_inplace) of_x_inplace.add_(5) test_case.assertEqual(id_old, id(of_x_inplace)) np_out = np_x + 1 + 5 test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x_inplace.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x_inplace = of_x_inplace.sum() of_x_inplace.backward() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x.grad.numpy(), np.ones(shape), 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x = flow.tensor( np_x, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True ) of_y = flow.tensor( np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=False, ) of_x_inplace = of_x + 1 id_old = id(of_x_inplace) of_x_inplace.add_(of_y) test_case.assertEqual(id_old, id(of_x_inplace)) np_out = np_x + 1 + of_y.numpy() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x_inplace.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x_inplace = of_x_inplace.sum() of_x_inplace.backward() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x.grad.numpy(), np.ones(shape), 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x = flow.tensor( np_x, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True ) of_y = flow.tensor( np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=False, ) of_x_inplace = of_x + 1 id_old = id(of_x_inplace) of_x_inplace += of_y test_case.assertEqual(id_old, id(of_x_inplace)) np_out = np_x + 1 + of_y.numpy() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x_inplace.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x_inplace = of_x_inplace.sum() of_x_inplace.backward() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x.grad.numpy(), np.ones(shape), 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x = flow.tensor( np_x, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True ) of_y = flow.tensor( np.array([5.0]), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=False, ) of_x_inplace = of_x + 1 id_old = id(of_x_inplace) of_x_inplace.add_(of_y) test_case.assertEqual(id_old, id(of_x_inplace)) np_out = np_x + 6 test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x_inplace.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x_inplace = of_x_inplace.sum() of_x_inplace.backward() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x.grad.numpy(), np.ones(shape), 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x = flow.tensor( np_x, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True ) np_y = np.random.randn(*shape[:-1], 1) of_y = flow.tensor( np_y, dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=False ) of_x_inplace = of_x + 1 id_old = id(of_x_inplace) of_x_inplace.add_(of_y) test_case.assertEqual(id_old, id(of_x_inplace)) np_out = np_x + 1 + np_y test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x_inplace.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05)) of_x_inplace = of_x_inplace.sum() of_x_inplace.backward() test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_x.grad.numpy(), np.ones(shape), 1e-05, 1e-05))
def _test_tensor_scalar_logical_and(test_case, shape, scalar, dtype, device): np_input = np.random.randint(3, size=shape) input = flow.tensor(np_input, dtype=dtype, device=flow.device(device)) of_out = input.logical_and(scalar) np_out = np.logical_and(np_input, scalar) test_case.assertTrue(np.array_equal(of_out.numpy(), np_out))
def new_zeros_op(x, size=None, dtype=None, device=None, placement=None, sbp=None, requires_grad=False): if isinstance(device, str): device = flow.device(device) if size is None or len(size) == 0: new_size = x.shape else: new_size = _handle_size_arg(size) new_dtype = dtype new_device = device new_placement = placement new_sbp = sbp new_requires_grad = requires_grad if dtype is None: new_dtype = x.dtype if device is None: new_device = x.device if x.is_local else None if placement is None: new_placement = x.placement if x.is_global else None if sbp is None: new_sbp = x.sbp if x.is_global else None if new_placement is not None: assert ( device is None ), "argument 'device' must be None when argument 'placement' exist" assert ( new_sbp is not None ), "argument 'sbp' must not be None when argument 'placement' exist" assert isinstance( new_size, (int, tuple, list, flow.Size) ), f"argument 'size' must be tuple of ints, not %s" % (type(new_size)) assert isinstance( new_dtype, flow.dtype), f"argument 'dtype' must be flow.dtype, not %s" % ( type(new_dtype)) if new_placement is not None: assert isinstance( new_placement, flow.placement ), f"argument 'placement' must be flow.placement, not %s" % ( type(new_placement)) assert isinstance( new_sbp, (flow.sbp.sbp, tuple) ), f"argument 'sbp' must be flow.sbp.sbp, not %s" % (type(new_sbp)) else: assert isinstance(new_device, ( str, flow.device)), f"argument 'device' must be flow.device, not %s" % ( type(new_device)) assert isinstance( new_requires_grad, bool), f"argument 'requires_grad' must be bool, not %s" % ( type(new_requires_grad)) if new_placement is not None: res = flow._C.global_constant(new_size, 0.0, dtype=new_dtype, placement=new_placement, sbp=new_sbp) else: res = flow._C.constant(new_size, 0.0, dtype=new_dtype, device=new_device) res.requires_grad = new_requires_grad return res
def test_mock_device(test_case): device = flow.device("mock") test_case.assertEqual(device.type, "mock")
def test_with_generator(test_case): gen = flow.Generator("cuda") x = flow.randn(2, 3, device="cuda", generator=gen) test_case.assertEqual(x.device, flow.device(f"cuda:{flow.env.get_rank()}"))
