Ejemplo n.º 1
class LookUp:
    LookUp Class.
    This will read from a text file with words separated by newline characters.
    ex text file:
    def __init__(self, filename='file.txt'):
        self.filename = filename
        self.db_name = 'dictionary.db'
        output_file_name = 'definitions.txt'
        self.define_methods = [self._lookup_dic, self._lookup_daum,

        #open output file
        self.out_file = open(output_file_name, 'w')
        #delete contents if already exists

        #urls to visit
        self.urls = {}
        self.urls['daum'] = 'http://dic.daum.net/search.do?q=[word]&dic=eng'
        self.daum_dict = DaumDict()
        self.mymem = MyMem()

    def _lookup_kengdic(self, word):
        Uses the postgres kengdic to look up the korean word
        returns false if word not found
    def _lookup_mymem(self, word):
        Lookup the word using the mymemmory api

        returns True or False if added english def to output file
        results = self.mymem.get_def(word)

        if results is not None:
            self._add_def_to_file(results, word)
            return True
            return False
    def _lookup_daum(self, word):
        Lookup the word using the daum dictionary class

        returns True or False if added english def to output file
        results = self.daum_dict.get_def(word)

        if results is not None:
            self._add_def_to_file(results, word)
            return True
            return False

    def _lookup_dic(self, word):
        Use the sqllite db called dictinoary.db to look up the korean word

        returns True for successful or False for unable to get any results from
        the dictionary
        #connect to db
            self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.db_name)
            cursor = self.db.cursor()
            cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM Terms WHERE Expression = ?',(word,))
            results = cursor.fetchall()
        except Exception as e:
            print("Not found in sqlite dictionary..")
            return False

        #add results to output_file
        if len(results) > 0:
            self._add_def_to_file(results, word)
            return True
            return False
    def _add_def_to_file(self, def_list, org_word):
        Adds the orginal word, all definitions and dicitonary forms and hanja
        written on to the file.
        output file orginal_word;dictionary_form; eng_def; hanja

        def_list - is a list of tuples of definitions
        ex. [('말', 'man', 'NULL'),
        ('말', '4.765 US gallons', 'NULL'),
        ('말', 'Horse', 'NULL'), ('말', 'End', 'NULL'),
        ('말', 'words,speaking', 'NULL')]
        #write to file
        #orginal word; dict form; eng definition; hanja; \n
        #combine eng_definitions and hanja if there are more than one tuple

        if(len(def_list) < 1):#if empty list dont add
            return 0
        eng_def = ''
        hanja = ''
        dict_form = def_list[0][0]
        for tup in def_list:
            if(len(eng_def) > 1):
                    eng_def += ', '
            eng_def += ('%s'%tup[1])
            temp_hanja = tup[2]
            if temp_hanja != 'NULL' and temp_hanja is not None:
                if(len(hanja) > 1):
                    hanja += ', '
                hanja += ('%s'%temp_hanja)
        results = [org_word,dict_form,eng_def,hanja]
        for value in results:

    def _start_lookup(self):
        Start looking up the files in the various korean resources
        #open file and start reading line by line/word by word
            file = open(self.filename, 'r')
        except IOError:
            print("Sorry. file was not found and could not open. Please "
                  "Try again with a valid filename")
            return -1
        except Exception as e:
            print("Sorry something went wrong: %s"%e)
            return -1

        for line in file:
            word = line[:-1]#cut off newline or empty character at end of word

            if(len(word) > 0):
                #try to look up words
                for define_method in self.define_methods:
                    if define_method(word):

        #close output_file