Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_offline(self):
        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        online.main(out, lambda x: False, ["one", "two"])
        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), """\
verbose "one offline"
verbose "two offline"
set variable "ONLINE_STATUS" "OFFLINE"
verbose "Hosts offline"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    with open('todoist_API.txt') as f:  # Opens the API key file
        token = f.readline()  # Sets the first line of the txt file as your API Key

    if online.main() == False:
        with open("todoist.cache", "rb") as myFile:
            loaded_cache = pickle.load(myFile)
        rank = 0
        for i in loaded_cache:  #going through all the items in todoist
            if i['project_id'] == 170911352:  # if an item is in the inbox
                if i['checked'] == 0:  # if the item is incomplete
                    if i['priority'] == 1:
                        pri = "<p class='priority4'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 2:
                        pri = "<p class='priority3'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 3:
                        pri = "<p class='priority2'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 4:
                        pri = "<p class='priority1'>"
                    rank += 1
                    print(pri, "<b>", rank, '- </b>', i['content'], "</p>")  # print name and id

    elif online.main() == True:
        from todoist.api import TodoistAPI
        api = TodoistAPI(token)
        api.sync()  # initial sync

        if os.path.exists("todoist.cache"):  # Delete old cache
        open("todoist.cache", 'a').close()  # Initialise new cache
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17322273/store-a-dictionary-in-a-file-for-later-retrieval
        with open("todoist.cache", "wb") as myFile:
            pickle.dump(api.state['items'], myFile)

        rank = 0
        for i in api.state['items']:  #going through all the items in todoist
            if i['project_id'] == 170911352:  # if an item is in the inbox
                if i['checked'] == 0:  # if the item is incomplete
                    if i['priority'] == 1:
                        pri = "<p class='priority4'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 2:
                        pri = "<p class='priority3'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 3:
                        pri = "<p class='priority2'>"
                    elif i['priority'] == 4:
                        pri = "<p class='priority1'>"  # FIXME: Color coding not working...
                    rank += 1
                    print(pri, "<b>", rank, '- </b>', i['content'], "</p>")  # print name and id
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_online(self):
        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        class Counter(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.count = 0
            def call(self, hostname):
                self.count += 1
                return self.count % 2 == 0
        counter = Counter()
        online.main(out, counter.call, ["one", "two"])
        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), """\
verbose "one offline"
verbose "two online"
set variable "ONLINE_STATUS" "ONLINE"
        self.assertEqual(counter.count, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def OnSubmit(self, event):
     if self.ds_range.GetValue() != "" and self.n_topics.GetValue != "" and text_contents.GetValue() != "":
         s = self.ds_range.GetValue().split(",")
         n_topics = self.n_topics.GetValue()
         rawText = text_contents.GetValue()
         r1, r2 = ol.main(int(s[0]), int(s[1]), int(n_topics), rawText)
         print rawText
         self.result.SetValue(r1 + "\n" + r2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def but1_callback():		
	#print time.time()-t	
Ejemplo n.º 6
        return False

esng = ESpeakNG()
esng.voice = 'korean'
esng.say("시스템 초기화 중입니다. 약 이십초 정도 걸립니다.")
i = 0
while i<20:
    print('Waiting for WIFI(',i+1,"s/20s)", sep='', end='\r')
    i += 1
    if internet_on():
        from actions import say
        print("Loading online script...")
        say("인공지능 서버와 연결중입니다")
        from online import main
        esng.say("인공지능 서버와 연결할 수 없습니다. 오프라인 모드로 전환합니다.")
        print("Loading offline script...")
        from offline import main
except Exception as e:
        print("Error occured while importing. try to load offline script...")
        from offline import main
    except Exception as e:
        exit("Cannot import voice script")