def _test_div_impl(test_case, shape, device): x = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) y = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x.numpy(), y.numpy()) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) x = 5 y = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x, y.numpy()) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) x = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) y = 5 of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x.numpy(), y) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) x = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) y = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(1, 1), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x.numpy(), y.numpy()) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) x = flow.tensor(np.array([5.0]), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) y = flow.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device)) of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x.numpy(), y.numpy()) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) x = flow.tensor( np.random.randn(*shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True, ) y = flow.tensor( np.array([5.0]), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True, ) of_out = flow.div(x, y) np_out = np.divide(x.numpy(), y.numpy()) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 0.0001, 0.0001)) of_out = of_out.sum() of_out.backward() np_grad_x = np.full(shape, 0.2) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(x.grad.numpy(), np_grad_x, 0.0001, 0.0001))
def _test_backward(test_case, device, shape): x = flow.randn(*shape, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True) y = x.sum() y.backward() test_case.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.ones(shape), x.grad.numpy(), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4))
def test_non_default_device(test_case): x = flow.tensor([2, 3], dtype=flow.float, device="cuda:1") y = flow._C.dropout(x) test_case.assertEqual(y.device, flow.device("cuda:1"))
def _test_randn_with_flow_size(test_case, device, shape): y1 = flow.randn(flow.Size(shape), device=flow.device(device)) y2 = flow.randn(flow.Size(shape), device=flow.device(device)) test_case.assertTrue(not np.array_equal(y1.numpy(), y2.numpy())) test_case.assertTrue(shape == y1.shape)
def _test_cast_int2float(test_case, device, shape): np_arr = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.int8) input = flow.tensor(np_arr, dtype=flow.int8, device=flow.device(device)) output = flow.cast(input, flow.float32) np_out = np_arr.astype(np.float32) test_case.assertTrue(np.array_equal(output.numpy(), np_out))
def _test_clamp_integral(test_case, shape, device): input = flow.tensor(np.random.randint(3, 10, shape), device=flow.device(device)) of_out = flow.clamp(input, 1, 5) np_out = np.clip(input.numpy(), 1, 5) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def compare_with_numpy_adagrad( test_case, device, x_shape, learning_rate, train_iters, lr_decay, weight_decay, initial_accumulator_value, eps, ): random_grad_seq = [] for _ in range(train_iters): random_grad_seq.append( np.random.uniform(size=x_shape).astype(np.float32)) init_value = np.random.uniform(size=x_shape).astype(np.float32) class CustomModule(flow.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.para0 = flow.nn.Parameter( flow.Tensor(init_value, device=flow.device(device))) def forward(self, mask): return self.para0 * mask simp_module = CustomModule() simp_module.train() adam0 = flow.optim.Adagrad( [{ "params": simp_module.parameters(), "lr": learning_rate, "eps": eps, "weight_decay": weight_decay, }], lr_decay=lr_decay, initial_accumulator_value=initial_accumulator_value, ) class CustomAdagradGraph(flow.nn.Graph): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.m = simp_module self.add_optimizer(adam0) def build(self, mask_tensor): loss = flow.sum(self.m(mask_tensor)) loss.backward() return loss of_res_list = [] adagrad_graph = CustomAdagradGraph() for i in range(train_iters): mask_tensor = flow.tensor(random_grad_seq[i], requires_grad=False, device=flow.device(device)) adagrad_x = adagrad_graph(mask_tensor) of_res_list.append(copy.copy(simp_module.para0.numpy())) np_res_list = [] def train_by_numpy(): x = init_value st = np.ones_like(x) * initial_accumulator_value def train_one_iter(iter, grad): grad = grad + weight_decay * x lr = learning_rate / (1 + (iter - 1) * lr_decay) s = st + grad * grad param = x - lr / (np.sqrt(s) + eps) * grad return (param, s) for i in range(1, train_iters + 1): (x, st) = train_one_iter(i, random_grad_seq[i - 1]) np_res_list.append(x) return x train_by_numpy() test_case.assertTrue( np.allclose(of_res_list, np_res_list, rtol=0.001, atol=0.001))
def _test_instancenorm3d_backward(test_case, device): input_arr = np.array( [ [ [ [ [1.04569761, 0.22863248, 1.42439335, 1.62249689], [-0.80578825, -0.27276461, 1.04556507, 0.56864134], [-1.24085419, -1.23960097, 0.33451416, -1.84820402], ], [ [-1.511261, 1.06157517, -0.26715858, -1.32888141], [1.17976881, -0.07931171, 0.33910684, -1.93458573], [-1.72659647, 0.79049652, 0.39102785, -1.16264882], ], ], [ [ [0.30067973, -1.2912226, -0.61508225, 0.56454001], [0.87074187, -1.69257376, 0.36119148, -0.31014289], [0.20776964, 1.26195488, -1.37122193, -0.17945234], ], [ [-0.31112407, -0.80682631, 0.8233194, 0.6384975], [0.57617527, 0.45505028, 1.68286151, -1.09590744], [-1.18127546, -1.07529277, 0.52779943, 1.21755926], ], ], ], [ [ [ [-0.12832351, 1.05625455, -0.23253249, -0.64747611], [-0.00738123, -1.41390089, -1.92664144, -0.21427625], [-0.94631219, -0.86493989, 0.21026905, 0.24989732], ], [ [1.3859182, 1.72002107, 0.50091892, 1.04198896], [0.71694594, 1.66417023, -1.63030052, 0.77182641], [0.71545083, 1.96458366, -1.99031931, 1.3196714], ], ], [ [ [1.80091702, 0.02834973, 0.82259214, -1.05597501], [-0.58212207, 0.44205949, -0.14740003, -0.994508], [1.14678114, -0.39196097, 1.2554798, -0.41829324], ], [ [-1.0153903, -0.25755713, -1.81756333, -1.06781159], [1.79680841, -1.9107133, -0.64325796, -1.94640775], [1.30671156, 1.20445339, -1.26262901, -0.79494188], ], ], ], ], dtype=np.float32, ) m = flow.nn.InstanceNorm3d(num_features=2, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1).to( device=flow.device(device) ) x = flow.tensor(input_arr, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True) y = m(x) z = y.sum() z.backward() test_case.assertTrue( np.allclose(x.grad.numpy(), np.zeros(shape=input_arr.shape), 1e-05, 1e-05) )
def test_linear_graph_save_load_gpu(test_case): _test_linear_graph_save_load_global(test_case, flow.device("cuda"))