Ejemplo n.º 1
    def handle_event(self, event, clientData):

        print "-----"
        print "Caught: " + event.message
        print "-----"

        blackhole = False

        vtyService = VtyService(router)
        TEST_CMD1 = "who"
        cli_result = vtyService.write(TEST_CMD1)
        victim_string = " " + victim + " "

        lines = cli_result.split("\n")
        for line in lines:
            if " vty " and victim_string in line:
                print "-----"
                print "User is on the system: " + victim
                entries = line.split()
                for entry in entries:
                    if is_ip_address(entry):
                        blackhole = True
                        blackhole_ip = entry

        if blackhole:
            print "Blackholing ip: " + blackhole_ip
            out_if = router.get_interface_by_name("Null0")

            routing = Routing.get_instance(router)
            approutetable = routing.app_route_table
            route_scope = L3UnicastScope("", L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4,
                                         L3UnicastScope.SAFIType.UNICAST, "")
            aL3UnicastNextHop = L3UnicastNextHop(out_if, "")

            aL3UnicastNextHopList = list()

            destNetworkPrefix = NetworkPrefix(blackhole_ip, 32)

            aRoute = L3UnicastRoute(destNetworkPrefix, aL3UnicastNextHopList)
            aRoute.admin_distance = 1

            routeOperation = L3UnicastRouteOperation(0, aRoute)

            routeOperationList = list()
            mylist = approutetable.update_routes(route_scope,
        print "-----"
        print "Type a key to exit script"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_app_route_table(self):
        Gets the Application Route Table generated by this application.
        @return AppRouteTable for this application
        @throws OnepConnectionException 

        #  START SNIPPET: getAppRouteTable
        #  Create a Routing object for the network element.
        routing = Routing.get_instance(tutorial.get_network_element())

        #  Get the instance of application route table.
        approutetable = routing.get_app_route_table()
        return approutetable
Ejemplo n.º 3
def display_routes(net_element):


    # Create a Routing object
    routing = Routing.get_instance(net_element)

    # IPv4 Unicast routes only
    scope = L3UnicastScope("", L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4, L3UnicastScope.SAFIType.UNICAST, "")

    # Get all routes (limited by ROUTES_TO_RETURN)
    prefix = NetworkPrefix("", 0)
    range = L3UnicastRouteRange(prefix, RouteRange.RangeType.EQUAL_OR_LARGER, ROUTES_TO_RETURN)

    # Create a blank filter object
    filter = L3UnicastRIBFilter()

    # Get the routes
    route_list = routing.rib.get_route_list(scope, filter, range)

    for route in route_list:
        print route.prefix.address + "/" + str(route.prefix.prefix_length)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    import sys
    tutorial = ARTTutorial(sys.argv)
    logger.info("Reading arguments...")
    if not tutorial.parse_command_line():
        logger.error("Error in parsing arguments")
        logger.info("Connecting to Network Element...")
        if not tutorial.connect("ARTTutorial"):
            logger.error("Error in connecting to network element")

        #  Create a Application Routing Table.
        logger.info("Getting a Routing Instance...")
        routing = Routing.get_instance(tutorial.get_network_element())

        logger.info("Getting a Application Route Table...")
        approutetable = routing.app_route_table

        #  Add a ART listener to listen for changes in the ART.
        logger.info("Adding ART Listener...")
        #  START SNIPPET: addARTRouteListener
        aL3UnicastScope = L3UnicastScope("", L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4,
                                         L3UnicastScope.SAFIType.UNICAST, "")
        #  Add a listener to receive route state change events. When events arrive, listener.handleEvent() will be invoked.
        artRouteListener = ExampleARTRouteListener()
        aARTEventHandler = approutetable.add_route_state_listener(
            artRouteListener, aL3UnicastScope, 0, None)
        logger.info("aARTEventHandler : ")
Ejemplo n.º 5
# This script uses the onep_connect.py module
from onep_connect import connect
from onep.routing import RIB, Routing, L3UnicastScope, L3UnicastRouteRange, L3UnicastRIBFilter, RouteRange, AppRouteTable
from onep.interfaces import NetworkPrefix
import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print 'Usage: python script_name.py [ip_address] [username] [password]'

# Connect using passed in connection values
# (will raise a ValueError if bad IP address or credentials)
ne = connect(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

    routing = Routing.get_instance(ne)

    # We need to get routes separately for IPv4 and IPv6
    # since we can't specify a Scope.AFIType of both address families :(
    for afi_type in (L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4, L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV6):
        prefix = NetworkPrefix("::", 0)
        scope = L3UnicastScope("", afi_type)
        range = L3UnicastRouteRange(prefix,
                                    RouteRange.RangeType.EQUAL_OR_LARGER, 0)
        filter = L3UnicastRIBFilter()
        route_list = routing.rib.get_route_list(scope, filter, range)

        for route in route_list:
            #get the first next hop only, either the interface or IP
            for next_hop in route.next_hop_list:
                next_hop = max(
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def addRoutes(self, approutetable):
        Adds custom application routes to the network element.
        @param approutetable: application route table to be updated
        @throws OnepConnectionException
        @throws OnepIllegalArgumentException
        @throws OnepRemoteProcedureException
        @throws UnknownHostException

        #  START SNIPPET: addRoutes
        #  Create a Routing object for the network element.
        routing = Routing.get_instance(tutorial.get_network_element())
        #  Specify scope, filter and range;
        aL3UnicastScope = L3UnicastScope("", L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4,
                                         L3UnicastScope.SAFIType.UNICAST, "")
        networkPrefix = NetworkPrefix("", 32)
        rib_filter = L3UnicastRIBFilter()
        #  Get the instance of RIB information.
        rib = routing.rib
        range = L3UnicastRouteRange(networkPrefix,
                                    RouteRange.RangeType.EQUAL_OR_LARGER, 10)

        #  Get all routes from RIB.
        ##TODO: Revisit START
        #routeList = rib.get_route_list(aL3UnicastScope, rib_filter, range)

        #  Print the route in the list if it is a layer 3 unicast route.
        #for route in routeList:
        #    if isinstance(route, L3UnicastRoute):
        #        logger.info("Route is :  " + route)
        ##TODO: Revisit END

        #  Create a new route and change its administrative distance
        #  to make it more trusted. This operation will have the same effect
        #  as the adding/replacing static route using the following IOS
        #  config command:
        #  ip route

        destNetwork = NetworkPrefix("", 24)
        eth_interface = tutorial.get_network_element().get_interface_by_name(

        route_scope = L3UnicastScope("", L3UnicastScope.AFIType.IPV4,
                                     L3UnicastScope.SAFIType.UNICAST, "")
        aL3UnicastNextHop = L3UnicastNextHop(eth_interface, "",
        #aL3UnicastNextHopList = HashSet()
        aL3UnicastNextHopList = list()

        aRoute = L3UnicastRoute(destNetwork, aL3UnicastNextHopList)
        aRoute.admin_distance = 1
        #  Now update the app route table with this route.
        routeOperation = L3UnicastRouteOperation(
            RouteOperation.RouteOperationType.REPLACE, aRoute)

        routeOperationList = list()
        approutetable.update_routes(aL3UnicastScope, routeOperationList)